People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 141 Zhao 5, I finally found you!

Chapter 141 Zhao Shiwu, I finally found you! ([-]-in-[-])

Lin Feng discovered that Kong Feng was also a wonderful person. With just a few words, Ji Li was so frightened that his whole body tensed up and his face turned pale. Ji Li, who originally wanted to make some sarcastic remarks, immediately closed his mouth tightly and did not dare to say a word. said.

My ears suddenly became much quieter.

Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It is said that birds of a feather flock together, and what kind of master will have what kind of servants. Now it seems that this is really the case. Kong Feng is the same as Changsun Pingan. If one rashly determines what kind of person he is just based on his appearance, Then it will definitely be the other party who suffers in the end.

Without any interference, Lin Feng calmed down and observed Ji Li's clothes more intently.

Ji Li's trousers are standard samurai trousers, which are loose but close-fitting. The trousers have a cuff design at the legs so that he will not be blown into the wind when moving or fighting, causing his movements to be hindered.

At this moment, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly flashed slightly. He squatted down and gently twirled Ji Li's pants with his fingertips.

After a moment, he retracted his fingertips and looked towards them.

He narrowed his eyes and suddenly said: "County Magistrate Changsun."

Changsun Pingan has been paying attention to Lin Feng. He also wants to know whether Lin Feng can find a breakthrough clue in this tense and directionless moment.

Hearing Lin Feng's words at this moment, he said without hesitation: "What's wrong?"

Then I heard Lin Feng say: "Among the villages you marked out for me, which ones have more dirt roads, or less paved roads."

Changsun Pingan was stunned for a moment: "There are many dirt roads?"

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Look..."

As he spoke, Lin Feng grabbed Ji Li's pants and pulled them outwards. When he reached the limit, he let go, and his pants immediately bounced back.

And at the moment when the pants bounced back, it was obvious that a lot of dust appeared directly from Ji Li's pants.

Lin Feng said: "His pants are covered with dust. This kind of dust can either be caught by rolling on the ground, or it can be caught in dusty places. At the same time, the surface of his boots is also covered with dust." Yes, he is a normal person and will not roll around on the ground idle. It is basically certain that he walked through a place full of dust..."

"In Chang'an City, most roads are paved with stone slabs. It is not easy to step on the dirt, let alone being so dirty."

"So it can be determined that Ji Li must have gone to a place with few paved roads and many dirt roads, and he would not be idle eating dirt in such a place. There is a high probability..."

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and said slowly: "They are going to create a trap. In other words, the place they led Zhao Fifteen to should be a place with a lot of dust and dirt roads!"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Changsun Pingan's eyes flickered a few times, and he subconsciously looked at Ji Li.

Then he noticed that Ji Li's eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

Although Ji Li quickly calmed down his surprised expression, Changsun Ping'an still saw the entire process of his facial expression changes.

This made Changsun Ping'an feel a little shaken in his heart.

Ji Li's reaction undoubtedly proved that Lin Feng's conclusion was completely correct!
Without any clue, Lin Feng actually found a clue!
He took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, and then thought seriously for a moment, then went directly to the map and said: "There are three villages that have the situation you mentioned."

As he spoke, he picked up the pen and drew another circle on the three squares. At the same time, he said: "Of these three squares, two have temples in them, and one has a Taoist temple, and the terrain there is relatively high. , are not suitable for building a house, or are abandoned for some reasons, so these three houses fully meet your conditions."

After hearing this, Lin Feng took a closer look at the three squares.

The locations of the three squares are in the south, southeast, and northeast.

The distance is still too far...

With limited manpower, it is not appropriate to spread too many troops...

He nodded and said, "Thank you."

After saying that, he returned to Ji Li's side.

When Ji Li saw Lin Feng coming again, he couldn't help but said: "There's nothing else. I have no other clues on my body. Don't look for it."

He is going crazy.

I have never seen anyone investigate a case like this in my life.

Although time is extremely tight, why not rush around like a headless fly?

Instead, you keep circling around yourself, trying to find clues from your enemy... How can you be so calm?
At this time, shouldn't you be jumping up and down anxiously?

Lin Feng glanced at Ji Li, and with those dark and bright eyes, he could see through Ji Li's thoughts at a glance.

He smiled and said: "Thank you for your reminder. I believe in a saying - you have to listen to the enemy's words. So if you say there is no, there must be more! I will try my best to find out."

Ji Li: "..."

Lin Feng said he was relaxed, but his expression was not relaxed at all.

He pursed his lips and observed Ji Li unblinkingly.

From Ji Li's bun, to his face, to his upper body, to his pants, and finally to Ji Li's boots.

But this time, the situation is not optimistic.

Ji Li would never intentionally leave clues on his body, so all clues must be left by him inadvertently.

And this is destined to be highly random.

Not to mention that Ji Li is not stupid. If he is carrying something too obvious, he will definitely find it and get rid of it.

It is lucky to be able to find clues in the dust.

But it seems that the blessing of the goddess of luck has stopped here.

Seeing that Lin Feng was silent for a long time and frowning, Ji Li grinned directly: "Lin Feng, look at what I said, I told you not to waste any more time."

"I don't have any other clues on me!"

"If I were you, I would either go out and try my luck, or I would just prepare a coffin for Zhao Shiwu. Being here like you is not just a waste of time, but is it also useless?"

"Even if you think it over, even if you waste decades here, you won't be able to find any other clues. It's impossible to know where Zhao Fifteen went! Hahaha..."

Ji Li's smile was sarcastic and proud, and his laughter was so harsh that it made Kong Feng's fist harden and he wanted to punch him.

Changsun Ping'an also frowned slightly and looked unhappy.

The yamen servants had a bad temper and even started to curse.

But Ji Li ignored everyone at the Wannian County Government and just looked at Lin Feng with a sarcastic face.

Obviously he wanted to see Lin Feng's joke.

But who knows, even if he said such heart-wrenching remarks, Lin Feng didn't seem to be affected in any way, and still moved his eyes on him inch by inch.

Seeing this scene, Changsun Pingan's eyes couldn't help but narrowed. Changsun Pingan knew how difficult it was to remain rational and calm under such circumstances.

He felt more and more that Lin Feng had the potential to leap over the Dragon Gate.


At this time, Lin Feng's voice suddenly sounded without warning.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then Kong Feng quickly said: "Lin Si Zheng, what did you say?"

Lin Feng said: "Take off his left boot!"

"Left boot?"

When Kong Feng heard this, his eyes fell directly on Ji Li's left foot. When Ji Li saw this, he immediately yelled: "What are you doing? I tell you, my feet are very smelly. If you are not afraid of being stinked to death, you just...well Uh-huh.”

Before he could finish speaking, Kong Feng took off his shoes and stuffed the smelly socks into Ji Li's mouth.

"Come on, Lai Lai, I've been putting up with you for a long time!"

After doing this, he directly asked Ji Li to be brought down, and then took off Ji Li's boots.

"Lin Simasa, the boots you want."

Lin Feng nodded slightly to Kong Feng and said with a smile: "Well done."

Kong Feng scratched his head and said with a smile: "He is obviously a prisoner, but he is still so arrogant. I have long disliked him."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Kong Feng saw Lin Feng carefully looking at the tip of the boots, turned the boots over, and checked the bottom of the boots. He couldn't help but asked curiously: "Lin Si Zheng, what are you looking at?"

Lin Feng had a good impression of Kong Feng. He pointed to the front of the sole and said, "Did you find anything special?"


Kong Feng brought his head closer, took a closer look, and then said with some surprise: "The color here is a little dark, just like the other boot that was stained with blood and deepened, but this is obviously not blood. After all, the sole is not black, blood It can’t be dyed in either.”

Lin Feng nodded: "It's indeed not's glue."

"Glue?" Kong Feng was stunned: "What is that?"

Lin Feng gently rubbed it with his fingertips and said slowly: "To be precise, it should be called resin."


Lin Feng nodded and said: "Some pine and cypress trees, when injured, will secrete a special substance, which is this kind of resin."

"It has a special taste and is very sticky."

"When it rubs against clothes and shoes, it will stick to them, making it difficult to wash."

As he spoke, he looked at Kong Feng and said, "Look at the soles of your shoes to see if there is anything like this stuck on them."

Kong Feng quickly took off his boots without saying a word. He checked them carefully, shook his head and said, "No."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, pondered for a moment, and said, "When you were climbing trees at Cao's house, did you ever find wounds from fallen bark on the trees at Cao's house?"

Kong Feng thought for a moment and then shook his head: "No, the trees are intact."

The other government officials also shook their heads.

Hearing this, Lin Feng's brows relaxed slightly, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised with a smile, and said: "It seems that my luck is not over yet. His resin was not glued at Cao's house, so it can only be elsewhere..."

He glanced at Ji Li, who had a smelly sock stuffed in his mouth, and said slowly: "Ji Li, I'm sorry, you were happy too early. I finally found a clue in you."

Ji Li's eyes widened and he mumbled the word "impossible".

Lin Feng stopped paying attention to him.

He looked at Changsun Pingan and said: "Magistrate Changsun, among these three workshops, which ones have pine and cypress trees? And there are quite a lot of them."

Changsun Ping'an couldn't help but glance at Ji Li. Seeing Ji Li's pupils contracting violently and his expression horrified, he was even more shocked.

Resin!That's the kind of thing!
It actually made Lin Feng narrow down the scope again!

He took a deep breath and said: "The square located due south can be excluded. It is a wasteland without any trees."

"But the other two squares have an area similar to a mountain forest with many trees, including many conifers and cypress trees."

Lin Feng's eyes flashed slightly, and he quickly came to the map.

Looking at the last two remaining squares.

One is southeast and one is northeast.

Although the distance is still not close.

But now that all the clues about Ji Li have been found, this is the best Lin Feng can do to narrow the scope to the smallest possible situation.

It is better to divide the army into two groups than to divide the army into three groups.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng no longer hesitated and said directly: "Magistrate Changsun, I hope you can help me find and rescue Zhao Fifteen! Regardless of whether Zhao Fifteen can be rescued or not, I will remember this favor."

Hearing this, Changsun Ping'an smiled heartily: "Lin Si was angry when he said this. You helped me investigate the case, caught the real culprit, and prevented me from deciding the wrong case. You have done me a great favor, so It is only natural for me to help you now."

"So don't say anything about human kindness. Now all of us are listening to your arrangements. Just tell us what to do!"

Kong Feng and others also nodded solemnly: "I'll just follow Lin Sizheng's orders!"

Lin Feng has gained their recognition through his own abilities.

So towards Lin Feng, they no longer had any resistance at the beginning.

Lin Feng's eyes swept over them one by one, then he took a deep breath and nodded: "Okay! Next, we will divide our troops into two groups-"

"Zi De!"

At this time, Sun Fuga's voice suddenly sounded.

When Lin Feng heard this, he quickly followed the sound.

Then he saw Sun Fuga running in from the door sweating profusely.

As he ran, beads of sweat slid down both sides of his face, and when he fell to the ground, he broke into countless pieces.

He ran to Lin Feng, and without Lin Feng opening his mouth, he panted and said, "I have found out."

"Zhao Fifteen's comrade is named Zhang Yuanyi, and Zhang Yuanyi's home happens to be on the way here from the Ministry of War, so I made a special trip there."

"After I went to Zhang Yuan's family, I found that the atmosphere in the Zhang family was very wrong."

"Zhang Yuanyi's mother is bedridden and sighs all the time. Zhang Yuanyi's father is hunched over and has a sad face."

"And Zhang Yuanyi's widow was there crying."

"I asked them what happened. They just shook their heads at first. Later, I told them that Zhao Shiwu was missing and his life was probably in danger... After hearing this, their faces suddenly changed. Finally the truth was told to me.”

Lin Feng heard this and asked hurriedly: "What happened to Zhao Shiwu?"

Everyone also looked at Sun Fuga closely.

Then Sun Fujia took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "They told me that the person Zhao Shishi went to worship today is Zhang Yuanyi."

"Zhao Shiwu would go to worship Zhang Yuanyi with his family every year. After the worship, Zhao Shiwu would have a light meal at their house, do some work for them, and then give some money to Zhang Yuanyi. As a family, the Zhang family can live a better life."

"What Zhao Fifteen did today is the same as every year. After the meal, the sun set, and Zhao Fifteen prepared to leave."

"Unexpectedly, at that time, Zhang Yuanyi's child, a five-year-old boy, suddenly disappeared."

"The Zhang family searched for a long time but couldn't find it, so Zhao Shiwu helped search. Later, they found one of the child's shoes on the road not far from their home, and there was a piece of paper in the shoe."

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows: "Paper? Could it be..."

His eyes flashed and he frowned: "The child was kidnapped?"


When everyone heard this, they were all shocked.

Sun Fujia nodded without hesitation and said: "Zi De is really amazing, he guessed it right away."

He said, "Yes, the child was kidnapped!"

"The letter said that no one in the Zhang family is allowed to report to the government. If they dare to report to the government, they will never see their children again."

"At the same time, the letter also said that they are not interested in a child's life, but they want to play some interesting games. They will give a prompt and ask the Zhang family to send someone to go to the designated place within the specified time. As long as the people sent by the Zhang family can arrive on time, they will get new information, and as long as they can complete the five rounds of the game, the Zhang family will be able to find the child."

When Lin Feng heard this, he sneered and said: "Zhao Fifteen is not mentioned in the whole article, but every word refers to Zhao Fifteen."

"Look at the people in the Zhang family, an old woman who is sick in bed, an old husband with bad legs and legs, a woman with no strength... How can they play this kind of game with the thieves? ?”

"This makes it clear that Zhao Shiwu should come forward and take the initiative to take on this responsibility."

Sun Fujia nodded and said, "Yes, Zhao Shiwu stood up immediately after seeing the letter. He asked the Zhang family to wait at home, and then left with the letter."

Lin Feng's eyes flickered, and his brain was spinning rapidly at this moment.The Sixiang organization's method of seducing Zhao Shiwu is already known, and it can be seen that they deliberately concealed Zhao Shiwu at the beginning, making Zhao Shiwu think that it was a kidnapping for the Zhang family's children.

This allowed Zhao Shiwu to relax his vigilance.

After Zhao Shiwu arrives at Cao's house, he should be able to understand that this is a conspiracy specifically targeting him.

But by that time it was already too late. He had already missed the initial opportunity to find the child based on clues. In order to save the child, Zhao Shiwu could only go all the way to the dark side.

It must be said that the Four Elephants Organization perfectly grasped Zhao Shiwu's weaknesses. Zhao Shiwu has always felt guilty towards the Zhang family for saving his life. Now that Zhang Yuanyi's only child has been arrested, Zhao Shiwu knows that there are tigers in the mountains. , we must also travel to the mountains.

Lin Feng took a deep breath, looked at Sun Fujia, and said, "Did any news about Zhao Shishi come back later?"

Sun Fuga shook his head: "No, since Zhao Shiwu left, the Zhang family has never received any news from Zhao Shiwu."

"But they didn't dare to report it to the authorities for fear that something might happen to their children. They could only wait anxiously."

The pupils in Lin Feng's eyes kept turning, and countless thoughts emerged like an explosion.

He pondered for a moment, then suddenly walked quickly to the map and said, "Dr. Sun, where is Zhang Yuanyi's home?"

Sun Fujia thought for a while, pointed to a place, and said: "Here."

Lin Feng quickly picked up his pen and drew a circle around the Zhang family.

After thinking about it, he circled Cao's house and Ji Li's house.

After that, Cao's house, Zhang's house, brothel and Ji Li's house were connected with lines one after another, creating a quadrilateral area.

Looking at this quadrilateral area, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.

He said: "Generally, for a serial murderer, the location where he committed the crime will be fixed in a certain area. This area is the murderer's geographical comfort zone."

"Such an area is usually an area that the prisoner is very familiar with and is where he goes about his daily life. He will be very relaxed when committing crimes there. He is familiar with every plant and tree there. Once an accident occurs, he can immediately use familiar means to Terrain evacuation.”

"Although this case is different from the serial murder case, the psychological principles are the same."

Lin Feng raised his head, looked at everyone, and said: "If the person behind the scenes wants to plot against Zhao Shiwu, he will definitely choose a place he is familiar with. The more familiar he is, the lower the probability of an accident. After an accident occurs, the chance that he can solve it will be lower." The bigger.”

"So, why did Ji Li choose to kill Cao Yuanwailang instead of using others to frame Zhao Shiwu?"

Lin Feng looked at Ji Li. Ji Li's eyes were wide and his pupils were trembling in fear.

Lin Feng said: "You can tell by looking at the positions of Cao's house and Zhang's house."

Hearing this, Changsun Pingan quickly looked at the map. His eyes widened and he said, "Cao's house is only four streets away from Zhang's house, and this brothel is in the middle area between Cao's house and Zhang's house!"

Lin Feng nodded: "If the brothel is regarded as a central location where Ji Li sits and directs tonight's actions, then the brothel radiates to the surroundings. The closer the distance, the more timely the news can be ensured, and emergencies can be quickly responded to. respond to the situation.”

"At the same time, Ji Li's residence is not far from here. It is obvious that this area is the area he is most familiar with!"

"Then, based on these, we can connect the two farthest places, the brothel and Ji Li's mansion, and draw a circle, so that the largest range will appear."

As Lin Feng spoke, he drew a large circle with a brush, including the quadrilateral that was connected just now.

Lin Feng said: "Psychologically speaking, this is Ji Li's geographical comfort zone. Under normal circumstances, if he has any plans, he will do it in this area."

"Look, the Zhang family who stole children is here, the murderer Cao Zhai is here, and the hidden brothel is also here... So can we extend it out? The place where they plotted against Zhao Shiwu is also in the area he is most familiar with. Within the comfort zone?”

Listening to Lin Feng's words, Changsun Pingan finally understood what Lin Feng meant.

He quickly looked at the map, but this time, his expression was completely unbearable, his eyes widened, and he lost his voice: "One of the two squares just now was in this area! Could it be!?"

He quickly looked at Lin Feng.

Kong Feng and other government officials also understood now.

They all looked at Lin Feng in shock.

Then they saw Lin Feng nodding his head and said, "Yes, if what I expected is correct, they led Zhao Shiwu here. It is - Xinchangfang!"

After Lin Feng said the three words "Xinchangfang", everyone almost subconsciously looked at Ji Li.

Ji Li saw this, even if he wanted to keep his calm.

But the panic and disbelief in his heart, seeing Lin Feng's ghostly fear, still made him reveal his inner thoughts.

His mouth was blocked by the smelly socks and he couldn't make any specific sounds, but from his expression, everyone could clearly know what he wanted to say: "How is that possible!? How could you guess that!? You really are person!?"

In everyone's minds, it seemed as if Ji Li was roaring at this moment.

And it's not just Ji Li. In fact, their hearts are similar to Ji Li's at this moment, and they are all making huge waves!
Isn't Lin Feng really a transformation from a god?
They really felt that Lin Feng was not a human being!
How long did it take Lin Feng to go from having no clue to completely determining Zhao Shiwu's location?
And this was even when Ji Li didn't say a word.

Lin Feng peeled off the cocoons and found out these!

Only those who have seen all this with their own eyes know how difficult it is, and how amazing Lin Feng is!

This is no easier than solving the murder case of Cao Gaoyang!
Even harder!
After all, this time, the clues are more subtle and fewer!

Lin Feng is also under greater pressure!

Changsun Pingan's expression when he looked at Lin Feng completely changed. Facing Lin Feng, he felt as nervous as facing his uncle Changsun Wuji.

And all of this happened in a flash of lightning.

After Lin Feng came to the conclusion, he didn't even look at Ji Li. He didn't have time to see how shocked Ji Li was, and he didn't care what others thought.

He directly put away the map, looked at Changsun Pingan, and said: "Magistrate Changsun, I will trouble you next."

Hearing this, Changsun Pingan immediately calmed down. He took a deep look at Lin Feng and nodded without hesitation: "Now that we have a clear goal, let us leave it to our Wannian County Government. Let's go!"

With that said, they walked quickly outside.

Lin Feng saw this and quickly followed out.

Sun Fujia was also worried about Zhao Shiwu's safety, so he also followed out without waiting for news.

After they walked out of the brothel, they got on their horses and galloped towards Xinchangfang.

Xinchangfang is in the southeast area of ​​Pingkangfang, and it passes through several other fangs in the middle. Naturally, it is inevitable to encounter Jinwuwei on the way.

However, under the leadership of Changsun Ping'an, Jin Wuwei learned that it was official business of Wannian County and the county government, and there was no obstruction. They arrived at the Xinchangfang area very smoothly.

After entering Xinchangfang, Changsun Pingan said to Lin Feng: "There is a temple with great popularity in Xinchangfang, called Qinglong Temple. On the way to Qinglong Temple, you will pass through a forest area, which is consistent with the dust you just mentioned. , resin and many other conditions.”

Hearing this, Lin Feng said in a deep voice: "That should be the place where they plan to plot against Zhao Shiwu. Magistrate Changsun, you should also be careful, lest you fall into a trap."

Changsun Pingan sneered and said: "Don't worry, as long as we know the specific location, I will make sure that none of the thieves can escape!"

He immediately speeded up, and the horses' hooves thundered, like thunder in the silent night.

Soon, a forest appeared in everyone's sight.

As soon as they got close, Changsun Ping'an suddenly shouted: "Stop!"

Everyone immediately reined in their reins and stopped.

Changsun Pingan listened intently into the woods. After a moment, his eyes suddenly flashed with light: "There are sounds of fighting. Zhao Shiwu may still be alive... Hurry, go in and save people!"


at the same time.

in the woods.

On the yellow fallen leaves, there are constant drops of blood on them.

Zhao Shiwu held a crying child with tears and snot in one hand, and held the Hengdao tightly in the other.

At this time, the blade of the Hengdao was already scarlet, and blood dripped down from the tip.

His whole body was stained red, and two hideous wounds could be clearly seen on his back, with blood oozing out.

The child he was holding had tears and snot mixed together, flowing into his mouth. He opened his mouth wide, swallowed a mouthful of snot, and then cried loudly: "Uncle Zhao, your whole body is covered with blood, are you going to die?" !Am I going to die too! Wow, oh, oh, I hurt you, you shouldn’t have saved me.”

Zhao Shiwu's face turned pale due to excessive blood loss. He licked his dry lips and cursed: "Don't talk nonsense! You didn't hurt me, it was these thieves who hurt me!"

"And you won't die, and I won't die either. We can both live!"

Hearing the words, the child sniffed, raised his head, and blinked his confused eyes: "Is it true that he will not die? But there are many enemies, and you have a lot of blood. Will they let us go?"

"Believe me! You won't die!"

Zhao Shiwu said: "Of course they won't let me go, but someone will definitely come to save us!"

"Is there someone? Who will come to save us?" The boy looked hopeful.

Zhao Shiwu grasped the hilt of the knife, and a figure flashed in his mind. He said: "I followed a very powerful person. His name is Lin Feng. He is extremely smart and knows everything like that god... I believe that he will definitely know it." Whoever finds me will definitely come to save us!"

"Ha! If you expect Lin Feng to save you, you might as well expect us to show kindness and leave you intact!"

At this moment, a sneer sounded.

Zhao Shishi looked quickly and vigilantly.

He was surrounded by people wearing night clothes, and right in front of him, a man with a green-faced fang mask was holding a big knife and looking at him coldly.

Zhao Shiwu subconsciously clenched the Hengdao. He knew that the man in front of him was the leader of these killers tonight, and all the wounds on his body were caused by this man.

If it weren't for the little guy dragging him down, he would definitely kill this guy.

But now, he had to protect the little boy and guard against other killers. When facing this guy, he felt powerless.

Zhao Shiwu deliberately delayed time and said: "Why can't Lin Si Zheng come to save me? Lin Si Zheng's wisdom is the best in the world. He will definitely be able to see through your tricks. Just wait, he will be here soon." .”


The masked man sneered: "No matter how powerful Lin Feng is, he is still a human being, not a god!"

"Indeed, his ability to solve crimes is very strong, but no matter how strong he is, if he can clear you of the suspicion of killing Cao Gaoyang tonight, in such a short period of time, it is not bad, right?"

"You may not know how much effort we put into Cao Gaoyang's case in order to frame you. Even everyone who went to Cao's house tonight is suspected!"

"In this case, Lin Feng can rule out suspicion for you, which is beyond what ordinary people can do!"

"So, how can you have the idea that he has cleared your suspicions in such a short period of time and can still come here to save you? Do you really think of him as a god?"

After listening to the masked man's words, Zhao Shiwu's expression changed slightly.

He did not know the specific circumstances of Cao Gaoyang's murder.

Only when he heard the masked man's words did he realize that the case was more complicated than he thought.

Seeing Zhao Shishi's expression change, the masked man laughed and said, "Not to mention how could Lin Feng know that you would come here?"

"This is different from the murder case of Cao Gaoyang. There are some clues in that case. The murder weapon and the body are all there."

"But why are you here? You didn't leave him any clues. You don't think Lin Feng can find such a hidden place without clues, do you?"

"In that case, he doesn't need to call Lin Feng, he can just call Shen Feng! Hahaha!"

Hearing this, the other men in black also raised their heads and laughed.

But Zhao Shiwu's heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the lake.

Even though he knew that the man in black said this to undermine his confidence and make him unable to stay calm.

But he had to admit that what the man in black said was true.

Lin Feng is indeed powerful, but the case of Cao Gaoyang is enough to stump Lin Feng, not to mention that he didn't know where he was going in the first place, so he couldn't leave any clues for Lin Feng, so he only came here not long ago. of.

Lin Feng didn't know his whereabouts at all, how could he find him?

Thinking of this, he also felt a little desperate.

The masked man stared straight at Zhao Fifteen with a pair of sharp eyes. He took in the changes in Zhao Fifteen's expression and his eyes were full of sparkle.

He grabbed the big knife and grinned: "So, Zhao Shiwu, instead of believing in the nonsense that Lin Feng will come to save you, why not kneel down and beg us to leave a whole body for you!"

He raised his chin directly to give everyone a signal.

Everyone immediately grasped the blade and rushed directly towards Zhao Fifteen. The masked man said with a cruel smile: "It's okay if our star palace doesn't take action. Since we do, even the Lord of Hell can't save your life. We still hope that Lin Feng can save you." You really make me laugh out loud——"

call out!call out!call out!
But right now.

Just when these men in black were about to launch a final violent attack on Zhao Shiwu.

Suddenly, a burst of sound pierced the air without warning.

The masked man was stunned for a moment, then he suddenly realized something and quickly raised his head subconsciously.

Then I saw his pupils suddenly shrink.

I saw many densely packed arrows in the air, falling directly from the sky.

He hurriedly shouted: "Enemies are attacking, be careful to stay hidden——"

But it's too late.

The arrow has fallen.

He immediately shot these unprepared men in black to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, there were more than a dozen men in black lying on the ground, screaming.

This sudden scene not only stunned the masked man, but even Zhao Shiwu didn't react.

It wasn't until Changsun Ping'an came in person with the government officials that they finally understood what had happened.


Zhao Shiwu suddenly burst out laughing. He looked at the dumbfounded masked man and laughed: "Did you see it? What did I say!? My foster father will come to save me! I said he will come to save me. of!!!"

The masked man looked at the countless enemies that were being killed, and his expression changed again and again.

He gritted his teeth and said: "Who told you that this is the person brought by Lin Feng? This is obviously someone from the county government! How can he not be half a shadow of Lin Feng! Zhao Shiwu, don't do anything good to Lin Feng, he is not a god - —”

At this moment, a roar suddenly came from behind the crowd: "Zhao Fifteen, are you still alive? Make a sound!"

As soon as this voice sounded, the masked man felt like he was struck by lightning.

He couldn't even fart at that moment.

" is it possible!?"

Zhao Shiwu looked at the masked man's confused look and grinned silently.

At this moment, Zhao Shishi felt his eyelids become heavy, as if all the strength that had supported him in talking and laughing before suddenly disappeared without a trace as Lin Feng's voice sounded.

He knew it wasn't that he couldn't bear it anymore.

But I understand that I don’t need to carry it myself.

The person I trust most is here.

My adoptive father really came to save me!

 Thank you for your concern!I covered my sweat yesterday and feel much better today. I am obviously getting better!The next update should be fine!
  You guys have moved me so much. I am so lucky to have you!

(End of this chapter)
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