A journey to the heavens starting from the Red Mansion

Chapter 264 The weak covet the strong, but they have to pay the price with their lives

Chapter 264 The weak covet the strong, but they have to pay the price with their lives
Just as some members of the Sand Mercenary Group were showing off their power at the Motie Mercenary Group's station, at the gate of Stone Desert City, the remaining mercenary members of the Sand Mercenary Group were ready to go, looking impressive.

Among them, Rob, the leader of the Sand Mercenary Group, nodded and bowed among a group of strong men who were not local to Stone Desert City.

When Qing Lin's blue eyes and three-flowered pupils awakened, Mo Cheng, the great elder of the Mohist family who was far away in the eastern province, received the corresponding message and traveled thousands of miles to the Tagor Desert.

At first, he relied on his own strong strength and the influence of the Mohists in Yancheng to search for hybrid snake people in these border cities, but failed to find the target.

Most of the mixed-blood snake-men died in childhood, and there are only a few left. The blue scales of Stone Desert City are very conspicuous.

He quickly locked onto Qing Lin, who had left Stone Desert City with Lin Yao.

Mo Cheng immediately gathered the men of the Sand Mercenary Group supported by his own power, and prepared to launch a blanket search in the direction where Lin Yao and the two left.

They were not sure whether the Qinglin Lin Yao took away was the owner of the blue eyes and three-flowered pupils they were looking for, so they gave the Sand Mercenary Group the opportunity to attack the various forces in Stone Desert City.

The first to bear the brunt were the other two mercenary groups. The second ranked mercenary group was destroyed by Rob and the Mo family after the conflict with the Sand Mercenary Group.

The Motie Mercenary Group survived thanks to Xiao Yan's relationship.

The big shots in Yunlan Sect are looking forward to the three-year agreement to further expand the sect's influence.

Genius versus "waste" is like a guaranteed win situation of 80 versus 60. Naturally, other forces in the Gama Empire will not be allowed to interfere in this matter.

"Captain Rob, the great elder has asked when we can start taking action. Let your men hurry up."

One of the great fighting master elders of the Mo family looked at Rob with a frown, somewhat doubting his ability to do things. The great elder did not have a very good temper, and he himself would suffer when he got angry.

If it weren't for the need for local snakes to maintain the Mohist family's interests in the Tagor Desert, the Mohist family in Yancheng would never associate with the mercenary group in such a remote place.

"Elder Mo Da, I understand, leave it all to me."

Rob responded humbly, there was nothing he could do, he couldn't compare with his own strength, let alone the powerful fighting spirit behind him.

Then he turned around and looked at the logistics personnel of the mercenary group behind him slightly angrily to divert the pressure.

"Let those in charge of logistics hurry up and don't keep the great elder waiting."

Rob's eyes flickered when he saw the logistics staff rushing to deal with the matter and Mo Da who had fooled him.

In fact, after using the influence of the Mohist family to subdue all the forces in Shimo City, he wanted to work without contributing, and it would be useless to get involved too much.

Stone Desert City is quite far away from the real snake tribe. Looking for two people who have left long ago in the vast sea of ​​sand is undoubtedly like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Regardless of the manpower and material resources expended, if you offend a strong person above the Snake Tribe's Grand Fighter, it will be like pulling a carrot out of the mud, and fighting spirits and kings will follow one after another.

It will not be a simple matter at that time. You must know that Queen Medusa is not famous in all countries for her beauty, but for her ruthless methods to penetrate the slave-catching team into the hinterland of the snake people.

If you cross the red line, Queen Medusa will really come knocking. The strongest warrior at the top of the fighting emperor is no joke.

If it hadn't been for the intelligence collected that showed that the two men had only been away for two or three days, they couldn't have gone very far. With the strength of the fighting spirit, the elder was really difficult to offend and was forced to be dragged in.

As a force supported by the Mohist family, after Rob's strength reached the three-star master level, he was no longer satisfied with being a dog that the Mohist family could kill at any time.

However, the Mo family itself is not scary. What is scary is the Yun Lan Sect background of the Mo family. No one will offend the Yun Lan Sect and the Mo family for being a great fighting master.

Unable to refuse, he could only use this method to obtain benefits and integrate all the forces in Stone Desert City.

"Big elder!"

When he was ready, Rob followed Mo Da to a group of people all wearing uniform clothes.

The strongest person with fighting spirit strength is Mo Cheng, the great elder of the Mo family who is standing in the middle with his eyes closed to rest.

This person was completely covered in a cloak, with sleeves and gloves hiding his arms tightly. Dressed like this in the hot and harsh environment of the Tagor Desert, it looked extremely weird.

The Yancheng Mo family, one of the three major families in the eastern province of the Jia Ma Empire, has a close relationship with the Yunlan Sect.

By currying favor with the family policy of Yun Leng, the great elder of the Yunlan Sect, he gradually gained the power of the first family in the eastern province.

The Mohists accounted for almost 60.00% of the industries in the eastern provinces.

The great elder of the Mo family, Mo Cheng, is the hub of the relationship between the Moh family and the Yunlan Sect, and is the deacon of the outer sect of the Yunlan Sect. He has the strength of a fighting spirit.

As a well-known strong man in the eastern part of the Jia Ma Empire, he once single-handedly slaughtered the Black Tornado bandits that were rampant in the east.

You must know that the original Black Whirlwind Bandit Group had three great fighting masters and more than ten fighting masters. Its strength should not be underestimated.The local imperial forces sent troops several times to encircle and suppress the area, but the thunder was loud and the rain was small, and even a lot of losses were suffered.

Mo Cheng took action and killed the black whirlwind bandit group's temporary residence until it became a river of blood. He became famous in one battle and got the nickname "Executioner Mo".


A firework exploded in the sky not far away, Mo Cheng's eyes were sharp, and the Mo Jiachun members present were also wary.

"That's an emergency signal from the family. Are those two people back?"

"Elder Mo Cheng, are the fireworks coming from that direction?"

Rob also noticed the movement and stood beside Mo Cheng and said softly.

"Everyone is here, come with me to support."

Mo Cheng turned around and replied coldly, ignoring Rob's doubts. He was just a three-star master, barely a chess piece.

However, once the Blue Eyes and Three Flower Pupils are obtained, all the forces in Stone Desert City must be purged to prevent this matter from being known to anyone with intentions.

At that time, there is no need to worry about Yunlan Sect's intentions.


Rob replied quickly, not daring to show any dissatisfaction.Facing Mo Cheng, a well-known spirit fighting expert, he didn't dare to resist at all.

He was able to climb to this position step by step, all thanks to his caution when facing strong men.

Mo Cheng and others were not slow and quickly approached the area where the fireworks were released. During this period, they gathered those who went to investigate the Motie Mercenary Group.

"Is this it?!"

With a solemn expression on his face, Mo Cheng raised his right hand to signal the people behind him to stop.

Everyone who arrived at the scene found two people standing there.

As for the people of the Mo family and the mercenary group, they were lying on the ground without any breath.

"You are here."

Lin Yao raised his head and looked at the people arriving, and at first glance he stared at the leader, Mo Cheng.

This man's attire could not hide the aura of a World of Warcraft limb transplanted into his body. He must be the great elder of the Mo family who had his blue scales stolen from him in time and space.

"Who are you?"

"Is that little girl the target?!"

"You are really looking for death, how dare you touch a member of my Mo family."

The members behind Mo Cheng were furious. This was the first time anyone dared to challenge the Mo family since they dominated the eastern provinces.

Don't run away after killing their members, just wait for them to come.

The young man is wearing a black outfit, with black eyes like stars, and handsome facial features. If he were not an enemy, he could be called a handsome young man.

As for the little girl standing behind her in a green dress, her eyes were as dazzling as green jade pendants, and her face was not inferior to the snake man's exquisiteness, it was no surprise that she was the target of their trip.

"Blue eyes and three pupils!"

Mo Cheng looked at those bright eyes and couldn't help but murmured, his body moved involuntarily.

But the faintly aware aura of a fighting spirit-level monster made him stop.

"A Tier [-] Warcraft?"

"Listen to those people lying on the ground, you are trying to take advantage of my sister."

Lin Yao looked at the noisy Mo family and the people in mercenary uniforms, a cold light flashed in his eyes, but his tone became calmer.

"Mo Cheng, the weak covet the strong, but they have to pay the price with their lives."

(End of this chapter)
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