Fighting: Krypton gold becomes stronger, my father, the Amethyst Winged Lion King

Chapter 175 175 Devouring the transformation into fire, bloodbath the Demon Flame Valley

"Young kid, you really bullied me too much!"

"Second child, third child, use your special skills, I will burn this kid to ashes!"

Fang Yan's old face was twisted, his expression ferocious, and his hoarse roar resounded hysterically.

"it is good!"

"Even if it means death, this arrogant boy must pay the price!"

The other two elders of Demon Flame Valley first showed hesitant expressions on their faces, then looked at each other, and finally gritted their teeth.


The handprints changed rapidly, and the rich transformed fire suddenly burst out from the two bodies carrying fighting energy, and then intertwined in the sky.

"Star Fire Phoenix!"

Finally, when Fan Yan's transformation fire returned to its position, a violent and violent energy fluctuation appeared. The next moment, the transformation fire transformed into a giant gray-brown firebird that was more than ten feet tall!

As the huge gray-brown firebird appeared, the faces of the three elders of Demon Flame Valley instantly turned pale, and their auras also seemed a little sluggish.

The feeling of being completely drained of fighting spirit is not pleasant. These two old guys experienced the feeling of having their bodies hollowed out.

"In addition to turning into fire, this big bird seems to have condensed the fighting spirit of the three of them. Hehe, they are really three good people. They came here to give me experience."

An idea flashed through Zi Aotian's mind, and his eyes became expectant.

Now that his strength has reached the peak realm of Dou Huang, he only needs to swallow the powerful flames to step into the realm of Dou Zong.

The original plan was to find some free time to devour Hai Xinyan after defeating the Purple Slayer Alliance.

Now it seems that before swallowing Hai Xinyan, he can use the power of the transformed fire to further improve his strength!


Under the control of the three people in Fang Yan, the huge firebird with its wings flew towards Zi Aotian like the legendary phoenix.

The power contained in it would cause even a four-star fighting sect like Mo Tianxing to be severely damaged if it were faced head-on!

"You bastard, die for me!"

"Even if today is the end of the Demon Flame Valley, I will drag this brat like you to bury him with me!"

"Burn, burn! Burn everything to ashes!"

The faces of the three elders of Demon Flame Valley became more and more ferocious under the light of the fire.

They have only one obsession in their hearts now, and that is to burn the brat in front of them into a ball of ashes! For this, they are willing to give everything!

"Well done!"

Zi Aotian's eyes lit up, and purple light bloomed all over his body. Then his body shape changed dramatically. In the next moment, he turned into a purple giant beast that combined beauty and destruction.

"Transformed monster? Seventh level?"

"The master of Amethyst Pavilion is a monster?"


The three elders of Demon Flame Valley were instantly dumbfounded by the sudden change in front of them.

No, this guy has been pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger, right? On the surface, he is a fighting emperor, but in fact he is a seventh-level transformed monster?

No, why haven’t I heard that Amethyst Pavilion is a force established by Warcraft?


"Dong dong dong..."

Zi Aotian roared, stepped into the air with all four hooves, and rushed towards the huge firebird. At the same time, a ball of purple flame turned into a funnel-shaped vortex and sucked towards the huge firebird!

"Does this kid want to swallow the fire?"

Fang Yan was stunned.

"Haha, you kid with a yellow mouth, you don't know how high the sky is! The artificial fire created by me, Demon Flame Valley Nongyan Jue, is not only capable of destroying the world, but it is also powerful enough to rival the other fires ranked at the bottom of the list!"

"Although he is a fire monster, he is also looking for death by doing this!"

The second elder sneered and narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he had foreseen the scene where the purple giant beast would be transformed into fire and burned from the inside out into a ball of pitch-black ashes. “Jie Jie Jie ~ This kid has not suffered any setbacks along the way. I think he is already inflated now. Otherwise, how could he do such a crazy thing?”

The third elder's pale face showed a crazy expression.

Apart from the old devil, there are only three of them left in the Demon Flame Valley.

His disciples, his relatives, and his descendants all died in Zi Aotian's previous sonic attack!


Fang Yan kept staring at the sky, but suddenly his expression changed.



The purple giant beast directly swallowed the huge firebird into its belly, and even burped. However, the scene of the flames burning the body that the three of them had been looking forward to did not appear.


Zi Aotian returned to his human form, and then sat cross-legged in the air, forming a cultivation seal with his hands on his lower abdomen. There was no fighting spirit behind him and his wings vibrated, but his figure was sitting in the sky in a very strange way, as if he had something to rely on.

Just as the cultivation seal was completed, the space around him began to violently fluctuate.

Waves of gray-brown blazing energy were constantly swirling around Zi Aotian's body, and then like strips of gray-brown water sleeves, lingering on the surface of his body, gradually following the breathing frequency, and being continuously assimilated and absorbed by the natal purple fire.

And the aura on the young man's body is also advancing towards the Douzong realm at a steady speed during this process!

"Damn it! This bastard is refining and making fire!"

"No! This little bastard must be interrupted!"

Fang Yan's old face was ferocious and twisted, and his voice was crazy and hateful.

In fact, it's no wonder that he was so excited and lost his temper at the moment. He turned into fire and condensed all their fighting spirit. If he really beats the dog with a meat bun and never comes back, then his strength will definitely plummet!

"Damn it, brother, I don't have any strength in my body now!"

"Me too, all the fighting spirit is in the transformed fire, and now I can't even summon the fighting spirit wings!"

The expressions of the other two elders were also very anxious, but they were helpless and could only watch helplessly.

In the sky, as more and more fire attribute energy was absorbed and refined by Zi Aotian, his skin gradually turned red in the process.

Under the constant influx of lifelong fighting energy from Huashenghuo and Fangyan, his body also underwent a considerable transformation. His limbs, bones, many meridians, bones, muscles, etc. were tempered by the fighting energy and the original purple fire. Becoming more and more powerful!


Two and a half minutes later, Fang Yan and the other three suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood at the same time. However, their transformed fire was connected to Zi Aotian's complete refining qi machine, and they suffered severe backlash.


The next moment, Zi Aotian's breath also broke through an invisible barrier and reached a new world.


The silent atmosphere lasted for about two and a half minutes. The steady flow of white air circulated continuously from the young man's breath, and then he exhaled it for a long time. Compared with before, the breath became much longer and hotter.

"The realm of Douzong is really much more wonderful than that of Douhuang."

"I would like to thank you three for your warm-heartedness."

"Bang bang bang!"

As soon as he finished speaking, in Zi Aotian's warm smile, the heads of Fang Yan and the others were blown open by him.


At the same time, above the sky.

The old devil wearing a skull yellow robe was also crushed in the chest by the amethyst winged lion king. His breath was extremely weak, and his vitality was like a candle in the wind, which might be extinguished at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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