People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 129 Breaking the mystery!The most critical physical evidence!

Chapter 129 Breaking the mystery!The most critical physical evidence! ([-]-in-[-])

Lin Feng's words were like the cold wind of the twelfth lunar month in winter, instantly making Fu Yang feel like he had fallen into an ice cave.

His face suddenly turned pale at this moment, his whole body was trembling uncontrollably, and his eyes instantly turned red.

" could this be..."

"If this is really the case, if this is really the case... Xue'er, why is she so stupid? No matter how important money is, in my heart, it is not as important as a hair of hers!"

"I would rather have nothing than let her get hurt at all."

Fu Yang raised his hands to cover his cheeks, tears dripping down uncontrollably.

Lin Feng's words made his heart hurt so much that it felt like it was broken.

When he thought that his daughter might have an accident because he kept his money, he felt pain like a knife.

Even Xiao Man'er, who had always been calm, now frowned slightly, and her beautiful eyes were full of solemnity.

Lin Feng looked at the two people, took a deep breath, and said: "But all this is just my speculation after all. We have no conclusive evidence to prove this, so next we need to determine who Miss Fu's lover is. As long as we can find her, My lover, you will know what happened three years ago."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the fat shopkeeper nodded heavily. He gritted his teeth and said with a trembling voice: "Yes, if you find him, you must find this hateful guy!"

He looked at Lin Feng and begged: "Master Lin, you must help me find him."

"Xue'er, now I just want to see people alive and see a corpse when dead... I can't let her be alone outside and become a lonely ghost..."

Lin Feng could feel the pain and struggle of a father. He nodded: "Since I promised you, I will do my best."

When Fu Yang heard this, it was as if a traveler walking in endless darkness finally saw a light, and that light was Lin Feng.

Xiao Man'er stood quietly aside, her eyes couldn't help but look at Lin Feng, who pursed his lips and meditated. A strange color flashed through his moist, cut eyes.

With her keen mind, she could feel that Lin Feng had been intentionally guiding and caring for Fu Yang. He was deliberately distracting Fu Yang so that the father would not collapse.

"He is kind and delicate at heart." Xiao Maner came to this conclusion.

Lin Feng said at this time: "Shopkeeper Fu, did the Chang'an County Magistrate also ask you the question three years ago?"


The fat shopkeeper frowned and nodded: "I did ask some questions. He also asked my daughter if she was in love with someone and if she was getting married. But at that time, I had no idea that Xueer had someone in mind, so my answer was no."

Lin Feng nodded slightly.

He said that based on his understanding of Chang'an County Magistrate Zhou Helin, Zhou Helin was very capable. As long as he carefully investigated Fu Xue's room, it was impossible not to notice that Fu Xue had a sweetheart problem.

Thinking of the lost jewelry, he must also be suspicious of Fu Xue's lover.

Zhou Helin didn't tell the fat shopkeeper this, probably because he thought it would be of no use, so that the fat shopkeeper thought that the people in the yamen had done nothing, but in fact they had made a lot of efforts.

But even though Zhou Helin noticed it three years ago, he still couldn't find Fu Xue in these three years.

That can only mean one thing... There is a problem in finding Fu Xue's mysterious lover.

Lin Feng's brain was spinning rapidly, and countless thoughts were swirling.

Fu Yang knew nothing about his daughter's lover, and could not find out anything about his daughter's lover from him.

And Fu Xue disappeared without saying a word about her lover...

All this makes finding the mysterious lover difficult.

Where to find the breakthrough point is crucial.

Lin Feng thought for a moment, then suddenly looked at Xiao Man'er and said, "Miss Xiao, can I ask you a question?"

Xiao Maner was a little surprised and said: "What?"

Lin Feng said seriously: "You girls, how will you behave when you have someone you like?"

After all, women in the Tang Dynasty were different from women in later generations. After Lin Feng traveled through time, the women he came into contact with were either victims or prisoners. He had never had contact with normal women.

So he really didn't know how a normal woman in this era would behave after suddenly falling in love.

Xiao Man'er was very smart, and she immediately understood what Lin Feng meant just by listening to Lin Feng's question.

She thought for a while and then said: "If a normal woman has someone she likes, she will definitely miss her day and night. She will talk about the person she likes with other people from time to time, praise her sweetheart in various ways, and also hope that others will People can praise their sweethearts and gain approval from others.”

A normal woman?

Lin Feng was puzzled as to why Xiao Man'er added the phrase "a normal woman". Isn't she like that?
Xiao Man'er seemed to notice Lin Feng's confusion and blinked playfully without explaining.

Lin Feng looked at the fat shopkeeper and said, "Shopkeeper Fu, you heard it too. Before your daughter disappeared, did she ever have such a special situation, where she didn't think about food and tea, or who she often mentioned in front of you?"

The fat shopkeeper frowned and thought for a long time, then shook his head: "No, her appetite has always been stable, and there is no time when she doesn't miss food."

"As for other people... she has never mentioned it in front of me. If she suddenly mentions a man, I will definitely pay attention. After all, I was already choosing a husband for her at that time."

Lin Feng frowned slightly and said, "It's easy to understand why he doesn't mention his sweetheart in front of Shopkeeper Fu. His sweetheart is very cautious and must have told her many times not to mention it, so it's normal that Shopkeeper Fu hasn't heard of it."

"But her appetite has not been affected..." He looked at Xiao Man'er: "What does this mean?"

Xiao Man'er thought for a moment and said, "It means she doesn't suffer from lovesickness."

"Aren't you suffering from lovesickness?"

Xiao Maner nodded and explained to the single straight man Lin Feng: "When a woman has a sweetheart, it is easy to worry about gains and losses, especially a woman like Miss Fu who can give away all her jewelry for her sweetheart. The fact that she can do this is enough to show that she She must be very much in love with her sweetheart.”

"In this case, she is more susceptible to the influence of her sweetheart, and becomes worried about gains and losses. In life, she will occasionally be happy for no reason, and occasionally she will be sad and tearful very suddenly. When it comes to eating, she will suddenly Appetite becomes better, or appetite becomes smaller, or even unable to eat.”

"But Shopkeeper Fu said that Miss Fu is not in this situation, which only means that Miss Fu is not suffering from lovesickness. Her lover should continue to give her a sense of security and not give her the opportunity to worry about gains and losses."

Lin Feng nodded. As expected, Xiao Maner, who is also a woman, understands this kind of girl thing better.

He asked: "How can we give a woman a sufficient sense of security?"

Xiao Man'er glanced at Lin Feng and said: "It's very simple. Always accompany her, take good care of her, often give her gifts such as rouge jewelry, turn a blind eye to other women, and promise to marry her... If you can do these, that's about it."

This is no different from the future generations.

Lin Feng thought for a moment, then looked at the fat shopkeeper and said, "You just said that no one came to see Miss Fu during the period before she disappeared, right?"

The fat shopkeeper nodded hurriedly: "Yes! If you want to enter my home, you have to go through the jewelry shop, so I can be sure that no one has been here."

Lin Feng thought for a moment and then asked, "Did your daughter go out often in the months before she disappeared?"

The fat shopkeeper shook his head without any hesitation: "I don't go out often."

"It's no different from usual. She basically doesn't go out except to buy groceries, clothes, and books."

Lin Feng frowned and looked at Xiao Man'er. Xiao Man'er also had doubts in her eyes at this time. The two smart people obviously wanted to go together.

Lin Feng said: "Miss Xiao, the first thing about the sense of security you just mentioned is to always be with me."

"But Ms. Fu's lover has never come to see her, and she doesn't go out often. So how can her lover give her the sense of security of always being with him?"

Xiao Maner shook her head. It was obvious that she couldn't figure this out, but she was sure that what she said was correct.

"and also."

Lin Feng thought: "Miss Fu doesn't go out very much, so how did she meet her lover? From acquaintance to falling in love, two strangers need some contact, right? Even if they fall in love at first sight, how can they go from meeting to being confirmed? Relationships also require at least two contacts.”

"Not to mention that Miss Fu's lover later has to give her a sense of security and care. It's impossible to do this without meeting. So how did they meet?"

Xiao Maner still shook her head.

She is certainly smart, but her intelligence lies in reading and insight into people's hearts, not in this kind of logical reasoning.

So she couldn't give Lin Feng an answer for a while.

Lin Feng came to the door and looked towards the yard.

This courtyard is like a courtyard, with no walls visible.

There are houses all around, so even if someone wants to climb over the wall to get in or out, they can't.

In other words, if Miss Fu wants to meet her lover, she must go through the jewelry store run by Fu Yang.

And Fu Yang was in the jewelry shop every day, so it was impossible not to notice someone coming in and out.

Could it be that they met secretly while shopping for groceries and clothes?

But Fu Yang said that the number of times Fu Xue went out did not suddenly increase compared with the past.

How can a man and woman in love resist not meeting each other?Even if I make excuses, I should go out twice more.

But Fu Xue was not like this.

And Fu Xue still gained enough sense of security.

Why is this happening?

Lin Feng finally understood why Zhou Helin had not gained much in three years. It was actually a lot of things that were contradictory and unclear.

He paced back and forth, thinking about these contradictory questions in his mind.

Seeing Lin Feng pacing and thinking, Fu Yang quickly held his breath and looked at Lin Feng with an expectant and nervous expression.

Xiao Man'er's beautiful phoenix eyes followed Lin Feng closely.

Looking at Lin Feng's tightly pursed lips, taut jawline, and sharp-edged profile, Xiao Man'er could feel Lin Feng's pressure, and even more so, Lin Feng's determination. She just felt that Lin Feng was like a ball of fire. I will not give up until the truth hidden in the darkness is illuminated.

At this time, Lin Feng's steps suddenly stopped.

He raised his head and looked at the two of them and said, "I can think of two possibilities."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Fu Yang quickly showed joy and said, "What's possible?"

Xiao Man'er's moist eyes were also full of curiosity.

Lin Feng said: "Either Miss Fu met her lover in some way that we did not expect. This method requires us to make inferences based on Miss Fu's previous whereabouts."

After saying that, Lin Feng looked at Fu Yang and said, "Shopkeeper Fu, I hope you can write down the whereabouts of Miss Fu for at least three months before she disappeared, and you must be specific about every day."

"You don't need to specify the specific time, but you must write down what she did that day, whether she went out or not, what she did when she went out, and what she did when she didn't go out... But it has been three years since these things happened. do you remember?"

Fu Yang nodded heavily without hesitation.

He said: "Mr. Lin may not know that, for me, my whole life's memory seems to be stuck on the day Xueer disappeared."

"In the past three years since Xueer disappeared, I have been living in a state of confusion every day. If you ask me what happened in the past three years, I might not be able to tell you."

"But during the period before Xueer disappeared, almost every time I closed my eyes, the scene at that time would appear. I also thought about whether Xueer ran away from home or had an accident, so I was there every day. Thinking about what happened before she disappeared, those things are firmly engraved in my mind. Even if I may forget everything, I will never forget about my daughter!"

Listening to Fu Yang's words, Lin Feng was silent.

For a father who was dependent on his daughter, after her daughter disappeared, his life seemed to have lost all hope and motivation for a moment, as if the joys and sorrows were separated, and everything stopped on that day... Lin Feng could understand Fu Yang.

In the cases he handled in his previous life, there were many family members of the victims who were like this and could not get over the painful past.

It's not that I can't, but I don't want to.

Because only by staying in those memories can they see relatives they will never see again.

Lin Feng nodded: "Next, shopkeeper Lao Fu will write down what happened during that period in detail. If you forget, just leave it blank and don't write randomly."

Fu Yang nodded heavily: "Don't worry, I remember everything very clearly and will never forget it."

Lin Feng nodded slightly and continued: "And the second possibility..."

His eyes fell on the two of them again and said: "Miss Fu may not need to see her lover to relieve her lovesickness..."

Xiao Man'er's eyes moved slightly and said: "You mean...she has something that can comfort her lovesickness, something that can put her lovesickness on?"

Lin Feng nodded: "Miss Xiao, you just mentioned that if you want to gain a sense of security, in addition to companionship, gifts from your lover are also one of them."

"So, I think... if there are gifts from the lover, or letters or other things that can express each other's feelings, then even if we don't meet often, Miss Fu should be able to feel a sense of security."

Just like the long-distance love in later generations.

We often buy gifts, send messages when nothing happens, and occasionally see each other. As long as we have a deep relationship, I won't see anyone who doesn't want to eat or drink.

Xiao Maner thought about it seriously, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she looked at Lin Feng with her bright eyes: "There is indeed such a possibility... Even based on the fact that Miss Fu doesn't go out very often, this possibility is extremely high."

Lin Feng, who pursed his lips tightly, finally showed a smile. He looked at the fat shopkeeper and said, "Shopkeeper Fu, have you ever seen your daughter take anything that doesn't belong to her?"

"Or after your daughter disappeared, did you find anything in her room or elsewhere that did not belong to your family?"

Fu Yang frowned and shook his head: "No."


Did you guess wrong?Or is it being hidden?

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes, pondered for a moment, and said: "We are divided into two groups. Shopkeeper Fu should first write down Miss Fu's whereabouts before she disappeared. Let's rummage around to see if there is anything deliberately hidden by Miss Fu. ”

When Fu Yang heard this, he didn't hesitate. He nodded hurriedly: "I'll write it right away... Mr. Lin can browse through whatever he wants. It doesn't matter even if my house is demolished. As long as I can find clues about my daughter, I can do anything." don't want."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Don't worry, Shopkeeper Fu, even if we want to demolish it, we don't have the ability."

Of course Fu Yang understood this. He just told Lin Feng his attitude. In order to find his daughter, he would not give Lin Feng any restrictions.

After saying that, he walked out of the room and went to his room to write down his daughter's whereabouts.

After he left, Xiao Man'er looked at Lin Feng and asked curiously: "Do we need to search this room again? We have just searched it."

Lin Feng looked at the room that was used as a bedroom and study, and said slowly: "Search again... We just rummaged briefly before, but if Fu Xue wants to hide her lover's things perfectly, it will never be easily found. "

"And for Fu Xue, her room is the place where she feels most psychologically safe, and it is also the place where she can reveal her true feelings without any reservation, so I think that if there is really something given to her by her lover, it should be hidden in this room The highest probability.”

Xiao Man'er nodded and agreed, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

With that said, Xiao Man'er took the initiative to look through those wardrobes.

Lin Feng looked at Xiao Man'er's rummaging figure seriously, and looked at the sunlight passing through the window and shining on her body. He felt that Xiao Man'er's fair skin seemed to be shining, which made Lin Feng suddenly feel like the sister next door. .

It was obviously the first time that he and Xiao Maner met.

But Xiao Maner gave him the feeling that he had known her for a long time. It was very natural and he didn't feel awkward at all when getting along with her.

This state made Lin Feng feel very comfortable.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Feng temporarily dismissed the word "blind date" from his mind, looked at the room, and began to search.

He rummaged through the study area first.

It can be seen from the paper Fu Xue wrote that Fu Xue is a girl who likes to express her feelings.

Because of her promise to her lover, she could not tell her father about her lover, but she wrote out her feelings and thoughts through those love poems.

It can be seen from this aspect that Fu Xue must have missed her lover in the study often.

So, if there was a gift given to her by her lover, would Fu Xue hide it in this study?
When she misses her lover, she can take it out at any time, and when she looks at the gift, the sweetness in her heart will make her want to express it through pen and ink?
While thinking about it, Lin Feng sat on the stool next to the table.

He closed his eyes, calmed his heart, let his thinking be in the most active state, and let his reason be in the calmest state. He wanted to become a master, be the most picky about any details, and look at them with the most critical eyes. Everything.

At this time, he opened his eyes.

The dark eyes were soaked in the thick ink of the night, without any unnecessary emotions.

His gaze swept across the study area inch by inch.

From bookshelves to walls.

From the ground to the decoration.

Saw it inch by inch.

But Lin Feng didn't find anything unusual.

The books on the bookshelf are arranged neatly, and the paintings on the wall are not tilted at all.There are no scratches or indentations on the ground.

Lin Feng thought for a while, then stood up and went to the bookshelf. He took out all the books on the bookshelf and checked them to make sure that there were no problems with the books and that there was nothing hidden behind the books.

Move the bookshelf and the wall behind the bookshelf will remain intact.

Check the calligraphy and painting on the wall separately. There is no hidden structure behind the calligraphy and painting.

Lin Feng stood at the door, frowning slightly.

He suddenly realized that he might have thought too complicatedly.

Fu Xue is just an ordinary woman, she should not be able to build any mechanism secretly...

It wouldn't be that complicated for her to hide things.

However, is there any place in this room that is not complicated and cannot be easily discovered?
Zhou Helin and the others must have searched it three years ago. Fu Yang has been cleaning it over the years and must have looked through it, but they didn't find it.

What place will they ignore?

"Lin SiZheng, no discovery."

At this time, Xiao Man'er came over from behind the screen, shook her head and said, "I have checked every cabinet in detail. There is nothing extra except clothes."

"The dressing cabinet is also empty. I also checked the bed carefully, but there is nothing there."

"I even crawled under the bed, but there were only two pairs of embroidered shoes and nothing else."

Listening to Xiao Man'er's words, Lin Feng suddenly felt something in his heart and said, "Embroidered shoes?"

Xiao Maner nodded: "Just under the bed."

Lin Feng walked over: "Let me take a look."

Through the shoes, there is a chance to deduce where Fu Xue has been. Maybe we can get clues from the shoes.

Xiao Maner knelt down and took out two pairs of shoes from under the bed.

"Just these two pairs."

Lin Feng looked around.

I saw these two pairs of embroidered shoes. The uppers were not thick, just two layers of thin cloth. They were shoes worn in summer. Considering that Fu Xue disappeared on the tenth day of July, they must have been the shoes Fu Xue often wore before his disappearance.

Although both pairs of shoes are embroidered with flowers, the flowers embroidered on them are different.

The shoe on the left is embroidered with peonies, and the shoe on the right is embroidered with lotus.

The peonies and lotus flowers are blooming vividly, and it is obvious that Fu Xue has a pair of skillful hands.

Lin Feng also knelt down and picked up the peony shoes on the left.

Turn the shoe upside down.

Look up.

I saw some thin soil on the bottom of the shoes, and there were some white particles in the thin soil. Lin Feng took off these very small particles with his fingertips, looked closer, and took a closer look.

Immediately he said: "These are grass seeds. It seems that she wore these shoes and went to places where there are weeds."

Xiao Man'er thought for a while and said, "Where there are weeds...are they outside of Chang'an City?"

Lin Feng shook his head: "Maybe, you can step on grass seeds in temples, Taoist temples, or in the gardens of wealthy families, and there are too many such places in Chang'an City."

Xiao Man'er nodded quickly, agreeing with Lin Feng's reasoning.

Lin Feng checked carefully again and found no additional clues, so he put down the shoes and picked up the lotus shoes on the right.

But after carefully inspecting the lotus shoes, Lin Feng frowned slightly and said, "These shoes are very clean, and there is not even a trace of soil on the soles..."

Xiao Maner said: "Are they new shoes that haven't been worn yet?"

Lin Feng frowned slightly: "If you have new shoes, you shouldn't just put them under the bed, right? As time goes by and the dust settles, new shoes will become old shoes."

As he spoke, he looked at Xiao Man'er and said, "When you were rummaging through the box, did you find any of her other shoes?"

Xiao Maner nodded: "I found it in a cabinet."

With that said, she went directly to a cabinet, rummaged through it for a while, and took out a pair of shoes.

They are also a pair of embroidered shoes, but they are thicker. They look like autumn and winter shoes. These shoes are embroidered with plum blossoms and are wrapped in a bag. They are very clean.

Lin Feng said: "You see, for shoes that are not worn often, Fu Xue will obviously put them away carefully to prevent them from being covered by dust."

"But the soles of this pair of lotus shoes were not stained with any thin soil from the outside, but they were placed under the bed together with another pair of shoes."

Xiao Man'er's eyes suddenly lit up, and she looked at Lin Feng with an expression of surprise. She said, "So, there is really something wrong with these lotus shoes, so why did Miss Fu put them here?"

Lin Feng's eyes flickered, and he felt that he was about to grasp the key point.

Just a little bit... just a little bit...

He took the shoes and stood up, the picture he had just viewed flashing through his mind.

Every picture, every thing I have seen, flashes by one by one like a slide.

Floor, walls, bookshelves, desks, stools...

Suddenly, Lin Feng suddenly raised his head and said: "Stool!"

"What?" Xiao Man'er was startled. Even though she was smart, she didn't understand what Lin Feng meant for a while.

Lin Feng looked at her, his eyes were frighteningly bright, and he said, "The stool Fu Xue is sitting on!"

With that said, he walked directly outside.

Xiao Man'er looked at Lin Feng's hurried back, recalled Lin Feng's bright eyes just now, and was slightly startled.

She had never seen such bright eyes before.

It is not the clarity of a simple mind, nor the foresight and scheming, but the brightness that can see through illusions. It seems that in those eyes, any confusion or illusion has no escape, and will eventually be broken.

"Miss Xiao, come and see!"

Lin Feng's voice sounded from the study area.

Xiao Man'er finally came to her senses and hurriedly came to Lin Feng's side.

He saw Lin Feng looking at a stool next to the table.

Lin Feng pointed to the edge of the stool and said, "What do you think this is?"

Xiao Man'er took a closer look and said, "There are many signs of bumps."

Lin Feng nodded and pointed to another stool: "Look at the stool opposite."

Xiao Maner hurriedly checked it, and a strange look appeared on her face: "The other stool is intact, with no trace of any bumps."

Lin Feng said: "There are only two stools in this room. One is placed on the inside. It is obviously the stool that Miss Fu herself sits on. The other is on the opposite side of the table. It is for guests to sit on. The Fu family only has Fu Yang." Father and daughter, you can be sure that it is for Fu Yang."

Xiao Man'er nodded hurriedly, agreeing with Lin Feng's inference.

Lin Feng continued: "The stool with bump marks on the surface belongs to Miss Fu. It is obviously two pairs of identical stools. Why does Miss Fu's stool have obvious bump marks but the other stool does not?"

Xiao Maner frowned slightly, with a thoughtful look on her pretty face. She thought for a moment and said, "Did Miss Fu do something special with her stool, so she left traces on it?"

Lin Feng nodded and said, "What could happen that could cause the stool to bump like this?"

Xiao Maner shook her head, not expecting it.

When Lin Feng saw this, he didn't lose his appetite for a blind date. He said, "Think about Miss Fu's strange pair of embroidered shoes."

"She obviously has the habit of putting away and protecting the shoes she doesn't wear, but the pair of lotus shoes were not protected, but were placed under the bed together with the other pair of shoes... Based on Miss Fu's habits, we have reason to infer , those lotus shoes should also be worn frequently."

"But she often wears these shoes, but there is no thin soil on the bottom of the shoes. Why?"

Xiao Maner thought of a possibility: "Could it be that she just washed these shoes?"

Lin Feng nodded: "It is indeed possible. If you ask Shopkeeper Fu about this possibility, you will know if it is right."

With that said, Lin Feng left the room without hesitation.

Xiao Man'er didn't expect that Lin Feng would run away because of a guess she made. Through Lin Feng's reaction, she could know that Lin Feng's guess was not her own, but he did not directly reject her, but verified it based on his own guess.

He is really a cautious enough person.

Not long after, Lin Feng returned.

He said to Xiao Man'er: "I asked Shopkeeper Fu. Shopkeeper Fu said that Fu Xue washes her shoes on a fixed date. During that time, Fu Xue did not wash her shoes, so your guess can be eliminated."

Xiao Man'er nodded, looked at Lin Feng with her smart eyes, and said, "What else could it be?"

Lin Feng said: "It's very simple, just understand it literally... She knows how to wear these shoes, but there is no thin soil on the soles and they have not been washed. That can only prove one thing..."

Lin Feng looked at Xiao Man'er's pretty face and said, "Miss Fu has never worn these shoes out. In other words, the scope of action of these shoes is only in this room!"

Xiao Maner frowned: "Wearing these shoes only in the room? This behavior is very strange. The ground is not covered with lichen, it is just ordinary stone bricks. There is no need to change shoes, right?"

Lin Feng nodded: "There is indeed no need to change shoes. I asked shopkeeper Fu and he said he doesn't have this habit."

Xiao Maner was even more puzzled: "Then why did Miss Fu do this?"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Any behavior that seems abnormal must have its own logic, so we can analyze it this way."

"Why does Miss Fu wear clean embroidered shoes? Since it is not her unique habit, it is obvious that she does not want to step on anything dirty."

"Then what is she afraid of stepping on?"

"Looking around this room, the only thing out of the ordinary is this stool."

"Combined with the obvious knock marks on this stool, can we speculate that..."

Lin Feng's dark eyes flashed with a dazzling light. He raised the corner of his mouth and said, "The stool she is afraid of stepping on is dirty. She should step on this stool often, and the scratches on the stool are, not surprisingly, When she was climbing up or getting off the stool, she accidentally knocked over the stool, causing the stool to hit the ground, leaving these scratch marks."

Xiao Maner's heart moved and she said directly: "It's very possible!"

"But why does she, a girl, have to climb high all the time? She even prepared a pair of clean shoes for herself? Combined with our previous questions, there is only one explanation..."

Xiao Man'er's smart and moist eyes suddenly brightened when she heard Lin Feng's words.

She looked at Lin Feng with bright eyes, her pretty face turned red with excitement because she had overcome the difficulty and found the truth, and said, "Did Miss Fu hide the things her lover gave her in a high place? That's why she has to step on them so often." stool?"

Lin Feng chuckled and nodded: "Nothing unexpected happens, that's it."

As he spoke, Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the beams above his head. He said, "In this room, the places where you need to step on a stool and where you can't be easily searched and discovered are these beams."

Xiao Man'er heard this and said hurriedly: "Look for it quickly."

Seeing Xiao Man'er's excitement, Lin Feng smiled softly.

Without further delay, he straightened the stool and stood up.

After standing on it, Lin Feng realized that one of the legs of the stool seemed a little short, making his body not very stable after standing on it.

But for Lin Feng, it was not a problem.

Stand up straight, because Lin Feng is relatively tall and can see the beam in front of you at a glance.

The beam was covered with dust, but there was nothing extra. Lin Feng was not disappointed, after all, the beam was not one.

He stood on tiptoes and looked toward the other beams.

The light during the day is good. Even if there is no sunlight on the beam, you can still see clearly what is happening on the beam with the naked eye.

Soon, Lin Feng's eyes flashed and he spotted something on the beam directly opposite him.

He quickly got off the stool, and just as he landed, the stool fell directly to the ground due to the inertia of his unsteady foot when he jumped off.

Looking at this scene, Lin Feng finally understood why there were so many scratches on the stool. The stool itself was defective.

He glanced at the stool opposite. The four corners of that stool were stable and there were no problems. It was obviously safer to climb on it.

But Fu Xue didn't use it.

It seems that just as Fu Yang said, Fu Xue is a kind girl who thinks about others. That stool is prepared for her father, and she will never step on his father's stool.

Lin Feng picked up the fallen stool and quickly placed it under another beam. Standing on the stool, he easily took off the items on the beam.

This is a wooden box.

Because the wooden box is not big and is blocked by the beams, the box cannot be seen from the ground.

Under normal circumstances, when searching for something, the most you can do is rummage through boxes and cabinets. Who would have thought that Fu Xue would hide something on the beam?

Because of this, this box was not discovered for three full years.

"Found it! Really found it!"

Xiao Man'er looked at the wooden box that Lin Feng took down, her bright eyes couldn't help showing excitement, and she couldn't help but express her excitement by high-fiving.

Since meeting Xiao Man'er, Xiao Man'er has always been very calm and indifferent. This is the first time Lin Feng has seen her show such an expression.

He chuckled and said, "It seems we were lucky to find it so quickly."

"What does this have to do with luck?"

Xiao Man'er looked at the box intently and said, "That's because you are so good. If it were anyone else, they probably wouldn't be able to find it unless the house collapsed."

Lin Feng smiled. He placed the wooden box on the table and looked up.

I saw that the wooden box was covered with dust, and with a wave of my hand, dust flew everywhere.

Xiao Maner took a handkerchief from the shelf nearby and wiped the dust on it. Soon, the complete appearance of the box appeared in their sight.

I saw that this was a rectangular box. The box was made of several wooden boards through a mortise and tenon structure.

There are engraved writings on the lid above the box.

——To my beloved Xueer.

Looking at these five words, Lin Feng's eyelids couldn't help but jump.

Xiao Maner's beautiful eyebrows also frowned slightly, and she said: "It's a bit disgusting."

Even though the Tang Dynasty was very open and the relationship between men and women was far less tense and reserved than in other dynasties, these five words were still too gross.

Especially after knowing that the man who gave the gift was not a good person.

These five words make people feel even more ironic.

Lin Feng took a deep breath and cleared away the complicated thoughts in his mind.

He lowered his body, carefully observed the surface of the box, and said: "The box is simple, there are wooden barbs on it, and there is no paint on it. In addition, the writing is carved on it, not written with a brush. It can be determined that this The simple box must have been built by Miss Fu’s lover himself.”

"But although the box is simple, the structure of Falcon Mou is perfect..."

Lin Feng's fingertips touched the joint of the wooden boards and continued: "There are no traces of repeated rework. It can be determined... Miss Fu's lover has certain carpentry skills. From this, it is speculated that he may have thrown or is currently throwing Make a living by carpentry, and when looking for him, you can give priority to workshops that specialize in making furniture."

Xiao Man'er's eyes became brighter and brighter when she saw that Lin Feng was able to figure out the identity and even the location of the target based on just a few words from the surface of a wooden box, without even taking a look at the contents inside.

She raised her smart eyes and looked at Lin Feng without blinking. The brilliance of her bright eyes was brighter than ever before.

 I recommend a friend's book "Please compile the Hongwu Grand Ceremony at the beginning, Lao Zhu Le collapsed"

  A very happy and interesting book~


(End of this chapter)
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