People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 109 revealed!A plan to steal the sky and change the situation!

Chapter 109 revealed!A plan to steal the sky and change the situation! ([-]-in-[-])

After half an hour.

Mass graves outside Zheng County.

Lin Feng and Sun Fujia stood under a tree, watching Zhao Shiwu and the officials from Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishments digging graves.

Sun Fujia's eyelids twitched when he saw it, thinking that he had never seen any weird things in all his years as an official, but he never thought that one day he would become one of the weird ones and come to dig graves in this mass grave.

He couldn't help but look at Lin Feng and couldn't help but said: "Zide...did you think about digging a grave before you came to Zheng County? Otherwise, how could you apply for the documents to dig a grave in advance?"

In the Tang Dynasty, graves could not be dug casually. This required permission from the court.

Otherwise, it is a serious crime.

So when he saw Lin Feng taking out the document calmly and calmly, Sun Fujia was really shocked. He didn't expect that Lin Feng had even prepared such a rare document in advance.

Lin Feng looked calmly at Zhao Fifteen and others who were working hard, and said slowly: "Although Zheng County is not far from Chang'an, it takes two or three days to go back and forth. Since I want to investigate, it should be Prepare everything you may need in advance, otherwise it will be a waste of time if you wait until you need to send someone back to apply.”

"Not to mention……"

Lin Feng's voice paused, and he saw that the corpse he had brought from Chang'an had already begun to go to the grave for autopsy. He continued: "The murderer of Puguang Temple may be a surviving member of the Zhou family, but it is clearly recorded in the file. The number of corpses can be matched, so... I really have to suspect that there may be something wrong with these corpses."

If there were problems with the corpse, it was natural to dig the grave for confirmation, and digging the grave required paperwork, so I applied for the paperwork for digging the grave in advance... Lin Feng's words formed a perfect closed loop, and Sun Fujia couldn't find anything wrong with it. Come.

He thought for a long time, and finally could only sigh with emotion: "You are really thoughtful in everything, leaving no loopholes."

Lin Feng smiled: "The investigation of the case is basically a battle of wits and courage against the insidious criminal. If we don't think carefully, we will fall into the criminal's plan. How will we find out the truth in the end?"

Sun Fujia nodded in agreement and sighed in his heart. Although everyone knew this truth, not all prisoners could be as thoughtful as Lin Feng.

It's not that he doesn't want to do this, but he can't. After all, not everyone is qualified to be called a detective.

"Who are you!?"

"Whoever allowed you to dig graves privately should stop now!"

At this time, an angry shout suddenly sounded.

Then I saw about twenty government officials, led by an official, running over quickly.

Judging from the official's clothes, he should be a county captain.

The county captain is an official with real power in the county government and is in charge of the specific affairs of the county. Judging from the appearance of this county captain, he should be in charge of public security.

So after receiving the report of someone digging a grave, we rushed over with people as soon as possible.

These government officials quickly surrounded Lin Feng and others, and at the same time shouted at them to stop immediately.

However, Zhao Shiwu and others ignored these government officials and continued the hard work of digging graves.

When the county lieutenant saw that these people didn't stop, his face suddenly darkened, and he shouted: "Arrest them all!"

The government officials are about to take action.


But at this time, a faint voice sounded.

Then the county lieutenant saw a young man with extraordinary temperament walking over. The man looked at him and said slowly: "We have documents from the court to assist in the investigation, and we need to dig graves to investigate the case."

As he spoke, he handed the document to the county captain.

The county lieutenant took the document, looked up, and then his eyes widened suddenly, with a look of surprise on his face. He couldn't help but look at the two people opposite him, his attitude quickly became much more humble, and he said: "I'm the next official, Wang Pengcheng, the county lieutenant of Zheng County." , I wonder who you two are?”

The young man with extraordinary temperament said: "I am Lin Feng, the principal of Dali Temple, and this is Sun Fuga, the doctor of the Ministry of Punishment."

"Lin Feng...are you the detective Lin Si Zheng!?"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, County Lieutenant Wang Pengcheng's expression suddenly changed.

When the other government officials heard this, their eyes widened and they looked at Lin Feng in surprise.

It was obvious that even the ordinary people in Zheng County knew about Lin Feng's reputation as a detective. It was impossible for people like them from the yamen to be unaware of this.

At this moment, when they heard that the person in front of them was the legendary detective Lin Feng, you can imagine how surprised and unexpected they would be.

Lin Feng nodded slightly: "I and Dr. Sun were ordered to investigate the fire case of cloth merchant Zhou's house ten years ago. I hope Wang County Lieutenant can cooperate."

When Wang Pengcheng heard this, he did not dare to hesitate at all. He quickly said: "Xiaguan will fully cooperate with Lin Sizheng and Dr. Sun."

Seeing Lin Feng's few words, Sun Fujia completely controlled the situation in the palm of his hand. He nodded slightly in his heart and secretly said that Lin Feng had a stronger control over the overall situation than when he went out to investigate cases several times before.

Lin Feng looked at Wang Pengcheng and said, "Wang County Lieutenant, do you still remember the murder of the Zhou family ten years ago?"

When Wang Pengcheng heard about the Zhou family's murder case, he was slightly stunned, but he quickly nodded and said: "To be honest with Lin Sizheng, the official was responsible for investigating this case back then, so even after ten years, the official is still Remember some of the key points.”

"Oh? What a coincidence!"

Lin Feng looked at Wang Pengcheng and said with a smile: "Then, let Wang County Lieutenant recall it carefully and try his best to help me restore the situation that night."

Wang Pengcheng nodded quickly: "Xiaguan is doing his best."

As he said that, he showed a look of confusion and said: " has been ten years since this case. I wonder why Lin Si is suddenly re-investigating the case today?"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "It's not a big deal. During this period, Dali Temple has been sorting out the past files, and it happened that I discovered the files on this case. Then while sorting the files, I found that this case was not too rigorous, so We just came here to investigate, so Lieutenant Wang, don’t be nervous, there may not really be any problems with this case.”

Sun Fujia's eyes flashed, why is this excuse so familiar... Oh, Lin Feng also used this excuse when he went to Suizhou to investigate the case.

Wang Pengcheng didn't know what Sun Fujia was thinking, so he breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought there was some oversight back then."

Lin Feng smiled. Seeing that it would take some time for him to inspect the body, he said, "Wang County Lieutenant, I saw in the file that on the night of the accident in the Zhou family, Wang County Lieutenant led the night patrol. Is that so? ?”

Wang Pengcheng nodded directly and said: "That's right, I will lead the team."

"Does Lieutenant Wang still remember the situation at that time?"

Wang Pengcheng thought carefully for a long time, making sure that nothing was missed, and then said: "Xiaoguan remembers that at that time, as usual, he led his brothers on night patrol..."

As he spoke, he looked at Lin Feng and said, "The security back then was not as good as it is now. It was still very chaotic. So in order to ensure the safety of the people in the county, we patrolled the night every night to prevent thieves from doing evil at night."

Lin Feng nodded and said, "I understand this."

Sun Fujia introduced Lin Feng's background at that time.

Wang Pengcheng continued: "The time at that time should have been just after midnight. The official still remembers hearing the watchman's voice, and then at that time, one of my brothers suddenly exclaimed loudly and told me that he had wandered into the water. "

"When Xiaguan heard this, he quickly raised his head and looked up. He saw that there were obviously flames shooting into the sky on the street to the north. Xiaguan was panicked at that time. He knew that such a big fire must be a very serious fire, so Xiaguan quickly led the People rushed to the scene of the fire.”

Lin Feng heard this and said, "How long did Wang County Lieutenant travel from the time he discovered the fire to Zhou Mansion?"

Wang Pengcheng thought for a moment: "About half a quarter of an hour... Xiaguan can't remember the specific time, but he remembers which road we were on at the time, so based on the distance, we can still recover the time it took. "

For half a quarter of an hour... Lin Feng squinted his eyes, thoughtfully.

After thinking for a moment, he nodded and said, "Go on."

Wang Pengcheng said: "And when we arrived at the street of Zhou's Mansion, before we arrived at Zhou's Mansion, we suddenly found three figures running out from the gate of Zhou's Mansion."

"After discovering the three figures, the subordinate quickly shouted to them to stop, but the distance was relatively far. They may not have heard it, or they may have heard it but did not dare to stop. They ran faster and faster, and quickly disappeared into the night. .”

"After the lower official arrived at the gate of Zhou Mansion, he found that the fire in Zhou Mansion was out of control, so he ordered the government officials to wake up the nearby people and asked them to help put out the fire, while he personally led people to hunt down the three figures."


Wang Pengcheng shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity that in the end, those three people were not caught, and Huo was not saved. No one in the Zhou family of 25 was spared."

Hearing this, the other government officials also shook their heads with sadness on their faces.

Lin Feng's eyes swept over them and said: "Do the three figures that County Lieutenant Wang saw match the characteristics of Xie Fang's family of three? I remember that there should be a teenager in this family of three. ?”

Wang Pengcheng frowned and said: "It was quite far away at the time, so I couldn't see it clearly, but according to their clothes, someone was wearing a was indeed something a man, a woman and a boy would wear."

As he spoke, he looked at the yamen servants behind him and said, "Some of my brothers, Xiaguan, have also experienced what happened back then. I think they should also remember this."

Lin Feng looked at the older government officials and saw that several of them were nodding.

"That's right! The situation back then was the same as what Wang County Lieutenant said."

"Judging from the clothes of those three people, they belong to Xie Fang's family."

"There's no mistake, it must have been Xie Fang's family who set the fire!"

Lin Feng could tell from their micro-expressions that what these government officials said was what they thought in their hearts and they had nothing to hide.

He narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "Did you only have one team of people on your night patrol? Did you follow a fixed route?"

Wang Pengcheng shook his head and said: "We have two teams in total. After all, the county is so big, and it will be daylight for one team to walk through it... As for the route, it is not fixed. After all, we are afraid that some thieves will learn about our route. , playing tricks with us, so our daily patrol route was decided that night."

Lin Feng nodded slightly, thought for a while, and said, "Then the night of the incident, your night patrol route was also decided that night? You were the only one who discovered the fire?"

Wang Pengcheng nodded and said: "Yes, the patrol route on the night of the incident was decided by the official after dark. It was different from the previous few days... As for the ones who discovered the fire, we were indeed the only ones, because another team was at the scene at the time. Patrolling the Nancheng area, far away from Zhou’s residence in the Beicheng area.”

Lin Feng gently rubbed the thumb and index finger of his right hand hanging by his side. After thinking for a moment, he slowly said: "There is one last question."

Wang Pengcheng said quickly: "Lin Si, please speak."

Lin Feng looked at him and said: "After your last inspection, all the money and gold, silver and jewelry in the Zhou family were missing, so you conclude that Xie Fang's family had murderous intentions because of their wealth?"

"Not bad!" Wang Pengcheng nodded: "It's true that I can't find a single coin."

"Then the problem comes..."

Lin Feng looked at Wang Pengcheng and said calmly: "The Zhou family is so rich. Do you think that all the money, gold, silver and jewelry must be packed in boxes? But you just said that when you arrived, the three of them escaped in a hurry."

"So, County Lieutenant Wang thinks... how did the three of them escape in a hurry, take away so much gold and silver, and escape your pursuit?"

"You know, among the three of them, except for Xie Fang, who is a strong man, his wife is just a woman with no strength, and his son is only ten years old, and his strength is very limited!"

Wang Pengcheng's eyes widened when he heard Lin Feng's words.

His pupils shrank violently and his expression changed suddenly: "This... this, Xianguan, Xianguan really has never thought about this."

"Lin Si just didn't mention it, but the official didn't think of this..."

Lin Feng said: "When you found the three figures who escaped, did you pay attention to whether they were carrying or holding any boxes?"

Wang Pengcheng shook his head: "The distance was relatively far, and we only had time to see their backs, and nothing else could be seen clearly. However, what Lin Sizheng said is indeed reasonable. It is impossible for them to run so fast with such a heavy amount of money... …”

As he spoke, he frowned and thought, "Is it possible... that Xie Fang's family stole the money and treasures in advance?"

"Since they stole it, why do they need to come back? Didn't you say that their purpose is money? Isn't it enough to have the money? Why do you want to come back?" Lin Feng said slowly: "Are you coming back and waiting to be discovered by you?"

"This..." Wang Pengcheng opened his mouth, but he couldn't think of any reason.

Sun Fujia also frowned, and his square face was full of doubts. This question did have a big logical problem.


At this time, Zhao Shiwu's voice rang: "The inspection has been completed."

Hearing Zhao Shiwu's words, Lin Feng's eyes flashed, and he said to Wang Pengcheng: "Wang County Lieutenant, please wait here."

After saying that, he and Sun Fuga walked towards Zhao Fifteen and others.

As they walked, Sun Fujia said: "This case is really getting weirder and weirder."

"This is not the only weird place."

Lin Feng said lightly: "The time is not right either."

"Time?" Sun Fuga was stunned.

Lin Feng said slowly: "As Wang County Lieutenant said, they only discovered the fire after the fire burned completely."

"And for such a big mansion, even if it is poured with kerosene, it will definitely take some time to completely burn it, not to mention that Wang County Lieutenant and the others spent a lot of time after discovering the fire. It took half an hour to arrive.”

"So, such a long time is enough for the arsonists to leave... But in the end, these arsonists just waited until Wang Xianwei and others arrived before leaving."

Sun Fuga frowned. He thought for a while and said, "There is indeed something wrong."

Lin Feng's eyes flashed slightly and he said, "I can guess two possibilities."

Sun Fuga hurriedly looked at Lin Feng and heard Lin Feng say: "First, the arsonist had to delay for some time because of something, so he delayed his departure until that time."

"And the second..."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "They did it on purpose. They deliberately delayed their departure! Because..."

Lin Feng looked at Sun Fujia and said in a deep voice: "They want to be seen by these people from the county government when they escape!"

Sun Fujia's pupils shrank suddenly, his face changed instantly, and his steps stopped abruptly.

He froze on the spot, looked at Lin Feng with wide eyes, and said: "Zide, you mean...the people who set the fire deliberately waited until Wang Xianwei and the others arrived before leaving, because they wanted to County Lieutenant Wang and others became witnesses... They want to frame Xie Fang's family!?"

Lin Feng shook his head and said slowly: "There is no clear evidence to prove this yet, but there is a high possibility..."

"And if that's the case..."

Lin Feng glanced at Wang Pengcheng and others who were standing still, squinted his eyes, and whispered: "Then there is another problem... How can those thieves know when the people from the Yamen will come? How could they? Do you know where the people from the Yamen will come from? How can you ensure that they can escape safely after the people from the Yamen discover them?"

Sun Fujia frowned. He thought for a moment and said, "Maybe they have prepared their escape route and hiding place in advance. No matter which direction the government officials come from, they are prepared."

Lin Feng said: "The premise is that the government officials can only come from one side of the street, but what if that night... the two teams of government officials happened to come from both directions of the Zhou Mansion gate road? We have also been to Zhou Mansion, so we know , once the government officials really come from both ends, these people who set the fire will have absolutely no chance to escape."

"And just now I asked Lieutenant Wang County that their patrols have no fixed route. How they patrol that night is all decided temporarily... So how can those thieves ensure that it is really not such a coincidence? Won’t the team officials come from both sides at the same time?”

"Not to mention... how can they ensure that the night watchmen will not pass by the Zhou Mansion before the fire breaks out?"

Lin Feng's eyes flickered, and countless thoughts and ideas surged rapidly.

He said in a low voice: "You know...if the government officials happened to pass by the door of Zhou's Mansion before the fire started, they would probably have discovered the fire in advance. In that case, the fire might be put out in time, and those thieves' plans would also be A direct failure... So how can these thieves ensure that they will not be discovered by the government officials before the incident?"

Sun Fujia's thick eyebrows frowned tightly, forming an inverted look. His face was solemn, and his heart couldn't help but feel a little heavy. As Lin Feng's partner, he had enough tacit understanding with Lin Feng to quickly understand what Lin Feng meant.

"Do you think..."

Sun Fujia glanced at the county government officials and whispered: "Maybe someone among them is coordinating those who set the fire?"

Lin Feng shook his head and said slowly: "I don't have any evidence to prove this... but I think these thieves dare to set fire to kill people, do such a crazy thing, and escape in full view of the public... They definitely have a well-planned plan. , is definitely not the kind of person who would place the success or failure of an attack, as well as his own hope of escape, on uncertain probabilities."

"So, next we need to determine four things!"

Sun Fujia looked at Lin Feng and heard Lin Feng say: "How did the thieves ensure that they were not discovered by the night guards before the incident? What was the reason for their delay in leaving? Those three people whose clothing characteristics match Xie Fang's family , is it Xie Fang’s family?”

"as well as……"

Lin Feng looked at the tomb in front of him and said, "Is the murderer of Puguang Temple the Zhou family who escaped from the fire?"

Sun Fujia listened to Lin Feng's words and nodded heavily in agreement.

He said: "If these questions can be answered, perhaps the truth about the case ten years ago will be revealed."

Lin Feng nodded, the two stopped talking, and soon came to the tomb and stopped.

All the tombs in front of me were dug up.

There are 25 tombs in total, corresponding to 25 members of the Zhou family.

According to the information they gathered, the Zhou family had no relatives left. They all died in the fire. It was the government office of Zheng County that buried the Zhou family.

Standing in front of the grave and looking into the pit, you can see dead bones.

In ten years, those corpses had turned into withered bones.

They were all burned by fire during their lifetime, so their clothes and other items were long gone. Therefore, there was not even a single burial object or even a piece of clothing that could identify their identity in the tomb.

The most important class distinction in ancient times is rarely broken at this moment.

Lin Feng's eyes swept over these withered bones one by one, then looked at Wu Zuo, and said slowly: "How?"

Wuzuo said hurriedly: "Based on the condition of the bones' teeth, hair and bones, their age and gender can be roughly determined."

"After a small examination of these 25 corpses, it can be determined that there are two boys no more than five years old, eight women aged between 20 and 25 years old, and two teenagers aged more than ten years old. There were eight young people between 25 and 30 years old, a woman between 35 and 40 years old, two middle-aged men in their [-]s, a man in his late [-]s and a woman of the same age."

Listening to Wu Zuo's words, Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Sun Fujia quickly opened the file and turned to the page of the Zhou family's death list.

At the same time, carefully compare the age and gender of the deceased.


His face was full of surprise and he said: "That's right!"

"The condition of the corpse in this tomb is completely consistent with the condition of the Zhou family recorded in the file."

As he spoke, Sun Fujia raised his head and looked at Lin Feng with surprise on his face.

He frowned and said: "Zi De, the condition of this corpse is completely consistent with the records in the file... no one is missing!" "But how is this possible!?"

Sun Fuga's thick eyebrows stood up and he frowned: "It shouldn't be...the murderer is clearly someone who came to avenge the Zhou family. He is clearly a member of the Zhou family, but the corpses of the Zhou family are all here."

"And there are no other relatives in the Zhou family. Everyone is lying here... So what is going on? Who is the murderer of Puguang Temple?"

Sun Fujia's brain was completely confused.

Zhao Shiwu was also confused. He knew Lin Feng's inference that the murderer was the Zhou family who avenged the Zhou family, but the current result was that the corpses of the Zhou family could be matched.

Not a single member of the Zhou family is missing... So, could it be that the adoptive father made a mistake?
Zhao Shiwu couldn't help but look at Lin Feng worriedly.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, frowned slightly at this moment, his brain running wildly at this moment.

There’s nothing wrong with the Zhou family’s corpse!No one is missing!
Could it be that the murderers of Puguang Temple were not members of the Zhou family?
Who could that be...could it be Xie Fang's family?

Xie Fang and his family stayed at Zhou Mansion that night, how could they escape?
Not to mention that the thieves specifically pretended to be Xie Fang's family and tried to transfer all the blame to Xie Fang's family. Since they dared to do this, they were sure that the court could not find Xie Fang's family and Xie Fang's family had no chance to defend themselves.

What kind of person doesn’t have a chance to defend himself?There is no doubt that it is a dead person!
But there are no bodies of Xie Fang’s family here?
If Xie Fang's family also died, what about their bodies?

Could it be that the thieves who set the fire were moved away in advance?
The reason why those thieves left so late was because they wasted time transporting and hiding the bodies of Xie Fang's family?

Or is it that the real murderers are actually Xie Fang's family?
But that’s not right, Xie Fang’s family consisted of two boys and one girl, but the three monks who died in Puguang Temple were all boys, so their identities did not match.

Not to mention, none of the three dead monks were in their twenties, which matched the age of Xie Fang's son.

And if the murderers are Xie Fang’s family, then who are the avengers of Puguang Temple?

Zhou family?But the Zhou family did not lack corpses!

Round and round, and back again.

It's like all the efforts have returned to the starting point.

Lin Feng frowned. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and calmed down.

He knew that there must be a problem in which link, either there was a problem with the link he had inferred, or there was a problem with the information he was currently getting...

There cannot be an unsolvable logical problem.

He needs to calm down and think again.

Reorganize all the information you have about this case.

When Sun Feng saw Lin Feng closing his eyes and frowning, he knew that Lin Feng was thinking about this strange situation. He quietly led Zhao Shiwu and others back, leaving Lin Feng room to think and not disturbing Lin Feng's thoughts.

Lin Feng's clothes rustled in the cold wind.

His brain was like a high-speed computer system at this moment, constantly retrieving every piece of information...

Slowly, some information that I had not noticed before or thought about deeply began to emerge in my mind.

He suddenly remembered something the tea stall owner said while eating at the tea stall.

The tea stall owner said... After the Zhou family's incident, strange things happened in Zheng County.

He said... on the night of the Zhou family fire, someone saw the dead crawling out of the grave...

Dead man, crawl out of the grave!
Brush it!
Lin Feng's eyes suddenly widened!

At this moment, the pupils contracted rapidly.

He turned around sharply and strode towards the government officials.

When Sun Fujia and Zhao Shiwu saw this, they looked at each other, and then their eyes lit up.

They knew that Lin Feng's obviously purposeful action could only mean one thing... Lin Feng had already thought of the key to these strange and contradictory things!
The two of them didn't waste any time and quickly followed Lin Feng.

Following Lin Feng, he came to Wang Pengcheng and other government officials.

When Wang Pengcheng saw Lin Feng arriving, he hurriedly said: "Lin Si Zheng, how do you do?"

Lin Feng looked at Wang Pengcheng and asked directly: "Wang County Lieutenant, I heard that on the night of the Zhou family's accident, someone said that they saw something strange... I wonder if you have heard of it?"

Wang Pengcheng frowned and said, "It's been ten years, and I really don't remember any rumors that are not related to the case."

Lin Feng looked at the other government officials and said, "I heard someone said that on the night when the Zhou family had an accident, someone saw a dead person crawling out of a grave. I wonder if you have heard of this?"

When these government officials heard this, they frowned.

Suddenly, a government official said: "I have heard of this rumor."

When Lin Feng heard this, he looked directly at the yamen servant, and saw that this yamen servant was one of those who patrolled the night with Wang Pengcheng.

Lin Feng asked: "What is the specific content of the rumor?"

The officer thought for a while and then said: "It was just a man. When he passed by the mass grave in the middle of the night, he noticed that there seemed to be some movement in the mass grave. He bravely walked over to take a look and found that there was actually a person in the tomb. Hole."

"Then a dead person who had died a few days ago and had just been buried was lying at the entrance of the cave. It looked like he was crawling out on his own."

"This scene scared the man out of his wits and made him run away. After that, he talked about it everywhere."

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and said slowly: "Is this the mass grave?"

The yamen servant nodded and said, "That's right."

Lin Feng turned his head and looked at the mass grave behind him.

At this time, the county captain Wang Pengcheng suddenly said: "So... I have some memories of this official."

"There were indeed such rumors at the time, and they were even heard by the county magistrate. Then the county magistrate ordered the subordinates to come and see what was going on. After all, it caused panic at the time."

"So I came to investigate, but as a result, I didn't find anything wrong with the tomb. There were no holes or anything like that."

"The official thought that the man was mistaken, but the man was so sure of his words that even the family members of the deceased who were buried there were panicked, so they asked the official to check whether the body had really crawled out."

"The lower official had no choice but to dig up the tomb in order to eliminate the people's panic, and finally found..."

Wang Pengcheng looked at Lin Feng and said: "The corpse in the tomb was lying there intact and there was nothing strange at all. The rumors slowly stopped spreading. Until now, no one has said anything about it. Next time The officer then forgot all about it.”

Lin Feng listened to Wang Pengcheng's words, thought for a while, and looked at the government officials. The government officials who had experienced that incident all nodded and agreed with Wang Pengcheng's words.

Lin Feng frowned slightly and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Suddenly, Lin Feng turned to look at Zhao Shiwu and said: "Zhao Shiwu, bring some good hands to do something for me."

When Zhao Shiwu heard this, he quickly said: "Father, please give me your instructions."

Lin Feng whispered something in Zhao Shiwu's ear.

Zhao Shiwu looked confused and said, "Father, what is this?"

Lin Feng said: "Check it carefully and find out every corner... There are people from the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple who are good at this, and I will send them to you."

Seeing how serious Lin Feng was, Zhao Shishi immediately said: "Father, please wait for my news!"

After speaking, he quickly left with a dozen officials without any hesitation.

Looking at Zhao Shiwu's leaving figure, Sun Fujia's eyes flashed slightly. He knew that Lin Feng must have thought of something, and he wanted Zhao Shiwu to verify it.

I just don’t know what Lin Feng was thinking of...

After Zhao Shiwu left, Lin Feng looked at Wang Pengcheng again and said: "It seems that there is really nothing here. Next, I want to go to the county government to disturb you. I wonder if it is convenient."

When Wang Pengcheng heard this, he didn't dare to say it was inconvenient. He nodded quickly and said: "I believe that Magistrate Zhuang will be very happy when he knows that the famous Lin Temple is coming."

Lin Feng and Sun Fuga looked at each other, and immediately ordered the remaining officials to rebury the tomb, and they returned to the county with Wang Pengcheng.

When I arrived at the county government office, I saw a group of people waiting at the door.

The leader, who is more than thirty years old, is Zhuang Yan, the magistrate of Zheng County.

"The lower official has met Lin Sizheng and Dr. Sun. The lower official did not know that the two superior officials had arrived and was not able to greet them from a distance. I hope you will forgive me."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Magistrate Zhuang, you don't need to think too much. I and Dr. Sun came in a hurry and didn't inform you in advance. It's normal that you don't know."

When Zhuang Yan heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I'll prepare some wine for you, the great grandson of Lin Temple."

Sun Fujia looked at Lin Feng and saw Lin Feng smiling and saying: "I'm not in a hurry to eat, and I won't hide it from Magistrate Zhuang. I'm here for the murder of the Zhou family ten years ago. I have something I want to ask Magistrate Zhuang for help. "

Upon hearing this, Zhuang Yan hurriedly said: "Although it was not the official who served as the county magistrate here ten years ago, the official has heard about the case and has some understanding of the case. Whenever Lin Sizong gives orders, the official will do his best to cooperate." Lin Sizheng."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "I am on official business, so I am not polite to Magistrate Zhuang... Magistrate Zhuang, I would like to take a look at the household registration book of Zheng County ten years ago."

"Household register from ten years ago?"

Zhuang Yan thought for a while and then said: "This is easy to say. I will ask someone to fetch it for Lin Sizheng."

Lin Feng nodded: "Thank you."


The sunlight fell from the southwest to the treetops, and finally disappeared from the horizon.

The lanterns are on and the night is getting darker.

County government office, in the back hall.

The candlelight danced, reflecting Lin Feng's figure on the window paper.

Zhao Shiwu quickly came to the house and knocked on the door: "Father, I'm back."

Soon, the figure on the window paper stood up, quickly came to the door, and opened it.

Lin Feng looked at Zhao Shiwu and asked, "How is it?"

With excitement in Zhao Shiwu's eyes, he nodded heavily: "My foster father is really amazing, it's exactly what my foster father said!"

Lin Feng's pupils dilated slightly, and his tense heartstrings quietly relaxed at this moment.

He took a long breath, smiled, and said: "Fifteen, well done! If the case is solved this time, it will be all thanks to you!"

When Zhao Shiwu heard this, he suddenly smiled.

Sun Fujia came up from behind. Hearing Lin Feng's words, he hurriedly said: "Zide, did you gain anything?"

Lin Feng turned to look at Sun Fujia, smiled, and nodded slightly: "Mr. Sun, I finally found the direction."

Sun Fujia's heart moved and he quickly asked: "What is going on?"

Lin Feng said: "Don't worry... I still need final confirmation!"

With that said, he turned back to the room, picked up the household registration book on the table, and said, "Let's go to Magistrate Zhuang and ask him to do something with us."

"What to do?" Sun Fuga asked.

Lin Feng raised his head, glanced at the dark night, and said slowly: "Go to the mass grave again and dig another grave!"


After half an hour.

Mass grave outside the city.

Unlike the bright sun during the day, the sky was dark at this time and the night wind was howling. The sound of the wind sounded like a whimpering cry, which gave everyone present goosebumps.

Coming to the mass graves at night, the feeling is really different from that during the day.

Even Zhao Shiwu was nervous.

The magistrates and government officials in Zheng County also looked puzzled at this time.

County Magistrate Zhuang Yan couldn't help but said: "Lin Sizheng, what are you doing?"

County Captain Wang Pengcheng couldn't help but said: "Lin Sizheng, didn't we already confirm that there was no problem during the day? Why are we here again? And why can't we come again during the day tomorrow? This night is really scary."

Lin Feng's face was stern. He didn't talk nonsense and said directly: "I know that everyone is working hard, but there are some things that I must confirm as soon as possible, so I have to work hard for everyone."

After saying that, he directly took out the household registration book, turned to a page, and said: "The graves of the people on this page and the next page will be dug for me."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the county magistrate Zhuang Yan was stunned for a moment. He couldn't help but glance at the household registration book in Lin Feng's hand. Only then did he know why Lin Feng wanted to borrow the household registration book from him.

This is specifically looking for someone else's grave.

He heard that when Lin Feng first arrived in Zheng County, he came to dig graves. Unexpectedly, he didn't dig enough during the day and asked him to borrow the household registration book, and then came back at night to continue digging. What kind of habit is this...

Lin Feng looked at Zhuang Yan, who was stunned on the spot, and said: "Magistrate Zhuang, do you still need me to issue a document for assisting the investigation of the grave excavation?"

Zhuang Yan quickly shook his head and said: "Of course not, I will let someone do it right now."

With that said, he directly ordered the government officials to take action.

Lin Feng looked at Zhao Shiwu and said, "You guys should go and help too."

Everyone acted quickly.

The torches illuminated all directions, dispersing the darkness of the mass grave. As everyone took action, the scene gradually became more lively, and the cold feeling receded slightly.

When Sun Fujia saw this scene, he already knew what Lin Feng was thinking. He looked at Lin Feng and said slightly worriedly: "I hope we can go smoothly this time... If we can't find any problems, we will be in real trouble. These graves It’s not that the Zhou family doesn’t have the graves of their descendants. If the family members of these graves knew that we dug the graves of their relatives, they would definitely be dissatisfied.”

"At that time, it may have some impact on your reputation, Zide."

Lin Feng understood what Sun Fujia meant. It would be strange for people to be happy if they dug someone's grave for no reason.

How could he not know the risks involved, but during the investigation process, something happened, that is, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, he preferred to go to the tiger mountains.

He held the household registration book tightly, looked calmly at the people digging the grave, and said slowly: "Whether it goes smoothly, the result will be known soon."

When Sun Fujia heard this, he took a deep breath and felt some nervousness rising in his heart. He looked at Zhao Shiwu and the others' actions with a slightly anxious expression.

The county magistrate Zhuang Yan was also a little anxious. After all, he was the one who had to face the people. He could imagine how the people would complain to him after tonight when they found out about the grave digging.

The people came to him to complain, but he didn't dare to offend Lin Feng, a fifth-grade person, so when the time came, he would be the biggest headache when caught in the middle.

When he thought of this, he felt extremely annoyed.

He couldn't help but look at Lin Feng, his eyes full of confusion and confusion. He really had no idea why this famous detective would do such weird things.

In this way, under the nervousness of the government officials, the tombs were dug up one by one.

A coffin appeared in sight.

Finally, all fifteen tombs on the two pages were dug up.

Zhao Shiwu looked at Lin Feng and said, "Father, the digging is finished."

Sun Fujia suddenly looked at Lin Feng nervously.

Lin Feng took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and said solemnly: "Open the coffin!"

The yamen and officials opened the coffin one after another without saying a word.

Everyone's eyes suddenly turned nervously.

And then, the next moment—

"! There is no body in this coffin!"

"There is no body in this coffin!"

"How come there's no body!?"

"The body is missing!!!"

The extremely shocked voices of the government officials suddenly echoed through the cold and silent mass grave.

Hearing the sudden exclamations of the government officials, the unprepared county magistrate Zhuang Yan was stunned.

He suddenly widened his eyes and said in great surprise: "What are you talking about!? There is no body? There is no body in the coffin!?"

He was stunned for a moment, suddenly thought of something, and looked at Lin Feng sharply.

Sun Fujia was also at this moment, his pupils beating violently. His expression was startled at first, and then suddenly revealed a look of surprise and excitement.

He also quickly looked at Lin Feng.

He saw Lin Feng illuminated by the firelight, and in his dark eyes, it seemed as if a heavy burden had finally been lifted.

Lin Feng met Sun Fujia's excited gaze, nodded gently, and said with a smile: "According to Dr. Sun's words, everything went well... Those people, it seems, not only will they not blame me, but they will be grateful to me..."

After saying that, Lin Feng looked at the coffins and said slowly: "Dr. Sun, do you know what this is called?"

"This is a plan to steal the sky and change the situation!"

 It's the last day of the month. I took a look at the number of words updated this month. It's more than 37 words, with an average of more than 7000 words updated every day. The author finally dared to muster the courage to say that he deserves everyone's support!
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  Starting tomorrow, a new month, I will continue to work hard, and I hope everyone can continue to support me!
  In the new month, all data will be reset to zero, so we need everyone’s monthly support even more. Come get your monthly tickets at the beginning of the month!
(End of this chapter)

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