People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 149 Case closed! The real murderer is revealed! The ultimate reversal!

Chapter 149 Case closed! The real murderer is revealed! The ultimate reversal! ([-]-in-[-])

Seeing Huizhi's face flushed with embarrassment, the nuns in Banyue Temple couldn't help but cover their mouths and snicker. They all saw how aggressive and merciless Huizhi was to Jinglan just now.

But they had no way to refute, they could only feel angry and anxious in their hearts. Now that Lin Feng helped them vent their anger, they looked at Lin Feng with expressions full of kindness and gratitude.

Even Master Jingci was very grateful when she saw Lin Feng's expression. She felt that it was not unacceptable for Lin Feng to take away their Buddhist daughter from Banyue Nunnery.

Xiao Man'er's smart eyes were shining brightly, and her eyebrows were curved, full of smiles.

Lin Feng was looked at with grateful eyes by everyone, but he just smiled softly and said: "The murderer deliberately wore small shoes with big feet, obviously to mislead our judgment through the shoes. In other words... after the murder, she would never keep those shoes. A pair of shoes.”

"Otherwise, once we find the shoes she wore when committing the crime, she will be exposed directly. How can she hide herself?"

"So, the shoes worn by the murderer when committing the crime were either hidden by her or used to frame other people... No matter what the case is, it means that the shoes are no longer qualified to be used as evidence to determine the identity of the murderer. .”

As he spoke, Lin Feng looked at Huizhi, who still looked embarrassed and wanted to dig out a Buddhist temple with his toes, and said: "Therefore, the wet shoes you found in Master Jinglan's room, regardless of whether there is moss on them, are It can no longer be used as evidence.”

"Master Jinglan naturally has no suspicion... I didn't know about the footprints when I asked you to find the shoes. So this time, I am indeed wrong. But that's how the case is judged. Without sufficient information, When looking for clues, it is inevitable to take detours and do unnecessary things.”

"However, as long as we can change our thinking in time after discovering new clues, dare to deny the previous conclusions, and do not go all the way wrong, then it will not have any impact on the truth."

Huizhi did not expect that Lin Feng would take the initiative to admit that her previous judgment was wrong. Her eyes were full of surprise and surprise. After a moment of silence, she finally exhaled a long breath and nodded: "I understand, I just said to Jinglan My suspicion was indeed wrong.”

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Actually, it's normal for you to doubt Master Jinglan. After all, Master Jinglan is the scapegoat carefully chosen by the murderer."

"Her shoes happened to match the footprints, and there was moss in front of the door. Her shoes happened to be wet in the morning. This fits the murderer's situation. Who can believe it is a coincidence? It's a pity..."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "There is no perfect crime in this world. She only knew that wearing small shoes with big feet could hide herself, but she didn't know that the information that footprints could convey was far beyond her imagination."

Everyone couldn't help but nodded when they heard this.

But they know very well that no matter how much information footprints can convey, someone must be able to see the information.

That is to say, Lin Feng met Lin Feng in this case. Otherwise, if it had been anyone else, Jinglan might have been taken away directly and tortured to extract a confession.

So it wasn't that the real murderer wasn't cunning enough, it was just that she was unfortunate enough to meet Lin Feng.

In other words, Jinglan was lucky enough to meet Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at Jinglan and said, "Master Jinglan, have you offended anyone during this time?"

Jinglan understood what Lin Feng meant. She thought seriously for a moment and then shook her head: "The poor nun has always been kind to others and has never had any conflicts with others."

Lin Feng heard this and said thoughtfully: "It seems that the real murderer chose Master Jinglan for other reasons, not just revenge..."

Jinglan couldn't help but frowned and said: "Although the suspicion of the poor nun has been eliminated and the frame-up plan of the real murderer has been destroyed, we still know nothing about the identity of the real murderer. We don't know how long it will take to find her. ?”

"There is no trace of the Jinyun cassock now. Once His Majesty knows about the loss of the cassock, Your Majesty will definitely blame it. When the time comes... I'm afraid it will be the end of our Banyue Nunnery."

When the others heard this, their faces also turned pale, their brows were furrowed, and for a while they sighed continuously, and they were filled with sorrow.

After going around in such a big circle and spending so much thought, I thought I would find the real murderer and recover the cassock immediately, but in the end, I was back where I was.

The identity of the real killer remains unknown.

The real murderer could not be found, and the cassock hidden by her would never be found.

Seeing that even Lin Feng had gained nothing, they couldn't help but feel anxious.

"What should we do? We can't really find the cassocks, can we?"

"We just searched everyone's rooms and found no cassocks. This shows that the murderer hid the cassocks very secretly. If we don't find the real murderer, it will be impossible to recover the cassocks!"

"But who is the real culprit? Even Lin Si is taking action, but now he can only destroy the real culprit's plan to frame the uncle, but cannot find out the real culprit... Can the real culprit still be found?"

"Yeah, the only clue that can be used as a clue is the shoes. The shoes worn by the real murderer are still fake. She didn't leave any evidence at all. How can we find them!"

"Then what should we do? Are we just waiting for His Majesty's thunderous wrath?"

The nuns stamped their feet anxiously.

Seeing this, Demiao and other monks from Puguang Temple looked at each other and frowned tightly.

They came here to get Jinyun cassocks.

If the Jinyun cassock cannot be retrieved, the task assigned by His Majesty will not be completed. At that time, not only Banyue An will suffer, but their Puguang Temple will also be implicated.

Even though they had done nothing, they were still being implicated. This made De Miao feel helpless. Does this count as being shot while lying down?
  Lin Feng looked at everyone who looked gloomy and gloomy, and suddenly laughed and said, "I didn't say that I couldn't find the murderer, right? Why did you give up first?"


When everyone heard Lin Feng's words, they were startled at first.

When they understood what Lin Feng meant, they all raised their heads and looked at Lin Feng closely.

Master Jingci couldn't help but said: "Lin Sizheng, do you mean... you, you have a way to find out the real murderer?"

When the nuns heard this, they couldn't help but become nervous, and their hearts were in suspense. Even De Miao and Hui Zhi Yuan were full of nervousness and expectation.

Lin Feng met everyone's nervous and expectant gazes, nodded slightly, and said: "Don't be impatient, let me continue my analysis."

Everyone nodded like a chicken pecking at the rice.

Lin Feng said: "At the crime scene, I not only saw the murderer's footprints, but also found traces of the murderer dragging Master Huiyun."

When Jinglan and Xiao Maner heard this, they recalled the obvious traces at the crime scene and nodded quickly. They also saw this.

Lin Feng said: "The murderer took advantage of Master Huiyun not paying attention and directly put the rope around Master Huiyun's neck, and then dragged Master Huiyun backwards with force, trying to strangle Master Huiyun directly."

"Master Huiyun would naturally resist in order to survive, so there was a dragging and kicking mark about one foot long and one inch deep on the ground."

"It's just that when the dragging marks stopped, the kicking marks still existed, and there were not many kicking marks, just like the marks in other places... This made me realize that either Master Huiyun died at that time, Either the murderer saw that Master Huiyun was resisting too violently and could not easily strangle him to death, so he used another method."

Master Jingci asked too hurriedly: "What's the result? What kind of situation is it?"

"I couldn't determine what the situation was at first, but the traces disappeared under the poplar tree, and there were no traces of struggle on the surrounding ground, so I thought that if the murderer changed his method, he must have used Poplar tree, so I climbed up to the poplar tree to check."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Jinglan suddenly said: "It turns out that Lin Si climbed the tree at that time to verify how Master Huiyun died?"

Lin Feng nodded slightly and continued: "After I climbed up to the poplar tree, I found an obvious wear mark on a very thick branch of the poplar tree. The thickness of the mark was the same as the one where Master Huiyun was hanging. The rope was just as thick, so I was sure... After the murderer got under the poplar tree, seeing that Master Huiyun couldn't be strangled to death easily, he directly wrapped the rope around the branch, and then pulled the rope downwards hard, killing Master Huiyun. He was pulled up directly."

"Master Huiyun was tied up with a rope around her neck in mid-air. She had no place to rely on her feet and could no longer resist. She was strangled to death like this."

When everyone listened to Lin Feng's words, the scene at that time appeared in their minds, and they couldn't help but feel pain in their necks.

They could imagine how angry and desperate Huiyun would be in their hearts after struggling for so long but still being strangled to death in the end.

No wonder Huiyun's expression was so ferocious and terrifying, filled with endless resentment.

Lin Feng looked at everyone and continued: "The murderer dragged Master Huiyun for more than a foot without killing Master Huiyun. In the end, he had to hang Master Huiyun up to successfully kill Huiyun. Master... This is enough to show that the murderer did not go smoothly when committing the murder."

"Master Huiyun's struggle and obsession with survival exceeded the murderer's expectations, so the murderer must have been quite embarrassed when he killed... And this unexpected embarrassment and effort ultimately allowed the murderer to remain at the scene. Clues dropped!”


When Jingci heard these two words, she raised her head suddenly. She looked at Lin Feng and said, "Clue!? In addition to footprints, did the murderer leave other clues?"

Everyone also looked at Lin Feng nervously.

Lin Feng nodded slightly and said, "Yes, the murderer did leave clues... and they are very interesting clues."

"Interesting?" Everyone was stunned, not understanding what Lin Feng meant.

Lin Feng did not give in and said directly: "I found some white powder on the trunk of the poplar tree where Master Huiyun was hanged."

"White powder?" Jinglan's heart moved and she hurriedly said: "Is it the flour sprinkled next to the cabinet in Huiyun's room?"

When everyone heard this, they all thought about the flour.

It was precisely because of the flour that Lin Feng determined that Huizhi and Huiyuan were Huiyun's accomplices and knew that Huiyun had gone to steal the cassock.

Could it be that the real murderer had already prepared flour when he killed Huiyun?


But Lin Feng shook his head directly and said: "The flour in Master Huiyun's room is colorless and odorless, but the white powder I found on the bark of the poplar tree has a distinct fragrance."

"Scent?" Everyone was stunned.

Lin Feng looked at them and said, "That's the scent of orchids. If my guess is correct... it should be some kind of gouache."


When Master Jingci and others heard this, they couldn't help but be startled.

Of course they know what gouache is.

Rouge and gouache are commonly used skin care products for women who love beauty. Even ordinary women will have some cheap rouge and gouache.

But what they don't understand is...women from ordinary families have this kind of gouache, but they, Ban Yue An, don't have it.

As a monk, no one would wear heavy makeup. That is the six impurities!

So, where did the murderer’s gouache come from?

Master Jingci told Lin Feng her doubts.

When Lin Feng heard this, he smiled and said, "Master, haven't you already told me the answer?"

"What?" Master Jingci was stunned. She didn't understand what Lin Feng meant.

But at this time, Xiao Man'er, who was sharp-minded, suddenly flashed her eyes, and she hurriedly said: "Could it be... that he is a pilgrim!?"

"What? Pilgrim?" Master Jingci's eyes widened sharply.

Jinglan's eyes flashed, and she suddenly remembered that Lin Feng asked her about the pilgrims on the way back. Her eyes lit up. Could it be that at that time, Lin Feng was trying to determine the identity of the real murderer?

The other nuns were also startled at first, and then looked shocked.

"Yes, we all don't have gouache, but pilgrims are not monks, so they can apply gouache!"

"Is it really a pilgrim?"

While the nuns were discussing, their eyes couldn't help but look at the three pilgrims who had not received any attention before.

Huizhi and Huiyuan's eyes were bright, and Huizhi said: "It must be them! Last night in Banyue Nunnery, they were the only three who were not monks, and they were the only ones with rouge and gouache!"

Huiyuan also nodded and said: "Lin Si is saying that the scent of gouache is orchid-scented, so as long as we smell the scent of their bodies, whose rouge is orchid-scented, then whoever is the real culprit!"

Hearing what Huizhi and Huiyuan said, even the nuns from Banyue Nunnery who they had no dealings with could not help but nod their heads.

His face was suddenly filled with excitement.

From knowing nothing about the clues, to now it seems that they are about to find the murderer, which makes them unable to help but be excited.

Suddenly, the three pilgrims who were just watching the show on the sidelines were instantly surrounded by nuns.

This also caused the expressions of the three of them to change.

"It's not me. I came here to eat fast and chant Buddha's name. I don't know how to apply rouge and gouache. I didn't even bring rouge and gouache." A woman in her twenties shook her head quickly.

Next to her was a taller-looking woman in her thirties wearing a gray robe. She also shook her head and said, "It's not me either. Although I have rouge and gouache, I don't use it... I don't believe you." Come and smell it, I don’t smell anything.”

On her right side, there was also a woman in her thirties. This woman was fatter. She looked nervous and said, "Although I put on rouge and gouache, I didn't kill anyone. The murderer was not me!"

All three shook their heads.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng didn't look surprised. It would be strange if the murderer would directly admit that he was the real murderer.

He said: "Can you three introduce yourselves?"

The woman in her twenties hurriedly said: "Wang Qian, a civilian woman, is from Yangzhou. She has always heard that Banyue Temple is miraculous, so she came to ask for a child."

A tall woman in her thirties said: "Han Shuangshuang, a civilian woman, is originally from Yizhou. She came to Banyue Nunnery to pray for her mother-in-law and hope that she will recover soon."

The last fat woman also said quickly: "Sun Yun, a civilian woman, lives in Chang'an. She came to Banyue Nunnery to pray for her husband at home. I hope that my husband can pass the imperial examination this time."

Lin Feng listened to their words and glanced at them.

He pondered for a moment and said: "There is a lot of gouache on the tree. It should be that the murderer's gouache box was knocked open, causing the gouache to accidentally stick to the bark of the tree... If nothing else, the gouache carried by the murderer may be all If it's all gone, even if you are searched, you may not be able to find that box of gouache."

After hearing Lin Feng's words, the expressions of the nuns in Banyue Nunnery couldn't help but change.

Huiyuan couldn't help but said: "If all the gouache is spilled, how can we determine whose gouache belongs to it?"

"We can't arrest all three of them and torture them, right?"

When Wang Qian and the other three heard this, their faces turned nervous and pale.

Wang Qian said quickly: "Lin Sizheng, you can't arrest us. Women are really not murderers. If you arrest us, how will we behave once the news gets out!"

Han Shuangshuang also nodded quickly: "Yes, Tumo Xingzi will drown us."

The fat woman Sun Yun's face turned pale: "If the husband hears about the civilian woman being arrested, he will definitely divorce the civilian woman. You can't do this!"

Jingci listened to their words, and she felt very compassionate in her heart. She said: "It is true that we cannot arrest people so simply and crudely. This will harm two other innocent people."

Once they are caught, Youyoukou will never let anyone go. People's mouths often don't pursue the truth. They only pursue attracting people's attention. They can exaggerate and say whatever they want, but they don't know how much harm they will do if they say this. Innocent people.

Not to mention a place like a government office, where anyone who enters has to peel off their skin. How can these women endure it?
  The nuns at Banyue Nunnery also looked troubled.

If you catch him, you will harm two other innocent women.

If you don't arrest him, you can't let the murderer go, right?

For a moment, they were all entangled.

Lin Feng looked at this scene and couldn't help but laugh: "Why do you think that I am going to arrest people? Have you ever heard of the stories that I have arrested people at random before and then tortured them severely?"

"This..." Master Jingci's heart moved, and she quickly said: "Is Lin Sizheng still able to find the real murderer?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Lin Feng expectantly. Wang Qian and the other two people also looked at Lin Feng nervously.

Lin Feng's eyes swept across Wang Qian and the other three, and finally stopped on Wang Qian, and said: "I said before that if the murderer wants to successfully kill Hui Yun, he must move Hui Yun here, and even move Hui Yun to the roof. It’s impossible without enough physical strength and strength.”

"And your body is as thin as Fayun's, and your shoes are smaller than Master Jinglan's shoes. This means that you can't wear small shoes with big feet... Taking all of this into account, your suspicion can naturally be Just rule it out."

When Wang Qian heard this, her face suddenly showed excitement. She quickly saluted Lin Feng and said with gratitude: "Thank you Lin Si Zheng, you are really a good official."

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head, then looked at Han Shuangshuang and Sun Yun, and said: "You two, one is taller and the other is fatter. Your strength and stamina are much stronger than those of ordinary women, so you have a chance." Huiyun brought it here."

"at the same time……"

Lin Feng lowered his head, looked at the shoes of the two of them, and said: "Your shoes are bigger than Master Jinglan's shoes, and they also meet the conditions for big feet to wear small shoes... Therefore, both of you are suspicious, so we need to go further. clues to find out who the real murderer is."

Listening to Lin Feng's words, Han Shuangshuang and Sun Yun's expressions changed.

Han Shuangshuang said: "It's not me!"

Sun Yun also shook her head: "Not me! Although I am a little fat, being fat does not mean that I will kill people."

Lin Feng said: "Don't worry, I still have one clue that I haven't revealed yet. After I finish telling you, it will be clear who the real murderer is."

"Any clues?"

Jingci couldn't help but said, "What other clues are there?"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Actually, it's not a new clue, it's still..."

As he spoke, Lin Feng raised his finger and pointed at the paper on the ground.

Jingci said unexpectedly: "Footprints?"

Lin Feng nodded.

Jingci frowned and said, "But didn't Lin Simasa just say that these footprints were left by the murderer wearing small shoes on purpose? Is there no way to find the murderer based on them?"

Others also looked at Lin Feng in confusion. Lin Feng had explained this not long ago, so why was he now talking about this footprint that could not be used as evidence?

Lin Feng smiled and said: "The size of the footprints does not provide us with clues to the murderer, but it does not mean that its other information is also useless."

"Other information?" Jingci was startled: "Didn't you analyze this footprint just now? What other information is there?"

"That's a lot of information."

Lin Feng looked at the crowd and said, "Actually, a footprint can provide us with a lot of information about the owner, including age, height, weight, and even gender."

“Let’s take gender as an example first.”

"Because men and women have different physiological structures, they leave different footprints when walking."

"For example, men are generally taller than women, with longer and wider feet, longer calf bones, a high and narrow pelvis, well-developed muscles, and hip circumference smaller than shoulder circumference, so their center of gravity is higher and their stride is larger."

"What appears on the footprints is that the step length is longer, the step width is wider, the rising and landing feet are strong, often accompanied by step marks and pedal marks, and the indentation depth is uneven."

"And what about women?"

Lin Feng deliberately paused to give everyone time to digest before continuing: "Women are relatively shorter in height, have narrow and short feet, shorter calf bones, a low and wide pelvis, and a hip circumference larger than a shoulder circumference, so the center of gravity will be lower. , the steps are smaller.”

"What is reflected in the footprints is that the step length is short and the step width is narrow. Because the center of gravity is low and the stability is strong, the landing and landing are more even and the indentation is relatively uniform."

Having said this, Lin Feng suddenly looked at Jinglan, Fayuan and Xiao Maner and said, "Can you remember what the murderer's footprints looked like at the crime scene?"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Jinglan and Fayuan were still thinking with frowns.

But Xiao Maner didn't know what she thought of. Her water-cut eyes suddenly widened, and her whole person had an expression of disbelief.

"Could it be..."

She suddenly looked at Lin Feng and said, "You said it was unreasonable and contradictory...could you be referring to..."

Lin Feng's eyes flashed slightly, feeling a little surprised.

Xiao Man'er reacted really quickly. She understood what she meant as soon as she gave the hint.

He smiled and said: "It seems that Man'er understands, you might as well tell everyone."

Hearing this, everyone subconsciously looked at Xiao Man'er.

Master Jingci said: "Man'er, tell me, what happened to those footprints?"

Xiao Man'er took a deep breath and said with a very complicated expression on her face: "After Lin Si checked those footprints, he once made a conclusion. He said... the murderer's footprints are seven inches long, two and a half inches wide, and ten steps long. About nine inches, the step width is about three inches, the toe and heel marks are deep, the rising and landing feet are strong, and there are obvious stepping marks and pedaling marks..."

When Fa Yuan heard this, he nodded and said, "Lin Sizheng did say this."

Jinglan also nodded.

Xiao Man'er said: "I also observed those footprints at the time. The trampling marks were indeed very obvious. The stepping marks and pedaling marks were obvious where the feet were raised and lowered. Moreover, the indentations of each footprint were slightly different in details. They were not the same. Evenly…”

"Coupled with the step length and width of this footprint..."

As Xiao Maner spoke, she squatted down and connected the papers. She said: "The distance and width of these two footprints were copied one to one by Lin Sizheng. They are the murderer's normal step length and width."

"My shoes are bigger than Master Jinglan's. Let's see how I take each step..."

As she spoke, Xiao Maner stepped on one footprint, and then naturally stepped out with the other foot.

She said: "Look, after I stepped out with my other foot, it was between these two footprints. In other words, the step length and width of this footprint are obviously longer and wider than mine, and The proportions are obviously different from mine, my step length and width are just as Hayashi Masaru said, shorter and narrower."

"But the murderer is exactly the opposite of me. Combined with what Lin Simasheng said just now, the man's steps are longer and wider, and his feet are strong in starting and landing. They are often accompanied by step marks and pedal marks, and the indentations are uneven in depth... This Everything is completely consistent with the footprints at the scene!”


At this moment, Xiao Man'er's tone was uncertain and ridiculous. She said: "If according to what Lin Sizheng said, the murderer's footprints completely match the characteristics of a man, then he should not be a woman, but a man!"



Listening to Xiao Man'er's words, everyone present was stunned.

Master Jingci was stunned on the spot, and Master Jinglan looked confused.

Huizhi and Huiyuan were even more stunned.

Even De Miao and others felt their heads were buzzing at this moment.

Last night, there were only pilgrims and nuns at Banyue Nunnery, and the pilgrims were all women... and no one left at all last night.

So how could the murderer be a man?

Where are the men in Ban Yue Nunnery, where all the women are?

At this moment, Jingci felt ridiculous. She couldn't help but said: "Lin Sizheng, is there any misunderstanding here?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng said slowly: "Words can lie, but footprints cannot."

"The murderer can change the size of his footprints by wearing small shoes, but he cannot change the length and width of his steps and the indentation of his footprints."

Seeing that Lin Feng was so sure, Master Jingci couldn't help but frowned and said, "But there was no man at Banyue Temple last night! How could it be possible that a man committed the crime?"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Master, you can be sure that all your disciples are women, but how can you be sure..."

He squinted his eyes, looked at Han Shuangshuang and Sun Yun meaningfully, and said, "Do the pilgrims who come to stay in your nunnery must be women?"

After everyone heard this, their eyes suddenly fell on Han Shuangshuang and Sun Yun.

Wang Qian quickly took a step back and stayed away from the two of them, looking at them with horror on her face.

Everyone's eyes were constantly looking at them.

When Han Shuangshuang and Sun Yun saw this, they looked at each other and quickly moved away from each other in fear.

In that way, it seems that he is afraid that getting too close to the other party will damage his reputation.

"its not right!"

Huizhi frowned and said: "If any of them are men, they must have a very obvious Adam's apple, but you see, whether it is Han Shuangshuang or Sun Yun, there is no Adam's apple on their necks."

When everyone heard Huizhi's words, they all looked at their necks.

Immediately they were all stunned.

"There is indeed no obvious Adam's apple."

"Lin Sizheng's Adam's apple is very obvious, but they can't even see it..."

"How is this going?"

"Could it be that Lin Sizheng made a mistake in his judgment? These are obviously two women, not men at all."

"And they look like they are obviously women, how could one of them be a man!"

The nuns didn't know whether to believe Lin Feng or not.

It was actually Lin Feng's judgment, which was so impactful.

Jingci looked at Lin Feng and said, "Lin Sizheng, are you really right?"

Lin Feng said: "The Adam's apple is indeed one of the signs of a man, but without it, it does not mean that he is a woman."

"I will give you some knowledge."

"Before the age of six, the laryngeal cartilage has been growing. In this case, the man's Adam's apple is not obvious. The man's Adam's apple really starts to develop at the beginning of puberty... Of course, you don't need to worry about what puberty is, you just need to know, A man’s Adam’s apple needs to reach a certain age before his Adam’s apple becomes obvious.”

"And as long as the male hormone is lost before this age...for example, castrated or made a eunuch, then no matter how old you get, there will be no obvious Adam's apple."


Lin Feng raised his eyes, looked at the tall and strong Han Shuangshuang, and said slowly: "You are actually a eunuch, right? Men can pretend to be women, but that kind of feminine temperament cannot be easily imitated. If you are a eunuch, you don't need to deliberately Imitation has that quality.”

After listening to Lin Feng's words, everyone suddenly focused their attention on Han Shuangshuang.

They looked at the pretty and even plump Han Shuangshuang with expressions of disbelief.

"She, she's not a woman?"

"Is he a man?"

"It's not a man, it's a eunuch!"

"What's the difference? He's really not a woman?"

The young nuns felt that their outlook on life had been impacted.

Han Shuangshuang pursed her red lips and frowned: "Why do you think I am a eunuch? Why don't you doubt this fat woman?"

The fat woman Sun Yun's face froze, and she couldn't help but roar in her heart: "What's wrong with me being fat? Why are you staring at me and calling me fat?"

Lin Feng said slowly: "It's still the same footprint."

"Because fat people are obese, their steps are slower, more steady, and their steps are shorter, so they are less prone to pedal marks... All of this is inconsistent with the footprints at the scene."

"Moreover, step length and step width are also directly related to your height. If your legs are not long enough, it will be difficult to take such a step... Therefore, overall, only a tall and strong figure like yours can take such a step." .”

After listening to Lin Feng's words, Huizhi looked directly at Han Shuangshuang coldly and asked: "Did you really kill Huiyun!? Are you really a woman?"

Han Shuangshuang ignored Huizhi at all. He just looked at Lin Feng and said, "What if I don't acknowledge you? What do you want?"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "If someone checks your body, they will naturally there is no need for you to deny it, it is meaningless."

When Han Shuangshuang heard this, she couldn't help but close her eyes.

He took a deep breath and opened his eyes again.

And when he opened his eyes again, everyone clearly felt that his temperament had changed.

The originally delicate and plump woman's temperament suddenly became cold.

Han Shuangshuang laughed at herself: "I didn't expect that the foolproof plan I thought would actually be defeated by a few inconspicuous footprints!"

Listening to Han Shuangshuang's words, Huiyuan couldn't help but widen her eyes and exclaimed: ", your voice has changed!"

That's right, Han Shuangshuang's voice is no longer that gentle and gentle.

Instead, it became very sharp, sounding just like the voices of those eunuchs.

"Are you really a eunuch!?" Master Jingci couldn't help but wonder.

Jinglan also had a look of shock on her face. She only felt that the decades she had lived were not as big as the emotional fluctuations she experienced at this moment. She couldn't help but said: "You...who are you? You are a eunuch, why are you pretending to be a eunuch?" Woman, why did you kill Huiyun?"

Hearing this, Han Shuangshuang looked at Lin Feng. He pinched the orchid finger and said with a smile: "Lin Feng, aren't you awesome? Then you might as well guess my identity and why I do these things?"

After hearing this, everyone hurriedly looked at Lin Feng.

"You think I can't figure it out?"

Lin Feng met Han Shuangshuang's gaze and said calmly: "If you don't want to have an Adam's apple, you must have been castrated before puberty."

"And based on your age, it was at least twenty years ago when you were castrated."

"That period was when the former Sui Dynasty controlled the world."

"So, you were castrated at that time, no doubt, in order to work in the former Sui Palace..."

Han Shuangshuang's eyelids jumped up when she heard Lin Feng's words. He subconsciously clenched his hands into fists and stared at Lin Feng with his eyes.

"Then what?" His voice seemed to come out from between his teeth.


Lin Feng looked at him and said slowly: "What else? The former Sui Dynasty was overthrown by the Tang Dynasty, and you killed people to seize treasures, and took away the important cassock that His Majesty wanted to bless the prince... Isn't this obvious?"

"Han Shuangshuang..."

Lin Feng took a deep breath, looked into Han Shuangshuang's eyes, and said solemnly: "You, the former Sui eunuch, are here to avenge your old master!"

(End of this chapter)

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