A journey to the heavens starting from the Red Mansion

Chapter 152 The martial arts forces gather together

Chapter 152 The martial arts forces gather together
The intelligence department of the rebel army came back with news that Song Ting's headquarters for commanding the operation was in Jiangning Mansion, and there were a large number of Jianghu people inside.

After Lin Yao learned about it, he set the place for the decisive battle in Jiangning Mansion and decided to take action personally.

Some people were confused about Lin Yao's decision, and some were opposed to it.

Opponents believed that Lin Yao planned to use the "Dragon Explosion" and the Black Shadow Corps to realize the beheading plan, which was too risky.

No matter how strong Lin Yao is, he will still be exhausted. They hope that Lin Yao can adopt more reliable tactics.

Wanjun takes the enemy's head from it. It is too harsh to meet the conditions.

And they don't want Lin Yao, a soul figure, to take risks. This is not a scene they want to see.

They hope that the rebels can win more securely.

But Lin Yao defied all opinions and insisted on his decision.

"Don't worry, what you saw before was just the tip of the iceberg of my strength. I just waited for your growth so I didn't rush it.

Otherwise, I will face an extremely severe and passive situation, causing more human tragedies.

Now that the rebels have the power to maintain order, I will help you a little more, and then I will leave it to you. "

All the soldiers, you looked at me, I looked at you, and remained silent.

Even if they have strong martial arts skills, they can't understand a power stronger than that soaring pillar of fire. Is General Lin really a god coming to the world?

Lin Yao understood them. The imagination of these people was only limited by the world, but he believed that sooner or later these people would get rid of their shackles.

Looking around at everyone, Lin Yao warned under everyone's attention.

"After this battle, it will be left to you. I just hope you don't forget your original thoughts."

The generals no longer objected, but saluted Lin Yao in unison.

Lin Yao's military order requiring the rebels to prepare for battle was quickly spread to the entire army, but no battle plan was handed down.

Although the soldiers were confused, they were willing to obey his orders and make their own preparations.


Abbot Xuanci of Shaolin, Abbot Shenshanren of Qingliang Temple in Wutai Mountain and his junior master Shenyin, Master Guanxin of Daxiangguo Temple in Kaifeng Prefecture, Master Daoqing of Pudu Temple in Jiangnan, Master Juexian of Donglin Temple in Lushan Mountain, and Master Rongzhi of Jingying Temple in Chang'an .

It was really a gathering of eminent monks and virtuous people.

These eight people are all top masters in the martial arts world and are extremely famous in the martial arts world. Among them, Shaolin Xuanci and the people from Shenshan Mountain are known as the two arhats who subdue the dragon and subdue the tiger.

Eight people gathered together, Xuanci twisted the beads, his eyes flashed, and said.

"Everyone, now we are all dragged in. If our Jianghu sect is not careful in this kind of war, it will be a disaster for us!"

The eyes of the man on Mount Shenshan were slightly darkened. He was still bitter about Shaolin's rejection of his entry, and wanted to replace him with Shaolin to avenge his shame.

Hearing this, he immediately sneered.

"What kind of big waves can a little-known sect and the rebels in a small place make? Is it possible that my cousin, the abbot of Shaolin, is so afraid?"

Xuanci's qi-nurturing skills were extraordinary, and his mood did not change at all, he said calmly.

"Senior brother, what you said is wrong. Not being famous doesn't mean not having strength. The fact that the rebels can take over the territory along the way should not be underestimated."

The people on Mount Shenli were about to continue provoking words, when a clear voice from outside came from afar.

"It is a rare occasion in a century for masters from the Central Plains to gather in Jiangning Mansion. Is it possible for the young monk to be an uninvited guest and listen respectfully to both sides' opinions?"

The sound came from outside the mansion. It was extremely clear to the ears, but it was neutral and peaceful, and it was not shocking.

It is conceivable that the speaker's inner strength is high and pure, but how can he know the scene in the mansion while he is far away?

The people on Shenshan only thought it was interesting, but he wanted to see how Xuanci responded.

Xuanci was slightly startled, then used his inner strength to speak.

"Since you are a fellow Buddhist, please show up."

As soon as he finished speaking, a middle-aged monk with a solemn appearance appeared at the door of the hall. He clasped his hands and said with a smile on his face.

"Jumachi, a mountain monk in the Tubo country, see the abbot of Shaolin Temple."

When everyone present saw his skill, they knew that he was not a simple person. When he announced his name, they suddenly realized.

"Your Excellency turns out to be the Grand Master of Tubo, King Dalun Ming." Now everyone couldn't help but frowned. Jiumozhi's identity was a bit difficult to deal with. This time it was just a household matter for their Song Dynasty. It didn't matter if a State Master from a neighboring country was involved.

While Jiumozhi was talking and laughing, he wanted to challenge everyone present.

Since he was defeated by Wang Yuyan's Xiaoyao sect's unique skills in Yanziwu last time, if he had some enlightenment, he returned to Tubo and practiced martial arts diligently, and his martial arts became even better.

His first stop was the Shaolin Temple, but he was told that the abbot of Shaolin had led most of the monks to leave.

I also heard that the Central Plains martial arts "Taishan Beidou" gathered here in Jiangning Mansion, so I also rushed here from Songshan Mountain.


Jiangning Mansion, the seat of the Privy Council.

Lin Yao looked at the luxurious official residence in front of him. It was worthy of the Song Dynasty, and he did not forget to enjoy it during the battle.

The soldiers on guard outside never expected that the rebel leader would appear directly in Jiangning City.

Lin Yao and Wang Yuyan walked in leisurely.

Looking around, I saw a slightly hunched old monk sweeping the dust in the inner courtyard.

It looks ordinary and unremarkable.

"No wonder there is no one on guard here. You should be here. Are you Song Ting's source of confidence?"

Lin Yao said in a deep voice.

This old monk is the sweeping monk who is the ceiling of Tianlong's martial power except Xiaoyaozi whose strength is unknown.

The sweeping monk looked at Lin Yao and Wang Yuyan who walked in, straightened his waist and sighed slightly.

"I didn't want to take action originally, but I just couldn't refuse. I didn't expect you to come here as Fan Xiang expected."

Lin Yao raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

"Fan Chunren? He looks a bit like his father."

The sweeping monk's turbid eyes turned slightly, looked at him and smiled.

"You are very powerful at a young age, control the fate of millions of people, and you are accompanied by a beautiful woman. It is normal for you to treat the world's heroes as trivial things if you are proud and arrogant. If you are not arrogant, you will waste your youth."

Lin Yao held Wang Yuyan's hand, looked at the sweeping monk not far away, and asked indifferently.

"You have studied me very thoroughly. Why didn't you immediately call on soldiers to besiege me? Do you think you can take me down by yourself?"

The sweeping monk shook his head and sighed slightly.

"Indeed, there is no need to bother people so much. I think I can teach you how to capture it, avoid the resurgence of weapons, and restore peace to my country in the Song Dynasty."

Lin Yao smiled slightly when he heard this. He was really confident in sweeping the floor.

However, this monk did have that strength. If Lin Yao hadn't intervened, Qiao Feng, who was carrying the stereo, could break his defense.

The old monk said with a look of compassion on his face.

"Two donors, you are so sinful that you deserve this fate."

Seeing this, Wang Yuyan's expression became a little tense, and she looked at Lin Yao and said speechlessly.

"Originally I thought you were thick-skinned, but I didn't expect that there was someone even more shameless. Are you men like this?"

"Yu Yan, don't fire map cannons, it's easy to hurt innocent people. And I'm just confident. A woman as outstanding as you is also attracted to me."

"You're a bad person, and you still say this. This is the first time you've done that to me, forcing me to go out with you."

"Okay, don't fight. This is because my Yuyan is too good, it was love at first sight."

"I fell in love with you at first sight. According to my mother, you are just a slut who covets beauty. Do you treat other girls the same way?"


Lin Yao was speechless and swallowed. This sentence seemed like a joke, but it was actually a matter of life and death. Are all girls so keen?


Wang Yuyan really looked at Lin Yao like this.

(End of this chapter)

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