The world's richest man started by developing gutter oil

Chapter 195 191: Jia, I am very satisfied with your financial report.

"Mr. Han, my problem is not that big." Cheng Wenjun replied after reading the document.

She only needs to tell the other party the decoding method and system link method. After the other party develops the hardware, she will develop a hardware system. As long as they have predetermined the architecture in advance, they can develop it at the same time. After developing the latter two Just perform matching to open up the data link.

"This hardware is not very difficult to develop. They must be developed after this year." Han Chen said.

"No problem, Mr. Han." Rong Zhengli nodded.

"There is no problem on my side." Cheng Wenjun replied.

"Then you go back to work first." Han Chen said.

Nantian Pioneer Park WeChat Company.

Wu Qimin rubbed his temples while looking at the data submitted by Yu Xianrong. Hello, which Zhang Dalong was in charge of, was too difficult to deal with. Although he knew that Hello could not threaten WeChat's status, the speed of Hello's development made him feel astonished.

"Don't pay attention to how they develop for the time being. You should focus on offline and jointly organize activities with offline merchants." Wu Qimin said.

"Okay, Mr. Wu." Yu Xianrong said.

"You go about your business first. I have to go to the chairman." After Wu Qimin finished speaking, he stood up and took his coat from the hanger.

Although the weather in the south is not as cold as in the north, you still have to wear a coat in January. The weather outside is still so cold that people shiver. Then the two left the general manager's office together.

When Wu Qimin came to Han Chen's office, Rong Zhengli and Cheng Wenjun just left Han Chen's office.

"Old Wu, why do you come to my place when you have time?" Han Chen asked with a smile.

"Mr. Han, I have an important decision here that I hope you can pass." Wu Qimin said after sitting down.

"What decision?" Han Chen asked curiously.

"Mr. Han, instead of asking Lao Wang to organize a team to develop a mobile assistant, I planned to bundle our mobile assistant with Deep Blue security software, and then use another [-] million to promote our mobile assistant.

This [-] million is intended to be used to subsidize mobile phone vendors in the market to allow them to use our mobile assistant.

This ensures that mobile phone vendors will install our software on new phones when new phones come online. "Wu Qimin said.

"How long do you expect this [-] million to be used?" Han Chen asked.

"I will cooperate with the vendors on a monthly basis. I plan to give them a subsidy of 800 yuan every month. It is estimated that this [-] million yuan can be used for a year." Wu Qimin said.

"You can cooperate with the Deep Blue Communication team. The Deep Blue Communication team is developing the mobile phone system. They know better than you how to optimize the mobile phone. In addition, the application market must be developed for me. We must promote our application market. Remember the application The market is the top priority.

Set up a department specifically responsible for cooperating with software vendors. I hope that all domestic software vendors will cooperate with our application mall.

As long as we master the application market, we have mastered half of the mobile phone market ecosystem.

I will give you [-] million not only to cooperate with mobile phone vendors, but also to have a good relationship with software developers. If the software developers have good prospects, you can recommend them to Deep Blue Capital and let Deep Blue Capital invest in them. .

You can talk to software manufacturers about this when you ask them to discuss cooperation. As long as the software they develop has good prospects, Deep Blue Capital can invest in them.

I hope that the mobile assistant and Deep Blue application market can occupy more than 50% of the market share by the end of this year. "Han Chen said.

At first, Han Chen wanted to acquire 91 Assistant, but they were unwilling to sell 91 Assistant. Now Deep Blue has also developed its own mobile assistant, but Han Chen forgot about it after giving WeChat to Wu Min.

Now that Wu Qimin was able to tell him about it, it showed that he also noticed its importance.

I have to say that Wu Qimin did a very good job in details. Han Chen was very satisfied with Wu Qimin's work ability.

"I guarantee that the market share of Deep Blue Assistant and Deep Blue applications will exceed 60% by the end of the year." Wu Qimin said.

"Very good, go and do your work." Han Chen said.

"Okay, Mr. Han." Wu Qimin nodded.

Beijing Rose Garden Villa.

Since Deep Blue Media cooperated with Weibo, Qiu Xiuhua has signed many artists. Each of these artists has talents and has become an Internet celebrity on Weibo. Of course, their popularity is far from that of Gulina.

If these people are given a chance in the future, maybe they can make their debut.


Qiu Xiuhua was dealing with her daily work when her cell phone on the table rang.

[Caller: Chanel Operations Manager Eve Ibarra]

"Manager Eve, good afternoon." Qiu Xiuhua smiled after answering the phone.

"Qiu, the matter about Gu Lina becoming a Chanel Angel has been approved, but the endorsement fee we can give is only 100 million U.S. dollars. After all, Gu Lina has too few works to produce now. In addition to her work in China Network It’s not enough to be well-known in the entertainment industry other than being relatively famous,” Eve Ibarra said.

"Manager Eve, before you called me, Dior also called me. They gave me an endorsement fee of 300 million U.S. dollars. The reason why we chose Chanel is because Chanel is more suitable. If Chanel has no sincerity at all, If so, then we can only choose Dior.

Moreover, our Nana will soon collaborate with SONY to release a second golden song. I believe that this golden song will be as popular in Europe and America as See You Again. "Qiu Xiuhua said.

When Han Chen was in the capital, Qiu Xiuhua suggested to him that Han Chen should make another English song for Gu Lina so that she could maintain her popularity in Europe and the United States.

So Han Chen copied a Grammy-winning song for Gu Lina to sing. Gu Lina has already recorded the song in the past few days.

This song is Heartbeat Song sung by Kelly Clarkson in 2015.

Of course, in addition to foreign language songs, there is also a Chinese song. The Chinese song is a song by the daughter of a corrupt criminal. In this case, it is better to let Gulina sing. The name of this song is My Singing Voice.

"I want to listen to the song you mentioned before making a decision." Eve Ibarra said.

"No problem, I'll send her to your mailbox now." Qiu Xiuhua said and then operated the computer to send the song to the other party's e-mail.

After half an hour.

Qiu Xiuhua's cell phone rang again, and the caller was none other than Eve Ibarra.

"Qiu, I have just discussed it with the senior management. We can get up to 200 million U.S. dollars in endorsement fees, but we can let Gulina be nominated for the Grammy." Eve Ibarra said.

Eve Ybarra is talking about being nominated for a Grammy rather than winning a Grammy Award. It doesn’t take much to know that the capital behind the Grammy will not allow her to win the award.

"I need to ask my boss about this matter. I will call you back in 10 minutes." Qiu Xiuhua said. Office of the President of Deep Blue Group.

At this time, Han Chen was studying the Magic Eye 3D engine to see how to get this thing out. After some thinking, Han Chen already had an idea.

First, castrate the source code of the Magic Eye 3D engine and then let domestic coders fill it in.

At that time, he told the public that it was a semi-finished product that he had picked up and bought abroad.


At this moment, Han Chen's cell phone rang, and the caller was Qiu Xiuhua from the capital.

"Manager Qiu, what's the matter?" Han Chen asked.

"Mr. Han, this is what happened." Qiu Xiuhua briefly told the story about Chanel.

"That nomination is just a false name. This false name means nothing at all. It will just make people look at monkeys. Unless they can guarantee to win the Best Newcomer Award, there is no need to talk about it." Han Chen said.

"Okay, Mr. Han, I know what to do." Qiu Xiuhua said.

"You can take care of the rest." Han Chen hung up the phone after saying that.


Deep Blue Video is LeTV’s number one enemy, and LeTV is always paying attention to Deep Blue. Recently, Deep Blue Video has been updated. After the update, the viewing speed is much faster, and the picture quality has also been greatly improved.

Accountant Jia also noticed this immediately.

Then he asked Nie Wusheng from the technology department to analyze DeepBlue's updates. After a round of analysis and online inquiries, he quickly got the answer. After Nie Wusheng got the answer, he immediately found Accountant Jia.

However, Accountant Jia was on the phone at the moment and had no time to pay attention to him.

"Mr. Robinson, China's online film and television industry is a very promising industry. We, LeTV, occupy 37% of the market, and we are the company with the most paying users in the entire network. We are still the only profitable online video company in China so far. website.

In the future, the competition among online film and television websites will become very fierce. We urgently need a sum of funds to invest in the market for layout and promotion.

In the future, we will definitely become an online film and television leader like Naifei. If your company is willing to invest in LeTV, you will definitely get very generous returns, and we are expected to be listed on Nasdaq this year.

In the future, your company's investment will be at least five times greater. "Accountant Jia said.

"Jia, I have read your financial report. I am very satisfied with your company's performance, but it is useless for you to convince me. You'd better fly over. If you can convince the review committee, your money will be There should be no problem investing,” said Robinson-Wellman.

I have to say that Accountant Jia’s financial report is very beautiful. It can be said that it is so beautiful that people can’t believe it. It’s a pity that Robinson doesn’t know Accountant Jia’s expertise. If he knew Accountant Jia’s expertise, he wouldn’t give it to him even to death. Accountant Jia invested one penny.

"Mr. Robinson, please arrange a time. I will fly over after you confirm the time." Accountant Jia said.

"Okay, I will inform you after I make an appointment. Don't call at this time next time. You must know that all Americans are sleeping at this time." Robinson Wellman said.

"Excuse me, Mr. Robinson. If it's nothing, I won't disturb your rest." Accountant Jia hung up the phone after saying this.

In order to obtain funds from the other party, Accountant Jia has been chatting with the other party from 11 o'clock until now. Fortunately, the other party is a patient investment manager, otherwise the other party would not be able to chat with him until now.

LeTV’s data is getting uglier month by month, and Accountant Jia is also fooling around in order to change the status quo.

The only way to get LeTV out of this predicament is to increase investment in self-made films.

But LeTV didn't have much money in its account anymore, and if it wanted to increase investment, it had to trick others into buying shares, so Accountant Jia called the other party so late.

"Wu Sheng, what's the matter?" Accountant Jia asked after putting down the phone.

"We already have a clear understanding of Mr. Jia's issue with Deep Blue Video after the update. They use a decoding technology called HEVC, which is much more advanced than the mepg4 we use.

The same movie requires 4GB of storage capacity in mepg1 and only 500MB in HEVC, but the image quality they get is the same.

This is why Deep Blue Video only requires half our internet speed to provide the same enjoyment.

Network charges and storage charges can be significantly reduced using this technology.

However, HEVC decoding technology is not without its shortcomings, but in my opinion, this shortcoming cannot be regarded as a shortcoming. The disadvantage of HEVC is that it requires a lot of computing power to decode.

As long as you are not playing 2K quality video, the CPUs launched in the past two years can decode it casually, which is why I say it is not a shortcoming. "Nie Wusheng said.

Accountant Jia frowned involuntarily after hearing Nie Wusheng's answer. Judging from Nie Wusheng's introduction, this technology is very powerful. Using this technology can reduce hardware operating costs by at least 50%.

But this technology was not developed by foreigners. If they could buy it back with money, how could Deep Blue Film and Television sell it to them?

For a while, Accountant Jia rubbed his temples and felt a headache.

"Mr. Jia, Deep Blue Film and Television's technology is licensed to external parties, and we can purchase their technology," Nie Wusheng said.

"What? They still authorize external parties?" Accountant Jia asked in surprise.

"Yes." Nie Wusheng nodded.

"Do you know how they charge?" Accountant Jia asked.

"They charge 0.5% of total revenue." Nie Wusheng said.

"Why is it so expensive?" Accountant Jia frowned.

"Mr. Jia, in fact, this price is not expensive at all, and the cost saved is more than this." Nie Wusheng said.

"You immediately contact Deep Blue Film and Television, buy this technology from them, and replace it with this technology as soon as possible." Accountant Jia said after calculation.

After a round of calculations, Accountant Jia felt that the price was quite cost-effective. Although the fees required will increase as revenue increases, the technology fee is still very cost-effective no matter how you calculate it, and this technology can make LeTV The financial reports will become more beautiful, and it will become easier for LeTV to go public by then.

"Okay, Mr. Jia." Nie Wusheng nodded.

Office of the President of Deep Blue Technology.

At this time, Chang Huazhang was sitting opposite Han Chen and reporting something.

"Mr. Han, Niconico from Tiaobaji, Nifei from America, and Oil Pipe, these three companies have decided to use our technology. This is the cooperation contract between the three companies. Please sign it after you confirm that there are no problems." Chang Huazhang will three He put the contract on the table. (End of chapter)

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