A journey to the heavens starting from the Red Mansion

Chapter 230 One Time and Countless Times

Chapter 230 Zero times and countless times
Relevant departments of the rebel army mobilized frequently, and several counties near Jiangning Prefecture responded quickly, and people took action immediately.

Shangyuan County Magistrate He Xinming felt a little nervous after receiving the news, and hurriedly contacted Liuhe County Magistrate Wang Jinming to notify other partners and hold a private meeting.

"Have you discovered anything above, or heard some rumors? The current prices are not normal."

"Probably not. If he really knew something, with that person's temper, he would never be so calm."

Wang Jinsheng, who was vaguely headed, thought for a while, felt that what he had done was perfect, and said.

"A lot of money has been invested in this project. That person spent a lot of money, and those bastards got so much wages. It is extremely abnormal for prices to rise. Don't be paranoid all day long."

He Xinming nodded.

"We must not be careless. After a year, such a big movement does not seem simple. The last time this happened, a lot of people died."

Wang Jinsheng believed that He Xinming's problem was unfounded and worrying and affected "military morale."

"The rebel army is now different from just taking over this rich land. General Lin's sword has been sheathed and he is addicted to the beauty of Commander Wang.

It was rumored that this king commanded the nation and conquered the city. The young Mu Ai was perfectly normal. Otherwise, how could he not appear for so long and suddenly appear now? "

Wang Jinsheng shook his head and said: "General Lin is naturally very powerful, but he is still young, and it is normal to have the intention of neglecting government. Even if we ask them to investigate, they may not be able to find anything. Have the account books been cleaned up?"

"Cleaner than my face, the real accounts are kept at my home, and there are no problems with the account books placed in the mansion.

He Xinming nodded and said: "That's okay, just like in the past, everything has been taken care of from top to bottom, and everyone gets what they deserve.

Let General Lin and his dogs see the power of official protection. I believe they will never find anything useful. "

When He Xinming said this, Wang Jinsheng became even more relieved.

After the Liangzhe Road, Jiangnan East Road, and Fujian Road fell into the hands of the rebels, intricate forces existed for a long time.

In addition to the dominant military force, there are still two types in the final analysis, one is the conservative force that has changed its appearance, and the other is the peasant association force established by Lin Yao.

The land of the peasant association came from the heinous officials, dignitaries and powerful landlords. After these people were eradicated, their land and property became something that Lin Yao could control.

For the time being, the rebels have not taken action against the vast number of small landowners and large landowners who are well disguised.

Most of this land was distributed by Lin Yao to the refugees to resume production, and some of it was allocated to the rebel army for farming.

Therefore, although the powerful landlords wanted to use old methods to take over this land, they did not dare to do it directly for fear of being hit hard by the rebels.

However, as these people with certain knowledge were activated by the rebel army, they were given certain positions.

The military-run universities of the rebel army were only established for a short period of time. In order to improve efficiency, some less important officials were given to some gentry who did not seem to have a bad reputation.

The rebels assigned a lot of rights to these people, but also restricted them with strict rules.

In this situation, these people feel that being an official will not bring any benefits, and they feel that it is different from what they imagined. There is no one who is poor when being an official, and the salary is not enough for ordinary people.

Lin Yao not only made great efforts to restrict their rights, but also put in place measures to prevent the land in the hands of the people from being embezzled by powerful landlords.

The land that has been eaten into the stomach cannot be vomited out again, so the phenomenon of "the bones of the rich are frozen to death in the smell of wine and meat" will reappear.

Land construction is linked to each other, leaving no room for other forces to intervene. If they dare to reach out so blatantly, their heads will be chopped off.

Moreover, officials at the state level discussed with Wu Yazi, Su Xinghe, Tianshan Tonglao, and Wang Yuyan before considering whether Lin Yao was in this world.

If he was there, Lin Yao's nod would be needed. If he wasn't, it would be the decision of these four people.

In this case, these senior officials were firmly in the hands of the rebels.

Especially in some areas that are particularly rich in resources, core members of the rebel army are guarding them. Even if the surrounding gentry is salivating, they do not dare to think wrongly.

Those who had been suppressed before now had to face the prestigious Lin Yao and the rebels, so naturally they did not dare to show their heads casually.

But they still remember that the top landlords and gentry families like Zhao Wang and Li who suppressed them before were trampled to ashes in the battle.

It is as if Huang Chao's "internal treasury was burned to ashes, and the bones of public ministers were trampled on in the street" two or three hundred years ago have reappeared in the world.

This group of people who had suppressed their inner desires for a long time finally found an opportunity to reap benefits.The rebel army wanted to control the Huaihe River and invested a lot of money in this bottomless pit of past dynasties.

There is a saying that comes to their mind: money will come quickly to fools.

Rather than throwing money into the river and wasting it, it would be better to leave it in the hands of us "old country gentlemen".

With this powerful reason, they immediately took action to use their traditional skills and make a fortune in it.

Speechlessly, more and more squire families entered the venue to participate in this feast.

These people did not have any hidden secrets, but they had a tacit understanding and completed the scene without any prior rehearsal.

As far as He Xinming and Wang Jinsheng knew, from Jiangning Mansion to the estuary of the Yangtze River and the Yangtze-Huaihe River divergence, there were people secretly reaching out to many places along these waters.

There were even some people who flirted with Song Ting and tried to hold back the rebel army, leaving a way out for the family once the rebel army was defeated.

After they get it, they often turn these properties from unknown sources into commercial assets through the close connections in Song Ting.

During this short period of peace, trade was very prosperous along some borders between the powerless Song court and the rebel army. With Lin Yao's help, the rebel army produced a very rich supply of goods and could easily invade the Song court's internal market.

It is under these conditions that these people are given room to take advantage of loopholes.

And it happened to be such a good time, with the right time, right place, right people, and it was difficult for people like them not to get rich.

The most important thing is that the labor service system of the rebel army not only includes food and accommodation, but also pays wages, which is different from that of the Song Dynasty.

In this case, even without the relationship with Song Ting, the risk of their operation is already very small.

Because a lot of it is invested in the hands of the people, part of it will naturally flow into the market, and rising prices are the inevitable result.

They fished in troubled waters, and the part of the funds they caught flowed into the market, and it seemed very inconspicuous. This was just a fluke mentality of these people.

Making money can give people endless motivation, and they even take the initiative to corrupt the corresponding personnel responsible for the project.

There are too many things to do in the Huaihe River Management Project, with dozens or even hundreds of links. Naturally, we cannot just rely on students who graduated from military universities run by the rebel army.

Many things also require the cooperation of local authorities, which leaves countless possibilities for intervention.

Under such circumstances, the students at the military-run universities with roots in Miaohong are responsible for regular supervision, and the people below are responsible for implementation.

Gradually, logistical rights fell into the hands of Shuoshu, giving them a lot of room for maneuver.

They even think of dragging these students into the water, so that everyone can make a fortune together, and it will be difficult to feed them if they have two official titles.

However, at first, students at military-run universities had their own persistence and did not even like to have too much contact with these officials.

Everything is done according to the rules and regulations, which can be called unreasonable.

With this group of students standing aside to supervise, it would not be so easy for those master rats to cause trouble.

However, as time went on, the squire gradually figured out the student's weaknesses through various attempts to give gifts, and used them to attack.

These students are also human beings and are naturally not exempt from vulgarity.Food, wine, beautiful women, there is always something I like.

There are even those who just like money, but they couldn't pry it open before. There is only one reason, that is, there is no "adding money".

As long as their inner beliefs are shaken for the first time, it will be difficult for these students to escape.

You know, many things happen not once, twice or three times, but only zero times and countless times.

In the minds of these old fritters, it is really easy to deal with students who have no faith.

Once their hearts are shaken, their own defenses will collapse without taking action, and they will become as greedy as they imagined.

He Xinming and Wang Jinsheng also have a deep understanding of this.

(End of this chapter)

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