Chapter 224 BUFF Stacked
The last time Tongguan filmed a TV series was seven years ago.

The last time Liu Yifei appeared in a TV series was 12 years ago.

So when Tong Guan announced that he was going to film a TV series and that he would star in it and Liu Yifei would be the female lead, it instantly attracted the attention of many people in the industry.

Many people hope to participate in Tong Guan's upcoming TV series.

Although the male and female leads have been cast, the other roles are still there!
Moreover, the combination of Tong Guan + Liu Yifei undoubtedly predetermined the success of this drama in advance.

Since it is destined to be a big hit, even if there is only a small role with an average role in it, the influence on the actors will be increased.

If the performance is more brilliant, maybe it will increase the number of fans.

It has happened many times that a supporting character in a popular TV series has left the show.

"Why are you looking at these people's information? Aren't you going to bring the company's artists with you?"

Liu Yifei asked Tongguan curiously.

Because at this time Tong Guan was checking the information of some artists.

It seems that they are planning to recruit them into the TV series crew.

"This is considered a group drama, and many of the characters are outstanding. Just the people in our company are not enough."

Tong Guan replied.

Unlike movies, TV series can have many more characters.

Especially since Tong Guan is filming a lawyer drama this time.

The characters appearing in different cases must be different.

And because the cases are special, the number of episodes each case occupies is not low, so there are more characters who can be called names.

Even if Tong Guan brings famous artists from the company, there are still many vacancies.

And not every artist has time to cooperate with Tong Guan.

The schedules of many artists were set last year, and temporary changes will cause losses.

"If you ask me, you might as well make an all-star lineup."

Liu Yifei suggested.

"All-star?" Tong Guan looked at Liu Yifei with confusion.

Seeing this, Liu Yifei also explained: "Think about it, you are making this TV series because you want to use your influence to increase society's attention to deaf-mute people. In this case, it is better to make the boo head bigger.

Now, the two major boos for this drama include 'My first TV drama in 12 years' and 'Your first TV drama in 7 years'.

But I feel it's not enough. You should publicize the involvement of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and then create an all-star lineup. Everyone who appears, even a supporting actor without a main camera, is a second-tier artist. This way, it will definitely dominate the list.

Not only can it dominate the list, it will be talked about for a long time in the future. After all, an all-star cast is not something every TV series can achieve. "

After hearing Liu Yifei's words, Tong Guan also touched his chin and started thinking.

An All-Star lineup was something he had not considered before.

Because in his opinion, his influence is already very great now, and with the two boos that Liu Yifei just said, he will definitely dominate the charts when his drama is aired.

When the time comes for my own navy to operate again, this drama will definitely be able to break through the circle.

But he kept ignoring one problem.

Nowadays, the speed of network changes is very fast. Even if this drama breaks the circle, it will not be mentioned all the time.

But what about an all-star cast?

As we all know, there are only a few domestic film and television dramas with all-star casts.

Either it's a classic that's talked about a lot, or it's a bad movie that's been criticized.

But no matter what it is, people keep talking about it.

And what is Tong Guan's purpose in filming this drama?
Isn’t it just being talked about all the time to increase the public’s attention to the deaf-mute community?

"Okay, do as you say."

Tong Guan closed the document and said to Yang Chaoyue, who had been eating snacks on the sofa: "Go and help me compile a document. Give me the list of all second-tier and above domestic artists."

"I know~"

In response, Yang Chaoyue slowly walked out of the office.

After a few years, she had already adapted to the job of an assistant.

I can't say it's perfect, but it's pretty easy to use.

Coupled with her hidden attributes, Tong Guan did not recruit other assistants.

"Have you noticed that Beyond is acting weird lately?"

At this time, Liu Yifei suddenly said to Tong Guan.

"Huh?" Tong Guan looked at her with some confusion.

Seeing this, Liu Yifei also said: "Recently, I found that Chaoyue seems to be very concerned about the company's training process for newcomers. She always goes to the fairy tale video when there is nothing wrong. I went to ask, and she always goes to the talent show. .”

Tong Guan's eyes were open and he was thinking: "You mean, transcendence wants to make a debut?"

Liu Yifei shrugged: "That's not it. She used to be young and didn't understand much. Now she is older and understands your status in the entertainment industry. Plus, she can clearly see the artist's income next to you, so she is probably moved."

"It's possible." Tong Guan nodded.

As early as Fan Xiaopang's accident, Yang Chaoyue expressed his desire to debut as an artist, but was discouraged by Tong Guan.

But the longer Yang Chaoyue stays with Tongguan, the more he can see the benefits of top artists.

Her current assistant's income is hundreds of thousands a year, which is not even what a top artist earns in a day.

She has no ideas and is not very realistic.

"what do you think?"

Liu Yifei asked Tongguan.

This surprised Tong Guan.

Generally speaking, saying this means that Liu Yifei has some thoughts of her own. She asked Tong Guan just because she hoped that Tong Guan's thoughts would be the same as hers.

So he asked: "What do you think?"

"Actually, I think it's good for her to make her debut."


Tongguan was surprised again.

Why did Tong Guan recruit Yang Chaoyue as his assistant in the first place? In addition to fancying her hidden attributes, it was also because Yang Chaoyue was not from the entertainment industry and had no great desire to make a debut.

Even if he stayed with Tong Guan for a long time and had some thoughts, Tong Guan could control them well.

After all, he really didn't want to change assistants when nothing happened.

Liu Yifei knew this.

But even though she knew the reason why Tong Guan recruited Yang Chaoyue as his assistant, Liu Yifei still chose to support Yang Chaoyue's debut.

"Why do you think so?"

"Did you notice something?"


"This girl has been with you for several years and has never bought a single piece of clothing. What she wears are basically clothes given to artists by major sponsors. Not only that, I heard that many artists buy a lot of skin care products as gifts. It's her fault. She also takes the company car when traveling."

"What's the point? She's more frugal, and I didn't deduct her salary. I even gave her red envelopes for fun when I had nothing to do."

Tong Guan seemed unconcerned.

Yang Chaoyue's family situation is not good and he has not even completed nine years of compulsory education. It is normal for such a person to save some money.

So Tong Guan gave her bonuses and red envelopes when she had nothing to do. Every year, the bonuses and red envelopes alone were higher than her salary.

"But she can't afford 1 yuan now, believe it or not."

"Ah???" Tong Guan looked at Liu Yifei in surprise: "Impossible, she usually doesn't spend money, and I give her a lot of salary and red envelopes."

Speaking of this, Tong Guan suddenly stopped.

He looked at Liu Yifei's eyes and suddenly understood something.

"what do you mean?"

Liu Yifei shrugged: "I asked, and after her parents divorced, they started a new family. She now has a brother who is more than ten years younger than her."

Well, the buff is full.

From a divorced family, I have a half-blood brother who is more than ten years younger.

Family conditions are not good.
Generally speaking, families whose conditions are so poor that they cannot even complete nine years of compulsory education are mostly rural families.

This isn't bias, it's data.

But even so, they still wanted a younger brother who was more than ten years younger than their eldest daughter.

Most likely, they favor boys over girls.

In this kind of family, the eldest daughter can suddenly make millions a year.

This is not a good thing.

Because there is not enough, and there is not enough.

If there isn't enough, it won't be enough for the family.

If it is not small enough, it means that the income is not hard enough and it will not resist the family.

"When will the latest season of the talent show on Fairy Tale Video start recording?"

Tong Guan said slowly.

Hearing Tong Guan's words, Liu Yifei also had a smile on her face.

Because this means that Tong Guan agrees with her suggestion.

In fact, neither of them is short of money, but they both know that Yang Chaoyue won't take it if they give it directly.

What she wants is a job that can support her family to continue sucking blood.

"I've asked, next month, it's still in the preparation stage."

Hearing this, Tong Guan touched his chin.

dong dong dong.

At this moment, Yang Chaoyue walked into the office.

She held a pile of information and placed it on the desk in front of Tong Guan.

"Boss, the information you want."


In response, Tong Guan looked at Yang Chaoyue: "Chaoyue, do you want to debut as an artist?"

Yang Chaoyue was suddenly stunned. She pointed at herself in disbelief: "Me? Boss, are you talking about me?"

"Well, I'm just asking you."

"It's okay. I envy the money artists earn, but my conditions don't seem to be suitable for being an artist."

Yang Chaoyue said with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

She wants to become an artist, but she has learned more recently and knows that being an artist is not as easy as she thought.

She is a little tone-deaf, her limbs are relatively stiff, and she has not received professional training as an actor.

So no matter how you look at it, she cannot be a qualified artist.

Tong Guan saw what Yang Chaoyue was thinking, so he said with a smile: "That's it. I recently had an idea to try out whether a person who is completely unsuitable to be an artist can become a top artist by relying on my marketing. I'm an artist, so I want to test the waters with you, what do you think?"

"Me? Why did you choose me?"

Tong Guan spread his hands and said, "It's okay. We all need a test subject anyway. Didn't you say you wanted to be an artist before? Let me give you a try. If you succeed, you will become a millionaire in the future." A star."

Yang Chaoyue's eyes brightened when he heard the words "One million per day."

"Okay, I'll give it a try. Anyway, I'll just treat it as having fun."

"Well, then you go and contact Fairy Tale Video. I will arrange for the company's trolls to build momentum for you. You try to follow the direction of the public relations department."

"Good boss!"

Yang Chaoyue smiled and nodded, then jumped out of the office.

Looking at Yang Chaoyue's back, Liu Yifei couldn't help but smile and said: "You are quite good at deceiving people."

Tong Guan spread his hands: "What should we do? We have to take care of the little guy's self-esteem."

Whether it was Liu Yifei, Tong Guan, or anyone else who knew Tong Guan well enough, they could all tell that Tong Guan was taking care of Yang Chaoyue's self-esteem just now.

Any experiments or ideas are all nonsense!
The navy's creation of human beings has been an old method that Tongguan has eliminated for many years.

The artists of Fairy Tale Media back then, whether it was Yang Mi, Song Yi, Tang Yan or Deng Ziqi, it was Tong Guan who used this method to win over them.

These artists initially reached the audience through Tongguan's marketing.

That is to say, Yang Chaoyue arrived late and did not know the family history of these artists. Otherwise, he would definitely have understood the meaning of Tong Guan's words just now.

Since Yang Chaoyue was going to make his debut, Tong Guan's method was of course simple and crude.

That afternoon, several hot searches appeared on Weibo.

#most beautiful little assistant#
#Ranking of Beautiful Faces at Tongguan Wedding#
# Those ignored beauties in the entertainment industry#
An 'unknown' netizen 'accidentally' discovered when compiling Tong Guan's original wedding video that Yang Chaoyue, who was responsible for blocking the door, was also a beauty.

So I 'casually' searched Yang Chaoyue's information and found that she was actually Tong Guan's assistant.

And he has never been in the entertainment industry, nor has he appeared in any show.

The most important thing is that she was already a beautiful woman from the first time she appeared next to Tong Guan, but for some reason, netizens didn't realize it.

So he 'kindly' gave out benefits to netizens.

And 'conveniently' ranked the female entertainers in the entertainment industry who appeared at Tongguan's wedding by appearance.

Considering that Yang Chaoyue was an amateur and was only 18 years old when she attended the wedding, and she still had a purely original look, she was ranked No. 2 after Liu Yifei.

Netizens did not have any objections to this ranking.

It's not that they were impressed by Yang Chaoyue's beauty, but they didn't take it seriously and were just filming it as a funny ranking.

Many netizens even made fun of this ranking.

"In the company, Sister Chaoyue is Tongwu's assistant. Outside the company, she is Tongwu!"

"Secondly, who is dissatisfied? If you are not convinced, go to Tongzhu to argue!"

"If it weren't for Liu Yifei who was number one, I think the number one should be surpassing my sister [squinting smile]"

"Beyond my younger sister! [Squints and smiles]"

"I think Sister Chaoyue is good-looking and speaks nicely, so she can definitely go it alone!"

"Child, don't tempt me!"


Under this rhythm, someone soon dug up Yang Chaoyue's information.

"After looking at the information, the first time Chaoyue appeared next to Tongzhu was when filming "Young You". Chaoyue was not even 16 at that time."

"I have a friend who works at Fairy Tale Media. He said that Yang Chaoyue was like a koi in the company. Tongwu recruited her because she was a prosperous child."

"I am from Fairy Tale Media, and I confirm that this is true."

"It is said that when Tongzhu won the Oscar for Best Actor, his sister Chaoyue happened to be sick. Good guy, is the koi going strong?"

Thanks to the tireless digging by netizens, Yang Chaoyue's koi attributes were also 'accidentally' exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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