People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 131 Catch!The culprit who cheats money and sex!

Chapter 131 Catch!The culprit who cheats money and sex! ([-]-in-[-])

Listening to Lin Feng's words, both people present were stunned.

They looked at Lin Feng in bewilderment, watching Lin Feng basically identify Fu Xueqinglang's position in a few words. The shock in their hearts was really beyond words.

Fu Yang's whole body was shaking with excitement. He suddenly bowed deeply to Lin Feng and burst into tears: "Master Lin, I, I don't even know how to thank you!"

"You actually did it, you actually found his location."

He couldn't help but burst into tears: "Is this God's will? God showed mercy and sent Mr. Lin to me... My daughter is saved. Does this mean my daughter is saved?"

Xiao Man'er's smart water-cut eyes seemed to be blown by the wind at this moment, causing ripples.

She looked at Lin Feng and felt that the shock and shock she had never experienced in the past 18 years had all appeared in less than an hour today because of Lin Feng.

Listening to Fu Yang's words, she couldn't help but have the same question in her heart: "Is this God's will?"

When I felt that life was boring and wanted to follow my eldest sister and third sister to become a monk, I suddenly met a person who was so interesting and intelligent that I had never seen before.

Her original intention to become a monk was shaken at this moment.

Lin Feng saw the two people looking at him blankly, motionless, and chuckled: "Why are you still standing there? Shopkeeper Fu, you have been anxious for three years, why are you not moving now?"

After listening to Lin Feng's words, Fu Yang straightened up sharply, and his red and swollen eyes bloomed with endless light of hope at this moment.

Three years.

Every time he asked the yamen, he got a disappointing reply.

The disappointments gradually turned into despair.

So much so that he was so sick that he sought medical attention. Otherwise, he would never have seen Lin Feng's ability to solve crimes, so he would have come directly to ask Lin Feng for help regardless of who Lin Feng was.

He really has no choice.

Three years of despair made this father feel despairing. But at this moment, those eyes of despair showed hope for the first time three years after his daughter disappeared.

He hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, let's find it quickly!"

"I'm going to mobilize all my contacts and find out which workshops within a three-kilometer radius can use golden nanmu. Mr. Lin, please wait a moment. The results will come soon."

With that said, the fat shopkeeper Fu Yang hurriedly walked out.

"Shop Manager Fu, there's no need to go to such trouble."

But at this time, Lin Feng stopped Fu Yang.

Fu Yang looked at Lin Feng in confusion and heard Lin Feng say: "Let's go to the Chang'an County Government to ask Magistrate Zhou for help. As long as it is within the jurisdiction of Chang'an County, there is nothing that Magistrate Zhou doesn't know. We can ask him directly. There will be results.”

"Looking for the government?"

Fu Yang couldn't help but frown when he heard Lin Feng's words.

Three years of fruitless service in the government made him have a bad impression of the government and made him even more doubtful about its ability.

Lin Feng nodded and said: "We must go to the government and ask the government to come forward."

He looked at the fat shopkeeper and said: "Shopkeeper Fu, don't forget, finding the workshop is not the goal. Finding the person hiding in the workshop who deceived your daughter is the ultimate goal!"

"As for you, the shopkeeper of a jewelry shop, after you arrive at the workshop, why would you ask someone to help you find the liar? What if they protect the liar?"

"Not to mention, what will we do when we find the liar?"

"We can't lynch people, right?"

"This..." The fat shopkeeper frowned.

As a businessman, he has a flexible mind and naturally understands what Lin Feng means.

Without the support of the government, he, an ordinary citizen, might not even be able to enter the workshop.

After all, it's not like he lost his daughter, so why should he help him?
Fu Yang took a deep breath, looked at Lin Feng, and said, "I understand what Mr. Lin means... But Mr. Lin, will the county government be willing to help us?"

"They haven't had any substantive results in the past three years. Maybe they have forgotten this case a long time ago."

"Now we suddenly tell them that we have found the person who lied to my daughter, can they believe it? If they don't believe it, I'm afraid they won't pay attention to us at all."

"Don't say help us, maybe they will kick us out directly."

The fat shopkeeper frowned and his face was full of worry. He had been dealing with the Chang'an County Government for three years and thought he knew the Chang'an County Government well enough.

It's not that Chang'an County Magistrate Zhou Helin is a dog official who feeds the common people, regardless of whether the people live or die, it's just that Chang'an County Government has so many cases every day, and they don't pay much attention to small cases.

Not to mention that more than three years have passed since his daughter's case. They may have given up on the case long ago.

Now I go to them myself, say I have clues, and directly ask them to help arrest people. How could they easily believe me and arrest people as soon as I say?

Even if they really believed him, he felt that the most the government officials could do was ask him to write down the clues and submit them to the county magistrate Zhou Helin.

Then, when Zhou Helin finished what he was doing and was free, he would look at the clues he presented.

If Zhou Helin thought the clues were really reasonable, he would probably send someone out.

This is the normal process of the county government.

But how long will it take?

He has been waiting for more than three years. Seeing that hope is right in front of him, he really doesn't want to wait for a moment longer.

Endless anxiety enveloped him, causing his brows that had finally relaxed to wrinkle into the character "Chuan" again.

Lin Feng took Fu Yang's expression into consideration. Having read countless people, he naturally understood what Fu Yang was thinking.

He said softly: "Don't worry, Shopkeeper Fu, what you are worried about will not happen. As long as we go to the county government office to find Magistrate Zhou, he will definitely send someone to help us immediately."

Fu Yang was stunned.

He couldn't help but look at Lin Feng blankly, not understanding why Mr. Lin in front of him had such confidence.

Is it possible that Mr. Lin in front of him can still go to the Yamen frequently and understand the system and procedures of the Yamen better?
"Shopkeeper Fu, just believe him."

At this time, Xiao Maner's sweet voice sounded, and she said with a smile: "If someone else makes a promise to you, it may not be possible, but if he asks, it will definitely work."

"after all……"

Xiao Man'er glanced at Lin Feng and said with a smile in her tone: "He is a benefactor who just did a great favor to County Magistrate Zhou. No one who speaks can have as much weight as his words to Magistrate Zhou."


Fu Yang was stunned for a moment, and he looked at Lin Feng in disbelief: "Master Lin, you... you have helped County Magistrate Zhou a lot, are you his benefactor?"


Suddenly, Fu Yang didn't know what he thought of. He suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at Lin Feng with an expression of shock and shock on his face. He couldn't help but said: "Master Lin, your surname is Lin, and you helped County Magistrate Zhou." ...As far as I know, not long ago, the detective Lin Sizheng helped Magistrate Zhou solve a major case..."

"Could it be that you are..."

When Lin Feng decided to go to the Yamen, he was no longer prepared to hide his identity.

So he faced Fu Yang's excited and disbelieving look, nodded slightly, and said, "It's me."

Fu Yang felt his head buzzing as he listened to Lin Feng reveal his identity.

He stared at Lin Feng blankly. At this moment, he felt as if he was dreaming.

"Lin Simasa? Are you really Lin Simasa!?"

"I actually begged the divine detective Lin Sizheng? And Lin Sizheng, the best detective in the Tang Dynasty, is actually helping me!?"

"Am I dreaming?"

Lin Feng's reputation as a superb detective has already spread throughout the Tang Dynasty.

Fu Yang's excuse for holding the event was that he was shocked and unable to extricate himself after hearing about Lin Feng's investigation...

From this we can see how high Lin Feng's status is in Fu Yang's heart.

But now, when he suddenly knew that the person who helped him was the legendary Lin Feng, the excitement, the shock, the dreamlike and unreal feeling rushed into his mind for a moment.

It made him dizzy.

Lin Feng looked at Fu Yang's shocked look and chuckled: "Shopkeeper Fu, you weren't dreaming. Aren't I standing in front of you right now?"

Fu Yang pinched his arm hard, and the severe pain made him excitedly say: "It's really not a dream!"

"That's right! Besides Lin Si Zheng, who else in the Tang Dynasty has this ability? In a short period of time, he can find out clues that the government could not find out in three years!"

"I should have thought of it a long time ago, I should have thought of it a long time ago!"

He was so excited that he couldn't help but dance.

As he said that, he quickly bowed deeply to Lin Feng: "I have met Lin Sizheng, Lin Sizheng. I don't know how to thank you. You are the majestic Dali Temple Master, but you are willing to help me, an ordinary citizen." , I, I really don’t know what to say.”

Lin Feng stepped forward to help the fat shopkeeper, and said softly: "As a member of Dali Temple, when encountering a case, you naturally have to investigate it carefully, so you don't have to think too much, catch the liar who deceived your daughter, and find you My daughter is the most important thing."

Listening to Lin Feng's words, Fu Yang was even more moved. He only felt that the disappointment he had received from the government in the past three years had disappeared in an instant because of Lin Feng alone.

He regained hope in the court.

He nodded hurriedly: "Yes, finding my daughter is the most important thing."

Xiao Maner stood aside quietly, looking at the two of them with clean and clear eyes, feeling that this scene made people feel very at ease and harmonious.

Her eyebrows curved into crescent moons, and she said with a smile: "Shopkeeper Fu, should you believe what we say now? The county government will definitely help us."

Fu Yang's face turned red, and he nodded quickly and said: "I believe it, of course I believe it. Even if I don't believe anyone, I will never disbelieve Lin Si Zheng!"

Lin Feng chuckled and said, "Then don't waste time. Let's go. First, go to the county government office to ask Magistrate Zhou for help."


Chang'an County Government.

In the back hall.

Chang'an County Magistrate Zhou Helin personally entertained Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said to Zhou Helin: "County Magistrate Zhou, I came uninvited and came to bother you. Please County Magistrate Zhou not to dislike my abruptness."

Zhou Helin shook his head hurriedly: "Where did Lin Sizheng say this? You just helped me solve a major case and you are still my good friend. Why would I find it offensive?"

Lin Feng smiled, he was just being polite.

After the pleasantries were over, he got straight to the point and said: "County Magistrate Zhou, I'm here for the case of the disappearance of Fu Yang's daughter Fu Xue. I wonder if you still remember Fu Xue's case?"

Zhou Helin glanced at Fu Yang, who looked nervous and awed, and nodded: "Of course I remember. He comes to the Yamen once a month to ask about his daughter. How can I forget?"


Zhou Helin looked at Lin Feng and said, "This case is really difficult to handle. To be honest, I have found out that Fu Xue's disappearance may not have been because of her visit to Puguang Temple to worship Buddha, but because of an accident that occurred during her secret meeting with her lover."

"It's just that her lover didn't have any clues, and Fu Yang didn't know anything about it, so I couldn't do anything. The case just hung there without any progress."

Lin Feng heard this and smiled: "I understand Magistrate Zhou's difficulties. This case is indeed difficult to handle."

"Na Lin Si Zheng, who are you?" Zhou Helin asked doubtfully.

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Although it is difficult to solve, I still found some clues. Now I can basically determine the location of Miss Fu's lover, so I want to ask the Yamen to help arrest him."


Zhou Helin stared, his face full of surprise and surprise: "You already know the whereabouts of Miss Fu's lover? did you do it?"

Lin Feng immediately told how he discovered Fu Xueqinglang's gift and the clues he deduced based on the gift.

After listening to Lin Feng's story, Zhou Helin couldn't hide his shock and admiration on his face.

He was silent for a long time, looked at Lin Feng carefully up and down, and couldn't help but said: "Lin Sizheng, I am really impressed by your ability to solve cases!"

"I saw the embroidered shoes under Fu Xue's bed three years ago, but I never considered its function... Your ability to observe details really impresses me!"

Lin Feng smiled humbly: "I'm just lucky."

He stopped continuing the topic and said directly: "County Magistrate Zhou, can you help us?"

When Zhou Helin heard this, he stood up without any hesitation and said: "Needless to say, of course I will set off immediately!"

"This case has been pending for three years. I also want to solve it as soon as possible. Today, with the help of Lin Simasa, there is finally the dawn of detection. How can I delay!"


Zhou Helin said: "I will personally take the people and accompany you to arrest them!"

Seeing that Zhou Helin was actually going to take the initiative, Fu Yang was suddenly excited.

He knew that with Zhou Helin here, he didn't have to worry about the government officials not working hard.

As long as the thief can be found, he will be captured!
Thinking of this, Fu Yang looked at Lin Feng with an expression that was even more grateful. He knew very well that the reason why Zhou Helin paid so much attention to it and went there in person was all because of Lin Feng.


The entrance to a large workshop.

Zhou Helin and others stood in front of the closed door.

Zhou Helin introduced to Lin Feng: "Lin Sizheng, we will screen according to your conditions. Only this workshop meets the conditions."

"This workshop has a background from the Ministry of Works and has taken on many tasks from the Ministry of Works. Many of the utensils in the palace and ministers' palaces are made by this workshop."

Listening to Zhou Helin's words, Lin Feng nodded suddenly.

No wonder such a large workshop could be built in the city of Chang'an, where land was at a premium. It turned out to be very reasonable because he had a background from the Ministry of Industry.

He said: "With a background from the Ministry of Industry, if we go to arrest people, will they be willing to cooperate with us?"

Zhou Helin sneered and said: "He has a background from the Ministry of Industry, but he is not a yamen of the Ministry of Industry. If the government arrests people, if anyone dares not to cooperate, then he will be punished as an accessory!"

In front of Lin Feng, Zhou Helin was very polite and gentle.

But when it comes to other people, he is very domineering.

"Call the door!" Zhou Helin waved his hand directly.

Soon some government officials came forward and knocked on the door. When the door was opened, the officials rushed in without giving the person who opened the door a chance to speak.

Zhou Helin said: "Lin Sizheng, let's go directly to the shopkeeper of this workshop to question him."

Lin Feng nodded. It would save trouble, so he was naturally willing.

"Seal all entrances and exits of the workshop and prohibit anyone from entering or exiting!"

Zhou Helin gave instructions to the yamen servant, and then walked into the workshop with Lin Feng and others.

Along the way they met many people, including nursing homes and workers.

But without exception, these people did not dare to stop them and could only watch them go in.

After they spoke, they whispered.

"What happened?"

"Why are the people from the Yamen here?"

"I don't know. Judging from their aggressive appearance, they seem to be coming with bad intentions."

While the workers and nursing staff were talking about each other, Lin Feng and others had already passed through most of the workshop, and at this moment, a dozen people suddenly appeared in front, rushing toward them in a hurry.

The leader is over forty years old. He is dressed luxuriously and wears a jade ring on his finger. The word wealth is reflected in his whole body.

Arriving in front of Lin Feng and others, he quickly saluted: "Zhu Wen, the shopkeeper of the small workshop, has met County Magistrate Zhou. I wonder why Magistrate Zhou is here?"

Zhou Helin looked at Zhu Wen and said calmly: "Zhu Wen, your workshop deliberately shields the prisoners. Why do you think I am here?"


When Zhu Wen heard Zhou Helin's words, his expression suddenly changed.

He quickly said: "County Magistrate Zhou, there must be a misunderstanding! This villain has always done his business honestly, how dare you protect any criminal!"

Zhou Helin glanced at him and said, "If there is any misunderstanding, we will find out soon!"

As he spoke, he walked directly inside without stopping.

When Zhu Wen and others saw this, they quickly followed behind them, sweating, and kept explaining.

But Zhou Helin didn't say a word more.

Lin Feng saw this scene and nodded secretly in his heart.

Zhou Helin is indeed a person who can secure the position of Chang'an County Magistrate, and he has many tricks.From the moment he entered the workshop, Zhou Helin was creating a sense of oppression.

Now Zhou Helin said that half should be kept and half should be kept, which frightened Zhu Wen and others even more.

Originally, people like Zhu Wen were backed by the Ministry of Industry and had money in their hands. They were the kind of people who were both rich and powerful. They were scheming, sophisticated, and quite arrogant. It might be difficult to get them to cooperate obediently.

But now, with Zhou Helin's methods, they have completely entered Zhou Helin's rhythm, and they don't dare to have any other thoughts at all.

Soon, they arrived at the reception hall of the workshop.

The shopkeeper Zhu Wen quickly asked Zhou Helin to take a seat.

But who knew that Zhou Helin stopped directly, looked at Lin Feng, and said: "Lin Si Zheng, you take the main seat."

"What? Lin Simasa!?"

Zhou Helin's words immediately stunned Zhu Wen.

"Zhu Wen, you don't even know about the famous detective Lin Si Zheng, do you?" Zhou Helin said lightly: "You didn't even look at Lin Si Zheng along the way. You are really rude."


Listening to Zhou Helin's words, Zhu Wen suddenly realized that the backbone of Zhou Helin's group was not Zhou Helin at all, and he had actually ignored the real leader!
His face suddenly turned pale, and he looked at Lin Feng in panic. He quickly bowed to Lin Feng and apologized: "Lin Si Zheng, villain. I don't know Lin Si Zheng's identity, so I was negligent. I hope Lin Si Zheng will forgive me."

Lin Feng looked at Zhu Wen's panicked look and couldn't help but look at Zhou Helin.

Then he saw Zhou Helin winking at him.

Lin Feng suddenly understood.

Zhou Helin is building momentum for himself.

With the premise that Zhu Wen is disrespectful to him, the next step is not to manipulate Zhu Wen however he wants.
As expected of Fang Xuanling's student, he has figured out the scheming city.

Sure enough, the choice he made to help Zhou Helin before was correct. If Zhou Helin has such a scheming attitude, he will definitely be his important partner in the court in the future... Lin Feng was feeling emotional in his heart, but he didn't show it at all on the surface.

He looked at Zhu Wen calmly and said: "Shopkeeper Zhu, don't worry, I don't care about these false courtesy. As long as you can answer my questions truthfully, I will be satisfied."

Lin Feng said he didn't care, but his voice was cold. How could he show that he didn't care?
Zhu Wen felt that cold sweat had soaked all his clothes in an instant. He hurriedly knelt down and said, "If you have any questions, just ask Lin Si. As long as the villain knows something, he will tell you everything he knows!"

Xiao Man'er sat on the right side of Lin Feng, her eyes suddenly brightened when she saw Lin Feng's completely different demeanor and behavior.

How could she not know that Lin Feng was deliberately trying to scare Zhu Wen like this?

Not to mention, Lin Feng's current appearance seemed a bit strange even to her. In Lin Feng, she actually saw the shadow of her father when he manipulated his subordinates.

This made Xiao Man'er become more and more curious about Lin Feng. She wanted to know more about what aspects of Lin Feng she didn't know about.

"I'm asking you."

Lin Feng said expressionlessly: "Does the person in charge of purchasing in your workshop go out once every three days?"

Zhu Wen was stunned for a moment. He was very surprised: "How could Lin Sizheng know this?"

Hearing Zhu Wen's words, Xiao Man'er and others felt happy in their hearts.

Zhu Wen's answer undoubtedly proved that Lin Feng's inference was correct and that their chosen target was correct!
Fu Yang's hands were shaking uncontrollably, and he felt that the dawn was getting closer and closer.

"I have my own way of knowing, you don't need to ask any more."

Lin Feng knew it in his heart, but there was no change on the surface.

He continued to ask Zhu Wen: "In your workshop, how many people are responsible for purchasing?"

Zhu Wen quickly said: "There are two people buying daily necessities and vegetables and meat, and there are five people buying materials for workmanship."

"In other words, there are only seven people in total?"


Lin Feng continued: "Are these seven people very mobile? From the third year of Zhenguan to now, have any of them left?"

Listening to Lin Feng's questions, Fu Yang held his breath subconsciously, because he knew that Lin Feng's words actually meant asking...whether the liar who deceived his daughter was still here!
At this moment, even Xiao Man'er and Zhou Helin became nervous.

Then they heard Zhu Wendao: "No one left. Our workshop is backed by the Ministry of Works. We have a lot of work and naturally earn a lot of copper coins. Such high wages are simply unreachable in other places, so as long as people come in, None of them left voluntarily.”

Huh... Almost at the same time, everyone let out a sigh of relief.

Fu Yang was so excited that he almost jumped up.

If no one leaves, it means there are still people!
The thief who deceived his daughter is in the workshop where he is now!
Soon!We need to catch this guy!

Daughter, daddy is going to know about you soon!
Lin Feng glanced at the excited Fu Yang and decided not to let his anxious father wait any longer.

He looked at Zhu Wen and said directly: "I want to ask you about someone."

Zhu Wen said quickly: "Lin Si, please speak."

"Among the seven people responsible for purchasing in your workshop, is there anyone like this... He is literate, proficient in carving, and can participate in the manufacturing of golden nanmu utensils, but he cannot save money. Due to some kind of The reason is that we are extremely short of money, and every time we get paid, we will quickly run out of money.”

As Lin Feng's words sounded, Fu Yang's eyes fell firmly on Zhu Wen.

Xiao Man'er and Zhou Helin also looked at him expectantly.

Zhu Wen frowned. He thought for a moment and said: "Golden nanmu is the most precious wood in our workshop. To be able to participate in the manufacturing of golden nanmu utensils, the craftsmanship must be at the forefront. Among these seven people , only three people have this qualification."

"And proficient in carving technology... all three of them are proficient in it. After all, when manufacturing golden nanmu utensils, you need to carve exquisite patterns. It is impossible without this technology."

"But there are only two people who can't save money. One is Wu Cheng. He is addicted to gambling. Once he has money in his hands, he will gamble with others as soon as possible. But he has bad luck in gambling and often loses, so It won't take long for him to run out of money, and if our workshop hadn't taken care of him, he would have starved to death."

"The other person's name is Yang Feng. He doesn't gamble, but he borrowed a lot of money when he was treating his mother, so he quickly paid off the debt as soon as his salary was paid, so he couldn't save much money."

Wu Cheng is gambling, Yang Feng is in are they two people?

Fu Yang couldn't help but said: "What about literacy? Why didn't you mention this condition?"

Zhu Wen said: "Who comes out to sell their craftsmanship, how can anyone read a book and know how to read? None of these seven people can read, so I didn't say anything."

"What? Not literate?"

Fu Yang was stunned for a moment: "Why not?"

He couldn't help but look at Lin Feng, his eyes full of surprise and nervousness.

He was afraid that Lin Feng would make a wrong judgment and fall short of success.

Zhou Helin also frowned slightly at this time, and his eyes also fell on Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng looked indifferent, without any surprise.

He said calmly: "A liar is afraid of being discovered by his mistress, so he hides some of his secrets. Is it worth the surprise?"

Everyone was slightly startled when they heard Lin Feng's words.

Although Xiao Man'er has known Lin Feng for a short time, she is smart and has a great tacit understanding with Lin Feng.

She hurriedly said: "Lin Si Zheng, do you have a way to find out who is the real thief among these two people?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Lin Feng nervously.

Lin Feng chuckled and nodded: "What's so difficult about this?"

"As I said before, the thief was literate, but in the end his knowledge was limited, which shows that he was educated, but an accident happened at home and he was unable to continue studying."

"He deliberately concealed these things, so the people in the workshop naturally don't know."

"But his relatives and neighbors definitely know about this!"

"In other words, as long as you send people to their homes to inquire, you will naturally know who is literate and who is not."

When everyone heard this, their eyes couldn't help but light up.

Fu Yang said hurriedly: "Yes, just ask their family members or neighbors, you will definitely know this... It turns out that it is so simple to judge."

So simple?
Zhou Helin glanced at Fu Yang, his eyelids twitching.

The method is indeed simple, but that's because Lin Feng is investigating this case.

Let's look at it with someone else and see if it's still simple?
Xiao Maner looked at Zhu Wen and said, "Where is their hometown?"

Zhu Wen frowned and said: "Their hometown is not in Chang'an City, and they don't have any relatives in Chang'an City. If we go to their hometown to inquire, it will take at least two or three days to go back and forth."

When Fu Yang heard this, his heart sank: "It actually takes that long!?"

He was about to catch someone, but he had to wait for so many days. To him, this was tantamount to wishing to be close in front of him, but he could only look at it but not be able to touch it.

This makes it even more difficult.

"It takes a long time, so let's try another method."

At this moment, Fu Yang, who was suffering in his heart, suddenly heard Lin Feng's relaxed voice.

He was startled, then understood something, and hurriedly raised his head to look at Lin Feng.

Then Lin Feng looked at Zhu Wen and said, "Is Wu Cheng still gambling now? Yang Feng is still continuing to pay back the money?"

Zhu Wen nodded: "That's right."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "Since they are still gambling and paying off debts, it means that no matter who they are, they are still very short of money... In other words, they should still continue to cheat money."

"According to what Shopkeeper Zhu said, they all live and eat in the workshop, but if he wants to lie to others, the wood carvings, pens, inks, paper and inkstones must not be hidden in the workshop. It would be too easy to be exposed."

"So, they must have a place to hide these outside the workshop."

"But shopkeeper Zhu also said that their hometown is not in Chang'an City, and they don't have any relatives in Chang'an City... So if they want to find a safe enough place, they can only spend money to rent a house."

Everyone thought for a moment and nodded in agreement with Lin Feng's inference.

Lin Feng continued: "But he even uses the worst paper, which shows that he is very financially strapped, so it can be inferred that the house he rents must also be the cheapest."

"In addition, the time he has to leave the workshop is limited each time. He has to get paper and start writing... In order to ensure that he has enough time to contact the target woman, he must waste the least time in this area. That’s right, that means that the house he rented must be near the workshop, it’s definitely very close!”

"After all, his goal cannot always be on the same line, so his house cannot be guaranteed to be on the only way. Only being near the workshop can satisfy his plan to reach any goal."

"And the house he rents is not accessible every day. Basically, he doesn't live there at night. He only goes there once every three days at most... Neighbors will definitely pay attention to such weird behavior."


Lin Feng looked at Zhou Helin and said: "County Magistrate Zhou only needs to go to Yaxing and ask about the cheapest houses near the workshop, and then send people to the neighbors to ask about which house is the weirdest. I think there will be results. "

"And that is his secret base. There must be a lot of traces of his life. Based on those traces, it should not be difficult for Magistrate Zhou to determine who the target is among the two people, right?"

When Zhou Helin heard this, he stood up immediately.

He looked into Lin Feng's eyes, full of surprise and admiration, and said, "Lin Sizheng, you really shock me time and time again!"

"The secret base is such a hidden place, but you can actually deduce it from just a few words!"

"Don't worry, as long as we can find his secret base, I will definitely find him!"

Lin Feng had already done so much, and Zhou Helin couldn't just sit there, so he simply led the team to investigate in person.

Watching Zhou Helin and others leave in a hurry, Lin Feng picked up the water glass and took a sip of tea.

He looked at everyone with a smile and said: "Don't be tense, relax. If nothing happens, Magistrate Zhou will bring the person to us soon."

Although he said this, there were too few people who could truly be as calm and composed as Lin Feng.

Fu Yang kept looking outside, looking anxious.

Xiao Man'er's gaze fell on Lin Feng from time to time.

Without comparison before, Xiao Maner only felt that Lin Feng's reasoning was very powerful.

But now with the comparison of Zhou Helin, a veteran county magistrate, Xiao Maner knew what the gap between Lin Feng and others was.

Sharp thinking, terrifying ability to observe details, never complaining or sighing due to difficulties, diversified thinking directions, and absolute self-confidence.

All of this allowed Lin Feng to drink water slowly and steadily, while Zhou Helin could only run errands.

An hour passed.

Fu Yang started to rub his hands together anxiously. Suddenly, a burst of footsteps came quickly from outside.

Fu Yang quickly looked out the door.

Then he saw Zhou Helin striding over.

As soon as he entered the gate, Zhou Helin said: "Lin Sizheng, you are really amazing! Everything is as you expected. We found a small dilapidated house only one street away from the workshop gate."

"According to the people in Yahang, the house has been rented out for five years, but the name of the renter is neither Wucheng nor Yang Feng."

"What? Not them?" Fu Yang's heart tightened.

Lin Feng was very calm: "The house is so close to the workshop. If he used his real name, wouldn't it be easy to be discovered? So it is normal for him to rent a house under a false name."

Zhou Helin smiled and nodded; "I really can't hide anything from you!"

Fu Yang was relieved when he heard this. He hurriedly asked: "What next?"

Zhou Helin continued: "Then we asked the nearby neighbors and learned that no one had ever lived in the house at night since it was rented out. They all thought there was something weird in the house."

"With this information, we just broke down the door and entered."

"Guess what we found in that house?"

Fu Yang subconsciously asked: "What?"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "It's just a wooden sculpture with a body and no head, pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and some clothes."

Zhou Helin looked at Lin Feng with an expression full of admiration. He couldn't help but said: "Lin Sizheng, have you gone to see it secretly? How come you know everything so clearly? Even the clothes!"

"You guessed it right again?"

Zhu Wen, who was eating melon on the side, couldn't help but look at Lin Feng in shock when he heard this.

The corners of Xiao Man'er's lips raised slightly, and she no longer thought this was anything surprising.

Lin Feng smiled and said: "It's very simple. If he wants to go out and deceive people, he can also give away such a precious wood carving as golden nanmu. He must be pretending to be a young master from a wealthy family."

"So, he must have at least a few sets of high-quality clothes, but he lives in a workshop for food and accommodation, and is still a pauper in front of other people. How can he have such good clothes?"

"Therefore, those good clothes can only be hidden in secret bases like those things that cannot be seen in the light."

Zhou Helin couldn't help stroking his palms and said: "Lin Si Zheng is really wise and his guess is accurate!"

He said: "It will be much easier if you find these clothes, because Wu Cheng and Yang Feng have completely different body shapes. One of them is fat and the other is thin, so you only need to let them wear the clothes, and you will naturally know what these clothes are." who."

"And in the end, based on my inspection results..."

Zhou Helin said slowly: "The owner of those clothes is Yang Feng!"

"Yang Feng!?"

When Fu Yang heard Zhou Helin's words, he quickly looked at Lin Feng. He only believed Lin Feng and said, "Lin Sizheng, so you say this man named Yang Feng is a liar who deceived my daughter?"

Lin Feng looked at Fu Yang's nervous, expectant and hateful eyes, slowly exhaled, nodded and said, "It should be him."

Fu Yang's pupils trembled violently, and endless hatred instantly enveloped him. He turned his head sharply to look at Zhou Helin, and said: "County Magistrate Zhou, where is he? Where is that hateful Yang Feng?"

Zhou Helin clapped his hands: "Bring him in!"

Everyone hurriedly looked outside the door.

Then I saw two government officials walking in, holding down a 25-year-old man.

This man was seven feet tall and his appearance... Lin Feng estimated that he was half as handsome as himself. No wonder he was able to deceive the girls. He finally understood.

At this time, his head was lowered, his face was pale, and his steps were frivolous. Without the support of the government officials, he might not be able to walk.

"Yang Feng! It was you who killed my daughter! I want to kill you! I must kill you!"

Fu Yang yelled angrily and was about to rush towards Yang Feng, but the Yamen officer stopped him.

"Shop Manager Fu, don't be impulsive. We have arrested the person. This time we will definitely get justice for your daughter!"

The officials quickly persuaded him.

Fu Yang gritted his teeth, his eyes were red, and tears were streaming down his face: "Three years! It's been a full three years!"

"I have been looking for my daughter for three years, how can you tell me not to be impulsive?"

"It's this guy! It was him who caused my daughter to disappear for three whole years. Until now, I don't know whether my daughter is dead or alive..."

He roared with grief and anger, tears streaming down his face: "And now, this culprit is right in front of me, how can you tell me to calm down!?"

(End of this chapter)
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