A journey to the heavens starting from the Red Mansion

Chapter 244: The Remnant of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire

Chapter 244: The Remnant of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire

"Open the properties panel."

Lin Yao thought, and a light curtain quickly appeared in front of him.

【Name: Lin Yao】

[Bloodline: Power of Thunder, Stars]

[Cultivation: One-star fighter, Gang Jin, Soul Emperor (level 68)]

[Soul Power: Great Perfection in the Mortal Realm]

[Exercise: Basic Qi Training Technique]

[Supernatural power: Power of the zodiac (entry level 37%)]

[Martial skills: Xingyiquan (master level 88%); basic sword skills (master level 67%); basic bow skills (master level 93%); Lingbo Weibu (master level 30%)]

[Equipment: Tang Dao (original), one thousand cubic meters of storage space (Night Bat Group, Holy Lord Shadow Soldier), SSG69 sniper rifle...]

[Original fragments: 140]

On the attribute panel, there is no indication of the reason for the sudden change in star power, only the change in cultivation from a zero-level Dou Qi breakthrough to a first-level Dou Qi.

It seems that he needs to wait for the future direction of development. Lin Yao does not feel any discomfort now, but the intensity of his fighting spirit has increased a little. This may be a good thing.

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Lin Yao kept up his efforts, and the fighting energy in his body began to circulate along the path of the Xingli Body Forging Technique.

Compared with the ordinary Huang-level skills, the advanced Xuan-level skills are somewhat unique.

Even though it is not comparable to the unreachable techniques such as Earth Level and Heaven Level, it is very suitable for the early transitional stage.

The milky white fighting spirit was directly compressed and condensed into a nebula-like platinum fighting spirit, and the fighting spirit in Lin Yao also became more condensed.

After a moment, Lin Yao slowly opened his eyes, and a star seemed to flash in the stone room, suppressing the light of the strong light for an instant, but it was fleeting.

Lin Yao stood up slowly, feeling refreshed and moving his muscles and bones that became stronger, and nodded secretly.

"The fighting spirit system is the right choice."

Then he turned his attention to the stone table.

On the stone table, two other stone boxes were spread out, two scrolls of colorful and dark, the Colorful Poison Sutra and Ziyun Wing.

Lin Yao was the first to take out the seven-color poison sutra. The owner of this stone room might be a doctor or poison master.

In addition to practicing the Star Power Body Strengthening Technique, his main means of attack may include poison.

Moreover, it can leave behind Xuan-level advanced skills that are comparable to the Earth-level skills at the bottom, create advanced Xuan-level flying fighting skills, and also possess the powerful Seven-Colored Poison Sutra.

It can be seen that this person is not only powerful and at the peak of Dou Huang, but he should also be a poison master that many people are not willing to provoke.

The Seven-Colored Poison Sutra records the various accumulations of this powerful Dou Huang master in treating poisons, which is very suitable for laying the foundation.

The little medical fairy from the original time and space was able to improve her strength so quickly. In addition to her gifted innate disaster poison body, she also received the inheritance left by a powerful Douhuang Poison Master, which paved the way for her.

The inheritance of a powerful Dou Huang warrior was equivalent to booking a spot among the top ten powerful warriors in the country in the Jia Ma Empire.

Lin Yao understood that this poison sutra was very effective for the little medical fairy, but once the disaster poison body was turned on, the stronger it was, the faster it would die.

The known short-term treatment method for the poisonous body of Naernan is the poison pill method from Yaochen.

But in Lin Yao's mind, this poisonous elixir cures the root cause rather than the symptoms, and requires strange fire.

I just don’t know if the origin fragments can completely cure this physical defect, or if there are other methods.

After taking a brief look at the Seven Colored Poison Sutra, Lin Yao put it and the Star Power Body Forging Technique into the storage space.

After the Seven Colored Poison Sutra, Lin Yao finally picked up the dark flying fighting skill, the Xuan level advanced flying fighting skill, Eagle Wings.

Flying fighting skills are the rarest auxiliary fighting skills on the Fighting Continent. Rather than being said to be fighting skills, they are more like refined wings.Being able to make people fly in the sky is something that can only be done by those who are above the fighting spirit.

On Dou Qi Continent, only when you reach Dou Ling can you barely glide in the air and fly short distances.

In true flight, only when the strength reaches the level of Dou Wang, can the fighting spirit be released and turned into energy wings, and then break through the shackles of human beings on the ground.

A strong fighter like the Fighting King can fly only when his fighting energy turns into wings, but this flying fighting skill allows even the strong ones below the Fighting King to enjoy this treatment, which is of great value.

Lin Yao slowly unfolded the scroll on the stone table, and a pair of dark eagle wings were clearly carved on the scroll.

The whole body is dark in color, with some faint purple cloud patterns in the outline area, revealing a special metal, like black and purple refined iron.

The most important thing is that the eagle wings are like living creatures. The breeze blows over the curled surface, and the feathers of the eagle wings actually flap gently like real wings.

"The Black Flame Purple Cloud Eagle is a fifth-level flying monster. It is said to have the sparse bloodline of the ancient phoenix. Its flight speed ranks among the best among all flying monsters.

Moreover, they are cunning and cruel in nature, making them extremely difficult to capture. They only live in the Yunzhilan area in the south of the mainland. "

A line of small words on this scroll records the origin of the magical beast used in this scroll of Eagle Wings fighting skills.

The fifth-level magic beast is equivalent to the Dou King. It can be ranked among the top ten strongest in the Jiama Empire, not to mention that it is the best among the fifth-level flying magic beasts. It is as tricky as the Dou King. This Purple Cloud Wing is very suitable for the early stage. For life-saving purposes.

But for Lin Yao, it is better than nothing. He can be traded with him, handed over to people around him, or he can try to analyze the principles inside.

At the same time, this thing gave him a sense of sight, as if he saw the shadow of an artificial externally attached soul bone, but it was unable to evolve with the progress of its owner's strength.

Moreover, the powerful soul power allowed him to sense the violent soul in this scroll.

This is the beast soul of the Black Flame Purple Cloud Eagle, similar to the remnant soul in the soul ring and soul bone. I just don't know if this can be "resurrected, my love."

It's a pity that the protagonist's exclusive Ziyun Wing is useless to Lin Yao. The only inspiration is the production method recorded in it.

But now I don’t have time to master this knowledge, so I have to put it away for now and make plans later.

"It would be a nice surprise to have the Star Power Body Strengthening Technique."

Lin Yao sorted out the harvest and walked to the sitting skeleton again and bowed.

He is different now than before, and he can be regarded as the inheritor of the technique, as he should be.

Then Lin Yao carefully took away the remains of the demon fire from the skeleton's arm bone. This was his true purpose of coming here.

"Ding, the relevant inheritance has been detected, and the conditions are insufficient to awaken the soul of the strong..."

When Lin Yao's palm came into contact with the remnant image of the demon fire, he felt a little surprised that his system actually responded.

This demon fire remnant picture is indeed something passed down by the Pure Lotus Demon Saint. There is actually a legacy left by this Pure Lotus Demon Saint?

"There seems to be no description of this in the original time and space. Could it be that I have forgotten it?"

Lin Yao's mind was filled with thoughts. He vaguely remembered that the essence of this residual picture was the backhand left by the Pure Lotus Demon Saint after he was backlashed by the Pure Lotus Demon Fire.

Contains the remnant soul of the current consciousness that can erase the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire.

Since this demon fire remnant picture contains the remnant soul of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint, it is not a surprise that some of the inherited knowledge is left behind.

After all, Jinglian Demon Saint and Huangquan Demon Saint are considered to be the most talented people in Dou Qi Continent. They have entered the realm of Half-Emperor, and their distance from Dou Emperor is only limited by that source of energy.

If it weren't for the unfathomable depth, how could a Fighting Saint-level strange fire be so easily wiped out of consciousness by the remnant soul?

The MVP of the Demon Fire Space Incident can be summed up in two words, pick it up!

The remnant soul in the original time and space has been in a state of slumber. After collecting all the remnants, he faced the Pure Lotus Demon Fire. Xiao Yan had no chance to obtain the corresponding inheritance in advance.

If there is a chance to awaken it in advance, the remnant soul of this Half-Emperor can help Lin Yao accumulate foundation and grow up faster.

(End of this chapter)
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