Chapter 146 Do you understand the value of navy?
Sometimes Tong Guan really thinks Yang Mi is very smart.

She's really good at using her own strengths.

The last time was three years ago when Yang Mi was touched by the child's concern after watching the Spring Festival Gala.

After that, Yang Mi deliberately kept a distance from Tong Guan.

Sometimes I would rather not go back to the capital than see Tong Guan.

Tong Guan didn't think much about it before, he just thought she was busy.

After all, this guy is known as a career maniac in the industry.

Now it seems that being busy is only one of the reasons.

Another reason is because she knows that it is best not to get it.

Even if you get it, it’s also very good if you don’t have it often.

She has never used her physical advantage to get anything from Tongguan again, just so that she can succeed when she wants to get something later.

Just like now.
Tong Guan, who was sitting on the seat, looked at Yang Mi resting on top of him and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Did she take advantage of him this time?
"Boss, please forgive me this time, I really need her!"

Yang Mi said pitifully again.

Ever since Tong Guan became angry, Yang Mi has always maintained a weak attitude.

Because she knew that what a superior person enjoyed most was this gesture of being begged for.

This greatly satisfied his vanity.

And as long as you are human, you must have vanity!
Tongguan is no exception.

After Yang Mi repeatedly begged, he finally relaxed.

"Just this once, if you dare to do this next time, you can go back to the company and work as a worker."

"thank you boss!"

A smile appeared on Yang Mi's face, and then she shrank down.

Tongguan didn't stop her either.

After a short rest, he felt like he was good again!

Mu Er stood at the door of the cinema with a confused look on his face.

He didn't know whether he wanted to go in or not.

Although he knew that the so-called "The Richest Man in Xihong City" was most likely what he had guessed before, another vulgar comedy.

But what if it wasn't?
Everyone. is a gambler.

It's just that the things you bet on are different.
In the end, Mu Er couldn't resist the temptation in his heart and took a gamble. He bet that this time "The Richest Man in Xihong City" would not be a bad movie!
He bets that this is a movie with content and quality!
However, it turns out that he lost the bet
Two hours later, when he walked out of the cinema, his face was numb.

"Gambling dogs will die!"

After saying this hatefully, Mu Er returned home and started his own criticism!
Soon, a film review with more than [-] words appeared in the comments below "The Richest Man in Xihong City".

Mu Er also forwarded it to his Weibo so that Weibo fans could also see it.

[After many years, the vulgar comedy "acting on behalf of others" is back on the scene again! 】

[Hello everyone, my name is Mu Er. Anyone who knows me well knows that I am a loyal fan of Tong Guan and I know him very well.Children in prison are like neutered cats and dogs in front of me, and I can see them all at a glance. 】

[As early as when "The Richest Man in Xihong City" started promoting it some time ago, I noticed something was wrong. 】

[Starring Sheng Teng and all the artists from Fairy Tale Media. This configuration seems familiar. 】

[Out of curiosity, I checked and found out that the company that invested in "The Richest Man in Xihong City" is a company called Xiaohao Pictures. This company has only invested in two film and television dramas so far. The last one, It's called "Charlotte's Trouble"]

[I believe that fans who know me will understand the truth of the matter after seeing this. 】

["The Richest Man in Xihong City", like "Charlotte's Trouble", are both vulgar comedies used by Tong Guan to make money. 】

[Before criticizing this movie, I want to answer a question that many fans asked a few years ago. 】

["Charlotte Trouble" is not bad, I had a lot of fun watching it! 】

[After this question, someone will definitely ask me another question, such as why I said "The Richest Man in Xihong City" is a bad movie. 】

[Master Xing once said that he has never made a comedy, he has always made tragedies, but I don’t know why everyone loves to laugh. 】

[This sentence is actually very pretentious, but if you look closely at most of Xingye's movies, the core is a real tragedy. This is why his movies have remained popular after so many years. 】

[A good film and television work should meet one of the following requirements.First, there is a rich enough core for everyone to keep tasting, exploring, and savoring over and over again. 】

[For example, the previous "Let the Bullets Fly", this year's "The Righteous" and Xingye's "Westward Journey" more than ten years ago]

[Second, there are enough exciting stories that make people have endless aftertaste and can't help but watch them over and over again, such as Tong Guan's "Crazy Series"]

[Third, it has special meanings, such as education, inspiration, and stimulating people's positive desire.For example, "1942", "Forrest Gump", "The Pursuit of Happyness"] [Unfortunately, Tong Guan's new movie "The Richest Man in Xihong City" does not occupy any of the above points, so I say it is A bad movie, of course. If you have other opinions, please feel free to discuss them. 】

[Next, I will analyze the plot of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" and the discomfort it brings to me. The content contains a lot of spoilers, so don't read if you mind. 】


[With money, you can make the most arrogant and powerful manager obey you, you can make the most lofty educator obey your orders, you can make stock gods accompany you to dinner, and you can make famous singers come to your home for a concert. 】

[Having money can also allow you to realize the most impossible dreams, it can allow you to chase the most impossible girls, it can allow you to play football with an unattainable team, and it can allow you to play with your friends when their lives are in danger. time to be able to save her. 】

[Money is a bastard, money is also a life-saving medicine.Once you have money, the stocks you invest in will increase in value, and the projects you invest in will make huge profits. Money has the ability to reproduce, and the more you use it, the more you use it. 】

[In the whole movie, I only saw submission to money, which made me a little uncomfortable. 】

[Perhaps for a person in a high position like Tong Guan, this movie is just a short abbreviation of his life, but for an ordinary person like me, this movie makes me sick to my stomach. 】

[The above is my personal opinion. If you have different opinions, please feel free to discuss them. 】

Muer's comments quickly aroused reactions online.

However, unlike the previous approvals, this time the response was all about scolding him.

"I don't understand. As long as you have fun watching a comedy movie, you have to ask whether it's a bad movie or a good movie? If it makes you laugh, doesn't it mean it's a good movie?"

"I used to like Mu Er quite a lot and thought you had a lot of knowledge, but now it seems that you are also a dead-end writer who likes to hang around two ounces of ink in your belly."

"Ah, yes, yes, the movie must have the so-called connotation, and then welcome you great writers who have read the book for two years to satisfy your abnormal psychology of 'everyone is drunk and I am alone', we ordinary people are not worthy of watching the movie chant?"

"You should be damned if you don't understand the core? Is it a mistake for Tong Guan to film a pure comedy that makes people laugh?"

"Why doesn't Tong Guan want to say that it was taken by him? He insists on saying that it was taken by someone else. He also has to create a small company to invest. Isn't it just to guard against you young literary people? You still don't understand? Why don't you put this aside? The dog barks?"

"When I was asked to work overtime for free, I didn't see you literary youths coming out to argue. When I was owed wages, I didn't see you helping me to speak up. Now I finally see a movie that makes me laugh, and you stand up and point fingers. , you are calling your mother!"


Even Mu Er himself did not expect that his film review would cause such a big response, and the comments were almost unanimous in criticizing him.

This made him a little confused.

When did it become wrong to review a movie?
Aren’t movies supposed to convey the inner core of people?

Is there anyone who can speak for a movie like this that has no connotation?

He doesn't understand but Tong Guan does!
Seeing the abuse posted on Mu Er's Weibo, Tong Guan's lips curled up slightly.

Can you guys flip the car twice in the same place?
Mu Er's comments last time directly caused the reputation of "Charlotte Troubles" to go all the way south. Isn't Tong Guan more careful this time?
Since you are not the audience for my money-making movies, why should I be polite to you?

Review my money-making movie?Have you considered the feelings of my navy?

Compared with Mu Er discussing the matter and the content of "The Richest Man in Xihong City" itself, Tong Guan Shuijun's rhythm went in another direction.

First of all, I would like to express that this movie is very good to watch and very funny after watching it.

Secondly, it provokes conflicts between the two waves of people.

Literary youth and ordinary audiences.

Most viewers don't actually look at the core of a movie. They only consider whether the movie made them laugh, cry, or move them.

What's more, some people don't really understand a movie, but because the movie is so popular and the trend is the same, they follow the trend.

And those who drive the rhythm and stir up the wind are usually the so-called literary youths.

They have better expressive skills than ordinary people and can easily drive most ordinary audiences and make them fall into their own rhythm.

At this time, they said yes, then someone might go and see it.

They said that if it was not possible, that group of people would definitely not go and see it.

Because they try to establish themselves as having rich knowledge like the young people.

But this does not mean that they are convinced by the literary youth.

On the contrary, they have been unhappy with Wenqing for a long time.

because of jealousy
Jealous of the other person's knowledge, jealous of the other person's ability to express themselves, jealous of the other person's ability to freely express their opinions in front of the public and have others echo them.
If someone takes the lead in provoking a conflict between the literary youth and ordinary viewers at this time, the outcome can be imagined.

This is what Tong Guan is doing now.

The result of this is.

Wen Qing said yes, they may not stop watching it, they may still watch it for the sake of better wind.

But you can't say that?Then I insist on seeing it, and then express the opposite point of view to prove that I see it more carefully than you!My understanding is deep enough!
I'm better than you!
Mu Er is just a typical example, not an exception.

In fact, most of the film review bloggers were scolded by Tongguan’s trolls after expressing their opinion that The Richest Man in Xihong City was a bad movie.
 Second update!Still coding like crazy!

(End of this chapter)

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