Chapter 14 Excellent layout!
Zhao Shishi saw Lin Feng looking at him faintly and said quickly: "Father, I am just making a metaphor, it's just a metaphor."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Of course my foster father won't take it seriously."

Zhao Shiwu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Feng continued: "In the same way, the small hole on the window is also a very obvious logical problem."

"She knows that once someone solves the mystery of the ghost, they will definitely check the window, and once they find a small hole in the window, they will definitely doubt her... Is Lu'e afraid that she will not be suspected? She still leaves such a flaw ?”

"Since she is so cunning, wouldn't it be difficult to use other people's rooms to practice and then frame them?"

Cuizhu's face darkened.

Lin Feng looked at the change in Cuizhu's expression and said calmly: "I know what your purpose is for doing this. If you don't do this and leave the paper villain and the hole, it will be difficult to leave ironclad evidence for Lu'e, even if It is against normal logic for Lu'e to do this, but for the Punishment Department and Dali Temple, which have time constraints, they urgently need to find out the culprits behind the scenes."

"So even if there are problems with this logic, when no other clues can be found and the deadline is up, the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple can only deal with Lu'e."

"It's not that Dali Temple of the Ministry of Punishment wants to accuse Lu'e unjustly, but that only Lu'e has evidence of guilt."

"Not to mention……"

Lin Feng casually picked up a small stone from the ground, weighed it in his hand, and said, "In order to prove Lu'e's crime with irrefutable evidence, you also calculated the most important point——"

Chang Le, a little expert in admiration, promptly asked: "Which point?"

Dai Zhou's eyes were serious, Xiao Yu's eyes were filled with relief, and Sun Fujia's eyes were full of "I saw the right person". The three of them also stared at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said: "Zhao Shiwu."

"Hey, foster father."

Zhao Shiwu quickly responded cheerfully, and then took out a book from his arms.

This book is exactly that weird ghost story "A Heroic Couple Travels the World with Swords" whose title and content are seriously separated.

Lin Feng took the book and raised it slightly: "It was this book that caused Her Royal Highness the Princess's nightmare, and also caused a series of subsequent hauntings. It can be said that this book is the origin of everything."

Cuizhu, who was soaking in the lake, sneered: "What's this? Lu'e bought this book personally, and you also asked. When Lu'e bought this book, no one else followed. This is her own idea."

"Sure enough... when I asked Lu'e, you were also eavesdropping." Lin Feng said.

Cuizhu pouted, now there was no need to hide it anymore.

Lin Feng nodded and said: "Yes, this book was indeed bought by Lu'e alone. Because of this... you know that the little paper figures and holes may make people feel unreasonable, so you have to do this because This is enough to make Lu'e the biggest suspect, a suspicion that cannot be removed no matter what."


Lin Feng's voice suddenly changed: "Lu'e bought it alone, so is it really impossible to plot against her?"

Cuizhu's eyes narrowed, like the vertical pupils of a poisonous snake, full of danger.

"Lin Feng, are you saying that it was not Lu'e's intention to buy this book for me?" Chang Le blinked his big moist eyes and asked in confusion.

Lin Feng nodded slightly: "A truly skilled chess player can easily make his opponent make moves according to his expectations when playing against others."

"Cui Zhu..." He looked at the woman in the lake: "You are also a master of chess."

Cuizhu didn't respond.

Sun Fujia scratched his oiled hair and said, "Lin Feng, what on earth is going on?"

Dai Zhou and Xiao Yu also stared at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng did not whet their appetite and explained: "Although it is Lu'e who buys storybooks for Her Royal Highness the Princess every time, it does not mean that others do not know where Lu'e will buy them."

"Cuizhu, as the female official here of Her Royal Highness the Princess, is in charge of these palace maids. Naturally, she can easily find out from Lu'e."

"And the content that Her Royal Highness likes is very consistent. She loves this series the most."

Oops, if you solve the case, just solve it, don’t reveal my secret... When Princess Changle heard this, she couldn’t help but cover her cheeks and glared at Lin Feng angrily.Lin Feng smiled and continued:
"So, after knowing these two pieces of information, I only need to place this ghost story, whose title is completely separated from the content, in the most conspicuous position in the bookstore that Lu'e often goes to, and then the bookstore owner will enthusiastically promote it... When Lu'e leaves the palace, if you delay it a little longer, it will make Lu'e's time out very tight..."

"Once everything is in place, it will not be difficult for Lu'e to buy the books you want Lu'e to buy."

Cuizhu's pupils suddenly shook, and she stared at Lin Feng with her eyes. No matter how calm she acted, she could not hide the shock in her heart.

It was as if...Lin Feng tore away all her hidings and saw through the secrets deep in her heart.

This feeling as if someone was watching everything she did made Cuizhu break into a cold sweat on her back.

Dai Zhou and Xiao Yu had been observing Cuizhu. When they saw Cuizhu's reaction, they understood everything instantly.

Lin Feng's conclusion is correct!

Even exactly!

Otherwise, this scheming Cuizhu would never be allowed to lose his composure like this.

Dai Zhou couldn't help but move his eyes towards Lin Feng, the admiration in his eyes getting stronger.

Xiao Yu also looked at Lin Feng, with a look of relief, but also surprise. It seemed that he did not expect that Lin Feng's performance would be so good.

Zhao Shiwu, on the other hand, couldn't help but scream in his heart: "My foster father is truly a god!"

He is really awesome... Changle's little mouth opened slightly, and the little deer's eyes were full of color.

Lin Feng looked at the woman who lost her composure for the second time and said with a smile, "It seems I was right again."

Cuizhu looked deeply at Lin Feng and sneered: "This is just your random guess. What if this is all a coincidence?"


Lin Feng shook his head: "Unfortunately, what I don't believe the most is coincidence. Now that I have a guess, I naturally want to verify it."

"Zhao's your turn to show off."

Zhao Shiwu, who had been waiting aside for a long time, heard this and straightened his back quickly, raised his chin slightly, and looked as proud as a representative of outstanding students in the new semester speaking.

"My adoptive father gave me a task after Lu'e gave me yesterday."

When Chang Le heard this, her moist eyes suddenly lit up. She knew that Lin Feng had given Zhao Shishi the task. At that time, Lin Feng still wanted to keep it a secret, but he didn't tell her in the end.

Dai Zhou and others also looked at Zhao Shiwu.

Unexpectedly, I, Zhao Shiwu, will have such a highlight moment in my life. I am grateful to my adoptive father. I am grateful to my adoptive father... Zhao Shiwu said: "My adoptive father asked me to investigate Lu'e's purchase of the storybook."

"He first asked me to check other bookstores to see if they also sell this storybook. But after I went to investigate, I found..."

He paused deliberately, imitating his adoptive father's example of giving others time to think, and said, "I found that other bookstores don't have this book at all."

"That is to say, only the bookstore where Lu'e goes sells this book."

Cuizhu said lightly: "What's the matter? Each bookstore has its own focus and its own judgment on books, so only this bookstore sells this book. Is it strange?"

"Don't worry."

Zhao Shiwu said: "Indeed, only this bookstore sells this book, it is not surprising...but what if..."

He glanced at Lin Feng, who smiled and nodded to him. Zhao Shiwu suddenly felt filled with endless power and became more confident, so he raised his chin.

At this moment, the muscular man turned into the embodiment of wisdom, and he felt that he was shining brightly.

Zhao Shiwu said more confidently: "But what if... the shopkeeper also curses this book and is very dissatisfied?"

"Is it normal for this book to appear in that bookstore?"

(End of this chapter)

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