People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 122 Case closed!Reversed identity, the truth is revealed!

Chapter 122 Case closed!Reversed identities, the truth is revealed! ([-]-in-[-])

As Lin Feng finished speaking, everyone's eyes suddenly fell on Butler Han.

Sun Fujia's eyes flashed slightly. He had a tacit understanding with Lin Feng and instantly understood what Lin Feng meant.

The look he looked at Butler Han suddenly became sharp!

The servants in the manor were all stunned at first, and then showed doubts on their faces.

"Yes, the fake master is illiterate, so he can't understand the content of the book at all. Why does he lock himself in the study every day and read?"

"Maybe the housekeeper is reading to the fake master?"

"Have you forgotten? The butler can't read either. The butler always presses his fingerprints and never writes."

"Yes! I almost forgot, the housekeeper can't read either! But if the housekeeper can't read, and the master can't read either, then what do they read in the study every day?"

"How can two people who can't read read?"

The servants didn't know that the fake Gao De was illiterate before. After all, they didn't know that the fake Gao De was fake. The real Gao De was often writing in person five years ago. So under this premise, they didn't feel that the fake Gao De was at all What's wrong with reading in the study with Butler Han?

But now, after it is clear that the fake Gaode is illiterate, and Butler Han cannot read either, it is very wrong for them to lock themselves in the study room and read every day.

Lin Feng gently pressed the "Tao Te Ching" with his fingertips, looked at Butler Han with a half-smiling look, and said, "Butler Han, why don't you answer? Is it that you don't know how to answer, or that you can't answer?"

Butler Han frowned, and his brown eyes kept rolling in his eye sockets. He sighed and said, "To be honest with Lin Sizheng, in fact, the fake master doesn't read at all in the study every day."

"He just calls me to the study every day and pretends that he is reading. In fact, he is just chatting with me. Most of the time, he is sleeping."

"Originally, I didn't know why the master did this, but now after listening to Lin Sizheng's words, I realized that it turned out that this fake master was afraid that his illiteracy would be revealed, so he pretended to read books every day and look like he was very knowledgeable."

When the servants heard this, they all looked astonished.

"So it is."

"The fake master seems to be really cunning, and he even used this method to disguise himself."

"No wonder, I just said they can't read, how can they read?"

Lin Feng listened to the servants' words, looked at Butler Han with a chuckle, and said, "As you said, you and the fake Gao Deshang don't read or write every night. They either sleep or chat?"

Butler Han nodded hurriedly.

"Then besides you and the fake Gao Deshang, who else can enter this study to read? Who else can write here casually?"

Just as Butler Han was about to speak, Lin Feng looked directly at the maid taking care of Miss Gao and said, "You answer."

Butler Han's expression froze.

The little maid quickly shook her head: "No one else can go in. The fake master does not allow anyone to enter the study at will. Even for cleaning, we can only go in and clean when the master is present."

"After cleaning, we must leave immediately and cannot touch anything in the except for the housekeeper who can read with the master every day, no one else can enter the study at will."

Listening to the words of the little maid, Lin Feng nodded slightly: "After all, this study has a mechanism, and there is a corpse hidden in it. It is normal for the fake virtuous Shang not to let you enter at will."

After saying that, Lin Feng's eyes fell on Butler Han again and said: "So, except for you, no one can easily enter this study, let alone have the opportunity to write in the study, right?"

Butler Han glanced at the maid coldly, then nodded silently.

Lin Feng added: "Everyone says you can't read either, is that true?"

Butler Han nodded hurriedly: "It's true, I grew up poor and had no chance to study."

Lin Feng laughed: "That's interesting. The fake Gao De is illiterate and can't write! Your housekeeper Han is also illiterate and can't write, and no one else can come in... In this case..."

Lin Feng picked up the brush on the pen holder, looked at the forked pen tip, and said with a half-smile: "Then who is this person who made the brush forked? Is it a ghost?"

After listening to Lin Feng's words, everyone quickly focused their attention on the brush in Lin Feng's hand.

Looking at the forked tip of the brush, even an ordinary maid knew that this must be the result of frequent writing.

Lin Feng said slowly: "When I asked my servants before, I asked them about the brushes in the study. They said that they would regularly replace a new batch of pens, inks, paper and inkstones every month."

"In other words, this forked brush has only been here for less than a month. It will never be the forked one used by the real Gao Deshang five years ago. So Butler Han..."

Lin Feng looked at him with a half-smile, and said, "Can you explain to me, who actually used this pen in this way in the study room where only you and the fake Gao Deshang can enter?"

Butler Han listened to Lin Feng's questions. His expression, which had always been calm, finally changed.

His eyes wandered left and right, his mouth was open, but no sound came out, and he obviously didn't know how to explain it.

When Lin Feng saw this, he laughed and continued: "Based on the use of the brush, it can be determined that whoever used the brush must have written something in this study."

"However, I and Lieutenant General Sun searched all the places in this room, but we couldn't find any writing anywhere."

"There is no writing on the books, and no paper with writing on it can be found!"


Lin Feng looked at Butler Han and said, "Butler Han, why do you think this is happening?"

Cold sweat broke out on Butler Han's forehead. He swallowed subconsciously and said, "Even a villain can't guess it."

"Can't guess? Still don't dare to tell?"

Lin Feng stared at Butler Han with his dark and deep eyes, and said slowly: "Dr. Sun, Butler Han can't guess it. How about you introduce the results of our previous reasoning to Butler Han and help Butler Han understand it?"

Butler Han subconsciously looked at Sun Fujia, and saw Sun Fujia smiled and nodded, and said: "When I checked the study room before, Zide had speculated about this... Look at the books on the table and the bookshelf. It’s very messy, why is it like this?”

Then, Sun Fujia explained Lin Feng's inference that a third party opened the book in a hurry and dug out the papers inside.

"...In other words, all these papers with writing on them were taken away by the third party, that is, the real murderer."

After listening to Sun Fujia's words, the servants thought for a while and then nodded.

"It turns out that the real murderer took him away."

"Indeed, when we came to clean before, the books on the bookshelf were all in order, not so messy at all."

"Only the third party was in a hurry. After he killed someone, he was worried that the door would be knocked open, so he could only seize the time, so he did not have time to rearrange the books neatly. In this way, all the papers with writing on them were indeed taken by him. It was taken."

Lin Feng looked at Butler Han and said, "Butler Han, do you think my guess is reasonable?"

Steward Han listened to the discussions of his servants and felt Lin Feng's determined gaze, which seemed to be smiling but not smiling. His face became more and more nervous. He nodded: "Lin Si Zheng's reasoning is indeed reasonable."

"Then Butler Han thinks, why did the real murderer take away all the papers with writing on them? Why didn't he leave even a scrap of paper behind?"

Butler Han hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "I don't even know."

"Still don't know?"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "It seems that Butler Han is not too willing to use his brain tonight."

"But it doesn't matter. I have two things that can help Butler Han sort out his thoughts."

With that said, Lin Feng took out two pieces of paper from his arms.

He placed the two pieces of paper on the table, then picked up one of the pieces of paper and said, "Steward Han, take a look at this deed of sale. Does it look familiar to you?"

Zhao Shiwu handed the deed of betrayal to Butler Han.

Butler Han looked at it and said immediately: "It seems to be the deed of betrayal of the villain. I remember that this fingerprint was pressed by the villain."

Lin Feng looked at the accountant Qi Xuan and said, "Accountant Qi might as well go and identify it. Did you also ghostwrite the deed of sale?"

Upon hearing this, Qi Xuan quickly came to Butler Han's side. He glanced at the rendition contract in Butler Han's hand, then shook his head and said, "It's not a villain's handwriting."

Lin Feng was not surprised by this. He said, "Then do you know whose handwriting this is?"

Qi Xuan carefully identified it and then shook his head: "I have never seen it before."

"It's a coincidence."

Lin Feng pointed to the pile of papers on the table and said, "I have not seen the same handwriting on any paper in the manor."

After hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone finally realized that something was wrong.

Five years ago, the deeds of sale were all written by the real Gao Deshang.

After the fake Gao Deshang arrived, Qi Xuan became the ghostwriter.

But it turns out that Butler Han's deed of betrayal was not written by Qi Xuan, nor by anyone else in the manor. Who could have written it?

Everyone else was written by Qi Xuan, why not Butler Han?

Is there any problem here?
Sun Fujia's eyes flashed slightly, and then he realized why Lin Feng picked out this deed of betrayal at that time. It turned out that Lin Feng discovered the problem with the handwriting.

Lin Feng looked at Butler Han and said slowly: "This deed of sale has Butler Han's fingerprints on it. I think Butler Han must know who wrote it and when it was written, right?"

When everyone heard this, their eyes all fell on Butler Han.

Butler Han's eyes flickered for a moment and said: "The villain remembers this. Not long after the villain was rescued by the fake master and brought to the manor, he once went to the county town with the fake master. The fake master asked the villain if he would like to stay in the future. Manor, be loyal to him.”

"The villain's life was saved by the fake master. I didn't know how to repay the kindness of saving my life. When I heard what the fake master said, I naturally agreed quickly."

"Then the fake master found someone who could write and asked that person to write down the deed of sale on the spot. The villain pressed his fingerprint at that time... Therefore, this handwriting does not belong to anyone in the manor."

Lin Feng nodded: "It makes sense... You said you signed the deed of sale not long after arriving at the manor. Does that mean you signed it five years ago?"

Butler Han nodded hurriedly: "The date written on the deed of sale is September of the first year of Zhenguan."

"September of the first year of Zhenguan..."

Lin Feng laughed, and his words suddenly changed. He squinted his eyes and said, "But why do I feel that it is not written in September of the first year of Zhenguan?"

"What?" Everyone was startled.

Immediately, he saw Lin Feng pull out two pieces of paper from the contract of sale on the side.

He looked at the crowd and said: "Everyone, please see, the deed of betrayal I am holding in my left hand was written in the first year of Zhenguan, and the deed of betrayal in my right hand was written in the beginning of the third year of Zhenguan."

"You don't need to look at the content of the contract of sale. You just need to look at the quality and crispness of these two pieces of paper. Can you spot the difference between them?"

When everyone heard this, they quickly stretched their necks and carefully observed the two deeds of prostitution in Lin Feng's hands.

At this time, the sharp-eyed person suddenly said: "The colors of the two papers are slightly different. The paper from the first year of Zhenguan is more yellow, and the paper from the third year of Zhenguan is whiter."

After his prompting, everyone else nodded.

"Indeed, the colors of the two papers are quite obviously different."

"The paper from the first year of Zhenguan is indeed darker and yellower."

Lin Feng said slowly: "With the end of the war in the late Sui Dynasty, the world gradually entered stability, and papermaking technology also developed. Therefore, even if there was only one or two years between the first year of Zhenguan and the third year of Zhenguan, the paper that could be produced, The quality and fineness are obviously different."

"Therefore, even if the quality of paper from the first year of Zhenguan and the third year of Zhenguan has declined to varying degrees under the influence of time, it is obvious that the difference is still very big."

Everyone nodded quickly and agreed with Lin Feng's words.

"Then you go and take a look at Butler Han's deed of betrayal. Look at the quality of the paper on Butler Han's deed of betrayal. Which piece of paper is similar to the one in my hand?"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone's eyes instantly fell on Butler Han's contract of sale.

Zhao Shiwu took back the deed of betrayal and held it high.

He is tall and tall, and with a single move of his hand, even the servants who are blocked outside the door can clearly see the bond of betrayal.

At this time, some extremely unexpected sounds suddenly sounded.

"Butler Han's deed of betrayal, the color of the paper, why do I feel that it is similar to the deed of betrayal made in the third year of Zhenguan?"

"Indeed! This deed of sale is obviously much whiter than the one in the first year of Zhenguan."

"But didn't Butler Han write the deed of betrayal in the first year of Zhenguan? Why are the papers so different?"

The servants all discovered something unusual.

Sun Fujia's eyes flashed, and he suddenly came to Zhao Shiwu and said: "Shiwu, show me this deed of betrayal."

Zhao Shiwu handed the deed of betrayal to Sun Fuga.

I saw Sun Fujia carefully checking the deed of betrayal first, then putting the paper under his nose and smelling it. He looked thoughtful. After thinking for a moment, he said: "The paper used by Butler Han for the deed of betrayal is... Since the paper was only available after the third year of Zhenguan, we can be sure that it was first written in the third year of Zhenguan, and it could not have been written in September of the first year of Zhenguan!"


Hearing Sun Fujia's words, the servants were stunned.

Butler Han, who had lowered his head, also raised his head suddenly, and the pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank.

Lin Feng showed a hint of surprise and said, "Why is Dr. Sun so sure?"

Sun Fujia looked at Lin Feng and said, "Zi De probably doesn't pay attention to pens, inks, paper and inkstones."

"With the stability of the world and the opening of the imperial examination, there are more scholars and more demand for paper. Therefore, the level of paper manufacturing is constantly improving, and in order to adapt to the different needs of paper, different things are added during paper making."

"Just like the paper used in Butler Han's deed of sale."

Sun Fujia held up the paper and said, "If you smell this paper carefully, you can smell the slight medicinal smell on the paper, which is slightly bitter."

"This is because during the production process, the herb Huang Ni was added. This herb has a bitter and unpleasant taste, so it can be used to prevent insects. In this way, the paper will be stored without worrying about being eaten by insects, and the storage time will be longer."

"This craft is called 'Ruhuang'. It only appeared on a small scale in the third year of Zhenguan. It has not been fully promoted in the Tang Dynasty."

"Because I like the Four Treasures of the Study, whenever there is new paper, I will ask someone to buy it. Only then can I understand this."

"But I feel that Butler Han..."

As Sun Fujia spoke, he glanced coldly at Butler Han and said, "...You may not know about this new papermaking technology."

Butler Han's eyes widened suddenly, and cold sweat started to flow down his face. His expression gave Lin Feng a feeling of confusion and astonishment, as if he was stabbed by knowledge.

It's obvious that Butler Han really doesn't know anything about Ruhuang's papermaking process.

When Lin Feng saw this, he couldn't help but sigh, look, what does knowledge mean?
Sun Fuga deserves to be the first number one scholar in the Tang Dynasty, and he deserves to be the encyclopedia-level figure of the Tang Dynasty’s knowledge. As long as he has something to do with cultural knowledge, there is nothing that Sun Fuga doesn’t know!
Lin Feng was completely relieved now.

He was originally worried that Butler Han would quibble to the end based on the color of the paper.

Now, with Sun Fujia's cooperation, Butler Han can't quibble even if he has a hundred mouths.

Lin Feng looked at the confused Han Butler with a smile and said: "Butler Han, can you explain now why the insect-proof paper that became available only after the third year of Zhenguan was written for you in the first year of Zhenguan?" Is it a contract?"

Butler Han's face became paler and paler, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he opened his mouth to explain, but no sound came out for a long time.

It was obvious that he couldn't argue.

Sun Fujia's level of knowledge directly crushed him.

Seeing that Butler Han was speechless, Lin Feng smiled and said: "Butler Han can't explain it, how about I explain it to you?"

With a flash, as Lin Feng finished speaking, Butler Han immediately raised his head nervously and looked at Lin Feng.

Then Lin Feng said slowly: "There is no doubt that Butler Han's deed of sale was definitely written after the third year of Zhenguan. It could not have been written in the first year of Zhenguan."

"But its date is indeed the first year of Zhenguan. Why is it like this?"

"I think……"

Lin Feng squinted his eyes, looked directly at Butler Han, and said: "No shouldn't be the original contract of betrayal, right? In other words, it is actually a new contract made after three years of Zhenguan. Is it a contract?"

In Lin Feng's sight, he clearly saw Butler Han's eyelids twitching sharply, his pupils shrinking violently, and his hands subconsciously clenched into fists after hearing his words.

This series of subconscious actions are enough to prove one thing - Lin Feng's words are like a steel knife, piercing into the depths of Butler Han's heart!

Lin Feng leaned forward, his eyes still staring at Butler Han, and said: "But if the contract is good, why do you need to make up for it later?"

"Could it be that the original contract of sale is broken? Lost?"

"But if it is broken and lost, is it not worth it for you, Butler Han, to hide it? It is not worth your efforts to go to the county to find someone else to write it... Qi Xuan is in the manor, and other He wrote all the deeds of sale, why not use him?"

After hearing this, all the accountants nodded quickly.

He also found it strange.

"Then there is only one possibility."

Lin Feng said slowly: "That's you, Butler Han, and the fake Gao Deshang. You don't want anyone else to know that your marriage contract was made later. You have to hide this secret!"

Butler Han's eyes trembled violently, and his whole body was trembling faintly. Lin Feng's words and Lin Feng's sight made him feel as if he had been cut by a knife.

Lin Feng took stock of Butler Han's performance and continued, "But why did you go to such great lengths to conceal your original contract of betrayal?"


Why do Butler Han and Fake Gao Deshang hide this?

Everyone couldn't figure it out.

"I couldn't figure it out at first."

Seeing everyone looking at him, Lin Feng said, "However, when I found this piece of paper in the fake Gao Deshang's room, I understood everything."

With that said, Lin Feng raised the second piece of paper he just took out from his arms.

He said slowly: "Fifteen, let me show you this piece of paper and let them see what I found in the fake Gao Deshang's room?"

Zhao Shiwu immediately took the paper, came to everyone, and raised the paper in his hand high.

After everyone's eyes fell on it, they were all stunned.

"This...this seems to be a contract of betrayal?"

"That's right, it's a contract of sale! And the name on it seems... it seems to be Butler Han!?"

"Is this a contract of sale from Butler Han?"

"Why is there still a contract of sale of Butler Han? Could it be...that this is the original contract of sale of one's life?"

"Look at the color of the paper, it's almost the same as the paper Lin Sizheng just took out from the first year of Zhenguan!"

"Is this really the original contract of sale?"

There was a lot of discussion among the people.

Butler Han's face was full of surprise and shock after seeing the sale contract in Zhao Shiwu's hand. His eyes widened and his face turned extremely pale in an instant.The little bit of calmness and composure that was left was gone at this moment.

There was a look of despair in his eyes, and at the same time, there was huge anger and hatred, as if someone had stabbed him in the back.

Lin Feng took in the change in Butler Han's demeanor, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said: "Yes, as you can see, this deed of sale is the original deed of deed of sale of Butler Han."

"And what is the difference between this deed of sale and the later deed of sale?"

Following Lin Feng's prompt, everyone quickly looked at it carefully again.

At this time, the sharp-eyed person suddenly exclaimed: "There is a name on this deed of sale, and the name of Butler Han!"

After everyone heard this, they quickly looked at the signing place.

"It really has a name!"

"It's not a fingerprint, it's a name!"

"This... why is there the name Butler Han? Could it be that Butler Han can actually write?"

"But hasn't Butler Han always said that he can't read?"

The servants were extremely surprised.

Lin Feng looked at Butler Han and said, "Butler Han, would you like to explain why your name is on the original deed of sale?"

Butler Han looked ugly and did not answer.

Lin Feng was not surprised when he saw this. He said slowly: "There is no difference in the contents of the original sale of one's life contract and the later one. The only difference is that the handwriting is different, and the name of Butler Han is written on the signature. Not a handprint.”

"So, why did Butler Han go to all the trouble to create a new contract of betrayal? There is no doubt... just to hide this, that is to say... he wanted to hide the fact that he can actually write!"

"In this case, our previous questions will be answered."

Everyone hurriedly looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said calmly: "The fake Gao De is illiterate, but the brush has signs of being used. Who is writing in this study?"

"It turns out that there are only fake Gao Deshang and Butler Han in the study, and now Butler Han can obviously write... There is no doubt that the person who writes is Butler Han!"

"And this also means that the third person who was the real culprit took away the papers with handwriting in a very tight time. It was obvious that he wanted to hide Butler Han's handwriting!"

He looked at everyone present: "But why did the real murderer do this? Why did he take such a big risk and hide the name of Butler Han?"

Everyone frowned and fell into thinking.

Even martial artist Zhao Shiwu was scratching his head and thinking.

Sun Fujia's eyes flickered. He looked at Butler Han with cold and sharp eyes. It was obvious that he understood everything.

Lin Feng said: "If you still can't figure it out, you might as well take a look at the bloody letter written by a third party to frame Miss Gao, and then take a closer look at Butler Han's original contract of sale... Compare it carefully, I think, You should understand."

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Zhao Shiwu quickly came to the table and picked up the blood book.

After that, he held the blood book in his left hand and the original deed of betrayal in his right hand. He raised his hands high so that everyone could clearly see the contents of the two pieces of paper.

next moment……

The sound of uproar suddenly sounded.

The first person to speak was the accountant Qi Xuan. Qi Xuan's eyes widened and his face was full of shock: "The handwriting on these two pieces of paper is the same! They, they seem to be written by the same person!"

"What? Written by the same person?"

The servants stretched their necks and moved their eyes left and right to compare carefully.

Then, they all exclaimed.

"It's really the same!"

"The words on the deed of sale are the same as Butler Han's name, and the handwriting on the blood book is also the same as the handwriting on the deed of sale. So, doesn't this mean..."

The servant swallowed, looked at Butler Han standing in the front with shaking eyes, and said in a voiceless voice: "The blood letter was actually written by Butler Han!"

"What? Written by Butler Han!?"

"This...the handwriting is really the same!"

"It was really written by Butler Han!"

"This bloody letter was written by a third party, the real murderer, and it was written by Butler Han. Does this mean... Butler Han is the real murderer!?"

Everyone's eyes immediately fell on Butler Han.

Shocked, surprised, disbelieving.

Many emotions and looks were all looking at Butler Han.

But Butler Han was trembling all over and his face was pale. He lowered his head and did not refute.

This scene is enough to prove everything.

Lin Feng's voice sounded slowly at this moment: "It seems that everyone has understood."

"Why is the real murderer so tight for time, but he still has to take away all the papers with Butler Han's handwriting?"

"Because whenever we see even a piece of paper in the study room, we can recognize it as the handwriting written in blood."

"But the blood book was written by a third party, and only the fake Gao Deshang and Butler Han can enter the study... So once we find that the handwriting on the blood book is consistent with the handwriting in the study, we will naturally know that the real murderer is Butler Han... After all A fake virtuous person would not write something like this to expose his own secrets."

Everyone nodded.

His eyes were filled with a look of sudden realization.

The weird things that I couldn't figure out now finally have answers.

Lin Feng looked at the pale-faced Butler Han and said calmly: "Butler Han, do you have anything else to say about my inference?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Butler Han.

Butler Han closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes again.

He looked at Lin Feng and said bitterly: "Lin Si Zheng already has definite evidence, how can a villain refute it?"

"Yes, I was the one who killed this fake noble man!"

A servant asked: "Why? Steward, why did you kill him?"

Butler Han said with an ugly face: "Don't you know what he did? Don't you know how many people he has killed over the years?"

"I don't know if you are willing to do these heinous things with him. Anyway, my heart has always been uneasy, and I have been condemned by my conscience!"

"Tonight, because of his problems, a living person died in front of us!" |
"But I can't tell the truth when I face Lin Sizheng and the others... Do you know how painful it is in my heart?"

"So, I really can't stand it anymore. I don't want to see him harming others anymore, so..."

Butler Han's eyes were filled with murderous intent: "In order to prevent him from continuing to harm others, I will kill him first! Only by killing him can all these evils stop!"

Listening to Butler Han's words, the servants looked extremely complicated, and they couldn't help but lower their heads.

Especially those nurses who helped the fake nobles catch people, their faces were all pale and full of guilt.

It was obvious that Butler Han's words spoke to their hearts.

Lin Feng looked at Butler Han who spoke righteously, and at the servants who bowed their heads in guilt, and suddenly laughed: "What a wonderful speech, what a touching reason... If I didn't know your true face, I would really You will be deceived."

Everyone was startled.

Butler Han's expression also froze.

He hurriedly looked at Lin Feng and heard Lin Feng say calmly: "Steward Han, your reason sounds reasonable at first glance, but there is a fatal problem in this case that you can't evade!"

"That is……"

Lin Feng's eyes were like daggers, and he looked at Butler Han coldly: "If you are really worried about your conscience, then you only need to kill the fake noble man, but you not only killed him, but you also wanted to kill innocent people. Miss Gao, you even want to put all the blame for the murder on Miss Gao!"

"You want to kill innocent people and make them a call this discovery of conscience?"

Butler Han opened his mouth and wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to explain.

After all, that's what he actually does.

Everyone had just forgotten about Miss Gao, but now they calmed down after hearing Lin Feng's words.


And Miss Gao was almost killed, and she was almost killed twice!

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't fit in with Butler Han's reason for killing the fake Gao Deshang.

"Lin SiZheng, if it wasn't for this reason, why would he kill the fake master?" A servant couldn't help but ask.

Lin Feng looked at the gloomy Butler Han and said, "This is a good question. I couldn't understand it at first, but the painting I found in the fake Gao Deshang's room made me suddenly enlightened!"

With that said, Lin Feng held up the funny-looking painting again.

He looked at Butler Han and said, "Butler Han, why do you think the fake Gao Deshang painted this painting himself and kept it very secret?"

Butler Han looked ugly: "How do I know?"

"You do not know?"

Lin Feng shook his head: "No, it's impossible for you not to know... In this manor, everyone can not know, but you are the only one. You can't not know."

"after all……"

Lin Feng laughed and said: "What is written in this painting is the real secret between you and that fake noble man!"


"What secret?"

Everyone looked at the two extremely ugly little figures in Lin Feng's hands and couldn't figure out what the secret was.

Lin Feng said slowly: "The fake Gao De is illiterate, can't write, and can't hold a pen, so his painting skills are not good. But even though his painting skills are poor, he still presented the secret he wanted to express."

"When we look at this painting, we should not care about its level. What we should really pay attention to is the exaggerated technique used by the fake nobles to express it!"

"For example..."

Lin Feng raised his finger, pointed at the standing little man, and said, "Look at this little man, his nose is very big, and there is a black spot on it..."

"The nose is big and has black spots. This is the characteristic of this character. The black spots are not surprising, they should be moles or something like that. So you can think about it, who has a big nose in your manor? Is there a mole on your nose?”

After hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone just thought for a moment, and their eyes suddenly fell on the housekeeper.

Zhao Shiwu stared closely at the housekeeper's big nose and the obvious mole on the tip of his nose, and said, "Isn't this the housekeeper!"

Lin Feng smiled: "Yes, it's the housekeeper! The fake Gao Deshang used this exaggerated method to tell us who he was painting."

"So now that you have the experience of being a butler, look at this person kneeling there. His face is as round as a disk. Who does the chubby person represent?"

The servants thought faster this time.

"He seems to be a fake master!"

"That's the fake master! In our manor, only the fake master is the fattest, and only the fake master has the roundest face!"

"So, this round-faced villain is the fake master?"

Listening to the words of the servants, Lin Feng nodded slightly: "Since you all recognize him, it is obvious that he is a fake noble man."

He pointed to the painting in his hand and said: "So now, we already know who the two people in the painting are. One is Butler Han and the other is the fake Gao Deshang."

"But knowing that is not enough, you also need to know what they are doing."

When Zhao Shiwu heard this, he hurriedly said: "One is standing and the other is kneeling."

Lin Feng followed suit and asked: "Who is standing? Who is kneeling?"

"Of course Butler Han is standing, and the fake noble gentleman is kneeling..." As soon as he said this, Zhao Shiwu suddenly paused, his eyes widened suddenly, and he said in great surprise: "How could it be that the fake noble gentleman is kneeling! ?”

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Why can't it be a fake noble man kneeling?"

Zhao Shishi was stunned, and everyone else looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said slowly: "Up to this point in the interpretation of this painting, we have actually interpreted the meaning of fake virtuous people."

"The person who kneels is a fake noble man, and the person who stands is Butler Han... But who will kneel and who will stand?"

"There is no doubt that the master will stand and the servant will kneel!"

"So, that is to say...the secret that fake Gao Deshang wants to tell us is..."

Lin Feng's eyes fell on Butler Han, who had his head lowered and his whole body was trembling more and more obviously. He said in a deep voice: "Actually, the real master among the two of them is Butler Han! The fake virtuous man is the real servant who obeys orders! "

Everyone was stunned when they heard Lin Feng's words and froze on the spot.

Their brains were buzzing, and they felt as if their heads were going to explode.

Lin Feng's words were equivalent to directly reversing all their previous perceptions, leaving them unable to react for a moment.

Even Sun Fuga looked surprised at this time.

But Butler Han, at this moment, his hair was wet with sweat and fell to the ground.

Lin Feng looked at Butler Han and said slowly: "Now that I know the true identities of you and the fake Gao Deshang, you can actually understand many things."

"During the autopsy, I found this money bag in the fake Gao Deshang's arms."

Lin Feng opened the money bag, revealing the gold cakes inside, and said: "This money bag is full of gold cakes. Shi Shi was still puzzled at that time, because the gold cakes were so heavy that the fake Gao De Shang was carrying them in his house. What are these gold cakes for? Aren’t they too heavy?”

"I didn't understand it at the time... But when I went to check the fake Gao Deshang's bedroom, I understood everything."

After listening to Lin Feng's words, Sun Fujia's eyes flashed suddenly. He looked at Lin Feng and said, "Zide, what do you mean...the baggage in the cabinet?"


"What burden?"

Everyone was startled.

Lin Feng nodded slightly to Sun Fujia and said with a smile: "Sure enough, Doctor Sun also thought of it."

He looked at everyone and said, "You may not know that in the fake noble's cabinet, there are two bags packed by the fake noble."

"A bag is filled with jewelry, which is priceless."

"The other bag contains clothes, and they are all clothes that can keep out the cold and are used to survive the coming autumn and winter."

"These two baggage bags have packed their clothes and valuables. They can leave at any time with the baggage... Combined with the many gold cakes he carries close to his body, everyone, what do the fake noble lords want to do? I think you will too. Is it time to understand?”

The servants were still thinking, but Zhao Shiwu's eyes lit up and he said: "He is leaving!"


The servants thought about it and nodded quickly.

"That's right, I've obviously packed my things and am leaving!"

"He packed up his clothes and belongings and was clearly ready to leave at any time!"

"Is he going to run away?"

The servants looked quickly at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng nodded slightly: "Yes, the fake Gao Deshang is preparing to leave. Although I don't know why he is leaving, it is obvious that he is doing all this secretly. After all, you don't know that he is leaving. "

"Of course, he did it without telling his master, Butler Han."

After saying that, Lin Feng looked at Butler Han and said, "But despite all his calculations, he still didn't expect that you would know about his departure."

"And you are the master, he is your subordinate, and he knows so many of your secrets. Now he wants to sneak away with his property, how can you allow it?"

"That's why you killed him! You want to kill him and silence him! You can't let him leave alive with your secret!"

Butler Han's face was ashen and he lowered his head. Hearing Lin Feng's words, he gritted his teeth and said, "I treat him so well, but he dares to sneak away without telling me. How can I keep him like this white-eyed wolf?"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "What do you mean he is a white-eyed wolf... I'm afraid you, the master, are not as good as him?"

"Think about the things you did. You obviously didn't hide your literacy at the beginning, but then you suddenly hid it."

"Come to think of it, at that time, you might have had murderous intentions! You might have been mentally prepared that the manor's arresting people would be discovered at any time, so you were ready to use Miss Gao at any time to kill the fake Gao Deshang. Silence!"

"In this case, everyone will know that Gao Deshang is fake, and all the arrests will be blamed on the fake Gao Deshang, and no one will be able to discover your secret."

Listening to Lin Feng's words, everyone couldn't help but look at Butler Han with shock.

They never expected that Butler Han, who was usually so steady and reassuring, could be so sinister in his heart!
It turned out that in the third year of Zhenguan, there was already a plan to frame and kill someone!
"However, you may not know that this fake virtuous man who is being used by you also has his own agenda."

Upon hearing this, Butler Han suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Feng.

Then Lin Feng said calmly: "He has definitely noticed that you may end up killing people and silencing them."

"That's why your deed of betrayal, which should have been destroyed long ago, was tightly hidden by him."

With that said, Lin Feng raised the initial contract of betrayal, looked at Butler Han, and said, "I have been paying attention to you. I can clearly see how good you are when I took out this initial contract of betrayal." Surprise, shock, anger, these expressions are enough to prove that you are completely unaware of the existence of this deed of betrayal."

"Therefore, I think you should have asked the fake Gao Deshang to destroy this deed of betrayal. You even destroyed it yourself... But you don't know that the fake Gao Deshang had a hand in it. The deed of betrayal you destroyed was made by him. The real deed of sale was forged by someone, but he had already hidden it."

"And what he did..."

Lin Feng slapped the contract of sale on the table, looked at the real master with calm eyes, and said calmly: "Even after your master killed someone and silenced him, I dragged you, my master, on the road with him."

"I don't want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but I want to go to hell together..." Lin Feng said with a half-smile but not a smile, "The deep love between master and servant is really touching!"

 I don’t know if the identity switch between master and servant is beyond everyone’s expectation. In fact, there are still some details that prove their different identities as master and servant. They will be mentioned at the end of the next chapter.

  The general situation of this case is like this. The identity was not revealed in the early stage, so it was indeed a bit slow. But after the identity was revealed, it should have returned to the rhythm that everyone is familiar with. I hope the final ending and reversal can satisfy everyone.

  Finally, please vote for recommendation!Asking for a monthly ticket!Asking for a monthly ticket!I have been suffering from liver failure for more than 40 consecutive days. I am really tired and need everyone’s support!
(End of this chapter)

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