"Yes."Zhao Xu nodded and said,"I have been in contact. I can now convey my thoughts to the elf, but I cannot feel the elf's thoughts."

Zhao Xu told Wei Wu about his current telepathy dilemma.

"Well, you first pass your thoughts to me."Wei Wu said.

Zhao Xu didn't waste any time. He turned on the waveguide perception and conveyed an idea to Wei Wu.

"Uncle Wei! Pay back the money!"

Wei Wu's brows jumped. He didn't expect that Zhao Xu would pass on such an idea to him.

Although the idea he passed on was very fucked up, Zhao Xu did prove that he could pass on his ideas to others.

"Yes, it’s almost a year since I last saw you. Your waveguide has evolved a lot."Wei Wu didn't mention repaying the money at all, but praised Zhao Xu's progress.

"Uncle Wei, please tell me quickly why I can't feel the elf's thoughts."

In order to prevent Zhao Xu from paying back the money, Wei Wu kept praising Zhao Xu, hoping to make Zhao Xu forget about paying back the money for the time being.

Wei Wu suddenly said seriously,"Actually, this is a matter of your perception. Waveguide sensing still needs to improve"

"A matter of perception? So to what extent does waveguide perception need to be practiced to reach the standard?"Zhao Xu practices waveguide every day. Waveguide perception is a compulsory subject and he has never failed.

"When you practice waveguide, do you only focus on expanding your waveguide perception?"Wei Wu asked


Zhao Xu is indeed like this, because Zhao Xu thinks that the wider the waveguide perception, the better.

"There’s nothing wrong with practicing like this, but you can’t improve the accuracy of waveguide perception. If you fight with someone, you can’t rely on waveguides to read your opponent’s next move."

"So I advise you to stop expanding your waveguide perception and improve your waveguide accuracy."

"There are many ways to train, such as dodgeball trainers. If you insist on it for a year and a half, I think you should be able to feel the elf's thoughts."Wei Wu gave his own suggestions.

"Uncle Wei, why didn’t you give me such advice before?"

At first, Zhao Xu asked Wei Wu for advice, but the bad old man didn't say anything.

It seems that after becoming Wei Wu's creditor, it would be easy to get something out of him.

"Didn't you ask me before? Besides, senior brother, how did I know that you were so talented and had telepathy so quickly?"

"Your senior brother Lei Like and I both mastered telepathy after practicing as wave guides for seven or eight years, and it took another three or four years to fully master it."

Wei Wu kept expressing how evil Zhao Xu's talent was.

"Let’s talk about paying back the money later. I’m leaving first."

After getting the answer he wanted, Zhao Xu also planned to leave.

"Don't leave in a hurry, it's almost noon, let's order some beef skewers."Seeing that Zhao Xu was about to leave, Wei Wu immediately spoke to stop Zhao Xu.

Zhao Xu looked at the freshly dressed beef skewers on the side, and the glutton in his stomach couldn't help but roll.

"Let’s get 100 skewers!"

We are all brothers from the same sect, and Wei Wu is indeed useful this time, so Zhao Xu will just take care of Wei Wu's business.

"quick! Why don't you hurry up and grill the skewers?"

"Oh, here you go!"


Guai Li and the eight-claw martial artist immediately started grilling skewers with skillful movements.

It can be seen that Wei Wu has really made money by setting up a stall for a long time. The movements of the two elves are so nimble. Only housekeeping elves can be so skillful.

"Junior brother, let’s discuss something!"

Just when Zhao Xu was enjoying watching Guai Li and the others grilling skewers, Wei Wu suddenly came over again.

"What's up?"

Zhao Xu immediately became vigilant.

"You all know the task that Dr. Hua gave me. You said that you also happen to be a player in the Platinum Conference, so you can help me collect it again."Wei Wudao

"You can also help Uncle Wei, but Uncle Wei, you have to tell me, how much profit will you get from each kind of super evolutionary energy you collect?"Zhao Xu asked

"this...Not a lot, just 50W!"Wei Wu was embarrassed at first, and then he still told the price.


Zhao Xu always felt that Wei Wu was underestimating. One type is 50W, and a dozen types are only 7 to 8 million.

If that were the case, Wei Wu should have handed over this task long ago, but Wei Wu didn't do it for 10 months. Delivery, the price offered by Huamulan must be very high, definitely more than 50W, it should be close to 100W

"Of course it's true. If you don't believe it, you can ask Lei Li. You should know the relationship between Lei Li and Dr. Hua."Wei Wudao.

Zhao Xu does know the relationship between Lei Li and Hua Mu Lan. Because of that relationship, it is useless to ask Lei Li.

Because Hua Mu Lan ignores Lei Li at all. Even if Hua Mu Lan has Lei Li in his heart, Hua Mu Lan Lan will not forgive Lei Li. In the past, Lei Li could only be rejected.

"Uncle Wei, this is Dr. Youhua. Are you sure it is the 50W type?"Zhao Xu decided to deceive Wei Wu.

"Hey~! No, what if you know, it has nothing to do with you."Hearing that Zhao Xu wanted to contact Hua Mulan directly, Wei Wu immediately became anxious.

"Of course it does matter. Uncle Wei, you asked me to help you with the task you took on. So should you give me the money?"Zhao Xu said

"We are all fellow disciples, you want this money too!"Wei Wu looked heartbroken.

"Men also make money when buying second-hand goods. Uncle Wei just swallowed all the money, which is not good."Zhao Xu said

"Okay, how about I give you a point, if you help me collect a kind of super evolution energy, I will give you 20W!"

Wei Wu also knew that he was not honest, so he let out blood and gave 20W

"I think I can do this task, so I'd better call Dr. Hua and ask if I can do it."Zhao Xu is really speechless about Wei Wu's greed.

After accepting such a high-priced task, he only gives such a small amount of money to the tool man. He is really black-hearted, even more black-hearted than a capitalist.

"Zhao Xu, you have become the spokesperson of Fanggui Company's products, and you have tied up with Fangrui Company's daughter. Do you still lack this little money?"Wei Wu definitely can't let Zhao Xu contact Hua Mu Lan.

Otherwise, with Hua Mu Lan's character, it is really possible to hand over this task to Zhao Xu.

Because Hua Mu Lan is a person who pays attention to efficiency. If Zhao Xu can bring high efficiency, Hua Mu Lan Will abandon Wei Wu without hesitation

"Sisi's money belongs to her and has nothing to do with me. With such a big group, do you think Sisi's family won't be wary of me?"Zhao Xu asked rhetorically.

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