Chapter 96 Shadow Mask
After making sure that no one was around, Lin Yao passed through the Eye of Aurora again, ignoring the obstruction of the wall, and entered the museum directly.

After simply looking around the environment in the museum, Lin Yao walked to the nearest exhibition area.

According to the current level of technological development, the penetration rate of cameras is still not high enough. This can be seen from the fact that there are not many cameras seen on the road.

There is no such thing as a camera in this dinosaur fossil museum.

If converted in terms of value in the human world, Lin Yao had almost nothing of actual value in front of him.

Cameras will only appear in more important places.For example, the [-]th arrondissement, or a museum that stores valuable exhibits.

It’s true that museums are divided into first and second classes!
After entering the exhibition area, Lin Yao used the levitation function of the chicken charm to directly float the sand under the fossil.

Soon the exhibition area was filled with dust, but Lin Yao controlled this power very well, making it turbid at the top and clear at the bottom.

However, he didn't find anything else. He didn't even see any other colors different from the soil, let alone the black shadow mask he wanted to get.

Controlling the sand to fall back, Lin Yao simply entered the next exhibition area and repeated the same operation as before.

This museum has a total of five exhibition areas, and the possibility of finding masks is still high.

In the third exhibition area, Lin Yao entered the exhibition area in the middle of the museum and continued the same operation as the previous two times.

This time, the sand just started to rise, and Lin Yao saw a very bright yellow color, which was Bart's mask.

"found it."

Seeing this scene, Lin Yao's eyes flashed with light.Everything went smoothly, and there was no unpleasant encounter for the protagonist.

This mask is one of the ten Shadow Corps masks, Bart's mask.

After the owner wears it, he can summon the Night Bats among the Black Shadow Corps.The night bats can fly in the air and even launch black magic attacks. This attack has a powerful binding function.

The memory of Bart's mask slowly emerged. Lin Yao raised his left hand, and the Bart's mask slowly fell into his hand.

Then he controlled the sand to begin to fall slowly, gathered up the last bits of his hands, and restored the place to its original appearance.

After finishing everything, Lin Yao lowered his head and glanced at the distinctive mask on his left hand, and was very satisfied with the harvest.

He didn't stay here too long, he took out the Eye of Aurora, left the museum and returned to the attic of his father's antique shop.

Standing in the attic room, Lin Yao looked around and clearly heard his father's snoring. He also saw the hair that had not fallen out by the crack of the door, which proved that no one noticed his departure.

This was his last heart-to-heart test of the Zhengqi Group. As expected, his father had a very strong character and did not pry into his secrets casually.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yao focused his attention on Bart's mask, sensing that there was a faint and confusing secret message on it, and wanted him to have the idea of ​​wearing this mask in his heart.

Of course, he couldn't just put on this mask and summon the Shadow Corps so roughly, but he had another way to make this mask work for him.

Putting his mind into the system panel, Lin Yao got a message after a while.He can fuse this dark mask with his storage space through the source fragments.

This gives him the ability to summon the Shadow Corps without wearing a mask, and it does no harm to the storage space.

Lin Yao also recognized this processing method, and without any hesitation, he directly used the original fragments to start the fusion.

Five original fragments were removed from the system panel, and the mask in Lin Yao's hand slowly merged with the storage space.The storage space has not changed much, and an illusory image is vaguely added to the border, which is exactly the same as Bart's mask that has begun to merge.

Apart from the addition of mask images, the storage space did not cause any special changes. It seemed that the system easily suppressed the power of the Black Shadow Corps.

When Bart's mask completely disappeared from his left hand, Lin Yao vaguely felt that he was connected to a space.

, has the ability to indirectly summon the Night Bat Group to fight.

Different from the talisman, Lin Yao is only the temporary owner of the talisman and has no control over this power at all.

As for Bart's soul in the mask, and the dark erosion caused by the mask, it would have no effect on Lin Yao at all.

Although it was Lin Yao who used the Black Shadow Corps, the first person to come into contact with the power of the mask was the system's storage space.

Unless the power of the mask can darken the system, this is impossible. The two of them are not at the same level of power.

In fact, it's just Lin Yao's power. Even if he puts on this mask directly, he will not be afraid of the dark power of the mask.

He was just worried that the power of the Five Thunder Drums would shatter the soul of General Bart inside, or that their powers would conflict, thus affecting the ability to summon.

The Holy Lord can absorb the power of Niga's mask and successfully summon the ninja group among the Black Shadow Corps.

As long as the mask is not worn, he can always control the soldiers of the ninja regiment.

Of course, the premise is that no one is idle enough to carve Tarakudo's tattoo on their body.

In fact, even if it is engraved, it does not have the gold content of Xiaoyu Black Shadow Queen, and cannot reach her level.

Xiaoyu is the embodiment of righteousness, and black energy and righteousness are in confrontation.

When Xiaoyu uses the power of the Black Shadow Corps, the black energy has a bonus effect on her, but the righteous energy ignores her.

Without the interference of righteousness, the power of the black shadow army summoned by Xiaoyu must be stronger, almost becoming a dragon with one kick.

With the help of systematic cheating, Lin Yao has achieved perfect control over the Night Bat Corps, and is a Night Bat Corps that will no longer take orders from Tarakudo.

If he who is still sleeping is the king of the Black Shadow Corps, then the Night Bat Corps at this moment is a legion that has been absorbed by the system and has nothing to do with Talakudo anymore.

If Lin Yao has time later, perhaps when Talakudo wakes up from his slumber, he may find that the Black Shadow Corps has completely abandoned him.

Now to a certain extent, this has also reached a balance.Although the chicken talisman belongs to the Holy Lord, Zhengqi Group can use this power reasonably.

This also means that the chicken talisman has become part of the power of righteousness. Lin Yao has now taken away another mask, which to some extent corresponds to the balance of yin and yang in this world.

Glancing at the time aside, Lin Yao found that it was already past three o'clock. In more than two hours, it would be dawn. Tomorrow, he could try to communicate with his father to speed up the collection of spells.

Lin Yao slowly closed his eyes and entered a state of cultivation. At the same time, a touch of red appeared in the shadow.

The soldiers of the Nightbats loyally guard their new master.

(End of this chapter)

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