Entertainment: My house collapsed and I was forced to start making movies

Chapter 175 It’s broken, this guy has been incorporated

Chapter 175 It’s broken, this guy has been incorporated
Liu Yifei's grand photo-taking operation was ultimately unsuccessful.

Some things are innate.

No way is no way.

No matter how she shot it, the final result was terrible.

So she gave up.

At the same time, Tong Guan received a familiar phone call again.

"Child guide, the jet lag should be reversed, right?"

How could Tong Guan not understand what the other party meant.

Are you happy enough?

Once you feel good enough, you should get started, right?

"That's almost it. I'm going to hold a press conference tomorrow to promote my new movie "Parasite."

"It will have bad consequences if the matter is delayed for too long. It would be best if the child guide can resolve it as soon as possible."

"Well, I see."

Tong Guan responded and then hung up the phone.

Liu Yifei on the side heard Tong Guan's call and asked: "Did you urge you to hold a press conference?"


Tong Guan nodded.

Liu Xiaoli on the side began to clear away the dishes on the table, pretending not to hear anything.

Although the relationship between her and Tong Guan has become much closer now, not everything can be known to her.

Tong Guan doesn't need to say this, she understands it herself.

"Then it opens tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow, I have asked Zhuang Qiang to prepare before I come, and I will also arrange a live broadcast on Weibo."

"Will this cause a counterattack from netizens? After all, you have done it before"

Liu Yifei said worriedly.

Tong Guan had been too rebellious before, almost saying bad things, but now he suddenly changes his tune, who knows if people will be dissatisfied.

However, Tong Guan was not worried about this problem at all. Instead, he winked at Liu Yifei.

"When I say something good, it means that I have succeeded. I have successfully overcome the root problem. Although I have not completely overcome it, I have at least taken that step. This means that what I said at the beginning is wrong, and the root cause cannot be solved. The change is fake. But they won’t blame me for talking nonsense, they will only think that I have taken a step that most people cannot take.”

Liu Yifei nodded in understanding.

She always felt that Tong Guan's words were a bit inconsistent.

But I can't tell what's wrong.

Tong Guan saw Liu Yifei's doubts, but he didn't explain too much.

In fact, Liu Yifei felt that the inconsistency was right. In Tong Guan's previous words, once the crime was established, it no longer mattered whether it was true or not.

But now in Tong Guan's words, he seemed to have used himself to break the crime he had set.

But in fact, this so-called break is temporary.

As long as Tong Guan continues to succeed, they will always feel that what Tong Guan said before is wrong and everything can be changed. Tong Guan is using actions to prove this.

But what if Tong Guan fails?

Not a literal failure, but a special failure.

Then they will once again read Tongguan's previous words.

Tong Guan did not really break the 'crime', but tied himself to the 'crime'.

The brief disappearance just buried everything.

The higher-ups also knew that Tong Guan's actions were a threat to them.

But sometimes, some necessary threats have to be accepted.

Tong Guan dares to gamble, but his life is worthless anyway.

But do they dare?
This press conference was a big one.

There are more reporters here than at any opening ceremony in Tongguan.

All the newspaper reporters you can see in the market are here.

The crazy flashing lights make it impossible to open your eyes.

But Tong Guan had already expected this situation, so he wore sunglasses.

Finally, the press conference officially began.

Tong Guan first symbolically promoted his movie "Parasite", and then said to everyone: "If you have any questions, you can ask me."

Upon hearing this, the reporters immediately started asking questions.

"Director Tong, I heard that the movie "Parasite" was filmed without being submitted for review, is that right?"

"Director Tong, I heard that you are no longer Chinese, right?"

"Director Tong, I heard that there are a lot of reactionary remarks in the movie "Parasite", is it true?"

"Director Tong, what do you think about the relationship between the rich and the poor? Do you think that the gap between the rich and the poor is insurmountable, as expressed in "Parasite"?"

"Child guide."

The reporters still did not disappoint Tong Guan.

Any question they ask is extremely pointed. If Tongguan answers a wrong answer, he will be on the news headlines and fall into eternal disaster.

Sure enough, the reporter is the one who cares least about your life or death.

They only want popularity and eye-catching content. As for the life and death of artists, they don't care at all.

Fortunately, Tong Guan was prepared. He smiled and said:
“First of all, being able to be released in China shows that the film’s process is legal and compliant.

And I, Tongguan, am still a pure Chinese, there is no doubt about this.As for your so-called reactionary remarks and opinions about the rich and the poor, these are even more nonsense.

"Parasite" is just a movie, a movie that people can watch and kill time at the same time. It is not an educational film. There is no need for you to over-interpret the meaning, and there is no need to provoke a reaction. "

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the reporters present changed slightly.

They heard the meaning from Tong Guan's words.

Regardless of whether "Parasite" was censored before filming, now, it is legal!

And there is only one possibility to do all this.

Tongguan was incorporated.

Filmed without review, Oscar winner, included.
Combining these keywords together, everyone knows who Tong Guan is now.

After understanding this, everyone became a little more careful when speaking.

"Can the director Tong tell us his initial thoughts on the movie "Parasite"?"

"Of course." Tong Guan said with a smile: "When I made this movie, I wanted to tell all the viewers that no matter where you are from, you should do your job honestly and don't touch things you shouldn't. Wrong thinking. If Zhang Jianping’s family had not used twisted thinking, they would not have ended up in such a miserable situation.”

With this answer, reporters became more cautious in asking questions among themselves.

What follows are some boring cutscene questions.

The rest of Tong Guan's answers were nothing more than emphasizing one thing. "Parasite" is a movie without any connotation, don't think too much about it!
Your thoughts are all over-interpretations. I had no such thoughts when I was shooting.

When the interview ended and the reporters posted the content of the interview, netizens were dumbfounded.

"Ah??? Is this what Tong Guan said???"

"I thought Tongguan would launch a full-scale artillery fire, but didn't expect this?"

"Stupid, you can't see it yet. Tong Guan is included at the first sight. This is all a good thing!"

"Then the question is, if Tong Guan is in, is the content expressed in "Parasite" true or false?"

"It's right to say it's true. After all, Tong Guan's previous experience perfectly matches the connotation in the movie. It's right to say it's false. After all, Tong Guan's actions now show that man can conquer nature and some things are not unchangeable."

"I've seen Tong Guan acting weird and weird many times, and sometimes I really can't tell whether he is telling the truth or a lie."

"Anyway, we really can't discuss it casually now, otherwise the childish beast will be driven away again."


Facts have proved that Tong Guan's prediction was right.

The trend of comments from netizens is exactly what he thought.

Of course, this was not a prediction by Tong Guanhuishen, but he let the Navy set the pace.

After all, this time it was specifically for 'clarification', and it would be embarrassing if netizens didn't understand the expressed meaning.

But under the rhythm of a large number of navy troops, everyone accepted Tong Guan's words.

This is also the first time Tong Guan has used his own navy after being "soft banned".

In addition to expressing one's intentions to outsiders, there is also the purpose of testing the above.

He wanted to see if there would be any reaction if he used the same navy rhythm again.

Obviously, no.

After all, he is leading a positive rhythm this time.

However, there is still a slight mouthful on it.

"The story of the boy who cried wolf cannot be used forever. If it continues like this, people will no longer believe in wolves, and it will inevitably affect some credibility."

"Ok, I know."

Tong Guan did not refute, after all, he was telling the truth.

"As long as you understand what I mean, the higher-ups are still very optimistic about you, especially your movie "I'm Not the God of Medicine." The script is really good. It just so happens that the higher-ups are planning to include a batch of new drugs in medical insurance."

"Okay, I know what to do."

After speaking, the other party hung up the phone.

The corners of Tong Guan's mouth were also slightly raised.

The God of Medicine, which he was not allowed to shoot at first, has now become the movie he most wants to shoot.

After all, in this way, the volume above can be reflected.

'Look, we don't mind at all when you take pictures like this. Instead, we notice a group of special patients and help them treat them! '

Tong Guan is not in a hurry to film "I'm Not the God of Medicine". He still has a lot of things to deal with.

The first is the movie "No Man's Land" released on Fairy Tale Video.

Perhaps it carries the label of 'Tong Guan's swan song in China'.

On the first day the movie was released, it had 300 million viewers and received 7500 million in online movie box office.

After all, online broadcasts are not as good as theaters, and you still need to go to the cinema.

If you want to watch movies online, you can just find any computer.

This also leads to a large number of online viewers.

But there's bad news, online viewing is a one-time business.

After purchasing online movie tickets, users can watch them repeatedly.

This allows viewers who want to buy a second time to save a lot of money.

This is good news for the audience, but not for the platform.

Especially for theaters.

This feature of being able to watch over and over makes many netizens feel good about it.

Many netizens even called for Tong Guan's movies to be broadcast online in the future.

"Children's movies often need to be watched over and over again. Sometimes it's really expensive to watch them in the cinema. This online broadcast is really cool! I only spent the money to watch it four times, and I watched it with a group of colleagues. The average price for everyone is only a few yuan.”

"Yes, when the children's movie was the most popular, the price even increased to 78 yuan per ticket during the good time period. If you watch it one more time, you will lose a day's salary. This time, the online broadcast is only 25 yuan, which is really economical. money!"

"I strongly recommend that all future movies of Tongzhu be broadcast online!"

"How about canceling the theater chain? This thing has no advantages other than costing money!"

"Although the experience and look and feel of movie theaters are much better than online broadcasts, compared with the price advantage, movie theaters really seem to be redundant."

Almost everyone is demanding that all future Tongguan films be broadcast online.

This frightened Wanda.

Tongguan is their big customer.

If he really listened to the advice of netizens, they would make a lot less money every year!

The most important thing is that once Tong Guan opens this mouth, more investors will imitate him in the future.

After all, online broadcasts do not need to be split half with theaters.

They contacted Tong Guan immediately and said that Tong Guan was so unruly and hoped it would only happen once.

At this time, Tongguan still had many unresolved issues, and he didn't want to make too many enemies for himself.

Besides, Wanda didn't make things difficult for him at first.

Both parties are not on the same track, so there is no need to interfere in other people's fields.

"Don't worry, I did it for a special reason this time, and you all know it. Besides, "Parasite" will be released in your cinema soon, so there's no rush."

After receiving Tong Guan's reply, the other party felt relieved.

Then began to fully promote Tong Guan's "Parasite".

After all, it is a four-Oscar-winning movie, with a box office of over $3 million in Europe and the United States.

If it hadn't been for the trouble with Tongguan and above, it would have been introduced in China long ago.

Who doesn’t like making money?

It's just that Tongguan didn't cooperate with their promotion this time.

He knows very well that it has been released for too long in Europe and the United States, and domestic pirated copies have been flying all over the world. This time it is released in China, it is probably just a brick of sound, and everyone may support it a little bit.

Brushing more?

Not at all realistic.

Instead of wasting time promoting, do something more meaningful.

(End of this chapter)

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