Chapter 225 Integrating Power
Lin Yao and Wang Yuyan prepared a special banquet for A'Zhu, and the three of them sat together to eat, have a few drinks, and chat about the current and future development path of the rebel army.

In front of A'Zhu and Wang Yuyan, Lin Yao praised their intelligence layout.

Then he asked them to continue their efforts to diversify their intelligence personnel and be as pervasive as a net.

Collect a lot of information and prepare for the subsequent liquidation.

Any political turmoil within Zhao Ting, such as the rise and fall of court ministers, will mean where this sinking ship will sail.

Lin Yao was summarizing the results and determining the direction. Wang Yuyan looked at him with a smile, and A'Zhu also listened carefully.

But when Lin Yao mentioned Minister Zhao Ting, A'Zhu thought of a piece of relevant information.

"Ah Yao, Privy Councilor Fan Chunren is begging for the body."

Regarding Fan Zhongyan's son, the actual leader of the old Song Ting party after Sima Guang, A'Zhu would certainly not miss news about him.

"Fan Chunren resigned?"

Lin Yao felt a little strange, and then asked: "When did it happen?"

With the radio station, the rebels should be able to get information quickly.

"Not long after I left Xuchang, Fan Chunren resigned and returned home. Soon the news spread from Bianjing to Xuchang, and the entire officialdom was discussing this matter."

Seeing Lin Yao's interest, A'Zhu continued to add: "Not only Fan Chunren, but also some officials from the old party have also resigned one after another or been released."

Lin Yao nodded and thought for a while.

"It seems that the Song Dynasty was dissatisfied with the successive defeats of the old party and replaced it with a more radical new party, preparing to regroup and defeat the rebels.

Fan Chunren and his party members left Bianjing one after another, which proved that the Song court had made a decision internally, rather than acting haphazardly.

The New Party has always advocated rebuilding the New Army, advocating various reforms, and deleting redundant officials and redundant soldiers. This is Wang Anshi's approach, but it fundamentally changes the soup without changing the medicine.

Corrupt officials, powerful landlords, and descendants of saints, these mountains have not been removed, and the others have only filled in the gaps, with unsatisfactory results. "

Wang Yuyan and A'Zhu looked at each other and said nothing.

Lin Yao was silent for a while, thinking for a moment, and then shook his head.

"It cannot be so absolute. It should be a statement that Song Ting had to make under external pressure, otherwise those scholars would not give up their suppression of the Zhao and Song royal families.

Therefore, it is rare for the old and new parties to reach an agreement. This is probably the reason why Fan Chunren and his party members left.

This also means that they are afraid of what the rebels will do on Liangzhe Road, Jiangnan East Road, and Fujian Road.

If they don't react at all, it's just the nerds in the storybook.But how could these scholars who were proficient in sucking blood and extracting marrow be little Aries?

The focus of the next intelligence lies in this. "

Wang Yuyan and A'Zhu straightened their bodies with serious expressions.

They hold high positions in the rebel army. One is the commander-in-chief of the intelligence department, commander, and factory guard.

One is the deputy commander of the Jinyiwei who is quite outstanding in overseas work, so he naturally understands the burden on his shoulders.

The lives of millions of people under the rebel army are at stake, and the cause of unprecedented kingship in the near future cannot be taken lightly.

"Jin Yiwei should not focus all of his energy on Bianjing, A'Zhu, please use Bianjing as the center, expand your power to the surrounding areas, and install spies.

Start an eradication operation in advance and crack down on those criminal organizations... By the way, did I hear that the young Emperor Zhao is going to take power? "

Azhu nodded.

"After losing her country several times, the Empress Dowager could not bear the pressure, so she slowly put down her power and returned it to Emperor Zhao."

"Then try to find out more about his temperament. I really want to know what methods a young emperor who has just taken power will use."

Lin Yao smiled.

Zhao Xu, Zhezong of the Song Dynasty, was known as the most enterprising emperor in the Northern Song Dynasty.

These six ancestors are different from Song Taizu who was the shadow of the candlelight axe, Song Taizong, the god of sorghum river chariots, Song Gaozong who was the terminator of the Taishan Zen, Song Renzong who bowed his head, Song Yingzong who was a three-time backup, Song Shenzong who was not durable enough.After Song Zhezong killed the Gao family, he took full power and began to work hard to regain the lost territory.

In just seven years of pro-government, he led the Song army to conquer Xixia three times, defeated Tubo, and defeated Liao in the north.

After conquering the Tibetan regime in Qingtang, forcing the Yellow-headed Uighurs to surrender, Xixia claimed vassalage and paid tribute, and expanded its territory by two thousand miles.

To be proud of the Song Dynasty, the national power of the Song Dynasty reached the peak of the past dynasties, and it achieved the achievements that Song Renzong and Song Shenzong had dreamed of for several lifetimes.

The only regret is that he died before the age of 25. Song Huizong, the destined son, stepped onto the stage of history and started the eternal black material that Song Chui could not erase no matter what.

In the disgrace of Jingkang, Emperor Song went to the north to hunt, and Zhao and Jin became members of each other's family.

Since then, the Central Plains has fallen, and the Jin Kingdom and Mongolia have taken turns to call the shots. Only a few hundred years later, a fierce man descended from the sky, expelled the Huru, and restored the Central Plains.

In fact, in Lin Yao's view, Zhao Xu is known as the most enterprising emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty.

But it was just the Song Dynasty's century-old literati suppressing the generals, and the emperor Zhao Xu loosened the chain on his neck.

Then after losing this emperor who wanted to do something, before all the elite soldiers and generals of the year died, they were beaten into Bianjing by the Jin people and did whatever they wanted.

The world only remembers the concubines and noble daughters of the Zhao and Song dynasties, but does not remember the hundreds of thousands of ordinary women from good families in Bianjing who died on the way back to the north from the Jin soldiers.

Zhao Xu was not like his good-for-nothing son, who was played around by the ministers below, and was finally handed over to Jin Bing by these good ministers.

But now Zhao Xu is only initially in power. The Gao family at the top is not dead yet, and the civil servants are powerful. He has never been able to break through these double shackles.

The Song Dynasty is still the Song Dynasty, there is no change.

Therefore, it can basically be concluded that Zhao Xu cannot make a difference in a short period of time, and he is not facing an opponent of the same level.

At this moment, the rebel army has completely controlled the two Zhejiang Roads, Jiangnan East Road, and Fujian Road. Their control over the people under their rule far exceeds that of previous dynasties.

Different from the division and erosion of power in the reign of Zhao and the scholar-bureaucrats, the proportion of tax revenue under the rebel army dropped again and again, but the total tax revenue collected was a hundred times that of the Song Dynasty.

Moreover, the tentacles of control have reached every household, eliminating all exploitable middlemen, and its war mobilization capabilities have far exceeded those before, and it has grown into a behemoth.

Just because the war mode has not been started yet, all the energy is being used to build up infrastructure.

Especially in terms of grain and farmland, Lin Yao gave a lot of manpower and material resources, which was the top priority of the rebel army.

But it would be a big mistake to say that the privileged classes in Zhao Ting are not afraid of the rebels.

No matter whether it was the big officials and aristocratic families who ran away overnight or the big landlords and powerful people who were cleared one by one, their courage was broken by the rebels.

The smart people ran away all night, and those who resisted stubbornly thought that with the hundreds of thugs they had raised privately and spread out in all directions, they could hold off the rebels and wait for Zhao Jun's rescue.

However, under the strong offensive of the rebel army, these rabble-rousers, who could only bully ordinary people, ran wild and were captured one by one by the rebel army.

Built on the weak mobilization and military capabilities of the Song Dynasty, the rebel army under Lin Yao was able to digest the territory under its rule and increase its strength without other external interference.

Sometimes Lin Yao also sighs that this time period of Tian Long Ba Bu is really wonderful.

The Liao Kingdom was content with enjoying itself, the Jin Kingdom was struggling to rise, the Song Kingdom was fighting among its parties, Xixia was weak and incompetent, and Dali was losing power. None of them were normal.

The original time and space was almost reduced to a solo show for Qiao Feng, Xu Zhu, and Duan Yu.

Lin Yao directly broke the soil in the hinterland of the Song Dynasty and sealed the king. The court was unable to do anything. They lost [-] troops that time, which seemed to have pressed the pause button for them, and they no longer had strong offensive capabilities.

Even though it still has a good population and a very high comprehensive national strength in terms of statistics, it is as powerful as a paper tiger.

The rebels couldn't find an opponent at all, even if Lin Yao was not around, and when the foundation of his command was unstable, they didn't come looking for trouble, as if they had an undercover traitor who came from the rebels.

Because the attack on Lin Yao would definitely require the money and efforts of these high-ranking families. Of course, they were unwilling to spit out the benefits they had obtained, so they covered their ears and eyes and counted on other "heroes" to step forward.

But having said that, although Zhao Song has many internal conflicts, he still has defensive capabilities.

The Song Dynasty's victory rate, which was far better than that of previous dynasties, was all achieved by defending the city. Coupled with such a large size, it must be prepared for annexation before taking action.

After the banquet, Lin Yao asked Wang Yuyan to take A'Zhu to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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