After regaining my luck, I became a boss in the XNUMXs

Chapter 6 The heroine’s master, the manager of the hotel

Chapter 6 The heroine’s master, the manager of the hotel

There is an endless stream of pedestrians on the asphalt road, with few vehicles passing by. Occasionally, bicycles and tricycles ride by.

In this era, there were very few vehicles and people used to walk.

The building is low, the walls are mottled, and it is full of the unique atmosphere of the 80s.

Gu Qiaoxi looked at the strange yet familiar streets, finally feeling a little bit more real.

She has come back!

Gu Xiaofei was struggling with how Gu Qiaoxi knew his little secret all the way, and he didn't even care what Gu Qiaoxi took him to eat.

Gu Xiaofei didn't react until the two of them arrived at the door of the state-owned hotel. When he realized what Gu Qiaoxi said was delicious, he screamed.

"Why do you come to the restaurant to eat? The food cooked in the restaurant is not as delicious as yours!"

As soon as Gu Xiaofei finished speaking, before Gu Qiaoxi had time to respond, a cold shout suddenly came.


Following the voice, I saw an old man with gray hair.

Although his hair is white, his face looks very young, at most 50 years old.

Gu Xiaofei saw that he was an elder, scratched his head and muttered: "Who are you?"

Gu Qiaoxi couldn't help but whisper in her heart: "Master!"

The white-haired old man is Liu Xingping, the manager of a state-owned hotel and Gu Huaian's immediate boss.

In his previous life, he had another identity, that of Gu Qiao Xi's master.

Gu Qiaoxi has had good cooking skills since she was a child, which was taught by her mother, who is a descendant of royal chefs.

Her mother was the only daughter in the family, and the ancestral craftsmanship was passed down to her, and she in turn passed it on to Gu Qiaoxi.

Gu Huai'an also learned these skills from Gu Qiaoxi's mother, and then entered the state-owned hotel. This shows that Gu Qiaoxi's mother is very good at her skills.

Gu Qiaoxi's mother died early, and Gu Qiaoxi didn't learn the essence. She said her cooking skills were outstanding, but in fact she was far from good.In his previous life, Liu Xingping valued Gu Qiaoxi's potential and accepted her as his apprentice.

Speaking of Liu Xingping, he is not too old, only in his forties. However, due to poor performance in the past few years, something happened at home and his hair turned gray overnight.

He has outstanding cooking skills and is the manager of a state-owned hotel, but he is in poor health and rarely does anything.

Gu Huaian had a promotion opportunity this time because Liu Xingping was unable to do what he wanted and wanted to find someone to take over.

In his previous life, Gu Huaian seized this opportunity and became the manager of a state-owned hotel.

At Gu Huai'an's promotion banquet, Gu Qiaoxi caught Liu Xingping's eye, and that was how Liu Xingping later accepted Gu Qiaoxi as his disciple.

It is worth mentioning that not long after Gu Huaian took over in his previous life, the state-owned hotel was cancelled. Gu Huaian, who was holding an iron rice bowl, became unemployed in an instant. At that time, Gu Huaian's sky collapsed.

At that time, it was Gu Qiaoxi who stood up and encouraged Gu Huaian to open a restaurant and start a private business. Liu Xingping was also invited by her to be the chef, and this was the beginning of Gu Huaian's catering business.

But unfortunately, Liu Xingping left after not working for long.

He stood up because of Gu Qiaoxi's request. When the hotel stabilized its footing, he resigned on the grounds of physical discomfort and disappeared.

In her previous life, Gu Qiaoxi searched for Liu Xingping for a long time but could not find him, which was considered the second greatest regret in her life.

At this time, Liu Xingping, who didn't know Gu Qiaoxi and Gu Xiaofei at all, looked at the two angrily. After hearing Gu Xiaofei's muttering, he couldn't help shouting: "Nonsense!"

Cooking skills were the most sacred in his heart, and the restaurant was his passion. How could he tolerate a child's nonsense? !
A young girl's craftsmanship is better than his restaurant?

Gu Xiaofei was not happy after hearing Liu Xingping's nonsense twice.

He raised his nose, looked at the sky, and said with a very charming look, "I'm not talking nonsense. My sister's cooking is the best, and your restaurant can't even compare."

Gu Xiaofei would say this, partly because Gu Huaian works here, and his craftsmanship, Gu Xiaofei has appraised, is not as good as Gu Qiaoxi's.

On the other hand, Gu Huai'an brought them here to eat. Although it was delicious, Gu Xiaofei compared it and found that it was still not as good as Gu Qiaoxi's.

Instead of spending so much money to eat here, it’s better to eat Gu Qiaoxi’s cooking!

(End of this chapter)

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