Versatile Mage: Infinite Elf Trainer

Chapter 25: Catch the monster and trade

Chapter 25: Catch the monster and trade
Under the attention of everyone present, Mu Ningxue was emitting golden arcs of electricity, her hair stood up high, and she let out a high-pitched scream.

After more than 3 or 5 seconds, Pikachu broke away from Mu Ningxue's arms and returned to Chen Che's shoulders.

At this time, Mu Ningxue was convulsed by the electric shock, her hair was messy, and her clothes were messy. She was no longer as deserted as before, and she looked a little embarrassed.

"Oh roast, oh roast, the cute king is showing off his power, the goddess is so miserable!"

"What is that, thunder magic?"

"It looks a bit like electricity to me. You can see your hair standing on end!"


The crowd was noisy, and the school directors standing nearby were startled by Mu Ningxue's sudden scream. Mu Zhuoyun was also a little worried. He had never seen his daughter in such a mess.

"Xiao Xue, are you alright?"


Mu Ningxue was so shocked that her whole body was numb and her voice was shaking. Fortunately, she was a mage and her physique was much stronger than ordinary people, so she was not injured.

Chen Che quietly sent a message to Pikachu.

'Good job! '

In fact, it was all arranged by Chen Che to let Pikachu shock her, like Mu Ningxue
"Miss Mu, are you okay? I didn't take care of Pikachu. It was quite naughty. I was also shocked at the beginning. I just saw you fascinated and forgot to say, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Mu Ningxue had already calmed down and was a little sullen when she saw her miserable state. She was obviously moving gently. Did she do something wrong?Thinking of this, Mu Ningxue did not look at Chen Che, but looked at Pikachu.

"Pikachu, why did you shock me?"

"Pika, Pika, Pikachu~"

Pikachu was talking and making gestures, and he was very mean, but Mu Ningxue didn't understand a word of it, and turned her helpless eyes to Chen Che.

"Pikachu said you were too cold and uncomfortable, and you hugged you for too long. He just said he would only let you retaliate, and he would not be happy if you hugged him for too long!"

Chen Che's translation left Mu Ningxue speechless. She just said it once, so stingy?

Mu Ningxue looked at Pikachu who started rubbing Chen Che's head again, feeling very envious, but helpless.

Mu Ningxue had no choice but to leave. Her current appearance was indeed a bit unsightly.

"Master Mu, I'm so sorry. I forgot to tell you that Pikachu can release thunder and lightning. I'm really sorry for hurting your beloved daughter."

"It's okay, Xiaoxue is okay too, she just needs to be restrained in the future!"

"Master Mu has a lot!"

Mu Zhuoyun also saw that Chen Che was interested in Mu Ningxue, but he was also a little angry. It would be uncomfortable for anyone's daughter to be hurt.

"Xiao Che, your little guy looks very simple, he can actually shoot thunder and lightning!"

Principal Zhu was also there just now, and he really felt the golden thunder and lightning just now.

"Yes, principal, I was shocked myself! I woke up instantly, haha!"

Chen Che was telling the truth this time. The first time he hugged Pikachu to sleep, he crushed Pikachu in the middle of the night and was shocked to wake up instantly.

After hearing Chen Che's words, many girls who wanted to interact intimately with Pikachu gave up.

"Haha, okay, Xiao Che, you are very lucky. You need to cultivate it well. If you have any difficulties, you can tell me."

Students of the summoning department are rare, and those with powerful summoned beasts are even rarer. "Okay, Principal"

Several school directors also came up to chat with him intentionally or unintentionally.

After a while, everyone turned their attention to Xu Zhaoting. As a first-level awakened thunder element, he also attracted everyone's attention. In the end, he did not disappoint. Except for the release, which was a B, the others were all S, which was already very good.

It was just the second line Xu Zhaoting shouted when releasing the thunder seal that embarrassed Chen Che.

The assessment is in full swing, some perform well and are happy, and some fail. There is a high probability that they will disappear from everyone in the future.

Finally, Chen Che saw Mo Fan going up and saw him putting his hand on the Star Sense Stone.

With Chen Che's reminder before the assessment, Mo Fan quietly hid the dark stone under the Star Sense Stone in his sleeve without making any announcement.

Mo Fan successfully got the S, which directly slapped Mu Bai and Zhao Kunsan in the face. He also got an A in the release, and directly became the god of learning from the tail of the crane, enjoying the spotlight.
In response, Mu He yelled at Mu Bai for not listening to him, but Mu Bai said that he had clearly placed the dark stone, had it expired?
Seeing Mu Bai's confused expression, Mo Fan secretly thought that it was indeed the case, Brother Che didn't lie to me.

Then Mu Zhuoyun was asked by Mo Fan, "Are you out of your mind?" which pushed the entire assessment to a climax. After a bunch of trash talk, the two sides agreed on a gambling battle in front of all the forces in Bo City.

Mu Ningxue, who went home to change clothes, also heard about this incident. What she heard from hearsay was far less clear than her own experience. She heard Mo Fan insulting her father, and she also heard that Mo Fan was going to die if he won the gambling battle. Asking her father to kneel down and apologize made her wonder, did Mo Fan hate herself, or had he changed?

When Mo Fan saw Mu Ningxue leave without even looking at him, he felt dissatisfied. Shiyan must have forgotten that he didn't like him anymore after being out in the big city for a long time.

In this way, the bad feelings between the two slowly grew and grew.


After the assessment, it's summer vacation, and everyone is taking the time to practice.

During Chen Che's summer vacation, he practiced magic in the morning, went to the summoning plane with Pikachu to catch summoned monsters in the afternoon, and spent the weekend with Xinxia and Tang Yue.

In the summoning plane, basically anyone with slave-level strength was captured. Just Mo Fan’s later summoned beasts, the Ghost Wolf Beast, captured more than 50. Others such as the White-armored Zhanzhe, Rock Mage, A lot of slave-level summoned beasts such as the Bone-eating Demon and the Sharp-Feathered Bird were captured.

Even the one-eyed demon wolf, the giant-eyed rat, the three-eyed demon wolf, etc., Chen Che also caught frequently, and they could always be encountered outside Bo City.

We have also caught a lot of warlord level and commander level summoned beasts, but the corresponding number is even smaller. The total number so far is only twenty or thirty. As for the monarch level, we have not encountered any, even the commander level. Chen Che went out and searched for a long time outside Bo City before catching a few. The area around Bo City was almost finished. Fortunately, the fire-breathing dragons and the others were allowed to go further afield before. Now they can give Chen Che every day. Che brings huge amounts of experience and points.

On this day, Chen Che came to the Hunter League and used Zoroark's transformation ability to change his appearance and body shape in advance. It must be said that this transformation ability is very magical. Unless you cancel it yourself, don't just look at it, just touch it. , and no clues can be found.

In the Hunter League, there are various recruitment queues everywhere, and the bustling people are looking for tasks. The people competing for the tasks are so noisy that their faces are red and their necks are thick. After passing through the crowded crowd, Chen Che finally came to the front desk.

"Hello, is your manager here? I have a cooperation project that I need to talk to you about!"

"Hello, I would like to take the liberty to ask, what is the content of your cooperation?"

Seeing that the visitor looked ordinary, the receptionist thought she was here to strike up a conversation again.

"You can't know this kind of thing. Are you in charge?"

Chen Che exuded a hint of coercion as he spoke, and the front desk lady and the crowd around him suddenly felt that they had difficulty breathing, and they suddenly became quiet.

After a moment, Chen Che removed the pressure.

"Aren't you going soon?"

Chen Che's voice was cold and his eyes were contemptuous.

"No, I'm coming"

Before the lady at the front desk could turn around, a familiar voice came from Chen Che. At first glance, who was this, if not Deng Kai?

(End of this chapter)

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