People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 116 See through!The identity is wrong, he is lying!

Chapter 116 See through!The identity is wrong, he is lying!

The woman's scream had the power to penetrate the eardrums.

At this moment, she was screaming and moving away from Sun Fuga in fear. At the same time, there were tears in her eyes, but the corners of her mouth were raised abnormally. That strange expression, coupled with the words "The ghost's next target is Sun Fuga", directly The calm Zhuangyuan Lang could not help but turn pale.

Zhao Shiwu even hurriedly rubbed his arms. He was afraid of ghosts and had goosebumps on his skin.

That is to say, Lin Feng, an expert in catching ghosts, can face this situation with ease.

He looked at the trembling woman, lowered his voice, and said mysteriously: "Don't worry, you may not know that we are all gods in the sky, specializing in fighting ghosts. If those ghosts really want to take us to the underworld, then I’m afraid in the end, they’ll be so sorry that their guts are green.”

The crazy woman was suddenly startled. She blinked her eyelashes and looked at Lin Feng dully.

It seems that he did not expect Lin Feng to react like this.

Lin Feng chuckled lightly, facing a madman, only one who is crazier than her can control her.

The woman was stunned for a long time.

But the next moment, she suddenly screamed like a wild cat, "How dare you look down on the ghost! You are going to die! You are going to die soon! Run! Only by escaping from the underworld can you survive!"

As she spoke, she pushed Lin Feng hard.

Lin Feng's eyes flashed slightly, and just as he was about to say something, his eyes suddenly saw the woman's arm slipping out of her sleeves, and his eyes froze.

At this time, there was a sudden sound in the room.

Then I saw two maids rushing out of the room.

They grabbed the crazy woman's arms.

"Miss, the master said you can't leave the room after night. Let's go back quickly."

One person dragged the crazy woman into the room.

One person looked at Lin Feng and others apologetically, and said, "The lady suddenly pushed us all down just now, so we didn't have time to stop her and scared the guests. I'm very sorry."

Lin Feng saw the crazy woman struggling in fear and unwilling to go back, shook her head and said: "It doesn't matter, we are all very courageous, she didn't scare us."

When the maid heard this, she couldn't help but glance at Sun Fujia, whose face turned pale, and Zhao Shiwu, who was scratching his goose bumps.

Sun Fujia and Zhao Shiwu froze immediately, then silently straightened their backs, raised their chins slightly, and looked calm and indifferent.

Lin Feng coughed and asked curiously: "I don't know how long your lady has been suffering from brain disease? Why was she so scared?"

The maid hesitated for a moment and then said: "One night five years ago, the lady suddenly disappeared from her room. When we found the lady, we found her lying on the road outside the manor, unconscious."

"And after we revived the young lady, she became like this."

"So we don't know what exactly happened to the lady. We don't know why the lady left the room on her own. Anyway, since then, the lady has been like this every night, saying that she saw something ghostly and said something about the underworld."

"The master was worried that the young lady would have another accident, so he didn't allow the young lady to leave the room at night. But who would have thought that the young lady would rush out repeatedly tonight... The young lady was obviously very obedient in the past."

Listening to the maid's words, Lin Feng's eyes flashed slightly.

Five years ago...the first year of Zhenguan?

He left the room for unknown reasons and fainted on the road outside the manor?

Why leave?

Why would you faint?
Ghost error?Hell?What does it mean?
Also, her arms...

Lin Feng's brain was spinning rapidly, but it didn't show anything on the surface.

After the maid finished speaking, she bowed slightly to Lin Feng and saluted, then turned and entered the room.

With a "bang" sound, the opened door was closed.

On the window paper, you can still see Miss Gao's fierce struggle and the shadow of the two maids holding her down.

Zhao Shiwu couldn't help but shrink his neck, and said with a nervous voice: "Father, is there really something wrong with Miss Gao's brain, or can she really see something?"

Lin Feng glanced at the cowardly adopted son who was as strong as an ox and as skilled as a martial arts master, but was terrified of ghosts, and said: "You have caught ghosts with me so many times. Why are you still so timid?"

Zhao Shishi was a little shy. He glanced at Sun Fujia out of the corner of his eye and muttered in a low voice: "I'm not the only one who's scared. Dr. Sun's face turned pale just now."

Sun Fujia's expression froze, he coughed and said calmly: "My skin color is lighter than yours. It was just a lighting problem. You saw it wrong."

After saying that, he put his hands behind his back and moved forward calmly: "Let's go to the lake. The scene will be destroyed in a while, and it will be difficult to find clues."

Looking at Sun Fuga's back as if he was running away, Lin Feng smiled and shook his head.

He knew that Sun Fujia was a very rational person and did not believe in any theories about ghosts and gods, but Miss Gao's appearance just now was really permeable, and Sun Fujia was also shocked.

But Sun Fuga is a strong person, how can he admit that he is afraid?

Only Zhao Shiwu, a stubborn guy, knows how to poke people's shortcomings.

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Dr. Sun said, let's go there quickly."

Several people left quickly.

While walking, Lin Feng asked Zhao Shiwu in a low voice: "Did you find anything special in your room? For example, books, or other things that should not be in the room?"

When Sun Fujia heard this, his eyes flashed suddenly, and he immediately understood what Lin Feng meant.

Lin Feng obviously wanted to know whether there was something similar to the "Analects of Confucius" on their bed in Zhao Shiwu's room.

But Zhao Shiwu shook his head, looking confused: "Something special? Nothing."

"The decoration in the room is very simple. There are no extra things except the table and cabinets that should be in the room."

Lin Feng said: "What about the bed? Is there anything hidden under the sheets?"

"No." Zhao Shiwu said: "I have been lying on it to rest, and I don't think there is anything wrong with the bed."

Lin Feng and Sun Fuga looked at each other.

Sun Fuga said: "It seems that only our room has it."

Lin Feng thought for a while and asked Zhao Shiwu: "Is the room clean? Is there any dust on the table?"

Zhao Shiwu said: "It looks quite clean, but there is still a little dust on the table. It seems that it is not a permanent resident."

Lin Feng's eyes flickered for a moment, and a flash of understanding flashed in his deep eyes.

He nodded slowly, looked at Sun Fujia, and said, "When I entered our room, I wiped my fingers on the table, and there was no dust at all on my fingers."

"At the time, I thought that all the rooms were cleaned regularly, so that's why they were so clean, but now it seems that's not the case."

"That is to say..."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and said slowly: "It is not accidental that we can discover "The Analects of Confucius", but inevitable!"

"Obviously, when outsiders come to stay in the manor, they should stay in the room we live in. This room is the most commonly used room to entertain outsiders. Because of this... the servants will clean it frequently, and the room will be cleaner than other rooms. .”

"And this "The Analects of Confucius" is hidden under the sheets in this room, which is obviously for all outsiders."

"In other words... as long as anyone comes to stay at the manor, they will definitely find this "The Analects of Confucius"!"

Sun Fujia listened to Lin Feng's analysis with a thoughtful look in his eyes. He thought for a while and then nodded.

"In this way, the Analects of Confucius is specifically for outsiders to read, but what is its purpose?"

He frowned and said, "The Analects of Confucius didn't say it was written more clearly. It just wrote four ambiguous words, 'If there is a ghost, run away.' What exactly do you want to express?"

Zhao Shiwu was a little confused when he heard what Lin Feng and Sun Fujia said, and said: "What's the Analects of Confucius? What's 'Run away if there's a ghost'? What are you talking about?"

Sun Fujia looked at Lin Feng, and Lin Feng nodded: "You can know at the age of fifteen."

Immediately, Sun Fuga told Zhao Shiwu the "Analects of Confucius" they found in the room and the bloody words on it.

Then Sun Fujia saw Zhao Shishi jump up and almost hit the corridor beam above his head.

With such jumping ability, it would be a pity not to play basketball... Lin Feng saw Zhao Shishi shrinking his neck with a frightened look on his face, and said helplessly: "If you use a little more strength, you can directly hit a hole in this corridor. We will still have to pay for renovations at that time.”

Zhao Shiwu couldn't help but look embarrassed after listening to Lin Feng's words.

He couldn't help but said: "Father, what on earth is going on? This Miss Gao is crazy, she keeps calling "Gui Chai", and then there are reminders in "The Analects of Confucius" to us, and now there are still people who are crazy and jump into the lake..."

He glanced around subconsciously. Seeing the pouring rain and listening to the rumbling thunder, he felt his heart tremble. He couldn't help but say: "There seems to be something evil in this manor."

When Lin Feng saw this, he just said calmly: "Have I solved too few evil cases in the past few months?"

"The so-called evil sect, huh..."

Lin Feng looked at the figures that appeared on the lakeside illuminated by the lightning and thunder, and said lightly: "...It's usually someone who deliberately makes us feel evil."

"Let's go and see what the so-called evil sect and the so-called crazy jumping into the lake are all about."

As he spoke, Lin Feng speeded up, and everyone quickly arrived at the lake.

As soon as they got closer, they could hear Gao Deshang's angry questioning voice: "Are you blind with so many eyes? So many people can't see one person? Just watch him rush out, rush into the lake and drown ?”

The servants lowered their heads and made excuses for themselves.

"Master, you really don't blame us. How could we have known that he would suddenly go crazy and rush out!"

"He was obviously very honest before!"

"Yes, we have tried our best to stop him, but we couldn't stop him at all. He plunged into the lake with no warning at all."

"Seeing him jump into the lake, we quickly jumped in to save him, but who knew he couldn't swim, so he struggled desperately. The more he struggled, the less we could save him, and in the end he killed himself. ”

Listening to the servants' words, Lin Feng nodded slightly.

If a person who cannot swim accidentally falls into the water, it is best to face up and remain motionless.

As long as you don't move around, your body will float easily and you can wait for the chance of rescue.

But once they struggle, they often sink directly into the water, hastening their death.

And when people come to save them, don't struggle. Otherwise, they will be like the servant named Zhang Jiu in front of them. Not to mention that he himself can't survive, even the person who saves him may accelerate his strength because of his struggle. The consumption may end up being dangerous for both people.

The servants' words were in line with Lin Feng's judgment of the accidental fall into the water. It simply sounded like there was nothing wrong with it.

The heavy rain continued, and the night was as dark as ink. The few lanterns could not illuminate the surroundings at all. Therefore, when Lin Feng and the other two people arrived, wearing raincoats like the others, no one noticed that the people coming were not servants like them.

Lin Feng took advantage of the chaos and came to the front of the crowd.

I saw a corpse lying on the rocks on the shore. This corpse was dressed in green clothes.

He is in his 30s and there is still water flowing out of his nose and mouth.

Lin Feng took advantage of the fact that the servants were looking for excuses to Gao Deshang to shirk responsibility. No one was paying attention to the deceased, so he secretly pinched the deceased's mouth open and found some traces of sand in his mouth. Lin Feng nodded slightly.

It seemed that he had indeed drowned in the lake, rather than being drowned and then thrown into the lake to cause an accident.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng raised one of the deceased's hands and checked the deceased's nails. He also found some sediment in the nails. This and the sediment in the deceased's mouth verified each other, making it more certain that it was in the lake. drowned.

After Lin Feng determined the cause of death of the deceased, he was about to put his hand back and sneak away.

But at this moment, just when he was about to put the deceased's hand back, his eyes glanced at the deceased's palm, and his eyes suddenly froze.

"This is……"

Lin Feng lowered his head and took a closer look at the deceased's palm with the help of the weak lantern light, and narrowed his eyes.

"What are you doing? Don't touch the corpse!"

At this time, a servant noticed that Lin Feng was touching the corpse's hand and hurriedly shouted to Lin Feng in a low voice: "You want to be punished by the master!"

When Sun Fujia and Zhao Shiwu saw this scene from behind, their hearts almost jumped out of their throats and they held their breath.

But when Lin Feng heard this voice, he didn't show any signs of panic.

He slowly put down the deceased's hand, lowered his head and stood up, as if he had done something wrong.

At this time, Gao Deshang was still scolding these servants. Seeing that Lin Feng did not touch the corpse anymore, the servant didn't think much and continued to lower his head and listened to Gao Deshang's scolding obediently.

Lin Feng saw this and retreated little by little, calmly staying away from everyone. In this way, he finally retreated behind everyone without any danger or alarming anyone.

Sun Fujia shed a cold sweat for Lin Feng and lowered his voice: "I thought you were going to be discovered."

There was no panic on Lin Feng's expression. He smiled and said: "The light is so bad, and there is heavy rain blocking the view. Everyone is wearing raincoats and hats. As long as they don't see my face with their own eyes, who can know who is who?"

Sun Fujia nodded and breathed a sigh of relief: "I didn't expect that this bad weather would actually help us."

He looked at Lin Feng and whispered: "How is it?"

Lin Feng said slowly: "It is impossible to conduct a more detailed autopsy, but based on the situation at hand, it is basically certain that he drowned in the lake."

"But I can't be sure whether he jumped in by himself."

Sun Fujia frowned and said: "We are traveling merchants now, so we cannot carry out post-mortem investigations openly. How about... we explain our identities to them?"

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and immediately shook his head: "No! Don't say it yet."

At this time, Lin Feng saw his servants approaching the body and preparing to carry it away. He whispered: "Let's go back first..."

Seeing this, Sun Fuga nodded directly: "Okay."

Several people quietly left the crowd and returned to the wing without any incident.

After returning to the wing, Lin Feng first went to see the imprisoned county captain Wang Pengcheng. When he saw that Wang Pengcheng was tied with a rope and had a piece of cloth stuffed in his mouth, and there was no abnormality, he told the officials: "Arrange more people to keep an eye on him." , there must be at least two people keeping vigil in the room at the same time tonight, and don’t let anyone from this manor get close to him.”

The official nodded quickly; "I understand!"

When Wang Pengcheng entered the manor, his clothes were tied with ropes inside and he was wearing a coat outside. He was walking at the back of the crowd. It was extremely dark and it was raining heavily, so no one in the manor noticed that Wang Pengcheng was tied up.

Now Lin Feng even asked someone to stuff Wang Pengcheng's mouth with a piece of cloth to prevent Wang Pengcheng from yelling and causing trouble.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Wang Pengcheng, Lin Feng and the others returned to the room.

After taking off his raincoat and hat, Lin Feng wiped the rain off his hands with a towel.

He ordered Zhao Shiwu: "I will send an order in a moment. You can't eat or drink anything in this manor. If you want to eat, we can eat our own dry food, and if you want to drink, we can drink the water we bring."

Zhao Shishi looked at Lin Feng in confusion: "Father, what is this?"

Sun Fujia also frowned slightly and looked at Lin Feng in confusion.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "I can't confirm my guess yet, but as Shi Fifteen said, there may be something evil in this manor."

Hearing Lin Feng say the word "evil sect", Sun Fujia and Zhao Shiwu both felt a chill from the soles of their feet to the sky. Lin Feng's words were much more powerful than Zhao Shiwu's.Sun Fuga hurriedly asked: "Zide, what did you find?"

Just as Lin Feng was about to speak, there was a knock on the door.

The butler's voice came: "Have the guests rested? The kitchen has prepared the ginger soup. It is best for the guests to drink the ginger soup and then rest to avoid catching the cold."

Sun Fujia and Zhao Shiwu immediately looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes and nodded to the two of them, signaling them not to say anything.

Immediately, he smiled, without any strange look on his face, walked quickly to the door, and opened it.

Looking at the butler outside the door, Lin Feng cupped his hands and said, "Butler Han, I'm really troubling you."

"You have already done us a great favor by allowing us to stay here for the night. Now that you are making ginger soup for us, I don't know how to thank you enough."

The butler smiled and said: "Our master is always willing to give, so this is nothing at all. Besides, it's just some ginger soup and not a few copper coins, so don't be polite."

As he spoke, he said: "I will ask my servants to bring it to you. You all have a bowl to drink to get rid of the cold. This way, you will not be easily infected by the cold."

Lin Feng heard this and said hurriedly: "Then I'll help the housekeeper."

Butler Han smiled and shook his head: "It's just a casual job."

While waiting for the ginger soup, Lin Feng asked curiously: "When I met Mr. Gao just now, I heard that a servant seemed to have jumped into the lake. I wonder what happened? Did he really jump into the lake?"

"He was fine, why did he jump into the lake?"

The housekeeper frowned after listening to Lin Feng's words.

Seeing this, Lin Feng hurriedly said: "If the butler feels embarrassed about this topic, then let's not talk about it... I just happened to meet him, and I am just a little curious. It is indeed very abrupt, so the butler does not need to answer."

Lin Feng looked very flustered and embarrassed, as if he had asked a question he shouldn't have asked, which was a bit embarrassing.

The housekeeper looked at Lin Feng, shook his head, and sighed, "Actually, it's not a secret that cannot be told."

"Besides, if this happened to the guest, if I didn't tell him, I would be worried that the guest would have random thoughts. If the rest is delayed, it will be my fault."

When Lin Feng heard this, he immediately looked at him curiously. Zhao Shiwu and Sun Fujia also set their sights on the housekeeper.

Then he saw the butler look sad and said: "The name of the dead servant is Zhang Jiu. He was seriously ill two months ago."

"Ever since he fell ill, he has been bedridden and unable to work for his master."

"But even so, the master has never blamed him. The master is kind-hearted and treats outsiders kindly, let alone the servants of the manor."

"So the master found a doctor for Zhang Jiu and used the best quality medicine to treat Zhang Jiu's illness. Zhang Jiu couldn't do the work. The master didn't say that he had deducted a penny from Zhang Jiu, and he still gave Zhang Jiu a full salary."

When Lin Feng heard this, he couldn't help but said: "Master Gao is really so kind. When a servant is sick and can't work, he not only helps the servant to treat his illness for free, but also continues to pay wages... It's also a good thing that you can work under such a kind Master Gao. Lucky thing."

"Yes, we always consider ourselves extremely lucky."

The housekeeper nodded and continued: "It's just that Zhang Jiu has been lying down for two full months, unable to do anything. He also took the master's money for nothing and let the master waste money on treating him. He felt ashamed of his master and had no shame. At the manor.”

"So he wanted to leave and fend for himself in the future, at least not to waste the master's money anymore."

When Zhao Shiwu heard this, he frowned and said: "How could he have such an idea? If he leaves even though he is seriously ill, who will treat him? Who will buy him medicine? How will he get the money to survive if he can't do the work? Isn't this an obvious way to die? Well!"

The housekeeper nodded to Zhao Shiwu: "This guest is right. From his behavior, we can see that he has been ill for a long time and has already decided to die."

"But the master is so kind-hearted, how can he just watch him die? So the master strictly prohibits him from leaving. He also said that if he cannot be cured in this life, the master will always keep him!"

Zhao Shiwu couldn't help but said: "Master Gao is simply the most coveted master in the hearts of all servants."

For ordinary masters and servants, the servants have no status at all. The master can control the life and death of the servants at will.

You can no longer work for your master, but you still want him to support you?This is simply impossible.

So when he heard that Gao Deshang took such good care of Zhang Jiu, Zhao Shiwu really felt that Gao Deshang was enough to be called a role model among his masters.

The housekeeper smiled and said, "Yes, so every day we feel that meeting the master is the luckiest thing in our lives."

Lin Feng gently rubbed the thumb and index finger of his right hand and asked, "Would Zhang Jiu jump into the lake tonight?"

The smile on the butler's face quickly turned into a sigh. He shook his head and said, "We thought that after the master got angry, Zhang Jiu would give up his will to die and would be able to take good care of his illness with peace of mind."

"But who knows..."

His face was full of sadness: "He has never given up his will to die. The better the master treats him, the deeper the guilt in his heart. I can understand him. As a servant, he cannot solve the master's problems. Instead, he makes the master treat him every day. Worrying about him and spending countless money on his medical treatment must make him feel uncomfortable and guilty."

"Finally... tonight."

The housekeeper sighed, with sorrow in his voice: "He actually rushed out of the room while we were not paying attention, jumped into the lake and committed suicide..."

Seeing the sad and sad look of the housekeeper, Lin Feng said with relief: "Perhaps for Zhang Jiu, death is a kind of relief after a long-term illness."

The housekeeper took a deep breath, nodded, and said, "I can see that Zhang Jiu is really suffering from his serious illness. As you said, maybe for him, death is really a kind of relief. It's a pity... the master still wanted to cure him, but now that he is dead, the master will probably be sad for a while."

"Kind people always have to endure more pain than others." Lin Feng sighed.

The butler nodded heavily.

Lin Feng looked at the pouring rain outside and said, "I wonder what Zhang Jiu did in the manor before? He left. I'm afraid he will have to recruit new people for his job."

The housekeeper said: "Zhang Jiu does the most common manual work. This kind of work does not require any skills and it is not difficult to recruit people... It's just that the owner had no hope of recovering from Zhang Jiu's illness before, so he never hired people, but now , I’m afraid we really need to recruit more people.”

While talking, ginger soup was brought over by the servants.

Two large basins were filled with ginger soup.

There are also over 20 bowls.

The housekeeper looked at Lin Feng and said, "Drink the ginger soup while it's hot. It's better for your health."

Lin Feng nodded, he picked up the bowl, filled the ginger soup, and said: "Butler Han has been running back and forth in the rain for us tonight, and his clothes are a little wet. Butler Han also drinks a bowl of ginger soup to get rid of the cold. If we got the cold because of us, we would really blame ourselves."

With that said, Lin Feng handed the filled ginger soup to the butler.

Butler Han waved his hands hurriedly: "No, no, no, this is your ginger soup. How can I drink it? If the master finds out, he will scold me for being disrespectful."

"And the kitchen has prepared ginger soup for us. I can just go to the kitchen to drink it later."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as we don't tell, how will Mr. Gao know?"

"That's not OK."

The butler's attitude was very firm: "Master is so kind to us, we will never deceive him."

Seeing that Lin Feng seemed to be insisting, the housekeeper hurriedly walked out: "The guests should go to bed early after drinking the ginger soup. I will come to see you tomorrow."

After saying that, the butler left in a hurry.

Lin Feng held the bowl of ginger soup and calmly watched the butler disappear into the rainy night. Then he slowly poured the ginger soup in the bowl back into the basin.

Lin Feng said calmly: "Zhao Fifteen, pour out these two pots of ginger soup... Remember, don't let anyone in the manor find out."

When Zhao Shiwu heard this, he couldn't help but look at Lin Feng with doubts: "Father, what are you doing?"

Sun Fujia was also stunned for a moment, full of confusion.

Lin Feng came to the window, opened the window, looked at the pouring rain outside, his eyes were deep, and he said slowly: "Steward Han, he is lying."



Sun Fujia's heart skipped a beat and he quickly asked, "Why do you say that?"

Zhao Shiwu also looked confused. He said: "Which statement did Butler Han lie? Was it the cause of Zhang Jiu's death? Didn't Zhang Jiu jump into the lake because he was seriously ill and felt guilty?"

Lin Feng shook his head slightly and said, "That's not what he said."

Sun Fujia frowned and said, "Then you think that Zhang Jiu didn't jump into the lake by himself? He was pushed into the lake by someone. He committed suicide? Wasn't he committing suicide as Butler Han said?"

Lin Feng still shook his head: "That's not the case."

"What else could it be?"

Zhao Shiwu looked confused.

What Butler Han just said was that Zhang Jiu was seriously ill and would not recover, so he committed suicide by jumping into the lake out of guilt!

Apart from these, Butler Han didn't say anything else. Where else could he lie?
Sun Fujia thought for a long time and couldn't figure out what was wrong with Butler Han.

Then, they heard Lin Feng slowly say: "Do you know what I found on Zhang Jiu's hands when I was checking his body just now?"

"On hand?"

The two were startled.

Zhao Shishi hurriedly asked: "What did you find?"

Lin Feng turned around, looked at the two of them with dark eyes, and said, "I found something missing from Zhang Jiu's hand!"

"One thing is missing?"

Zhao Shiwu was even more confused: "What else is missing in his hand? Is he missing fingers?"

"That's not right. Even though I was standing behind you just now, far away, I still saw that when you raised Zhang Jiu's hand, my adoptive father, there were a full five fingers on Zhang Jiu's hand and they were not reduced."

Sun Fujia also nodded, and he also saw Zhang Jiu's five fingers.

But in the end, Lin Feng shook his head: "It's not fingers, it's not nails, it's not that kind of thing, it's..."

Lin Feng squinted his eyes, with a deep meaning flashing in his eyes: "Something that only appears due to long-term work."

"Things that will appear after long-term labor?" Zhao Shiwu had not yet reacted.

But Sun Fuga, who was extremely knowledgeable, suddenly widened his eyes, took a step forward, his face changed drastically, and said: "Cocoon!?"

"Zide, are you saying that there are no calluses on Zhang Jiu's hands!?"


Zhao Shishi was stunned and subconsciously looked at Lin Feng.

When Lin Feng saw Sun Fujia's expression, he knew that Sun Fujia had understood what he meant.

He nodded slightly and said, "Yes, it's a cocoon!"

"When I was checking Zhang Jiu's nails to determine whether Zhang Jiu had really drowned in the lake, I accidentally caught a glimpse of Zhang Jiu's palm... His palm was actually very smooth, with no calluses at all."

"What does this mean?"

Sun Fujia frowned and said in a deep voice: "It means Zhang Jiu has never done any hard work. Otherwise, there would be no calluses on his palms."

Lin Feng nodded: "But Zhang Jiu is a servant, how can he not work? How can his palms be as smooth as those of a master who has never touched his hands?"

"So, after I discovered that there were no calluses on Zhang Jiu's palm, I realized that something was wrong."

Sun Fujia's eyes flashed fiercely, and he was pacing in the room. Suddenly, he stopped, looked at Lin Feng, and said: "So, you just asked Butler Han what Zhang Jiu did? "


Lin Feng nodded slightly: "I have doubts, and naturally they need to be verified."

"What if what Zhang Jiu does is not the kind of heavy physical work that requires both hands?"

"What if Zhang Jiu is a man, but he does Zhi Niang's job? In that case, it is indeed possible that there are no calluses on his palms."

Sun Fujia took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "But Butler Han said... Zhang Jiu does the most common physical work."

Lin Feng nodded: "Yes, Butler Han said that what Zhang Jiu does is the most common physical work... But if it is physical work, the calluses on his hands will definitely be the same as Shi Fifteen who dances with knives and sticks every day. Full of palms.”

When Zhao Shiwu heard this, he quickly opened his palms and looked down.

I saw that there were thick calluses on the palms of both of his hands. The calluses were very hard when touched with a fingernail.

Zhao Shiwu, who was turning his head slowly, finally figured it out at this moment. He looked at Lin Feng with wide eyes and said: "Father, does this mean... Zhang Jiu's palms should be covered with calluses?" , but the result is that there are no calluses at all, so does this prove... In fact, this Zhang Jiu is not the physical labor the housekeeper said at all, he is really doing Zhi Niang's work!"

Sun Fujia's eyelids twitched and he was immediately rendered speechless by Zhao Shiwu.

Lin Feng shook his head. Lin Feng always had infinite patience with Zhao Shiwu.

He said: "If Zhang Jiu is really Zhi Niang's job, then there is no need for Butler Han to hide it from us... We are just travelers staying here for one night. We will leave early tomorrow morning. What does Zhang Jiu do? , has nothing to do with us at all, why should he hide it?"

Zhao Shiwu frowned and thought for a long time: "That's true, then why did he lie to us?"

"There is only one possibility!"


Suddenly, a thunder resounded across the sky and the earth.

Lin Feng looked out the window and saw electric snakes flying freely through the rain in the night sky.

The rain fell harder.

In the crackling rain, Zhao Shiwu heard Lin Feng's deep voice: "If what I expected is good..."

"That Zhang Jiu, I'm afraid, is not a servant of this manor at all!"

"Not a servant of the manor!?" Zhao Shishi was confused: "If he is not a servant of the manor, then who can he be?"

Sun Fujia also stared at Lin Feng closely.

Lin Feng's eyes were seen moving down from the electric snake in the air to the donkeys tied there at the fence in the corner of the yard.

He said slowly: "Don't forget, we are not the only ones coming to this manor tonight."

Zhao Shiwu has not yet reacted.

Sun Fujia's pupils suddenly shrank.

He suddenly looked towards the room on the other side and said, "Do you mean to say that Zhang Jiu is..."

Lin Feng chuckled and said, "You'll know if you go and see it?"

As he said that, he looked at Zhao Shishi and said: "Shishi, go to the two rooms on the opposite side and take a look... See if the neighbors who arrived at the manor an hour earlier than us are still there?"

(End of this chapter)

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