The world's richest man started by developing gutter oil

Chapter 226 217: What if there is a problem with the funds in the capital pool?

"As for the CEO candidate of Dongfeng Station, I don't know if you have any recommendations. You can recommend talents without avoiding relatives. Our ultimate goal is to do a good job in the company, so as long as the person recommended is capable." Brother Dong signed himself on the contract said after his name.

When everyone heard what Brother Dong said, they looked at each other, but they didn't have a suitable candidate on hand.

Because Dongfeng Station involves more than just the logistics system, and they don't want to recommend their right-hand man to Dongfeng Station.

"Since we don't have a suitable candidate, let the headhunting company do the recruiting. I wonder what you think of this suggestion?" Brother Dong said again.

"Brother Dong, if we hire a headhunter, we might be poached," Nie Tengyun said.

"If someone is poached, it will be poached. No one is willing to recommend suitable personnel. We can only open a headhunting company to do the work. I have no objection even if it is poached by our Goudong." Dong Ge said with a smile.

"I agree with Brother Dong, even if I were poaching SF Express, I wouldn't have any objections," Wang Wei said.

At this moment, everyone turned their attention to Han Chen, who was sitting in the first place on the left.

"Our company doesn't have a logistics sector, so I'm useless to you," Han Chen said with a smile.

"In that case, let's do it according to Brother Dong's method. Then which headhunting company should we find to handle this matter?" Lai Meisong asked.

"It's better to leave this matter to Mr. Han's Deep Blue Direct Recruitment. Mr. Han's Deep Blue Direct Recruitment has done a very good job. We Goudong are the customers of Deep Blue Direct Recruitment." Brother Dong said.

"We at SF Express are also users of Deep Blue Direct Pin. Let Deep Blue Direct Pin handle this matter." Wang Wei looked at Han Chen and said with a smile.

"Okay, let's just finalize this matter. Let's have a dinner together to celebrate?" Nie Tengyun said.

"Well, it's time to have a meal together to celebrate." Lai Meisong said.

Brother Dong looked at his watch and found that the time was only half past three. Even if he wanted to eat at the earliest, it would be appropriate to start at four o'clock.

"It's still early, why not go to my office for a cup of tea." Brother Dong suggested.

After everyone heard this suggestion, the group followed Brother Dong to his tea room to drink tea and chat.

After everyone sat down, Brother Dong took out the Dahongpao that he had treasured for a long time. He spent millions of soft sister coins to buy this tea. Of course, Brother Dong did not tell anyone about it to show off to everyone present.

After all, everyone who can sit here is a billionaire, so just ordering tea is nothing to show off.

But when everyone smelled the aroma of the tea when they brewed it for the first time, they knew that this tea was not simple.

"Mr. Han, I see that when your company entered the Internet industry, it focused on mobile Internet. Mr. Han should be very optimistic about mobile Internet." Wang Wei asked, looking at Han Chen sitting opposite.

"The mobile Internet can be said to be one of mankind's greatest inventions. Smartphones have also brought us a lot of convenience. With the advancement of technology, smart phones will become cheaper and cheaper. In the near future, everyone will have a smart phone. In the world, the number of smartphones will definitely exceed PCs in the near future.

I dare say that in the future, even the grandmothers selling vegetables in the vegetable market will use smartphones. This is why I am optimistic about the mobile Internet. " Han Chen replied.

"Mr. Han, isn't it complicated if we at SF Express want to develop an application that can place orders on mobile phones?" Wang Wei asked again.

"Developing an APP specifically for sending and receiving express delivery is very simple. You only need to recruit a team to develop it yourself. It can be done in two or three months. However, I personally do not recommend that you view the APP. The cost of developing an APP is not high. But the cost of promoting APP is very high.

Mr. Wang can consider using our mini program to develop your SF Express ordering application.

WeChat mini programs do not require customers to specifically download the APP. Users only need to search on the mini program to use your application on WeChat. "Han Chen said and took out the dark blue mobile phone from his pocket.

After Han Chen's demonstration, everyone also had a certain understanding of the mini program, and the convenience of the mini program was recognized by everyone present.

"I didn't expect WeChat to have this function. I didn't even notice it before."

"I have to say that this small program is quite convenient. The most important thing is that users can use it without downloading it. I was asked to download the APP and I didn't know how to download it."

"Mr. Han's little program is really convenient."

"Mr. Han, is your small program complicated to develop?"

After Han Chen's demonstration, everyone started talking.

“The development of mini programs is as simple as developing web pages. Anyone who has developed web pages can develop mini programs. The most important thing is that you don’t have to worry about users. WeChat has 8000 million users since its launch because mini programs are parasitic on WeChat. program.

The number of users we have on WeChat is equivalent to the number of users we have. When promoting, we only need to say something verbally at the logistics point. This kind of promotion method is cost-free for everyone.

As for the issue of placing orders and receiving payments on mobile phones, it is also very simple. You can use our WeChat Pay to receive and pay.

All funds from WeChat Pay are deposited into the supervision account of the People's Bank of China, so you don't have to worry about Deep Blue Technology misappropriating the money. "Han Chen said.

In fact, these people had already investigated Deep Blue Technology before coming here. Based on the information they obtained, they knew that Deep Blue was not simple. First, Deep Blue Chemical cooperated with the four major airlines, and later Deep Blue Film and Television and Deep Blue Payment cooperated with the Spring Festival Gala.

It is impossible for people without some background to do these things.

These things are not something that can be done with money. Even if you send money to someone's door, they may not dare to accept it.

"We are very relieved about WeChat Pay, but we don't know how to charge for WeChat Pay?" Wang Wei asked.

"We will charge a 0.6% service fee for corporate users. For T0 withdrawals, we will charge a 1% handling fee. For T1 withdrawals, we will not charge a penny." Han Chen said.

"Mr. Han, Zhifubao only charges a service fee of 0.38%. Can your company raise the service fee to 0.38%?" Wang Wei said after picking up the tea cup and taking a sip.

In fact, Wang Wei has long wanted to engage in online ordering and online payment, but at that time, quick payment had not yet come out, and the down payment was too troublesome, so Wang Wei did not do it. Now he happened to be cooperating with Han Chen, so he brought it up. Things come up.

Zhifubao had already contacted him before mentioning this matter to Han Chen.

"Mr. Wang, the reason why they charge such a small handling fee is because they will misappropriate funds for investment. Our funds are all placed in the supervision account. I have no way to use the money to create profits. There is no handling fee. The method has been reduced.

You must know that Ali’s major shareholder is not from China. Ali’s major shareholder is Masayoshi Son of SoftBank. If there is a problem with the funds in the capital pool, it is very likely that your company will be in trouble. Who can guarantee that there will never be any problems with investment? What should we do if problems arise? "Han Chen said.

Everyone was shocked when they heard Han Chen's words.


Although Ahri can also provide them with payment services, the money does not arrive in real time. What should they do if there is a problem with the funds? If Ahri ran away, they would not have tears to cry.

But money placed in Deep Blue Payment is absolutely guaranteed, because the money is placed in a supervised account of the People's Bank of China. How could they not know about the so-called supervised account? You must know that the money in the supervised account cannot be touched casually.

"Deep Blue Payment uses blockchain accounting technology." Han Chen introduced blockchain technology to several people.

"That is to say, no matter which account the money is transferred to, as long as you do not withdraw the money, the money will be stored in the supervision account. With the blessing of blockchain technology, it is impossible to transfer it through hacking technology. We dare to say that the People’s Bank of China’s account system is not as safe as ours,” Han Chen said.

After hearing Han Chen's boast, everyone also had a deeper understanding of Deep Blue Payment.

"Mr. Han, where did you buy this mobile phone? Your screen is big enough and comfortable to use. My eyes are a bit blurry as I get older. The screen of my Samsung mobile phone is too small and it is not comfortable to use at all," Lai Meisong said.

"This is a mobile phone produced by our company. We plan to release it here on the 15th. If you like it, I will send one to you later." Han Chen said with a smile.

Everyone at the scene was surprised when they heard Han Chen's words. Han Chen's words also refreshed their understanding of Deep Blue.

They knew that Deep Blue Group was involved in many industries, but they did not expect that Deep Blue Group would even develop mobile phones. They knew that every industry was like a mountain. Even if they knew how to make money, they would not make mobile phones because they knew they did not have the ability.

"Then I'd like to thank Mr. Han in advance." Lai Meisong said with a smile.

"Mr. Han has extended the front line so long, so he's not afraid of losing funds?" Nie Tengyun asked tentatively.

"Internet companies don't spend much money, and Mr. Han's companies have already made profits. There are two golden roosters under the Deep Blue Group, that is, the Deep Blue Stacking Film has a profit of less than 2 billion a year, and the Deep Blue Stacking Film is also Monopolizing 70% of the market, Deep Blue will not be cut off even if Qianda’s capital chain is cut off.

Moreover, the products produced by Han Corporation are selling very well. The facial recognition electronic lock they launched was sold out as soon as it was put on the shelves.

There are also computers recently launched by Deep Blue Electronics, which have sold more than 4 units since April.

You see, the computer on my desk was launched by Mr. Han’s company. Our company also ordered a batch from Mr. Han’s company for office use. "Brother Dong said, pointing to the all-in-one machine on the table.

As an e-commerce platform, they know exactly which company's products are cheaper, and Deep Blue's all-in-one computer is so cheap that it breaks Dong Ge's perception of brand computers.

Let’s not talk about how much money can be left for Goudong by purchasing all the dark blue all-in-one computers. This appearance alone can improve the brand image of Goudong as a whole.

After hearing Brother Dong's words, several people walked to the desk to check the all-in-one computer on the table.

"Brother Dong, why doesn't your computer have a host?" Nie Tengyun asked curiously after looking for a long time but not finding the host.

"Mr. Nie, this is an all-in-one computer. The host computer is in the monitor. Although it is highly integrated, its performance is not low at all. Guess how much this computer costs?" Brother Dong refilled tea for everyone. while asking.

"It only costs 4000 yuan, and the same configuration of "Bad Brain" sells for 4999. Even a rubbish brand like Shenzhou sells for 4599, and theirs is an all-in-one computer. This price is the lowest in the industry," Dong Ge said.

"Such a beautiful computer only costs 4000 yuan?" Nie Tengyun said with a surprised look.

"Yes." Brother Dong replied.

"Mr. Han, my bad-brained baby is sold for 4999 yuan. Do you make any money selling it for 4000 yuan?" Wang Wei asked curiously.

"In order to compete in the market, we don't think about making money. A computer can still make dozens of dollars. If you include the after-sales costs, you will basically lose money. But even if you lose money, you won't lose much money. We can wait until the market opens. Just make money." Han Chen smiled.

"Mr. Han, I will buy a batch from you later. I will give you 4500 yuan per unit. Ordinary customers can just sell it at a loss. We cannot make you lose money by purchasing in bulk." Wang Wei said.

"Then I'd like to thank Mr. Wang for being here." Han Chen raised his teacup and said.

"Mr. Han, I also want to purchase a batch from you. Once you put your computers in the company, the entire company will be upgraded." Nie Tengyun said after returning to his seat.

Then several other people expressed that they wanted to purchase a batch of computers from Han Chen. In fact, they wanted to get closer to Han Chen through these things. Han Chen was also very clear about their purpose. Besides, they had already brought business to his door. Don’t do it.

The group chatted until after five o'clock, they all took the vehicle arranged by Brother Dong to go to Diaoyutai for dinner.

After dinner, Brother Dong took everyone to a very private high-end club to sing.

Not long after everyone entered the box, a fashionably dressed woman walked in with a smile.

As soon as the woman entered the door, she walked up to Brother Dong with a smile and hugged his arm.

"Brother Dong." The woman said coquettishly.

"Su Su, you see all the bosses are still single, why don't you introduce some sisters to everyone?" Brother Dong reached out and touched the woman's thigh and said.

Han Chen recognized the woman as soon as she entered the door. The woman was Su Su, who often took the little elk to wash her hair.

"Brother Dong, do you want me to introduce some sisters who are celebrities or models?" Su Su looked at Brother Dong with a smile on her face and said.

"Call your sisters here, and I'll pay you the fees later." Brother Dong said in Su Su's ear.

"Okay, Brother Dong." Su Su smiled.

Then the woman finished speaking and left the box with her handbag. Everyone here knew what the woman was doing. Then everyone in the box came to Han Chen to drink.

An hour later, Susu opened the box door with a dozen girls.

Han Chen saw the figure of Little Elk among the dozen or so girls, and the rest were some female celebrities from the 17th or 18th tier. Isn't this Su Su's hair-washing sister group? (End of chapter)

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