
Zhao Xu turned around and saw that Zhou Sisi was walking towards him.

"Hello sister-in-law!"

Hua Teng said hello, took the initiative to sit aside and gave up his seat to Zhou Sisi.

Zhou Sisi was also a little tipsy at the sound of sister-in-law, but she still sat next to Zhao Xu and took the initiative to say,"Tell me, let me take a look. What excuse do you have."

Although Zhao Xu had explained it on the phone three days ago, Zhou Sisi was still angry, mainly because Zhao Xu didn't trust her and didn't tell her such a big thing.

"I didn't tell you because I was worried that you would be stressed."

"Sisi, you have to understand my good intentions."

Zhao Xu had an expression of"I do good for you" and stared at Zhou Sisi with deep eyes.

"You used this reason last time, please use a new one."Zhou Sisi said

"Nothing new, that's why."

Zhao Xu can't think of a good reason for the time being, so he will fish in troubled waters first.

"You bad guy, you hide something from me every day."

Zhou Sisi took action directly and pinched Zhao Xu's cheeks with both hands, a look of dissatisfaction on her face.

"Damn it~! If you don't burn it, your number is just right!"

Zhao Xu warned, but unfortunately his cheek was pinched and his speech was unclear.


Zhou Sisi also naughtily refused to let go, thinking this was very interesting.

Hua Teng encountered this situation for the first time, and suddenly felt that someone had stabbed him in the heart for no reason. It was very uncomfortable anyway.

"You should pay attention to that, there are reporters outside."Hua Teng couldn't help but remind him.

Although interviews and photos are prohibited in the Elf Center, it doesn't mean that the paparazzi can't secretly take photos.

Zhao Xu is a man. If the outside world knows that Zhao Xu has a girlfriend, it will definitely cause losses. A group of female fans.

Especially the relationship between Zhao Xu and Zhou Sisi is unclear. Being photographed entering the elf center one after another is enough for the paparazzi to write about.

"It doesn't matter, since this matter is already public, they can film it as they please."

Zhao Xu and Zhou Sisi were no longer secretive when they were in school. Neither of them bothered to pay attention to the posts about them on the Internet.

"Brother Xu, you are too magnanimous, right?...!"

Huateng does not recommend that the romance between Zhao Xu and Zhou Sisi be exposed, as this will reduce Zhao Xu's commercial value.

Unfortunately, Zhao Xu signed a diamond contract with the Star of Tomorrow, so the company has no right to interfere with Zhao Xu's personal affairs.

Ding dong!

"The registration number is 9871. Your elf has been cured. Please come to the front desk to pick up your elf."

At this moment, the broadcast sounded, and Zhao Xu's flaming monkey was also cured.

"My Blazing Monkey has also been cured and is gone!"


Zhao Xu and Zhou Sisi said goodbye to Hua Teng and left together.

"Love is such a poisonous thing, and it’s so scary that a calm person like Brother Xu would fall for it!"

Hua Teng, who had never been in love, felt even more afraid of love when he saw how loving Zhao Xu and Zhou Sisi were.

"Let's go, give the frozen bird to my sister!"

Hua Teng also got up and went to the teleporter in the Elf Center to hand the Frozen Bird back to his elder sister....!

After Zhao Xu and Zhou Sisi came out of the Elf Center, they went shopping in the Magic City Mall.

Neither of them planned to hide it any longer and let the paparazzi take pictures.

These paparazzi were also very dedicated. One followed the two of them until they left in a nice car, and then the paparazzi dispersed.

The place Zhao Xu and Zhou Sisi were riding to was Zhou Sisi's home, because they had agreed yesterday to go to Zhou Sisi's home after the battle with Wei Tianzong.

It has been more than a year since I last came to Zhou Sisi's home.

Compared with last time, Zhou Sisi's parents' attitude towards Zhao Xu has changed a lot this time. They are no longer greeted with bad looks, but have some appreciation on their faces.

A 17-year-old platinum-level trainer is fully qualified to be the son-in-law of the Zhou family.

Zhou Sisi's mother, Fu Ling, personally ordered a table of delicious dishes to be served to Zhao Xu. Zhao Xu was not polite. After becoming a platinum trainer, he always had a big appetite.

"Zhao Xu, what are your plans for your future?"

After eating, Zhou Wenchang called Zhao Xu to the sofa and planned to ask Zhao Xu what his plans for future development were.

Although this question was asked a bit early, Zhou Wenchang felt that Zhao Xu was different from his peers. He has his own opinions on things.

So Zhou Wenchang thinks that Zhao Xu should have his own plans for the future. As Zhou Sisi's father, Zhou Wenchang needs to know about it.

"Currently I plan to become a professional trainer."

Zhao Xu's current idea is to improve his strength, and he doesn't think much about what will happen next.

"Do you plan to be the Four Heavenly Kings and Champion?"

Anyone can be a professional trainer, but if a professional trainer wants to be powerful, he must join the alliance and have a position within the alliance.

"I haven't considered this for the time being. I don't have the strength at the moment."Zhao Xu responded

"Don't you want to?"

"If you intend to be the Four Heavenly Kings and Champion, I can fully support you."

After Zhou Wenchang said this, he looked directly at Zhao Xu, waiting for Zhao Xu's response.

"Uncle, it's too fast, I'm only 17 years old."

Zhao Xu thinks it's too early. Zhao Xu has seen the champion and the Four Heavenly Kings elves.

If Zhao Xu wants to challenge them, at least 6 elves must be over level 80.

And Zhao Xu is now upgrading at a speed above level 50. On average, elves can upgrade to 1 level a month, and can upgrade to 12 levels in a year at most. The higher the level, the slower the upgrade speed.

After careful calculation, it would take Zhao Xu at least 5 years to upgrade 6 elves to 80. class

"Is it early? 17-year-old platinum trainer! I feel that with your speed, you will probably have the strength of the Four Heavenly Kings before the age of 25." Zhou Wenchang said.

Zhou Wenchang's guess was quite accurate. Zhao Xu could really reach the level of the Four Heavenly Kings before the age of 25.

"But uncle, do you have connections in the league? The Four Heavenly Kings don't just need strength."

Although Zhou Wenchang is a wealthy businessman and may have connections in the alliance, this relationship will definitely not be too big.

"It doesn't matter to me, but I have money!"

Zhou Wenchang was particularly arrogant when he said he was rich.

"Uncle, you can't do it without money, but the Four Heavenly Kings are useless just relying on money, they still need relationships."Zhao Xu said

"I don’t have any connections, but you do! Zhou Wenchang said


Zhao Xu was silent.

Zhao Xu is indeed related, but Zhao Xu doesn't know how powerful this relationship is. Shu Wu Zi's background is too mysterious.

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