Chapter 192 Included in medical insurance?

Tong Guan has analyzed a long time ago that the reason why "1942" in the previous life was a hit was because it was released at the wrong time and the publicity was not done well.

Although "I'm Not the God of Medicine" is not as tragic as "1942", it is generally not a very suitable movie to be released during the Spring Festival.

However, Tongguan still chose to release it during the Spring Festival.

The reason is very simple. His current popularity and box office appeal can already ignore some subtle factors.

Besides, isn’t the ending of this movie good?
Moreover, if the ending of this movie were realized in reality, would you still think it was a tragedy?

2014 2 Month 28 Day.

At this time, "I'm Not the God of Medicine" has been in theaters for 29 days.

Although subsequent box office sales have never been lower, the single-day box office record on the second day of release has still not been broken.

In 29 days, the movie has earned 17.65 billion in box office.

Everyone is waiting for the moment when "I'm Not the God of Medicine" breaks the 20 billion box office mark.

"If I remember correctly, ever since Tongwu broke the domestic box office record for the first time, he has been keeping the domestic box office record himself."

"Indeed, since the first record was broken, all subsequent domestic box office records have been broken by children."

"Children created the first billion, and now he is going to create the second billion."

"It's a pity. This movie is still a little sad. It's a bit of a disadvantage to be released during the Spring Festival. If it is released during the National Day or summer vacation, it should have a chance of breaking 20 billion a month."

"It doesn't matter. With the current results, this movie will have to be released for at least a month, and it is a sure thing to break 20 billion."

Just when all netizens felt a little sorry for Tong Guan, the official suddenly issued an announcement.

[In view of the fact that after discussion by all parties, it was decided to include anti-cancer drugs such as meglitinin into medical insurance.]

The first reaction of all netizens who saw this announcement was that it was untrue.

"I'm Not the God of Medicine" is so popular that most netizens have a little understanding of the plot even if they haven't seen it in the cinema.

Naturally, everyone is familiar with the three words "Glenin".

They also checked and found that this kind of drug does exist in reality, and it is indeed expensive.

But reality is not a movie. In the ending of the movie, Glennin was included in the medical insurance, and everyone was happy.

But in reality, Glenin does not fall within the scope of drugs reimbursed by medical insurance.

This is also something that makes many netizens uncomfortable.

They have no way to control real events and can only give themselves a happy ending through imagination in the movie.

But what do they see now?
Movies come to life!

Greining is actually included in medical insurance!
"I'm fooling you, I'm fooling you, are you damn sure this is an official one?"

"Awesome, the movie reflects reality!"

"It's not really because of the movie that Greining was included in the medical insurance, then that would be outrageous."

"I remember a brother posted on Weibo a long time ago saying that he saw Tong Zhu and Liu Yifei in the cinema. At that time, Tong Zhu even acquiesced in the inclusion of Grenin in the medical insurance!"

"I also remember that I seemed to have read this Weibo. At that time, I thought that brother was bragging!"

"Oh my God, Tong Zhu wouldn't really know about this in advance, would he?"


Due to the strong curiosity of netizens, the Weibo post about an encounter with Tong Guan and Liu Yifei a month ago was discovered again.

Countless netizens rushed to leave messages below.

"Brother, you are awesome! You are really right!"

"Brother, let's go over the details again. Did Tong Zhu say anything else?"

"Besides medical insurance, did Tongzhu talk about anything else in the movie theater?"

Faced with the sudden surge in traffic, the netizen who posted on Weibo was also confused.

Seeing that most people were asking him for other details, the netizen had no choice but to post what happened that day on Weibo again, and added at the end: "That's all I know. Tongzhu may have known in advance that Glenin was included in the medical insurance." What I guessed was not what he said personally.”

After seeing his latest Weibo, netizens also started to use their imagination.

"I remember that news came out before that "I'm Not the God of Medicine" was the script that was not approved by the higher-ups at the time."

""I'm Not the God of Medicine" doesn't have too many metaphors and ZZ factors. If it was really a script that didn't pass the review, there is only one possible explanation."

"The people above are worried that the influence of Tongzhuo is too great, and they are worried that this movie will cause some adverse reactions after it is broadcast!"

"The reason why Tongwu is being photographed now is not only because Tongwu's current status is different, but also because the higher authorities have decided to include Glenin in the medical insurance, so Tongwu knew the news in advance."

"The superiors just took this opportunity to promote humanistic care."

When it comes to eating melons, no one is more professional than contemporary netizens.

Soon someone analyzed more than half of the whole story.

At this time, another netizen broke even more exciting news.

"Brothers, let me show you some news." Attached to this Weibo was a link, which was a small newspaper reporting on a certain case in Jiangxi.

The name of the owner of the case is Lu Yong. His crime is selling counterfeit drugs. What he sold happened to be Indian generic Glenin!
Then someone dug up the latest case news.

Lu Yong was originally detained, but this month, after discussions in the local court, Lu Yong was released without charge.

As soon as the news broke, netizens went crazy.

"I don't know how to describe my feelings now."

"So, Tong Zhu changed Lu Yong's fate on his own?"

"More than that, anti-cancer drugs are included in medical insurance. How many lives can this save?"

"The merits are immeasurable, the merits are truly immeasurable. I can't even imagine how much merit this movie Tong Zhu can accumulate for me!"

"Do you think the prototype of the movie is Lu Yong?"

"The same Greining, the same Indian imitation, the same crime, it feels like the prototype is Lu Yong!"

"Although there are some discrepancies in the identities of Lu Yong and Cheng Yong, the movie inherently needs some artistic content, and he should be the prototype."


Just when everyone was discussing whether Lu Yong was the prototype of Cheng Yong, Tong Guan's Weibo updated an update.

[There is no prototype for the movie. If there is any connection, it is that Lu Yong was found out after I submitted the script for review. I am still somewhat responsible for his imprisonment]

Netizens who saw this Weibo:.
"This, I didn't expect."

"So, after reading your script, the superiors conducted a strict investigation on fake medicines, and Lu Yong found them out?"

"Lu Yong got up in the middle of the night: No, he's sick, right? What's not good about filming fake medicine?"

"Laughing to death, Lu Yong really suffered a terrible disaster."

"6. I thought it was a beautiful reality-reflecting movie, a beautiful story in which the movie reflects reality, but you told me that the story is like this?"

Seeing the complaints from netizens, Tong Guan also curled his lips.

It's not that he doesn't want Lu Yong to enjoy this wave of popularity.

It's just that he finds it troublesome.

He remembered that in his previous life, Lu Yong had sued the crew of "I'm Not the God of Medicine", saying that they were smearing his image.

He said that he was a small business owner and a decent person, not a seller of Indian divine oil.The counterfeit medicines were sold not to make money, but to help more people.The movie is completely trying to smear his image.

Tong Guan was too lazy to argue with Lu Yong on this matter, so he simply stated that he had no prototype for this movie.

Originally, everyone thought it would take some time for "I'm Not the God of Medicine" to break the 20 billion record.

At least more than a week.

After all, this movie has been released for almost a month. Those who like to watch movies have already seen it. Those who don't like movies or are unwilling to spend money are waiting for the movie to be released and then watch it online.

Subsequent box office growth will only become slower and slower.

However, what everyone did not expect was that the box office on the 28th actually surged.

The single-day box office on the 27th has dropped to 5800 million, but the single-day box office on the 28th actually increased to 8400 million!
What’s even more outrageous is that the single-day box office on March 3st directly exceeded 1 million!That’s right, 2.3 million!
And March 3st happens to be the 1th day of the release of "I'm Not the God of Medicine"!
The total box office directly exceeded 20 billion!
Even Tong Guan raised eyebrows at this increase in data.

He thought that the box office would increase after the medical insurance came down, but he never thought it would increase so much!
But when he read the comments on Weibo, enlightenment appeared in his eyes.

"Thanks to the child director, there is a line in the movie, 'I took 4 yuan of medicine for three years, my house was destroyed, and my family was devastated.' This is a true portrayal of our family. I almost gave up treatment. Now But it is included in the medical insurance. I really don’t know how to thank him. I can only buy a movie ticket to support the child director.”

"My wife and I are both sick. Originally, we planned to commit suicide for the sake of our child and leave more money for him. Now the child guide has given us hope of having a baby as a couple. Thank you to the child guide."

"For six years, I was in torment every day. I watched my parents go from a sophisticated petty bourgeoisie life to becoming increasingly poor. I thought about dying several times. I am grateful to my child guide for giving me hope of another life. "


There are many similar comments, most of which are thanking Tongguan for including Greining in medical insurance.

Seeing this, Tong Guan also posted a Weibo message.

[Thank you for your support of "I'm Not the God of Medicine", but I want to make one thing clear. I have no ability to include glenin in medical insurance. I just pointed out the difficulties of some people in society. I saw it and noticed it above. you, and decided to help you.You really want to thank you, you should thank the country (put your hands together)]

In some matters, Tong Guan still knows what to do.

He will not be vague like some people and deliberately take advantage of the heat.

What needs to be said clearly needs to be said clearly.

After posting this Weibo, Tong Guan also asked his company’s navy to set the pace a little bit.

"The child director is right. I really want to thank you. I should thank the country."

"The country has helped us, but we can't let the country feel cold!"

"The child guides just made more people pay attention to us. It is the country that really solves our troubles. I hope everyone will not misunderstand us so as not to cause trouble to the child guides."

"The child guide certainly made a contribution in this matter, but what everyone should be more grateful to is our country."


(End of this chapter)

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