People are in Zhenguan, solving crimes scientifically

Chapter 106 Cracked!The most critical motivation!That year between Tang Dynasty and Goguryeo!

Chapter 106 Cracked!The most critical motivation!That year between Tang Dynasty and Goguryeo! ([-]-in-[-])

"Burned to death by a ghost!?"

Fang Yizhi was stunned for a moment and asked with a puzzled look on his face: "What does it mean to be burned to death by a ghost?"

Lin Feng also squinted his eyes and stared at Zhou Helin.

Zhou Helin said with a heavy face: "According to what the yamen servant said, the deceased monk's name was Zhihe. He was possessed by the will-o'-the-wisp while everyone watched, and then his whole body instantly ignited with terrifying flames, and he was directly burned to death."

"Two people died in succession in the temple. These monks were very uneasy. They didn't even dare to sleep, so they had to gather together to reassure each other. But who knew that when they gathered together to talk, Zhihe suddenly appeared around them? A will-o'-the-wisp."

"After the will-o'-the-wisp appeared, Zhihe was immediately frightened. He jumped up and ran out, but he hadn't run very far... his whole body was suddenly surrounded by the will-o'-the-wisp, and it burned instantly."

"In the end, he was burned to death amidst endless screams."

Listening to Zhou Helin's words, Fang Yizhi's pupils suddenly shrank. He could imagine how painful it would be for Zhihe to be burned alive.

When he was a child, he was accidentally burned. Just a small burn would hurt for many days, but Zhihe's whole body was burned by fire, which makes him shudder when he thinks about it.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the throbbing in his heart, looked at Zhou Helin, and said, "Zhihe was burned by fire, and the other monks didn't say anything about saving him?"

Zhou Helin said: "Of course we saved him. They quickly went to get water and poured it on Zhihe."

"But this is of no use at all. The will-o'-the-wisp seems to be unable to be extinguished. Water is poured on the flames and the flames are not affected at all. Moreover, the flames burn very quickly, and it did not take long to burn Zhihe's bones."

Speaking of this, Zhou Helin said with a solemn expression: "The monks who saw this scene all felt that this was a real ghost killing people. After all, the flames could not be extinguished, but became more and more powerful. This is really unheard of and unseen."

"What kind of ghosts are killing people? There are no ghosts in this world."

When Fang Yi heard this, he shook his head directly. He never believed in these ghosts and gods.

However, the flame was inextinguishable, which was indeed a bit unusual. At this moment, Fang Yizhi's eyes suddenly flashed, and he couldn't help but think of what Lin Feng had just told him about burning.

He hurriedly looked at Lin Feng and couldn't help but said: "Water can't extinguish the flame... Is it because water can't affect the three elements of burning of the will-o'-the-wisp?"

Zhou Helin had just overheard this knowledge outside the door. Now when he heard Fang Yizhi's question, he hurriedly looked at Lin Feng.

Drawing inferences from one example, Fang Yizhi accepted knowledge quickly... Lin Feng saw the two people looking at him, he smiled, nodded and said: "The three elements of burning, as long as one of them can be destroyed, the flame can be extinguished."

"And watering can't extinguish the will-o'-the-wisp. As you said, there is only one situation...that is, none of the elements are destroyed."

"The burning combustibles were not destroyed, and the combustion accelerant...that is, the air, was not completely blocked by the water."

"What's more important is that water turns into steam and absorbs a lot of heat, which lowers the surrounding temperature... The temperature that can be lowered does not reach the ignition point of combustibles, so naturally the flame cannot be extinguished."

"For this reason, the water they poured cannot destroy any of the three elements of the will-o'-the-wisp burning. The will-o'-the-wisp will naturally not go out."

Fang Yizhi's eyes were bright. He felt that the knowledge taught to him by Lin Feng was really useful.

While others were still ignorant about the theory of ghosts and gods, I was already able to delve into the inner truth of it.

Is this the charm of the study of studying things?
Fang Yizhi's eyes flashed again and again.

He just felt that a brand new door had been opened.

Zhou Helin frowned. He understood what Lin Feng meant, but because of this he became even more confused: "What on earth is that will-o'-the-wisp? Is it that even water can't destroy its three elements of combustion?"

Lin Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes shining brightly.

To the ancients, they didn't know what this will-o'-the-wisp was, but to modern Lin Feng, it was no secret at all.

Not surprisingly...he thought that the will-o'-the-wisp was caused by white phosphorus!
The ignition point of white phosphorus is very low, only [-] degrees.

It is easy to spontaneously ignite in nature.

Therefore, it is difficult to put it out directly with water.

Not to mention that when white phosphorus burns, it will turn into phosphorus pentoxide. When phosphorus pentoxide encounters cold water, it will undergo a chemical reaction and turn into metaphosphoric acid, which is highly toxic and corrosive.

It's okay that those monks didn't water the water.

As soon as water is poured on it, it is equivalent to burning Zhihe and poisoning him again, and at the same time pouring a pot of concentrated sulfuric acid... You can imagine what will happen to Zhihe.

If he doesn't die, it will be unreasonable.

Zhou Helin's face was heavy and his brows were furrowed. He looked at Lin Feng, cupped his hands and said, "Lin Si Zheng, this is the case."

"Everyone says that you are like a god in solving cases and have extraordinary abilities... I really have no clue about this case. Maybe you are the only one who can solve this case, Lin Simasa. That's why I have to bother Lin Simasa and ask Lin Simasa to help you solve the case." Help me find the real murderer, I will remember this kindness in my heart."

When Fang Yizhi heard this, he also looked at Lin Feng, but he did not speak for Zhou Helin. This was Lin Feng's business, and he would not impose his will on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng thought for a moment. He must go to Puguang Temple. There is no better opportunity than now. By going to Puguang Temple, he can not only secretly investigate Lin Feng, the former Prime Minister of Dali Temple, but also get a favor from Zhou Helin. Killing two birds with one stone, he naturally won't Will refuse.

Thinking about this, he smiled, nodded directly, and said: "As colleagues, we should help each other."

"Magistrate Zhou, without further ado, let's leave for Puguang Temple immediately. The faster we go, the less time the murderer has to deal with the follow-up matters, and the more clues may be discovered."

Zhou Helin had a look of surprise on his face. He didn't expect that Lin Feng not only agreed simply, but also wanted to go to investigate the case overnight for his own sake. His eyes were full of gratitude to Lin Feng and he nodded quickly: "Okay, okay, let's set off now."

"I have prepared a carriage outside, and Lin Si is waiting for you."

Lin Feng nodded, looked at Fang Yizhi, and said, "Mr. Fang, I will investigate the case with County Magistrate Zhou first, and I will come back later when I have time."

Fang Yizhi held up his hands and said: "It is important for Lin Sizheng to resolve the case. I will visit Lin Sizheng in person someday."

Lin Feng smiled, and left without further delay with Zhou Helin.

Looking at the backs of Lin Feng and the others, Fang Yizhi actually had some impulse to go with Lin Feng and the others, but after thinking about his identity, he was not a prison officer. At this time, there was no reason to follow them.

Moreover, he could not help much. Instead, he would let Lin Feng waste energy on him. He could only suppress the curiosity in his heart and instruct his subordinates to pay attention to Puguang Temple at all times. Once there is news, he must inform him immediately no matter what time. .


The night is getting darker.

The carriage drove into Qingliang Mountain.

Zhou Helin introduced the situation of Puguang Temple to Lin Feng.

"Puguang Temple was built a hundred years ago. There are currently 130 six monks in the temple. The presiding officer is Master Dewen, the head of Bodhidharma Academy, who is also the temple supervisor. He is the younger brother of Master Dewen, whose monastic name is Demiao."

"Below the De generation, there is the Hui generation. There are not many monks in the Hui generation, only about ten, and they are all managers at the moment."

"Below the Hui generation are the monks of the Zhi generation. The Zhi generation has the largest number of monks, with a total of more than eighty people. The three monks who have died so far are all monks of the Zhi generation."

"Below the Zhizi generation, there is the young novice monk who has just entered the temple."

Lin Feng nodded slightly. With more than 100 monks and four generations of monks, it can be seen that this Puguang Temple is indeed prosperous and has a high status.

He looked out the window, looking at the shadows of the trees that kept sweeping back, and said, "How is the normal relationship between the three dead monks?"

Zhou Helin said: "I don't know about Zhihe who just died recently, but Zhicheng and Zhiguang have a normal relationship. They belong to different faculties. Zhicheng is in the Discipline Academy and Zhiguang is in Luohan Hall. They don't see each other very often. They are just ordinary senior brothers." .”

"So these two people who had nothing to do with each other were killed. I am also very surprised. I don't know why the murderer chose them."

Lin Feng tapped the car window with his fingertips and wondered: "How does Magistrate Zhou know that it must be the same murderer?"

"What if it's a different murderer, killing for different reasons?"

Zhou Helin was stunned for a moment, then he looked at Lin Feng and explained: "Because there were things beside the bodies of the two monks who were killed that did not belong to that monk."


Lin Feng raised his eyebrows: "What?"

Zhou Helin took out a cloth bag from his arms, opened the mouth of the cloth bag and poured out the contents.

"Time was running out just now, and I haven't had time to say this yet."

He handed the thing in his hand to Lin Feng and said, "Look, this is what was found next to the bodies of Zhi Cheng and Zhi Guang."

Lin Feng took what Zhou Helin handed him and took a closer look and found that it was a jade pendant and a letter.

Lin Feng picked up the jade pendant first and saw that the jade pendant was of good quality, but one side of the jade pendant was a little burnt, as if it had been burned by fire.

There is a word on the front of the jade pendant - Zhou!


"Last name? First name? Or something else?"

Lin Feng looked at the back. The back was only charred black without any other words or patterns.

Seeing Lin Feng inspecting the jade pendant, Zhou Helin said: "The jade pendant was found next to the deceased Zhi Cheng. I have asked all the monks in the temple and they all said they have never seen this jade pendant."

Lin Feng nodded slightly: "So, do you think this jade pendant was left behind intentionally by the murderer?"

Zhou Helin nodded: "That's right."

He looked at the letter in Lin Feng's hand and said, "The letter in your hand was found next to Zhiguang, who was beaten to death."

Lin Feng put away the jade pendant and looked at the letter in his hand.

He opened the letter and looked up. Then he looked away with a confused look, looked at Zhou Helin, and said, "What text is this?"

The words on the letter paper were obviously not Tang Dynasty characters.

Zhou Helin said: "The writing of Goguryeo."


Lin Feng raised his eyebrows.

Why does it involve another country?

He asked, "What does it say?"

Zhou Helin said: "I specially read it today to Honglu Temple officials who know Goguryeo script. They said it was just a very ordinary letter, saying that I had returned to my hometown and everything was fine. Don't read it."

"A normal letter?"

Lin Feng asked: "Does the person who wrote the letter or the person who received the letter have the character Zhou in their name?"

Zhou Helin shook his head: "No, because there is no, I don't know what the relationship between them is."

"I have also asked the monks about this letter, and they all said that they have never seen this letter, and no one admitted that this letter is theirs... The two cases are so close, and both of them do not belong to other people. The monk’s belongings are there, so I think the murderer will be the same person.”

Lin Feng nodded. It is understandable that Zhou Helin would combine cases with similar mysterious objects and think they were committed by the same person.

However, Lin Feng still had doubts in his heart. He would not easily conclude that the murderer was the same person before he found out the exact connection between the two objects.

Looking at the letter with Goguryeo script in his hand, Lin Feng pondered for a moment and said: "There may be some problems hidden in this letter. I need someone who understands Goguryeo script and the national conditions of Goguryeo to help me read it carefully. Take a look at this letter."

Zhou Helin said: "I am going to invite people from Honglu Temple?"

Lin Feng thought for a while, nodded and said, "Thank you, County Magistrate Zhou."

Zhou Helin shook his head hurriedly: "This is my duty. I will ask someone to go to Honglu Temple to invite someone."

With that said, Zhou Helin stuck his head out of the car window and gave instructions to the following guards.

After receiving the order, the guard quickly turned around and left.

After doing this, Zhou Helin let out a sigh of relief: "I just hope everything goes well next."

Lin Feng's eyes flashed slightly. He looked out the window at the dark night and said slowly to himself: "Yeah, I hope everything goes well... In addition to the case, I can also successfully find clues about those guys from the Four Elephants Organization..."


A quarter of an hour later, the carriage stopped in front of the temple gate.

Lin Feng got off the carriage and saw that the temple gate had been blocked by the county government officials.

When the government officials saw Lin Feng and Zhou Helin arriving, they quickly handed over to them and quickly opened the closed temple door.

Lin Feng took Zhao Shiwu and Zhou Helin into Puguang Temple.

Zhou Helin asked: "Shall we go directly to Zhihe who was burned to death?"

Lin Feng nodded.

Zhou Helin asked the government servant to lead the way, and they soon arrived at the backyard of the temple.

This is where the monks live. At this time, the courtyard is full of people.

There are officials from the county government and monks from Puguang Temple.

The government officials sealed off the surrounding area and did not allow any monks to enter or exit at will.

As for the monks, some had their hands clasped together and kept reciting Buddhist sutras with their eyes closed. Some were pale and looked at the dark corpse in front of them from time to time, their eyes full of nervousness and fear.

There were also three people in ordinary clothes, presumably the pilgrims who stayed in the temple as Zhou Helin said. These three pilgrims also had ugly expressions, and their brows were furrowed.

Lin Feng's eyes swept over these monks and pilgrims one by one, focusing on their expressions, and then his eyes finally fell on the corpse in front of everyone.

I saw a charred corpse lying in the center of the courtyard, in the area controlled by the government officials.

As you get closer, you can smell burnt flesh and blood as well as a slightly pungent smell.

The corpse had been burned beyond recognition, and in many places it was so burned that only bones remained.

What kind of appearance and clothes are completely invisible at this time.

Zhou Helin looked at the corpse, his brows furrowed and his expression very ugly. It had only been a while since another person died. In Zhou Helin's view, this was simply a provocation to himself.

He looked at Lin Feng and saw that Lin Feng didn't care at all about the burning smell coming from the corpse, nor did he care about the horrific appearance of the corpse being burned. He was carefully examining the corpse.

Zhou Helin couldn't help but be startled, and then his eyes showed admiration. Like him...when he saw the corpse for the first time, he subconsciously covered his mouth and nose and refused to get close, but Lin Feng didn't dislike it at all. Just check the body.

No wonder he has such abilities and reputation at such a young age... Zhou Helin sighed in his heart. He quickly came to the body, squatted down, looked at Lin Feng and asked, "Lin Si Zheng, how are you?"

Lin Feng inspected it and said, "There are serious burn marks on the surface. In addition, there are some traces of corrosion on the bones."

"Trace of corrosion?" Zhou Helin frowned: "What does this mean?"

It shows that it is really white phosphorus, and the corrosive thing should be metaphosphoric acid formed by phosphorus pentoxide and cold water... As expected, these monks were not helpful.

Lin Feng shook his head and did not say this, so as not to be overheard by the murderer hiding in the surrounding crowd and alert him.

He straightened up, looked at the monks around him, and said, "Has anyone seen what happened?"

Zhou Helin introduced Lin Feng to the monks: "This is Lin Feng, the master of Dali Temple. He is the most famous detective in the Tang Dynasty. He solves cases like a god and has cracked many strange and unsolved cases. I personally invited Lin Feng, the master of the temple, to come to investigate the case. In order to find the real culprit as soon as possible, you must fully cooperate with Lin Sizheng and never allow any concealment."

After hearing Zhou Helin's words, the monks' eyes changed when they looked at Lin Feng.

Although the monks live in the temple and live a life beyond the world, it does not mean that they are really ignorant and unclear... On the contrary, there are many pilgrims in Puguang Temple, and people come and go. The information these monks learned from the pilgrims' mouths, Know more than some ordinary officials.

So they had certainly heard of Lin Feng's deeds.

Seeing that Lin Feng, who had solved the palace haunting case and the Yushitai arson case, was here in person, the faces of these monks clearly showed hope.

Even the three pilgrims looked at each other and looked at Lin Feng with a strange expression.

It seems that I am quite famous now... Lin Feng saw the changes in everyone's expressions and knew in his heart that he was no longer just a time traveler.

He said: "I believe that all the masters also hope to catch the murderer as soon as possible, so next, I ask the masters to cooperate more."


A monk with a gray beard walked out of the crowd. He had an extraordinary temperament and a charitable expression. He looked like he was a qualified monk. He clasped his hands and said to Lin Feng: "Sister Lin, please feel free to ask, and the poor monks and others will definitely cooperate with us."

Lin Feng looked at the monk, and Zhou Helin introduced: "Lin Sizheng, this is Master Dewen, the host of Puguang Temple."

The eminent monk who told Fang Yizhi’s mother that the red clay was the manifestation of Bodhisattva?
Lin Feng made a non-standard gesture of putting his hands together and said, "It turns out to be Master Dewen."

Abbot Dewen said with kind eyes, "The poor monk once heard the pilgrims talk about Lin Si Zheng's case solving deeds. Lin Si Zheng solved the case quickly. If there is divine help, he is an unprecedented detective. Today Lin Si Zheng can come to our temple. The poor monk believes that Lin Si Zheng will be able to solve the case quickly." Find out the truth and catch the real culprit for the monks of our temple.”

Lin Feng nodded slightly: "Magistrate Zhou specially asked me to come to help, and I will do my best."

He didn't dare to admit that he came here on his own initiative. He had to let everyone know that he was here to help.

In this case, if this temple is really related to the Four Symbols Organization, he will not be confused by his arrival.

Of course, he said this also to gain Zhou Helin's favor. Since he came here, he naturally wanted to gain more favor points.

As expected, when Zhou Helin heard this, his face was filled with gratitude.

Lin Feng looked at Abbot Devin and said, "Master Abbot, I wonder who has seen Zhihe being burned to death with his own eyes?"

Devin said: "The room behind you is where Zhihe and the others rest. The ten disciples who were in the same room with Zhihe all saw it with their own eyes."

As Devin opened his mouth, ten monks walked out of their own accord.

Lin Feng glanced at them. They ranged in age from their 20s to their 30s and were the backbone of Puguang Temple.

Lin Feng looked at them: "Masters, please explain the situation in detail."

Upon hearing this, these monks spoke one after another and cooperated very well... But the result was that ten people spoke at the same time, like ten flies flying around their ears, and they could not hear clearly at all.

"Zhiping, tell me."

Abbot Dewen couldn't stand it anymore and called a monk alone.

Lin Feng looked around and saw a 24-year-old monk walking out with his hands clasped together. He looked upright and was half as handsome as himself: "Amitabha."

He looked at Lin Feng and said, "The poor monk Zhiping."

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Master Zhiping, please speak."

Zhiping said: "About two hours ago, our senior brothers were all lighting candles in the room and gathering together to talk."

"And at that moment, Junior Brother Zhixin suddenly exclaimed. He pointed at Junior Brother Zhihe's shoulder and said there was a will-o'-the-wisp there."

"Zhixin?" Lin Feng looked at the other monks.

Then I saw a relatively fat monk raising his hand. His face was pale, his chubby face was full of fear, his pupils were full of nervousness and fear, and he said, "It's a poor monk."

Lin Feng looked at the fat monk and said, "Did that will-o'-the-wisp appear suddenly?"

Zhixin nodded: "Yes, we were discussing the deaths of senior brothers Zhicheng and Zhiguang there. The poor monk suddenly felt something shining on the opposite side. Then the poor monk subconsciously raised his head and looked, and saw on the shoulders of senior brothers Zhihe, A will-o'-the-wisp was floating." "I was so frightened at the time that I yelled, and all my brothers and sisters discovered it."

Lin Feng looked at the others, who all nodded quickly.

He nodded slightly and looked at the handsome Zhiping again: "Go on."

"After hearing what Zhixin said, the poor monk and the others were startled by the floating will-o'-the-wisp. We quickly informed Zhihe, who was at a loss. When Zhihe saw the will-o'-the-wisp on his shoulder, his whole body turned pale with fear. He If you panic, you run outside.”

"But who would have thought that the will-o'-the-wisp seemed to be staring at him and kept following him until he rushed out of the room. His whole body was instantly wrapped in the will-o'-the-wisp and he turned into a burning man. "

Listening to Zhiping's story, the other monks couldn't help but turn pale. They chanted Buddhist scriptures tremblingly, as if this was the only way to calm their hearts.

Zhixin, who was the first to discover the will-o'-the-wisp, was covered in cold sweat and his whole body was shaking so much that afterimages appeared.

Zhou Helin couldn't help but grind his teeth and rub his hands on his arms. The scene was really too scary. Goosebumps rose up just thinking about it.

I think he has been an official for so many years, what kind of case has he never seen... But this is the first time he has seen such a vicious thing.

Zhou Helin secretly talked about the evil sect, while looking at Lin Feng, he couldn't help but be startled.

I saw that Lin Feng's expression did not change at all after hearing Zhiping's story, as if he had expected this to happen.

This made him sigh in his heart again, the detective is the detective, Mount Tai collapsed in front of him but his appearance remained unchanged, and he didn't panic at all in this weird scene.

Zhou Helin coughed, looked at Lin Feng, and said, "Lin Si Zheng, what do you think?"

Lin Feng thought for a moment and said, "Let's go to the room first."

As he spoke, Lin Feng walked towards the room, and the monks surrounding the room automatically moved out of the way.

Several people entered the room.

The room where the monks live is very simple. There is a large bunk near the wall and a large table next to the window.

The table is large enough to comfortably seat a dozen people.

There are two candles, some water glasses and a kettle on the table.

Lin Feng came to the table and asked Zhiping, who followed him in: "Were you sitting here at that time?"

Zhiping nodded: "Yes."

"Where does the deceased sit?"

Zhiping raised his hand, pointed to the seat opposite the table, and said, "Just sit there."

Lin Feng looked in the direction Zhiping was pointing and found that it was facing the door. On the table in front of that position, there was a candle about to burn out.

Lin Feng came to the place where the deceased Zhihe was sitting, thought for a while, and sat down.

He looked forward, and a picture emerged in his mind at this moment - when Zhihe was sitting here chatting with his fellow apprentices, everyone he could see, and the angles from which everyone looked at Zhihe.

He tapped the table with his fingertips, and his eyes finally fell on the candlestick on the table. He squinted his eyes and stood up calmly.

"Where does Zhihe live?"

Zhiping quickly took Lin Feng to the front of the Tongpu, pointed to the place against the wall, and said, "This is where senior brother Zhihe lives."

Lin Feng looked at the main bunk and saw that there was only one quilt, neatly folded, and in the corner, there were some monks' robes piled up.

"Those are Zhihe's clothes?" Lin Feng asked.

Zhiping nodded hurriedly: "That's right, we don't have cabinets, and the clothes are piled at our feet."

Lin Feng climbed up to the main bunk, picked up a piece of Zhihe's clothes, looked at it briefly, and asked: "Do you have any requirements for which monk's clothes you must wear every day?"

Zhiping shook his head: "There is no such requirement, as long as it is clean, it is fine."

"Each of our monks has three sets of monk's robes, and the robes are all the same, which is enough for changing."

Lin Feng nodded: "It's quite humane."

Lin Feng got off the bunk bed and looked around the room again. Seeing that there was nothing special in the room, he walked out and asked as he walked: "When I didn't know Zhihe died, was there anything that didn't belong to him? "

When Zhou Helin heard this, his heart suddenly moved, and he quickly looked at Zhiping. He knew that Lin Feng asked this question to confirm whether Zhihe's death was the same as the other two deaths.

Zhiping said hurriedly: "In the yard, not far from Senior Brother Zhihe, whose whole body was wrapped in will-o'-the-wisp fire, a wooden box appeared at some point."

"Wooden box?"

Zhou Helin's eyes widened and he hurriedly asked: "Where is the wooden box?"

"It's still there. The abbot doesn't allow us to move anything in order to avoid damaging the scene."

Listening to Zhiping's words, Lin Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Abbot Devin to have such experience."

Zhou Helin said: "Perhaps you have seen me investigating cases during the day, so I can imitate him."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "It's not a bad thing."

Zhou Helin nodded hurriedly.

Soon they left the room and came to a position five steps away from the body.

Zhiping pointed to the wooden box on the ground and said, "This is the wooden box... This wooden box does not belong to any of the brothers in our courtyard. The abbot has also asked other brothers and they don't know."

After listening to Zhiping's words, Zhou Helin's eyes flashed slightly. He looked at Lin Feng and said, "It seems like the same murderer as the previous two..."

Lin Feng didn't nod or shake his head, and rubbed it gently with his fingertips.

He looked at the wooden box on the ground, and then looked around the wooden box.

At this time, he found several wooden barrels placed not far from the wooden box.

Lin Feng asked: "The barrel has always been placed here?"

Zhiping nodded: "Yes, after we practice and work, we will put the barrels back here so that we can pick them up the next day."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "It seems that this wooden box was indeed placed here by the murderer."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, several people were stunned, and they hurriedly looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng explained: "Think about it... what would be Zhihe's first thought after his whole body was on fire?"

Zhou Helin's eyes flashed and he said hurriedly: "Put out the fire! Stay alive!"

Lin Feng nodded: "Yes, it means putting out fires to survive...and he is a monk in this courtyard, so he knows exactly where their buckets will be placed, so after his whole body is on fire, he will definitely run to the buckets as soon as possible. Thinking about putting out the fire for yourself.”

"So the murderer placed the wooden box here with the idea that Zhihe would be unable to put out the fire with water and would eventually have to die here in pain and despair."

"In this case, the wooden box will naturally appear next to the deceased just like the other two deceased people when they died, and thus be discovered by us."

Zhou Helin's eyes widened, and Zhiping's eyebrows trembled slightly. He quickly clasped his hands together and whispered: "Amitabha."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he looked at the burnt corpse five steps away, and said slowly: "But this time, the murderer obviously mistakenly underestimated the power of the flames, which ultimately led to Zhihe's death even when he was five steps away. He died before he could even get close to the buckets."

"I think until his death, Zhihe was still thinking that as long as he could come to these buckets, he could survive, right? Unfortunately, he didn't know that the buckets were just false hope given to him by the murderer. After he got here, I'm afraid Zhihe will die in even more despair and pain."

Zhou Helin couldn't help but swallowed and said: "This murderer is really cruel and sinister!"

Abbot Dewen, temple supervisor Demiao and others all clasped their hands together and chanted in a low voice: "Amitabha."

Lin Feng was silent for a moment, then quickly withdrew his gaze, looked down at the wooden box, and said, "County Magistrate Zhou, let's see what the murderer left for us."

When Zhou Helin heard this, he quickly squatted down, picked up the wooden box, and immediately opened the lid without any hesitation.

His eyes fell on the wooden box, and he immediately frowned and asked in confusion: "This is it?"

Lin Feng took a step forward and looked over.

The next moment... Lin Feng's pupils shrank slightly.

I saw a piece of cloth placed in the wooden box.

The cloth was purple, and the cloth was stained with bloody blood.

The blood had already dried up and was completely integrated into the cloth.

"Why is it a piece of cloth?"

Zhou Helin looked confused.

Lin Feng took the cloth out of the wooden box, felt the comfort of the cloth, and said, "Excellent quality cloth."

"But it looks like..."

Lin Feng looked at the cloth that had begun to fade and said, "It must be a few years old."

Zhou Helin listened to Lin Feng's words, carefully checked the quality and appearance of the cloth, and nodded: "It is indeed quite old, but I don't understand this and cannot judge the specific age of this cloth."

Lin Feng naturally doesn't understand this.

And what he was more concerned about was the blood stained on the purple cloth.

The blood had long since dried, and it was impossible to tell how long it had been on it.

Whose blood is this?
Why does it get on the cloth?
And...if these cases were really committed by the same murderer, then what was the murderer's intention of leaving these things behind?

Why did the murderer have to leave these things behind after killing him?

What exactly does he want to do?
Lin Feng frowned.

He thought for a moment, then turned to look at Zhi Ping and asked, "What is Zhi He's usual personality like? Who has he had conflicts with?"

The young monk shook his head: "Senior Brother Zhihe has a carefree personality and rarely cares about anything with others. Therefore, he is very popular and has not had any conflicts with anyone recently."

Zhou Helin's face was solemn: "Another dead person without any conflicts and without even a motive for the murder!"

Lin Feng asked again: "What is the relationship between Zhihe and the first two deceased people?"

Zhiping thought for a while and said: "Senior brother Zhihe is a disciple of the Discipline Academy. He has a good relationship with senior brother Zhicheng. He has not had much contact with senior brother Zhiguang... But senior brother Zhihe has a very good relationship with our fellow disciples in the Discipline Academy, so it doesn't matter. A special place.”

Zhou Helin's brows had already furrowed into the character "Chuan".

He looked at Lin Feng and said: "Lin Sizheng, you see... This is the same as the previous two deceased people. They had no conflicts with other people. The relationship between them was normal and they were not overly close... So why did the murderer choose to target him?" Did they take action? Is it a randomly selected target? In fact, there is nothing in common between these dead people? "

After hearing Zhou Helin's words, the expressions of the monks in Puguang Temple changed.

If there is no exact target, but is chosen randomly, it means that everyone is in danger, and it is impossible to guard against it.

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "It won't be a random selection."


Zhou Helin was startled and quickly looked at Lin Feng. The other monks also focused on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said: "Whether it was Zhicheng who was hacked to death at the beginning, Zhiguang who was beaten to death later, or Zhihe in front of you, the murderer did not leave any clues at the scene, even if Zhihe was burned in front of you this time Damn it, but there are ten of you, and no one has noticed anything unusual."

"Moreover, the methods used by the murderer are completely different, and the cause of death of each person is different... This is enough to prove that the murderer has premeditated, prepared, and specially designed it. He has already decided who he will attack. Only then can he Make sure there are no surprises every time you do it, and you can succeed even in the eyes of everyone.”

"If it's a random killing, he can't be so thoughtful... Besides, even if it's a random killing, the murderer will have his own preferences. Even if he is a madman, he will have his own internal logic in doing things... Therefore, the three of them must There is something in common, but we haven’t found it yet.”

Zhou Helin thought for a while, then nodded and said: "What you said makes sense, but I don't know what these three people have in common."

At this time, a government servant walked over quickly and said to Zhou Helin: "County Magistrate Zhou, Qin Wen, the Prime Minister of Honglu Temple, has arrived."

"Qin Si Cheng?"

Lin Feng's eyes flashed, he was an acquaintance.

In the previous murder case of Prince Meng Shezhao, Qin Wen, the Prime Minister of Honglu Temple, was one of the suspects, and he was almost killed by the real murderer, General Meng Shezhao.

It was Lin Feng who found out the truth, found the real culprit, and helped Qin Wen clear his suspicions.

When he became the head of the temple a few days ago, Qin Wen even wanted to treat him to a banquet to thank him for helping him clear his suspicions. However, Lin Feng had an appointment, so he declined.

I didn't expect to see Qin Wen on this occasion today.

From this point of view, Qin Wen should be the Honglu Temple official who was called by Zhou Helin to help interpret the Goguryeo letter.

Unknowingly, I knew more and more people in the court.

Zhou Helin hurriedly went to greet him, and soon, a familiar face appeared in front of Lin Feng.

When Qin Wen saw Lin Feng, he quickly raised his hand and said with great enthusiasm, "Lin Si Zheng, I didn't expect to see you here."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Qin Si Cheng, I didn't expect to see you here. What a coincidence."

Zhou Helin laughed: "I almost forgot that you have encountered each other in cases before. Now it's better. We are acquaintances and we can cooperate more tacitly."

Qin Wen nodded quickly. He was originally a little dissatisfied with being woken up from his sleep, but after seeing Lin Feng, his dissatisfaction disappeared instantly.

Not only because Lin Feng is his benefactor, but also because Lin Feng is now a hot newcomer in the imperial court. Qin Wen wanted to entertain Lin Feng many times before but couldn't find the opportunity. Now he can cooperate with Lin Feng and deepen his friendship with Lin Feng. It is a dream for him. hopefully.

Lin Feng looked at the abbot and said, "Master Devin, can you help us find a room?"

Upon hearing this, Devin nodded directly: "Of course."

Soon, the three of them came to a room.

The candlelight flickered, illuminating the figures of the three people.

Lin Feng handed the letter written in Goguryeo to Qin Wen and said, "I'll help Qin Si Cheng help me translate it word for word."

Upon hearing this, Qin Wen nodded without hesitation: "This is simple."

Language master Qin Wen quickly helped Lin Feng translate.

Lin Feng listened carefully.

Gradually, I gained a very detailed understanding of the specific content of this letter.

This is a letter written by a person who returned to Tang Dynasty from Goguryeo to his benefactors and friends he made there.

The letter was delivered through a businessman.

The letter described how he used the power of the Tang Dynasty to return to his homeland after leaving Goguryeo.

When he returned to his hometown, his parents were still at home. He was very happy that his family was still there and that he was not dead.

But he sighed at the end of the letter. This time he returned to the Tang Dynasty, and he probably would never be able to go to Goguryeo again in his life. He would probably never see his friends again in this life, and he would never be able to repay the kindness of being taken care of in Goguryeo.

It's so sincere and heartwarming to listen to.

Farewell is forever.

After reading the letter, Qin Wen looked at Lin Feng and said, "This is the content of the letter."

Lin Feng frowned and said thoughtfully: "There is nothing wrong with the content of the letter, it is normal... But if this is the case, why did the murderer leave such a normal letter?"

"And isn't this letter going to Goguryeo? Why is it in the hands of the murderer?"

Qin Wen and Zhou Helin naturally couldn't understand.

Lin Feng looked at the jade pendant in his hand, looking at the blood-stained purple cloth in the wooden box, and his brain was running wildly at this moment.

All the clues obtained tonight are constantly emerging.

Three deceased people with completely different causes of death.

Three people who seem to have nothing to do with each other.

There are also things specially left behind by these murderers...

Suddenly, Lin Feng's eyes flashed, as if he thought of something.

He looked sharply at Qin Wen and said, "Qin Sicheng, can you tell when this letter was written?"

Qin Wen thought for a while and said, "It should be five years of Wude."

"Five years of martial virtue?"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and said, "So sure?"

Zhou Helin also looked at Qin Wen unexpectedly. After all, there was no mention of time in the letter.

How did Qin Wen know that it was the fifth year of Wude when this letter was written?
Qin Wen looked at Lin Feng and said, "Lin Sizheng may not be aware that in the fifth year of Wude, a major event happened between the Tang Dynasty and Goguryeo."

"What's the big deal?" Lin Feng asked.

Qin Wen said: "Datang and Goguryeo exchanged prisoners of war!"

"Exchanging prisoners of war?" Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Qin Wen nodded and said: "During the reign of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, he fought many battles with Goguryeo. As a result, tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians were captured by Goguryeo and trapped in Goguryeo. In order to allow our soldiers and civilians in the Central Plains to return to their homeland, in the fifth year of Wude, the Supreme Emperor , exchanged letters with the King of Goguryeo, and reached an agreement to exchange prisoners of war."

"Therefore, in the fifth year of Takeoku, tens of thousands of people returned to their homeland, and the people who were trapped in the Tang Dynasty and could not return to Goguryeo were also allowed to return to Goguryeo by the Tang Dynasty."

"Looking at the content of this letter, the migration process and the various things that happened when returning to the homeland are consistent with the situation at that time. Therefore, no surprise, this should be written by the people who returned to Tang Dynasty from Goguryeo to the friends they made in Goguryeo. letter."

After listening to Qin Wen's words and thinking about the content of the letter, Lin Feng nodded. He also agreed with Qin Wen's speculation.

He couldn't help but look at Qin Wen, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Qin Si Cheng. If Qin Si Cheng had not guessed the time and told this history for me, I would never have thought of this."

Qin Wen said hurriedly: "It's just that Xiaguan knows about this matter. If it's other matters, Xiaguan really can't help."

"You've been a big help!"

Lin Feng's eyes flickered. He looked at the two of them and said, "I think I already know the murderer's intention of deliberately leaving these things."

 Two-in-one [-]-word update is here!This chapter has so much content!There are also a lot of details and foreshadowing, which is very difficult to write!This case is absolutely fascinating!

  Asking for a monthly ticket!There are already more than 700, and there are only more than 200 left from [-]!

(End of this chapter)

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