Chapter 162
After learning that all the troops on the front line had been wiped out, and that the rebels had quickly annexed Jiangnan East Road and Fujian Road, Song Ting did not react for a moment.

Even if there were tens of thousands of pigs, it would take several days and nights to capture them for Lin Yao. How come the Song Dynasty's army was defeated so quickly.

Moreover, there are still two roads that have fallen. The Fujian Road is nothing. It has many mountains and few plains, and is not a rich land that produces food.

But Jiangnan East Road is not simple. The administrative center is Jiangning Mansion, which was shocked by Lin Yao. It is a sacred place that is not inferior to Liangzhe Road.

With these three lines connected together, this rebel army has become a force.

During this period, there were all kinds of outrageous information, including that the leader of the rebels was the God of Thunder, and that the second-in-command was the No. 1 strange woman in the martial arts world.

Nowadays, the situation is unclear. On the border, there are changes in the Liao Kingdom and Xixia. The two countries heard that there was a big disturbance within the Song Kingdom and wanted to see if they could take advantage.

Facing the insurrectionary army's offensive that stopped after annexing the two routes, Song Ting decided to temporarily take a defensive position against Lin Yao in the Jianghuai area, not taking the initiative to attack, and not allowing frontline generals to attack at will.

Yangzhou, the seat of Huainan East Road, was captured by Lin Yao. Otherwise, according to Song Ting's plan, Jiangning Mansion and Hangzhou Mansion, the two core cities of the rebel army, could always be threatened.

So Song Ting ordered Huainan East Road, Huainan West Road Shouchun Mansion, and Jiangnan West Road Longxing Mansion to enter a defensive state.

Mobilize all landowners and gentry whose interests are threatened to form an army and enter a state of full readiness.

No longer able to save his grandfather one by one like the Calabash Baby, Song Ting decided to wait for the opportunity and eliminate this major worry in one fell swoop.

All military aspects of the three roads are under the unified control of the Privy Council, and the Privy Council establishes a joint defense system to ensure that no more roads fall into the enemy's hands.

Song Ting wanted to use these three lines to build a line of defense around the rebel army to block the possibility of the rebel army growing.

Before they were ready to mobilize, they blocked the rebel army from heading north to Bianjing.

There is another unstated reason. Some people are waiting for chaos within the rebel army.

Since Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, "riot uprisings" have never been successful and have never become a phenomenon. They have all become the pioneers of kings.

The scholar-bureaucrats in the court believed that the government was now in full swing and it was not yet time for troubled times, and that if there was no imminent threat from the outside, the rebel army would probably collapse without attacking.

Privy Councilor Fan Chunren was fully responsible for this matter. He worked hard for the three lines of defense and made up for his mistakes. If there was any negligence, Gao would definitely hold him accountable.

Before that, Gao's look at Fan Chunren was already very wrong. Since the reactivation of these old parties, the Song Dynasty has gone downhill from the gradual strength of Shenzong to the present.

If she hadn't hated those new parties, and her power as an emperor now came from the support of the old party, she would have wanted to get rid of all these losers.

To actually lose the country one after another, it is really embarrassing to only talk nicely.

This action of Song Ting did not escape Lin Yao's intelligence force. The intelligence force quickly notified Lin Yao of the full mobilization of Huainan East Road, Huainan West Road, and Jiangnan West Road, clearing the country, and strict defense.

Lin Yao didn't find it strange that Song Ting adopted defensive tactics.

Lin Yao would only find it strange if Tou Tie sent all his wealth from Bianjing south to attack him again.

After losing one-third of Bianjing's elite imperial army, the Zhao family and the scholar-bureaucrats of the Song Dynasty peacefully ruled the Central Plains for hundreds of years. No matter how arrogant they were, they were not fools.

As long as they don't go crazy, they will definitely not use the tactics of refueling and feeding the rebels like experience. They will definitely assemble a large army, find out the intelligence, and then attack them in one go.

The feudal dynasty was limited by transportation conditions and communication capabilities. It would take a lot of time to assemble a large army that could defeat the growing rebel army.

Different from deploying the Bianjing Forbidden Army to launch a national war with more than 10 people, it will take at least about half a year for the mobilized troops to be truly in place.Unless Song Ting ignores it and sends out all the remaining imperial troops, and is not afraid of the rebels attacking Bianjing, a large army can be assembled in a short period of time, but this is impossible.

When officially setting off to launch an attack, in addition to the preparation of logistics materials, there is also the planning of the offensive route and the advance delivery of materials.

It is said that the three armies move forward before the main force of the army moves out, and the food and grass must be dispatched before the main force of the army is dispatched, and the route of the army's advance continues to extend.

Song Ting, who mobilized troops from local areas, did not have the convenience of the Grand Canal and needed to provide food and fodder along the way where the troops gathered.

The previous battle caused Song Ting to lose several years of accumulation on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, which really made the rebel army fatter.

One hundred thousand regular soldiers will require a large number of civilians, mules and horses to help transport food and fodder to meet the army's needs.

Even if money is not required for these human transportation, basic food and clothing must be provided, so all wars cost is money.

This requires at least another one to two months of logistical preparations. Otherwise, if the army does not have enough to eat, let alone fight, it will not mutiny on the spot, which shows the general's superb military management skills.

With the current situation of the Song Dynasty losing three roads, especially the two Zhejiang Roads and the Jiangnan East Road, its strength has been greatly reduced. Coupled with the encroachment of other scholar-bureaucrats and landlords, it has been covered with wounds.

It is also necessary to prevent the Liao Kingdom, Xixia, Tubo, Dali and other countries from taking advantage of the situation. This may be the last chance for the Song Dynasty.

If it fails, the jackals, tigers and leopards that see its weakness will swarm it, bite and devour it.

At that time, the Zhao family's rule may end with a hundred years of Guozuo, and the scapegoat will have a tragic fate. For specific examples, refer to the captured Huiqin Second Sect and the new emperor's ministers.

They are really iron-clad scholar-bureaucrats and a flowing dynasty.

Therefore, if Song Ting wants to launch a strategic offensive, it will not be so fast, and it will have to seize the opportunity until next autumn.

It is best to wait until before the autumn harvest and attack the rebels while supplying them. The rebels who are waiting to be reborn will definitely lack all kinds of food and weapons.

But they didn't know that Lin Yao could best obtain supplies from other planes, and those who faced them would be the rebels who had passed their maturity.

Of course, Song Ting did not take the initiative to attack, which is what Lin Yao hopes to see, because the rebel army is expanding its power too fast, and there are still a lot of snakes, rats, rats and ants that have not been cleaned up.

What Lin Yao pursues is not the sense of achievement of expanding the territory, nor is it the local gentry "eating pots of pulp to welcome the king's master", but truly in-depth rule in all aspects.

There are also too many new recruits in the rebel army, and they cannot form combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

Lin Yao was almost always the main force in the previous victories, but if he didn't plan to take action in the future, he would have to leave everything to them.

The only thing Lin Yao can do for them is to use rigorous training to improve their combat effectiveness.

"If you don't maintain the edge, your fingers will bleed."

This is the idea that Lin Yao has always instilled in the officers and soldiers, and they usually respond to this sentence with the most serious training.

As the territory becomes larger and larger, the number of troops also continues to increase, developing towards specialization.

After witnessing Lin Yao's immortal methods, the last bit of awe in the hearts of the rebel soldiers for the scholar-bureaucrats of the Song Dynasty who had previously ruled them completely disappeared.

Lin Yao was widely respected, and his prestige reached an unparalleled level, no less than a king at the peak of centralized power.

(End of this chapter)

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