People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 119 revealed! The beginning and end of 5 years, the truth about the manor!

Chapter 119 revealed!The beginning and end of five years, the truth about the manor!

There was a strong wind and rain outside the study, which made the windows buzz, but inside the study, it was quiet at this time.

Zhao Shiwu and Sun Fujia looked at Lin Feng in confusion, with expressions of shock on their faces.

Just when they were about to give up the possibility of the third person's existence, Lin Feng actually found ironclad evidence of the third person's existence through those vase fragments!

All of a sudden, the originally hazy case suddenly became clear!

It directly sets the tone of the case!
It can be said that without Lin Feng's discovery, they would have really ruled out the possibility of a third person!
And once they really exclude the third person, you can imagine how wrong they will be.

That would be the exact opposite!
Just like the case of Zhao Deshun and Shang Governor Shi Lu Chenhe's investigation of the haunting case, the direction was wrong from the beginning. In the end, the further the investigation, the further away from the truth.

Sun Fujia took a deep breath, full of fear: "We were almost on the wrong track."

He looked at Lin Feng and said thankfully: "Zi De, thank you for discovering the problem with the fragments. If it were just me, I might really be deceived by the third person's disguise."

When Zhao Shiwu heard this, he nodded quickly. He was completely deceived and even tried to persuade Lin Feng not to get into trouble.

Fortunately, Lin Feng didn't listen to him.

Otherwise, his sin would be really too great.

Seeing this, Lin Feng smiled and shook his head. He slowly exhaled a breath, and the stone hanging in his heart finally fell.

Knowing the existence of the third party, the subsequent investigation will be more purposeful.

No need to think about the many possibilities, just follow this line and investigate.

He looked around the study and said: "Although the existence of the third party can now be confirmed, the key problem still exists."

"If the third person wasn't hiding on the rafters, where would he be hiding? There is obviously no place to hide people in the study."

"Also, when the third party attacked Gao Deshang and Miss Gao, why did neither of them make a sound or shout to the servants guarding the door?"

“These two questions still require us to look for clues.”

Sun Fujia nodded heavily and said: "The third party is inseparable from this study. Let's search the study first to see if we can find any clues."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "It's exactly what I want."

The three of them immediately separated and searched the study.

Lin Feng came to the table and looked towards the table.

I saw a few books placed messily on the table.

The books look like someone rummaged through them and left them there casually.

Lin Feng picked up a book and found that it was the "Tao Te Ching". He opened it at will and found that there was nothing wrong with the content.

He thought for a while, then picked up the other books on the table, and briefly read each book.

Sun Fujia asked: "How?"

Lin Feng shook his head: "There are obvious signs that the book has been turned over, but that's all. There is no text content in the book. It looks like a very ordinary book."

He turned around, looked at Sun Fuga who was checking the bookshelf, and said, "Did Dr. Sun find anything?"

Sun Fujia also shook his head: "The arrangement of these books is a bit chaotic. It looks like they were piled randomly on the bookshelf in a hurry."

"But there are no problems on these books. Just like the books you are looking at, these books can show traces of being frequently read, but other than that, there is not a single ink spot on them."

Zhao Shiwu scratched his head and said worriedly: "It seems there is nothing wrong."


Sun Fujia listened to Zhao Shiwu's words, but shook his head and said: "There is indeed something wrong."

Lin Feng's eyes moved slightly, he looked at Sun Fujia, and asked, "What did Dr. Sun find?"

Sun Fuga said: "Zide, do you have the habit of annotating casually when reading?"

Comment casually?

Take notes?

Lin Feng nodded: "Yes."

Sun Fuga said: "We scholars, if we want to understand the works of the sages, we must think more, read more, discern more, copy more, and write more. Only in this way can we understand the works of the sages more deeply."

"This is what Master taught us when we were enlightened."

"So, even those who love books, when they read something wonderful and resonate in their hearts, they can't help but comment a few words of their own thoughts and ideas on the side to compare with the sages."

"However, these books have obviously been read countless times, but there is not a single ink drop in them. This is really strange."

Lin Feng listened to Sun Fujia's words and nodded suddenly. He was not a native of the Tang Dynasty, but he really didn't know what habits the scholars of the Tang Dynasty had when reading.

After Sun Fuga's reminder, Lin Feng suddenly remembered that in his previous life, he had read Han Yu's reading notes. Han Yu said, "Those who record notes must mention their essentials, and those who compile must describe their mysteries." These scholars indeed have the habit of taking notes. .

As Sun Fujia said, there is not a single ink spot on these books, which is indeed a bit strange.

The vulgar martial artist Zhao Shishi thought that the habits of scholars were really strange. He scratched his head and said more seriously: "What if the noble scholar really loves books and is reluctant to leave even a word on them?"

Lin Feng glanced at the bookshelf one by one. He narrowed his eyes and nodded slowly: "It is indeed possible, but in this study, this is really a definite abnormality."

Zhao Shishi was stunned: "Why do you say that? Didn't your adoptive father say that there is a possibility that a virtuous gentleman loves books and is reluctant to leave handwriting? Why do you still say this is abnormal?"

Lin Feng looked at Sun Fujia and said with a smile: "It's up to Dr. Sun to explain this kind of scholar's problem."

Since Sun Fuga was the first to raise this question, it was obvious that he had discovered something unusual.

Zhao Shiwu looked at Sun Fuga in confusion.

Sun Fujia smiled and said: "Fifteen, the possibility you mentioned does exist. I have met some people who cherish books very much and will not leave a word on them... But!"

His voice suddenly changed and he said slowly: "Fifteen, even if he really doesn't want to write in a book, he should still write on paper, right?"

"It can even be said that even if Gao Deshang is different from other scholars in that he does not have the habit of annotating and does not like to leave his thoughts and experiences, he should at least leave his own handwriting on paper and books, right?
"But look inside this huge study, whether it's the desk or the bookshelf...can you find any words left by Gao Deshang?"

"It's not in the book, and it's not on the paper! It's obviously his study, but in the end, not a single trace of his handwriting can be found in his own study. Isn't this strange?"

Zhao Fifteen was stunned and finally understood what was unusual about what Lin Feng and Sun Fujia said. He said, "Can't even find a single trace of his own handwriting?"

Sun Fujia shook his head: "At least so far, I haven't found any of his handwriting in all the books I've read."

"And the papers piled together are all blank sheets of paper, with not a single word on them."

Zhao Shiwu frowned tightly and said doubtfully: "This is really strange. Is Gao Deshang not even writing in his study?"

Lin Feng looked at the four treasures of the study on the corner of the table and picked up a brush on the pen holder.

He pointed to the tip of the brush and said, "Look at this tip, the hairs on it have split. It's obviously the result of long-term use."

"So, Gao Deshang has used it many times."

Sun Fujia looked thoughtful: "Gao Deshang obviously often writes, but there is not a single trace of his handwriting in the study room... This is really strange."

He looked at Lin Feng and said, "Did Gao Deshang destroy all the words he wrote?"


Zhao Shiwu was startled: "Why should it be destroyed?"

Lin Feng looked at the scattered books on the table, and then at the unevenly arranged books on the bookshelf. He squinted his eyes and said, "Do you think there is a possibility that these books were all filled with books?" Some papers... But later, these papers were hurriedly taken out of the book."

"This resulted in these books being placed in a very confusing manner...and the paper taken out of the books should have Gao Deshang's words on them."

"But for some reason, those papers with noble words are missing."

Listening to Lin Feng's speculation, Sun Fujia's eyes moved slightly. He carefully looked at the scattered books on the bookshelf again, his eyes lit up and he said: "This possibility is extremely high!"

"This can not only explain why the books are in such chaos, but also why there is no single word from the noble scholar in the study room."


Sun Fujia changed his words and frowned: "Gao Deshang himself should have no reason to destroy all the papers he put in the book... So, is he the one who did all this?"

He looked at Lin Feng fiercely.

Lin Feng and Sun Fujia had a deep tacit understanding. He understood Sun Fujia's thoughts without Sun Fujia opening his mouth.

He nodded: "Dr. Sun and I have the same idea. Not surprisingly, all this should be done by that third person!"

"Did a third person do it!?" Zhao Shiwu was shocked.

Lin Feng nodded slightly: "Look at the chaotic arrangement of these books. From this, you can imagine that the people who were looking for papers in these books must be very anxious and pressed for time... And who would be short of time? Are you nervous?"

"It is clear……"

Lin Feng's eyes deepened slightly and he said in a deep voice: "Only the third person who has alarmed the servant outside the door and is pressed for time!"

Zhao Shiwu's eyes widened and he nodded subconsciously.

Lin Feng's guess was not groundless, but consistent with the situation at the time.

Now, even the more serious Zhao Shiwu could not find fault.

He wondered: "Then why did the third person take away all Gao Deshang's writings? He would rather waste time and risk being discovered to take those papers with him. What is the purpose?"

This is what Sun Fuga couldn't figure out.

According to their speculation, the third person hid at first, then appeared and killed Gao Deshang and seriously injured Miss Gao.

This immediately alerted the servants outside the door.

After dealing with the two of them, he would have the opportunity to dig out the papers.

So you can imagine how tight his time was at that time, and he had to take the huge risk that his servants could break the door latch and rush in at any time... He took such a big risk, but did such a strange thing, it is really Incomprehensible.

Lin Feng traced his fingertips on the book, pondered for a moment, and said slowly: "There are only two situations."

The two of them looked at him hurriedly.

Then Lin Feng said: "First, the contents on Gao Deshang's papers are secret. The third party took great risks to take away the contents because he was afraid that the contents would be discovered by others."

"Considering that this villa is a black shop, we can reasonably speculate that the contents on those papers may be the reason and motive for their arrest."

Hearing this, Sun Fuga nodded quickly and said, "This is the most likely possibility!"

Zhao Shiwu also agreed.

After all, they still don't know the true purpose of this villa.

"And the second..."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice: "The third person is because of the writing on those papers!"

"Handwriting?" The two of them were startled.

Lin Feng nodded: "If Gao Deshang's pen and ink can be found in this study, then I can directly confirm that the third party is the content on the paper! But now, in the study, there is not even a piece of paper with text on it. .”

"So, I really can't help but suspect... The reason why the third person took away all the papers may be for Gao Deshang's handwriting! After all, I don't think Gao Deshang would write everything on any piece of paper. A secret, right?”

Listening to Lin Feng's analysis, Sun Fujia pondered for a moment and nodded: "Zide's words make sense, but if it is really the second case, it means that there is a problem with Gao Deshang's handwriting... But, it's just a handwriting. What problems could there be?"

Zhao Shiwu couldn't figure it out even if he tried hard, so he couldn't help but look at Lin Feng like a primary school student seeking knowledge.

But Lin Feng also shook his head and said with a smile: "I can't figure it out now, so I still need more clues."

He leaned on the table, looked at the study, and said: "The situation in the study is generally like this. We have checked everything that should be checked, and we have discovered the problems that should be discovered, but the first two questions have still not been answered!"

"Especially the first question... there is still no answer to where the third person is hiding. This should obviously be the most intuitive and simple thing, but now I have no clue at all."

Sun Fuga and Zhao Shiwu also looked sad.

The more they checked, the more they became confused.

Not only do I not feel that the truth is clear, but I feel even more confused.

Lin Feng tapped the table with his fingertips and said slowly: "What is certain now is that the third person must have been hiding here at that time, but wherever he looked, there was no hiding place for him, so you say... Is it possible that... there is actually a secret room or secret passage in this study?"

"Secret room? Secret passage?"

Sun Fujia's eyes flashed and he said: "It's very possible!"

"We have checked every place we can, but there is really no place where a third person can hide... If there is a secret room, it can reasonably explain everything."

As he spoke, Sun Fujia stood up and said, "If there is a secret room, you will know if you look for it."

Sun Fujia is a very agile person who does whatever he thinks of.

When Zhao Shiwu saw this, he also knocked here and looked there.

Lin Feng, however, did not move.

He just stood there, his eyes patrolling the study inch by inch.

Lin Feng believed that if there really was a secret room or secret passage in the study, Gao Deshang would have to frequently touch the mechanism if he wanted to enter.

Therefore, what Gao Deshang often does will definitely leave traces that are different from other places.

Just like the drawer hidden under the dressing cabinet in the bedroom of former Dali Temple Prime Minister Lin Feng in his own mansion, as long as he does it regularly, no matter how careful he is, it will leave traces on the ground.

Some traces cannot be resisted by human beings.

As he was thinking, he looked towards the floor, scanning the floor inch by inch, not missing any detail. Slowly, his eyes fell on the bottom of the bookshelf.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's eyes flashed.

He stood up directly and came to the side of the bookshelf.

On the floor here, Lin Feng saw an indentation.

He squatted down and rubbed his fingertips on the indentation. The indentation was not deep, and it looked like it was caused by a wheel running back and forth frequently.


Lin Feng seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly lay down, with his eyes close to the ground, and looked under the bookshelf.

"Father, what are you doing?"

Zhao Shiwu suddenly saw Lin Feng lying on the ground, with a confused look on his face.

Sun Fujia's eyelids also twitched.

At this time, Lin Feng saw a smile on his lips. He stood up slowly and said, "I know what's going on."

When the two of them heard this, they quickly cast hopeful glances.

Lin Feng pointed to the bookshelf in front of him and said, "Fifteen, grab this bookshelf and move it to one side."

Hearing this, Zhao Shishi looked at the huge bookshelf and couldn't help but wonder: "Father, although my strength is not low, this bookshelf is really big. I can't even hug it. I can't carry it at all."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "What's the matter... Don't you know about the sliding door? Just pull it."

With that said, Lin Feng came to the edge of the bookshelf, grabbed the bookshelf with both hands, took a deep breath, and then pulled back hard——

Something unexpected happened to Zhao Shishi and Sun Fuga.

I saw that the huge bookshelf that even Zhao Shiwu said could not be lifted was actually pulled directly by Lin Feng.

And judging from Lin Feng's appearance, Lin Feng didn't use much effort at all!
Zhao Shiwu was stunned and said: "Father, are you a strong man?"

Sun Fujia was surprised, his eyes flashed suddenly, and he said: "After Zidela moved the bookshelf, there was no unpleasant and harsh sound like the bookshelf mopping the floor... Could it be..."

He also suddenly lay down, imitating Lin Feng's example, and looked under the bookshelf.

Immediately, Sun Fujia showed a look of surprise: "There are two small wheels under this bookshelf. These two wheels are driving the bookshelf!"

"Wheels?" Zhao Shiwu was startled.

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Yes, when I was checking the ground just now, I found two indentations here. The indentations were obviously left by rolling on it for a long time, so I speculated that there might be something wrong with the bookshelf, but this is Indentations, not scratches, obviously not a sliding bookshelf.”

"So I lay down on the ground to verify it, and then I understood everything."

"I see, I really thought my foster father was so strong." Zhao Shiwu said.

Lin Feng smiled: "Strength, etc., you can't just get it if you want it... If you give me a few pulleys and levers, I can really lift this bookshelf easily."

While they were talking and laughing, Lin Feng pulled the bookshelf to the edge and was already leaning against the opposite wall.At this time, Zhao Shiwu stared at the wall behind the bookshelf and said, "There is a door, there really is a door!"

After listening to Zhao Shiwu's words, Lin Feng walked over quickly.

Then he saw that there was indeed a closed door where the bookshelf had originally blocked it.

Seeing this door, even Sun Fujia, who is usually very calm, couldn't help but show excitement: "There is really a trap! Now we have finally found the hiding place of the third person!"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Let's go and see what's behind this door."

"Father, I come first!"

Zhao Shiwu walked directly at the front.

He pulled out the dagger, holding the dagger in one hand and the lantern in the other, and cautiously approached the door. He first put his ear to the door, listened carefully, and then pushed open the closed door with force.

Just listen to the crunching sound.

The door was pushed open.

Behind the door is a dark passage.

Zhao Shiwu walked in holding a lantern. After a while, a voice came out: "Father, come in, it's safe for now."

Lin Feng and Sun Fujia looked at each other and entered the secret passage without any hesitation.

They discovered that the secret passage went downwards. Not long after walking, another door appeared in front of them.

As before, Zhao Shiwu carefully listened to the movement behind the door, and then with lightning speed, he directly opened the door, and at the same time quickly stretched the lantern forward, holding the dagger in front of him to deal with it. Possible dangers.

But everything was uneventful.

No one is hiding behind the door, and there are no traps.

Zhao Shiwu used the light of the lantern to look behind the door, and then said in a voice with some surprise: "Father, this is a stone room, but... there is a dead person in it."


Lin Feng and Sun Fujia were both shocked.

The two of them rushed into the stone room.

But when they saw the so-called dead person in the stone room, they were all stunned.

I saw a white skeleton lying on the stone bed in the stone room... Yes, the so-called dead person Zhao Shiwu had already turned out to be a white skeleton.

There was a candlestick on the stone table, with half a candle left on the candlestick. Lin Feng picked up the fire stick and lit the candle.

As the light of the candle rose, the scene in the stone room suddenly became clear.

This stone room is not big, with only a stone bed, a stone table and a few stone benches.

Other than that, there's nothing superfluous.

Lin Feng came to the stone bed and looked at the bones lying on the stone bed. He saw that the bones were wearing a rich dress, but due to time, the clothes were covered with dust.

"Who is this?"

Zhao Shiwu looked at the white bones and said, "How could he die in this secret room? And he has turned into white bones. How long has he been dead?"

Sun Fujia also looked puzzled.

Lin Feng said: "The time of death is estimated to be three years or more..."

"As for who it is..."

He checked the teeth of the deceased and then looked at the bones of the deceased. Based on the autopsy knowledge he secretly learned from the widower when he was in Zheng County, he pondered for a moment and said: "The deceased is a male, aged between 40 and 50. between years."

"Male? Between 40 and 50 years old?"

Sun Fuga frowned and said, "He will die here. Could it be that he was imprisoned here by Gao Deshang?"

"Is he a foreign guest like us?"

Lin Feng thought for a while and then shook his head: "They should not be outsiders like us. If such a person dies, just bury him like Zhang Jiu. Why hide here? Let him become Bones?"

"I'm more inclined... This is a person of special significance to Gao Deshang, and Gao Deshang doesn't want anyone to know that he is locked up here, and he doesn't want anyone to know that he exists!"

"Otherwise, why would Gao Deshang leave such a corpse and hide it in such a secret room? You know how unpleasant the smell of a corpse is when it rots. Dr. Sun, if Gao Deshang hid it here, he would definitely not be able to enter it for a while. Come on, why do this if this isn’t someone he has to hide?”

Sun Fujia thought carefully about Lin Feng's speculation and nodded: "What you said makes sense...but if so, who is this person, worthy of being treated like this?"

Lin Feng shook his head.

He picked up the candle, approached the bones, and carefully inspected the condition of the bones, but at this moment, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly narrowed.

"Fifteen, catch the candle!"

He said to Zhao Shiwu.

Zhao Shiwu quickly took Lin Feng's candle, and then saw Lin Feng coming to the bottom of the stone bed and directly grabbing the sock on the deceased's right foot.

He pinched the sock, and the corners of his mouth suddenly raised strangely.

The next moment, Zhao Shishi's eyes widened with a look of confusion on his face... Lin Feng actually took off the smelly socks that had been on the feet of the deceased for who knows how long.

Just when Zhao Shishi didn't know how to describe Lin Feng's behavior, he suddenly discovered that Lin Feng had put his hand into the sock.

Then, when Lin Feng took out his hand, he was shocked to find... In Lin Feng's hand, there was a piece of paper folded into a square.

Zhao Shiwu was immediately shocked: "Father, are you doing magic?"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "What do you think?"

Zhao Shiwu said in disbelief: "Could it be that this was found in a sock? There is paper hidden in this skeleton's sock!"

Sun Fujia also looked surprised. He hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Is this a message secretly left by the deceased?"

"Just look at it and you'll find out."

Lin Feng quickly unfolded the paper and looked up.

When his eyes fell on the paper for the first time, his pupils shrank slightly.

Zhao Shiwu glanced at the paper secretly, his expression suddenly changed, and his scalp became numb instantly. He subconsciously exclaimed: "A blood letter! This is actually a blood letter!"

I saw that the paper was densely covered with blood, and it turned out to be a bloody letter written with blood!
Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "There is no pen and ink in this stone room. If he wants to leave a message, he may have to bite off his finger, use his finger as a pen, and use blood as ink."

Sun Fuga said solemnly: "I have to leave a message with blood. I'm afraid the information on this paper is very important to him."

Lin Feng nodded while carefully looking at the contents on the paper.

When Sun Fujia and Zhao Shishi saw this, they quickly held their breath to avoid disturbing Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's eyes kept moving left and right, and he quickly read the contents of the blood book.

He let out a long breath and looked away from the paper.

"How is it?" Sun Fujia asked hurriedly.

Zhao Shiwu also hurriedly said: "Father, what does the blood book say?"

Lin Feng's eyes fell on the bones on the stone bed, and he said solemnly: "I know who he is."

"Who?" the two asked curiously.

Then they heard Lin Feng say a name that was completely beyond their expectations: "The owner of the manor... Gao Deshang!"


"Gao Deshang!?"

Zhao Shiwu exclaimed in surprise, his eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "He is Gao Deshang!? How can he be Gao Deshang?"

"If he is a noble man, then who was the man who was stabbed to death?"

Sun Fujia was also full of surprise. In fact, Lin Feng's words were beyond his expectation.

Lin Feng said: "The blood book says that he was a noble man. One night in March of the first year of Zhenguan, he was arrested by a mysterious man and locked up in this secret room."

"That person tortured him in many ways, asking him to reveal the character traits of everyone he was familiar with, and asking him to reveal all his secrets and habits."

"After he could not bear the torture and revealed all the secrets, the man disappeared and never came to the secret room again. The door to the secret room was sealed and he could not get out."

"After several days of hunger, he sensed that he didn't have much time left and thought that he would die of thirst and starvation, so he bit his finger and left this blood letter, hoping that someone would find this blood letter later. Finally, I can avenge him, bury him, and tell his daughter that he is sorry for her and can no longer protect her."

Listening to Lin Feng's words, Sun Fujia frowned, and Zhao Shiwu had a heavy look on his face.

Zhao Shiwu couldn't help but look at the bones on the stone bed and said: "Is he really Gao Deshang? In the first year of Zhenguan...couldn't it be that he had been arrested five years ago? So, could the Gao Deshang we met before be the same one? The mysterious person who caught him?”

Sun Fujia pondered for a moment and said: "Zide has just conducted an autopsy. This person is a male, between 40 and 50 years old, which is indeed consistent with Gao Deshang's age. In addition, he is dressed in gorgeous clothes... and what we have seen The virtuous man who passed by would rather let him rot here and turn into bones than take him out to see him. There is indeed a very high possibility that he is the real virtuous man!"

"And the letter also said that after the mysterious man caught him, he tortured him about other people's information, and also asked about his habits and secrets. This clearly shows that he wanted to understand him in all aspects and wanted to disguise him!"

"in this case……"

Sun Fujia looked at Lin Feng, took a deep breath, and said: "The person pretending to be him may really be the mysterious man! In other words, the person who was killed was not a real noble man at all! The real noble man, He died five years ago!”

Listening to Sun Fuga's words, Zhao Shiwu felt a chill in his heart.

Who would have thought that the noble gentleman who received them and made tea for them, the noble gentleman who always regarded himself as a philanthropist, would actually be a fake!He would be a thief who would starve a truly noble man to death!
"More than that."

Lin Feng suddenly spoke and said: "Don't forget, the year when Miss Gao started to go crazy was also the first year of Zhenguan five years ago!"

Sun Fujia's eyes flashed, and he hurriedly asked: "Could it be that Miss Gao's sudden departure that night was related to this matter?"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said: "As I speculated before, Miss Gao was probably pretending to be crazy... I wondered at that time whether Miss Gao had encountered something special, which made her safe only by pretending to be crazy and acting stupid."

"Now that we know about Gao Deshang, we have reason to suspect... Miss Gao may have discovered the truth about Gao Deshang. As a daughter, she knows her father better than outsiders, so she may have discovered What happened?"

"Then she suddenly left the manor, maybe to escape, but she didn't expect that as soon as she left the manor, she encountered an accident."

"After finally waking up, Miss Gao may have been worried that she would be silenced...or in other words, she probably wanted to survive and then find and rescue her real father, so she deliberately pretended to be crazy and stupid in this way. The fake virtuous man trusts her."

Sun Fujia listened to Lin Feng's reasoning, thought for a moment, and then nodded.

"Logically and based on the clues we have, this possibility is indeed very high."

Zhao Shiwu frowned and said: "In that case, why did Miss Gao cut her wrists and commit suicide? She was pretending to be crazy and acting stupid to survive, so why did she commit suicide?"

Lin Feng sighed and looked at the bones on the stone bed, and said: "If Miss Gao really pretended to be crazy and survived for the sake of her father... then when she learns the truth and knows that her father is already dead, what do you think..."

Lin Feng looked at Zhao Shiwu and said, "She is a weak woman. All the pillars in her heart have collapsed. She committed suicide in despair. Is there a problem?"

Zhao Shiwu opened his mouth, then fell silent.

He shook his head silently.

He could understand that in such despair, it was completely normal for a weak woman to make the choice to commit suicide.

"But she didn't die in the end." Zhao Shiwu hesitated and said.

Lin Feng nodded: "Yes, she didn't die."

After saying that, Lin Feng looked at Sun Fujia and Zhao Shiwu and said: "She walked around the gate of hell, but she came back to life. At this time, the father who supported her life is no longer there, but she is still alive." You choose to continue pretending to be crazy and acting stupid to survive... Why do you think this is?"

Zhao Shiwu was still thinking, but Sun Fujia's voice had already sounded: "From the fact that she pretended to be crazy and acted like a fool to survive, it can be seen that she is a very persistent woman with a tough heart."

"As long as she has a goal, no matter how hard it is, she can persevere!"

"And the fact that she chose to commit suicide after the goal that supported her collapsed means that she no longer has any attachment to this world. She is by no means a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death!"

"So, later on, she continued to choose to act crazy and act stupid. It was not because she didn't dare to die... but because..."

Sun Fujia looked at Lin Feng and guessed: "She has found a new target!"

Zhao Shiwu was stunned: "New goal? What new goal?"

Sun Fujia took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "She found out that her father had been killed, and the person who killed his father pretended to be his father and took possession of everything... Fifteen, if you are Her, what will you do?"

"Of course I have to kill this fake father!" Zhao Shiwu almost blurted out, but when he said this, his eyes widened suddenly and he said in surprise: "She wants to avenge her father!? "

Sun Fuga nodded: "This is the only possibility that can make her, who is not afraid of death, choose to continue to live by pretending to be crazy and acting stupid."

Zhao Shiwu frowned: "If her goal is to avenge her father... wouldn't that mean..."

"She has always wanted to kill the fake Gao Deshang! Now that the fake Gao Deshang is dead and she is at the scene, does it really have something to do with her?"

Sun Fujia also frowned. It was obvious that he had the same idea.

Even if there is a third party at the scene, given Miss Gao's hatred for the fake Gao Deshang, even if the third party wants to kill Gao Deshang, it is estimated that Miss Gao will not stop him, and may even help.

Lin Feng listened to what the two of them said. He who had been silent all this time finally spoke, and as soon as he spoke, he said something that surprised the two of them to the extreme.

"If you really think so, then unfortunately, you have fallen into the trap of a third person."


Zhao Shishi was stunned.

Sun Fujia was even more startled. He couldn't help but raise his head and look at Lin Feng, frowning, and said: "Zide, do you mean that... the content in this blood book is false?"

Zhao Shiwu widened his eyes and said, "Isn't this person a noble person?"

Lin Feng faced the unexpectedly shocked expressions of the two people and slowly shook his head. He said: "There should be nothing wrong with the content of the blood letter. It can be verified with Miss Gao's actions."

"Since there is nothing wrong with the content of the blood letter, why did you say..." Zhao Shiwu said in confusion.

But before he finished speaking, Lin Feng said calmly: "There is indeed nothing wrong with the content of the blood book, but I didn't say that there is nothing wrong with the blood book itself."

"What?" Both of them didn't understand what Lin Feng meant.

Lin Feng looked at the socks that he had taken off and said slowly, "Do you know why I suddenly wanted to take off his socks?"

Zhao Shiwu looked puzzled: "I also find it strange why my adoptive father is interested in his socks."

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head: "I am not interested in his socks, but when I was observing the skeleton, I found that its socks were bulging, and it was obvious that there was something inside."

"Of course, it's not's important..."

Lin Feng took a deep breath, looked at the two of them, and said, "There's something wrong with the dust on the socks."

"The dust is wrong?" The two of them were startled.

They hurriedly looked at the body on the stone bed.

Lin Feng said: "The corpse on the stone bed was covered with dust. It can be seen that no one has touched him for at least a few months."

"But, on his socks... I just found that there is obviously less dust on them than on the other sock."

"What does this mean?"

Sun Fuga's deep eyes kept flashing with thoughts. Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something and said: "It means someone has touched it!"

As he said that, he looked at Lin Feng and asked, "Are there any fingerprints on it?"

Lin Feng shook his head: "No."


Sun Fujia frowned and said: "There are no fingerprints, but there is less dust than other places. Could it be..."

His eyes widened, his pupils shrank slightly, and he said: "After someone touched it, he was worried that the fingerprints left on it would be discovered, so he simply patted the dust on it to make the traces of fingerprints disappear... That would certainly make the socks There is less dust on the surface, but in a secret room with unclear lighting, this is obviously more secure than the presence of fingerprints."

Is it really?

How could they see so many things from a little dust?
Zhao Shiwu couldn't help but look at Lin Feng, showing an expression asking for help.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Dr. Sun's analysis is correct."

"The dust on the socks has decreased. Someone must have tampered with it. Plus, the paper is bulging in the socks. It's so obvious... I don't believe that fake virtuous people can't find it after so many years."

"So, the truth is already obvious..."

He looked at the two of them, and under their nervous gazes, he took a deep breath and said slowly: "This blood letter was not written by Gao Deshang himself at all. It was written by a third person and is specially placed here. Just waiting for us to find out!”

"And it has only one function! That complete Miss Gao's motive for murder! Combined with the forged scene in the study, the evidence of Miss Gao's murder case is complete, the motive is sufficient, and the ironclad that she will never be able to stand up again. Chance!"

(End of this chapter)

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