Chapter 207 Messi joins the Chinese Super League
The online rumors about Tong Guan and Yang Mi continue and become more and more intense.

After all, this involves Tong Guan's character design as the "god of pure love".

Liu Yifei's comment section also fell into trouble because of Tongguan.

Many people think that Tong Guan cuckolded Liu Yifei.

However, no matter what netizens said, Liu Yifei never replied.

This made many netizens even more certain that she was cuckolded.

Why else would she fall silent?
However, at this time, Tong Guan posted a Weibo message.

[The world is bright and grand, welcome home @杨米]

Under this Weibo, there is also a photo of the two of them.

As soon as this Weibo post came out, netizens’ CPUs burned out.

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"Ah??? Yang Mi has returned to Fairy Tale Media?"

"I just took a look at Yang Mi's Weibo. The certification below is that she is a fairy tale media artist."

"No, what's going on? Can Yang Mi return to Fairy Tale Media?"

"I just took a nap, why did Tongzhu's character collapse again and again?"

"Good guy, I originally thought that the character of Tongzhuo collapsed because of his pure love for the God of War, but I didn't expect that the character of Tongzhu collapsed because of his vengeance!"

"Who the hell can tell me what happened?"


Tong Guan's grudge has always been something his fans talk about.

The collective resignation of Yang Mi and others after stabbing Tong Guan in the back was a huge earthquake in domestic entertainment.

Tong Zhu's vengeful character also reached its peak at that time.

For domestic entertainment fans, the return of Yang Mi to Fairy Tale Media is tantamount to Messi announcing that he will join the Chinese Super League overnight, which is outrageous!
This incident was so outrageous that even Deng Ziqi, a player who usually doesn't care much about domestic entertainment, personally called Tong Guan to ask him what was going on.

"Boss, Yang Mi is really back?"

"Well, I just signed the contract and now I'm back."

"Um, boss, have you forgiven her?"

"Leave me alone."

After saying that, Tong Guan hung up the phone directly.

He did not explain the specific reasons to Deng Ziqi.

This only made Deng Ziqi even more curious.

Then she found Yang Mi's phone number and dialed the number she had not contacted for several years.

"Sister Mi, are you really back?"

"Well, the boss just asked me to sign the contract."

"Is your contract very strict this time?"

Deng Ziqi's tone was a little weird.

In her opinion, Tongguan's current oppression of artists is not as serious as usual.

Especially for an artist like Yang Mi who had stabbed Tong Guan in the back before, the price he would have to pay if he wanted to come back now was not as high as usual.

Deng Ziqi estimated that Tongguan had torn off Yang Mi's skin this time. No, the liquidated damages last time had already been peeled off, and this time it was probably the bones.

"Actually it's fine."

Yang Mi briefly explained the contract to Deng Ziqi.

This made Deng Ziqi feel a little strange.

Although it is very harsh for Yang Mi to score ninety-one points for her current status, she has stabbed Tongguan in the back!

Moreover, signing this contract is equivalent to exempting the previous liquidated damages, which is very profitable in itself!

"Ah? Sister Mi, are you serious?"

Deng Ziqi's tone was a bit shocked.

She couldn't believe that this was the contract Tong Guan gave Yang Mi.

"Actually, the boss is still very nice. This time I"

Yang Mi briefly told Deng Ziqi about the studio.

After listening, Deng Ziqi opened her mouth wide.

She didn't expect that the mighty boss Yang would have his house stolen!
For a moment, Deng Ziqi didn't know what to say.

After a long time, she sighed: "So, the boss is actually very tolerant of artists like you who signed the contract at the beginning. He treated you like that in the conference room probably because you made him angry the most."

After saying that, Deng Ziqi thought of Yang Mi's previous gaffe and couldn't help but add: "I'm sorry, Sister Mi, I didn't mean to say that."

"It's okay." Yang Mi's tone didn't mean anything. She smiled and said: "The boss can forgive me for my betrayal, so why can't I face my gaffe? In the final analysis, I was still the white-eyed wolf. Yes. But the boss is right. People have different thoughts when they reach different statuses. It was normal for me to have such thoughts at the beginning. From now on, I can just be my little actor."

Yang Mi's tone contained a hint of sigh.

At this time, she really lost her dream of becoming a capitalist.

After leaving Fairy Tale Media, she truly saw how dark the waters in the entertainment industry really were.

Even a small manager like Zeng Jia can find a way to empty out the studio of a first-class artist, so how bad can other artists be?

Even if I am lucky enough to escape Zeng Jia, will there be Li Jia and Wang Jia in the future?

Maybe it would be good to return to Fairy Tale Media and be a safe little artist.

You don't have to worry about resources, you don't have to compete with others for positions, you don't have to try every means to attract attention, you just need to be honest in filming, and you can earn a lot of money and gain respect from outsiders.

"Sister Mi, it's great that you have such an idea. Before that incident, I advised you to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade. At least you don't have to fight with others when you follow the boss. The boss allocates resources to us artists quite evenly. Yes, as long as the money is enough, you don’t need to pursue it too much.”

Hearing Deng Ziqi's words, Yang Mi also sighed and said: "I wish I had listened to you back then. You were much younger than me, but you saw through this matter a few years ago. Instead, it's me who is on top now." It took me a while to react."

"It's okay, Sister Mi. Since the boss said he won't let Zeng Jia make money, he will definitely not let her hang out in this circle. Except for Wanwan, other circles now give the boss face. They won't do it for A Zeng Jia offended his boss."

"Ok, I know."

After working hard outside, Yang Mi is now very aware of how powerful Tongguan is.

He doesn't even need to do anything. He only needs to say one sentence to ban most artists.

In fact, Tong Guan did not deceive Yang Mi. After completing the signing, Tong Guan directly asked Zhuang Qiang to notify him and soft-banned the artists originally under Yang Mi's studio in the circle.

Overnight, countless roles originally belonging to artists under Yang Mi Studio were replaced.

Even many film and television dramas that Zeng Jia invested in were told that the other party had changed the investor to Fairy Tale Media, and then kicked out their people on the crew.

In addition, Yang Mi Studio was originally opened in Beijing, so Tong Guan directly checked his connections and asked the tax department to check the taxes of his artists.

This resulted in Yang Mi Studio's artists being idle for less than half a day after losing their roles, and then they became busy.

Busy paying taxes
At the same time, many of their gossips that were originally kept secret by reporters were exposed by Tong Guan again with money.

Many artists lost their homes overnight.

Taxes and private life were all exposed on the Internet.Plus resources were plundered.

In just one day, they went from glamorous entertainers to street rats that everyone yelled at.

Besides them, netizens are also very busy now.

The first day I was still busy questioning Tong Guan Chun'ai God of War's character.

The next day, I was busy questioning Tong Guan's vengeful character.

Immediately after one scandal after another about the artists of Yang Mi Studio came out, they began to busy themselves again, busy being 'just judges', and busy criticizing the illegal and immoral behavior of these artists.

Then as we were busy, some netizens finally discovered something was wrong.

"Wait a minute, the ones who are making headlines today seem to be all artists under Yang Mi Studio!"

"Yes, even Di Lieba was shocked. Isn't this the artist Yang Mi has been supporting so much in the past two years?"

"And these things all happened after Yang Mi returned to Fairy Tale Media. What's going on? Does Yang Mi no longer want artists like her?"

"Damn it, brothers, you are the best. Someone just spread the rumor that Yang Mi was stabbed in the back by her manager, and her studio was stolen. Those artists are not owned by Yang Mi now, but are managed by her. Under the banner of others.”

"I'll go, is it so explosive?"

"Maybe Yang Mi didn't expect that one day she would be stabbed in the back."

"So, this is a childish thing venting his anger on Yang Mi?"

"Good guy, a new character like a child? I can only bully the people I brought out? What kind of domineering CEO character is this?"

"I guess this time Yang Mi returned to Fairy Tale Media and had more than one layer of skin peeled off. Otherwise, how could Tong Zhu go to such trouble to help an artist who stabbed him in the back."

"Yang Mi has really turned into the shape of a child, right?"


In fact, as early as when Yang Mi first debuted, some people said that Yang Mi had turned into the shape of Tongguan.

But later, after Tong Guan's "Pure Love God of War" character design came out, everyone assumed that Tong Guan and Yang Mi were innocent, and they were just for publicity.

But now Tong Guan, who has always held grudges, actually forgave Yang Mi after she was stabbed in the back by someone else.

Netizens had to doubt the relationship between her and Tong Guan again.

However, in the face of doubts from netizens, Tong Guan did not explain anything. He even said when being interviewed by a reporter: "If you think she and I are innocent, then that's it. If not, then it's not. The truth is actually It’s not that important, is it?”

This remark that should have been misunderstood by netizens was 'understood' by the name Tongguan.

"Indeed, a marketing master like Tong Zhu doesn't care at all what we say about him. He won't explain anything even if he is misunderstood."

"With the character of a child, he won't explain anything whether it's true or false."

"In the end, across the Internet, it doesn't matter if it's true or false, as long as everyone is happy watching it."

"If Tongzhu doesn't explain it, I think it's fake. If he explains it, it's most likely true."

"Whether it's true or not, at least Yang Mi is 'popular' again this time."

"And with the support of Fairy Tale Media, I think Yang Mi will never make bad movies again, right? At least I don't think she will."

Seeing the change in netizens' comments, Yang Mi couldn't help but sigh.

Sometimes she had to lament Tongguan's current appeal.

You know, she has made a lot of bad movies in the past two years, and she was almost criticized by netizens.

As a result, just because he returned to Fairy Tale Media, netizens began to think that he would never make bad movies in the future.

If I film another TV series with a good reputation at this time, I estimate that my reputation will be restored in a very short period of time.

At this time, Yang Mi couldn't help but think of the time when she first signed a contract with Fairy Tale Media.

At that time, I was the same as now. Tong Guan only needs to do a little bit to be of infinite help to himself.

Thinking of this, Yang Mi couldn't help but smile.

Although a lot of things happened in the middle and a lot of unpleasantness occurred, at least, the current self is back.

Ding Ding Ding ~
At this time, Yang Mi's cell phone suddenly rang.

After taking a look at the name on the phone screen, Yang Mi's face suddenly darkened.


Although the studio changed owners this time because Zeng Jia was up to something, Yang Mi didn't believe that artists like Dili and Baliu Shishi left without their own choices.

After all, these people also did what they did for Tong Guan.

"what's up."

Yang Mi still answered the phone, but her tone was not so friendly.

"Miss, I'm sorry."

Diliraba's pitiful voice came from the other end of the phone.

After hearing this, Yang Mi couldn't help but sneered: "I'm sorry for what? Do I want to congratulate you for having a new master now, so you don't have to be squeezed by me?"

"Sister Mi, actually I don't want to either. It's just that all the artists in the company have left at that time, so it's useless to leave me alone."

Listening to Di Lieba's poor excuse, the sneer on Yang Mi's lips became even more obvious.

"Let's talk about what you want to do. You can't just come here to listen to me mocking you, right?"

"Sister Mi, can you talk to the big boss and let us live? I'm just a part-time worker. It's really none of my business."

"Okay, as long as you"

Yang Mi suddenly thought of something, and stopped what she was about to say, and instead said, "Let me ask for you. Whether it can succeed depends on the boss's mood."

"Sister Mi, if the big boss is willing to let me go, I can actually do it."

Hearing Dili Leba's words, Yang Mi was suddenly stunned.

Although she has been trying her best to cultivate Dililaba in the past few years, she is not capital after all. No matter how hard she works, she can only turn Dililaba into a second-tier artist.

At most, he is one of the more popular among the second-tier artists.

There is still a long way to go to the front line.

In fact, Yang Mi has hinted to Di Lieba more than once that as long as she is willing to pay something, it is not impossible to advance to the first line.

But Diliraba's attitude has always been firm, just like she was before.

This has resulted in Dilijaba never being able to advance to the first line.

However, this time the boycott made Diliraba realize that she was likely to lose everything she had now, so she was actually willing to give things that she had been unwilling to give.

At this moment, Yang Mi suddenly thought of herself back then.

Didn’t I also start to become different from before after seeing the scenery at the top?
It turns out that becoming is never just yourself.

The people around me have also changed.

"I understand, I will tell the boss."

After saying that, Yang Mi hung up the phone and looked out the window with some emotion.

 The chapter name was wrong. It should have been Chapter 206, but it was written as Chapter 203. Let the editor change it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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