Chapter 88 88. Dad, I want to eat snakes
"Starting from the third level, every time your cultivation reaches one level, you can get an extra pair of wings."

"And when it reaches the Eight Wings, it will be the infamous Eight Winged Black Snake Emperor."

"I am only a three-star Dou Huang now, but I don't have the strength to kill it..."

Yun Yunfeng's eyes were full of anger, and besides being angry, she was also helpless.

It is true that she is a fighting emperor, but even if the Eight-Winged Black Snake Emperor is only at the early stage of the sixth level, his combat effectiveness will not be much weaker.

And if she is above the mid-sixth level, if she goes, I am afraid she will not go to take revenge, but to kill someone!
In that case, not only would it be a joke, but the sect's power would also be wasted.

Especially when there is no news from the teacher, Yunlan Sect can no longer afford to lose her only Dou Huang.

"If the old sect master was here, how could he let such an evil beast run wild under his nose!?"

"It's so audacious for a scoundrel to dare to do such a thing!"

"Is there no one in Yunlan Sect to deceive me!?"

Yun Ling was so angry that he didn't pay attention to his words.

The expressions of the other Dou Wang elders changed slightly, but they didn't say anything.

Indeed, Yun Yun's strength disappointed them.

"12 living lives were just swallowed up by that evil beast. I really can't stand this bad breath!"

"I wish I could die with that evil beast!"

Yun Lan was so angry that her eyes turned red and she screamed.

Strictly speaking, he is not a good person, let alone a good person.

But this time the Eight-Winged Black Snake Emperor's behavior went too far.

A rabbit dies and a fox grieves. Things harm its own kind, not to mention the death of 12 compatriots?

Originally, under the rule of the Gama royal family, such a bad thing had never happened, but now it happened.

Doesn't it mean that their Yunlan Sect is incompetent and can't even protect the people under its command?
Yun Leng, who turned the revitalization of the sect into an obsession, really couldn't accept this.

If possible, he would even trade his own life for the lives of those 12 people!

"Is there any news about that evil beast?"

"As far as I know, there has never been any trace of the Eight-Winged Black Snake Emperor in the Jiama Empire. It must have come from outside."

Yun Yun asked suddenly.

The Eight-Winged Black Snake King is a notorious monster with sixth-level strength. Why have I never heard of it before?

He just jumped out now and invaded the city of Jia Ma Empire. Is there anyone behind this who is instructing all this?
As the leader of a sect, she must take into account any factors that may threaten Yunlan Sect.

"The survivors said that at that time, the evil beast rushed towards a small mercenary group. It seemed that there were two-headed fire spirit snakes and green snakes with three-flowered pupils in them!"

"Moreover, this Eight-Winged Black Snake Emperor is not an ordinary bloodline. He has a trace of the blood of the ancient snake clan. I am afraid it is inseparable from the Sky Snake Mansion."

Yun Ling became slightly more awake.

The two-headed fire spirit snake is nothing, just a shabby fourth-level monster.

But this green snake with three flower pupils...

With the little medical fairy's special physique in front of him, why wouldn't he be interested in the green snake and three-flowered pupil?
As for the Tian She Mansion...

The Yunlan Sect in its heyday and the Tian She Mansion in its heyday were behemoths of the same level.

Unfortunately, both forces are now in decline.

I heard that Douzong has not shown up in Tian She Mansion for a long time.

"Three flower pupils of the green snake?"

Yun Yun was slightly shocked. Patriarch Yun Potian left many records to prevent future generations from turning a blind eye to various things on the mainland.

This green snake and three-flowered pupils are indeed recorded in Yun Potian's handwritten notes.

The Green Snake and Three Flower Pupils are the most bizarre pupils in the world. In terms of rarity, they are probably even rarer than the Little Medical Fairy's Disaster Poison Body.

In addition to being the nemesis of snake monsters, it also has the powerful effect of creating illusions.Maybe in the battle with the opponent, you are slashing and slashing, and you are unconsciously slashing at the teammates around you, but the opponent is fine.

"For this matter, we still need to trouble the Snake People and the Warcraft Mountains, and the three parties can advance and retreat together. That evil beast is slapping us in the face!"

Yun Ling's eyes rolled slightly, and then he bowed his hands to the powerful men and went directly to the Warcraft Mountains.

Anyway, the debt I owe to the Warcraft Mountains is getting bigger and bigger, and I’m not afraid of being bitten by lice if there are too many...

We can't let the sect bear all the risks. What if this evil beast is really related to the Tian She Mansion? What if the Tian Snake Mansion also has a hidden Lao Yin Bi?

As people mature with age, it is always wise to be more cautious.


Warcraft Mountains, in the cave.

"Eight-Winged Black Snake Emperor? His grandma's. I am the one who protects the Jiama Empire. Is it out of its mind!?"

"Who gave it the courage to commit such a big thing!"

"Mom, I must twist off its head and make it into a chamber pot!"

The Amethyst Winged Lion King woke up from seclusion, his huge beast eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he cursed.

In the Republic of the Three Tribes, if the Jiama Empire is beaten, it is equivalent to the Warcraft Mountains being beaten!
The little eight-winged black snake king was so bold, he already had a way to kill him!
"Please ask the Lion King to take action and avenge 12 living beings!"

Yun Leng fell to his knees with a pop, bursting into tears.

"Great Elder, get up quickly!"

"Son, that thing is ungrateful. From my point of view, it deserves to die!"

The Amethyst Winged Lion King transformed into a human form, helped Yun Ling up, and then looked at Zi Aotian.

"Dad, I want to eat snakes. I wonder what the taste of sixth-grade snake meat is?"

"Don't worry about what's standing behind the Eight-Winged Black Snake Emperor. The bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish! If they want to test and fight, then fight hard!"

"As for how long the battle will last, I don't think we should decide. Let the masterminds behind the scenes decide. Fight with them for as long as they want!"

Zi Aotian's face was cold, and the death of 12 creatures shocked him.

What a unilateral massacre!
Although he thought that he was not a Holy Mother, he really couldn't bear it when the other party was causing trouble within his sphere of influence.

Only the weak need to be patient, but the strong do not!
If a strong man needs to endure, then it can only be said that he is not strong enough and is not considered a true strong man.

What's more, the Green Snake with Three Flower Pupils has been regarded as a treasure by Zi Aotian. How could he just watch the little girl being kidnapped by the Eight-Winged Black Snake Emperor?
"it is good!"

"Then let's go and hunt the Eight-Winged Black Snake King!"


The amethyst-winged lion king flew out of the cave, flapped its wings, and soared into the sky.

"Ironback, Shadow, follow me on the expedition!"

Zi Aotian followed closely behind, the purple stream of light penetrated the clouds, and the powerful and familiar aura made the Warcraft in the entire Warcraft Mountain Range go crazy!

All Warcraft knows that the comrades of the Warcraft Mountains are angry!




Countless magical beasts looked up to the sky and roared, and the sinister aura lingered throughout the entire magical beast mountain range!

"My lord, here comes my old bear!"


The strong earth-yellow body squeezed out from the mountain forest, kicked hard with its strong hind legs, and then directly jumped into the air, like a hill with wings, carrying a powerful and majestic aura.

Astonishingly, it was the sixth-level peak monster, the Iron-backed Cang Bear King!

(End of this chapter)

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