Chapter 110: Clarify your mind again
Inside the study of the Lin Mansion.

After Lin Yao stayed at home for a few days, he was called to the study by Lin Ruhai, who was at home.

This year, Lin Ruhai left a great reputation among the salt merchants in Yangzhou, secretly slandering him as a vicious dog under the current emperor.

Lin Ruhai laughed off the insults from these incompetent people.

Maybe Lin Yao didn't let it go. Through the investigation of the Black Shadow Corps, he eradicated the few salt merchants who spread rumors.

There was a sudden tremor and all the little moves disappeared. After all, the method Lin Yao showed was too weird.

The two of them were playing chess together in the study. It seemed that both of them were hesitant to speak, but they didn't know how to speak.

Lin Yao understood his own life experience because of his precocious wisdom, while Lin Ruhai was as restrained as a scholar. In addition, the relationship between father and son in the feudal society between monarch and minister did not have the modern enlightenment.

In the past, when talking about Xiao Daiyu, the two of them would smile in unison.

Lin Ruhai held a white piece and placed it on the chessboard. His cautious tone broke the silence.

"Xiao Yao, we haven't talked for so long. Let me ask you again, do you still remember what you thought before?"

"Father, don't worry, I'll keep it in mind. And I won't act impulsively. I will act step by step steadily. The highest priority now is to let sister Daiyu grow up healthily. Everything else must come later."

Lin Yao was not surprised by Lin Ruhai's inquiry.

Even though he has power far beyond ordinary people's imagination, his age and identity still make Lin Ruhai worry about his unstable temperament.

Lin Ruhai, who has direct access to Shengting, can be regarded as Jane in the emperor's heart.

But people always have selfish motives. As the saying goes, cultivating one's morality, harmonizing one's family, governing the country, and bringing peace to the world, family is more important than the emperor.

Lin Ruhai held the black piece and pondered on how to break the chessboard, then spoke for a long time.

"Originally, I only hoped that you two could live out this life in peace, and I didn't expect anything else. But now that you have such a powerful ability, your real idea is not just to restrict the powerful, right?"

"Let me be clear, I don't want that position. What I want is to establish a heart for the world, to establish a destiny for the people, to carry on the unique knowledge of the saints, and to create peace for all generations."

Lin Yao nodded, looked at Lin Youhai with a serious expression, and said four sentences in Hengqu to express his feelings.

After a pause, he added.

"This people includes all the people who are good at heart, the poor farmers who work hard to survive, and does not just refer to the officials, aristocratic families and powerful landlords."

"Why do you think that way?"

Lin Ruhai looked up at Lin Yao. He felt that this child was even more unfamiliar. The power of thoughts was more shocking than the power of individuals.

"I thought you wanted that position before."

"The disadvantage lies not in one or two individuals, but in the huge interest groups."

"Exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes, a large amount of taxes, especially taxes imposed by local governments. Land annexation. Once they encounter a famine and cannot survive, or encounter powerful and corrupt officials who forcefully purchase land, farmers will lose their land and become tenants. This is the same as slave."

Lin Yao said seriously, and it was clear from his tone that he was not joking.

"The lives of these people are miserable. They lack food and clothing, suffer from cold and hunger, are illiterate, and remain illiterate all their lives. They are also often extorted and oppressed by landlords, gentry, and corrupt officials, and are forced to be killed."

"These are the shortcomings of the dynasty that I have seen from history books. I want to change these status quos, give more hope to the civilians below, and eradicate those who persecute them."

"Then we should establish a governance system that reaches the lowest level. We should not let the litigation-free governance method disappear completely and suppress the birth of evil forces such as local powerful people."

Confucius said: I am a Jew who hears lawsuits, and I will definitely make sure there are no lawsuits.

Litigation-free is the ideal state of Confucian governance. Anything that can be resolved morally will never be brought to the law.

This tendency has existed since the Han Dynasty, and it was forbidden for sons to sue their fathers and slaves to sue their masters.

The government was unwilling to intervene in clan disputes and only allowed them to resolve them themselves, hence the proverb "imperial power does not go to the countryside".

Grassroots autonomy and the reduction of administrative costs have also become a breeding ground for the powerful landlords.The number of lawsuits within the jurisdiction actually became one of the criteria for promotion of officials in feudal society.

If not a single person complained, that would be a political achievement worth writing home about.

What if lawsuits cannot be deterred?
When faced with an unsolvable problem, the person who asked the question can be solved.

But does the absence of litigation mean that the conflict has been resolved?Just cover up the problem temporarily.

Since ancient times, people like to cover the lid until they can no longer cover it.

Treat your mouth when you have a headache, treat your mouth when your feet hurt.As long as the mouth does not scream, the pain will naturally disappear.


Lin Ruhai looked at Lin Yao in disbelief. She didn't expect that he would have more whimsical ideas than restricting power.

He hesitated to speak, but did not say anything, leaving only a sigh.

Although class is determined by birth, the direction of a person's heart depends on what he does the day after tomorrow.

There is no class that betrays its interests, but there can be individuals who betray the class.

"It's amazing that Prince General Xiang Ning has such an idea."

Lin Ruhai collected her thoughts, with a hint of worry in her eyes, gently put down the chess piece, and said again.

"The workload is too great. Take your time. Otherwise, not only will it not bring benefits to those people, but it will harm their lives."

"But you have to remember one thing. Punishment must be done once and for all, and it is scary. Mercy must be given repeatedly, and people must always be grateful."

Lin Yao nodded, he would listen to other people's opinions while sticking to the path.Make your path forward smoother.

In fact, he understood what Lin Youhai did not express in the conversation. His target had a heavy workload, and he could not guarantee whether his team would be corrupt.

What happened in the Six Dynasties was just a private plan.This was also what the sun that illuminated the world in the previous life was most worried about before it set.

The changes of dynasties since ancient times are just a change of skin.

Most of them just took turns among the nobles and had basically nothing to do with the common people.

The so-called peasant uprisings were actually almost all aristocratic organizations.

From Shang to Xia, Zhou to Shang, Qin to Zhou, these are all replacements between princes.

Liu Bang and Zhu Yuanzhang seem to be at the bottom, but their father-in-laws are both landlords, and Xiang Yu is from the top nobles of Chu State.

During the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, except for Zhu Yuanzhang, who had a difficult time in the early stage, he was also tied up by big landlords later on, because the Zhu family became the largest landlord.

And Li Shimin was born in the Guanlong Group, Li Yuan was the Duke of Tang in the Sui Dynasty, Zhao Kuangyin was the general, Temujin became the Great Khan at the age of 27, and Nurha Chi's ancestor was the general of Liaodong.

Those unsatisfactory people in the previous life longed for a different world and they would be prosperous. This was just Ah Q's fantasy.

The feet of those who stood out were covered with bones.It corresponds to the poem: when things prosper, the people suffer; when they die, the people suffer.

Periods of turmoil are a reshuffle of interests for the capable elites who control resources.

For ordinary people, not only are there no opportunities, but they are endless hardships.

It is better to be a dog in prosperous times than a person in troubled times.Anping squeezed his strength and used him to death in war.It describes the fate of ordinary people.

I don’t know where everything in the past life will develop. Lin Yao can no longer see it.

But with the same idea and lack of restraints, he should be able to go further than his predecessors.

(End of this chapter)

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