"What's going on with this Zhao Xu!"

Song Li couldn't understand why Zhao Xu was so determined. This was not a discussion at all, just a notification to herself.

Zhao Xu went back upstairs, washed briefly, and then started to practice waveguide, preparing to challenge Yang Tian tomorrow.

After resting for the night , Zhao Xu got up at 8 o'clock in the morning, changed his clothes, and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. When he went downstairs, Zhao Xu was stunned at the entrance of the stairs and found an old man sitting in the living room.

"Zhao Xu, good morning!"

The old man saw Zhao Xu and took the initiative to say hello.

"Principal Niu!"

Zhao Xu curled his lips. No need to guess, he knew that Niu Da was called here by Song Li.

"Zhao Xu, come! sit!"

Niu Da waved to Zhao Xu.

Zhao Xu also walked over and sat down opposite Niu Da. Before Niu Da could ask, Zhao Xu took the initiative and said,"Principal Niu, this leave must be approved. If it doesn't work, I can drop out of school."

"Zhao Xu, don't be so impulsive when doing things, everything can be discussed. Niu Da was no longer as strict as before, but looked very talkative.

Niu Da continued,"I heard from Teacher Song that you have to ask for leave because of personal matters. If allowed, you can tell me your personal matters." Said, maybe I can be of some help"

"Principal Niu, I can tell you, but you must promise me that you must keep this secret secret after you know it, and you must also approve my vacation."Zhao Xu actually doesn't want to make the relationship with the school too rigid, but it won't be justified if he doesn't give a reason.

Since Song Li has invited Niu Da here, Zhao Xu feels that he should also give a suitable reason.

"As long as it's nothing illegal or disciplinary, I can promise to keep it a secret for you, and there's no problem in approving the vacation."Niu Dadao

"There are too many people here. Can we go somewhere safer?"Zhao Xu has already heard the noise in the kitchen. He can't say it in the dormitory.

"Then go to my office."

Niu Da was also curious about why Zhao Xu would rather drop out of school than ask for leave.

Zhao Xu followed Niu Da to his office

"Okay, it's strictly confidential here, you can tell."

When he came to the office, Niuda sat on the chair and asked

"In fact, I am already a platinum trainer."

After Zhao Xu said this, he took out his trainer ID card and placed it on his desk.

Niu Da was very calm and asked,"Do you think you can't learn anything in school, so you asked for leave? ?"

"This is basically the reason. In addition, I became a platinum trainer at the age of 16, which is troublesome for me to say."Zhao Xu said

"In fact, you don’t have to hide it. I have watched all your competitions. No one among trainers of the same age can compete with you. Only young trainers can compete with you, but they can’t compete with you. You have probably become a platinum trainer a long time ago. ?" Niu Da said.

This is different for older people. Niu Da really guessed it right. Zhao Xu has been a platinum trainer for a long time, but he was hesitant to upgrade his trainer level at the beginning.

Until he knew that he would become a platinum trainer. After becoming a Platinum Trainer and unable to obtain the"Bind Peer Rank", Zhao Xu upgraded his trainer level.

Especially in this gym, it is really fun to grind, and he can get more experience than Zhao Xu can get by challenging his seniors every day.

So. It is impossible for Zhao Xu to waste time in school, especially since Zhao Xu has signed a supplementary clause with the Star of Tomorrow Company and is required to participate in a Platinum Conference within 3 years, and he cannot waste time in school.


Zhao Xu admitted directly.

This Niuda was also a professional trainer before, so there is no use pretending in front of him.

"Can Principal Niu approve my vacation now?"Zhao Xuke is in a hurry to challenge the gym, and then he has to go to the Magic City in the afternoon.

"I have said before that as long as it is not against the law or discipline, I will promise you. I have approved your vacation. You only need to come back during the final exam."

Peking University is the cradle of professional trainers, but it only provides charity to cultivate trainers below the gold level.

Zhao Xu is now platinum level. Peking University is a prison for Zhao Xu. If he continues to stay in the school, it will not be good for Zhao Xu. too much growth

"Thank you Principal Niu for your understanding. I will leave first."Zhao Xu said

"Are you in such a hurry?"

Niuda just knew that Zhao Xu was going to take a long vacation, but he didn't know that Zhao Xu would leave school immediately.

"Time waits for no one, Principal Niu, I'm leaving first"

"You... let's go!"

Niuda didn't stop him. He took out the documents that he had not processed yesterday from the drawer for review.

After leaving Niuda's office, Zhao Xu did not go back to the Mercury House. He went directly to the school cafeteria to buy breakfast. After breakfast, he rode Charizard went to Yang Tian's gym.

Because the fossil pterosaur was too conspicuous, Zhao Xu changed the elf on it in order to hide it.

There are still many people who own Charizard in Beiping City, so that they will not be recognized. Come out.

Ding dong~Ding dong~Ding dong~!

Arriving in front of the gym, Zhao Xu rang the doorbell.


"Why are you here again!"

Yang Tian frowned when he saw Zhao Xu. This was the sixth time Yang Tian saw Zhao Xu.

During the one-month winter vacation, Zhao Xu came to challenge once every ten days on average, plus there was no holiday. In total, I have challenged Yang Tian 5 times before. This is the 6th time.

"Haha, isn't this a challenge to the gym?"

Zhao Xu laughed to cover up his embarrassment.

"Just wait 3 days and come back."Yang Tiandao


Zhao Xu was confused for a while. Could it be that Yang Tian was also assigned some tasks by the alliance?

"You have challenged me three times this month. You come once every 10 days on average. I only have 8 elves in total. I only have 3 elves available at the moment. How can I fight you?"

This is also the first time that Yang Tian has encountered challengers who come so frequently. Even his own elves are not enough. The owner must keep three elves that can be used at any time, so Yang Tian now has the right to refuse the challenge.

"Can't you be accommodating?"

Because he often challenges gyms, Zhao Xu feels that the gym owners in each city are just like him being the vice president of the club. They usually have nothing to do and just accept challenges. In addition, the alliance has assigned tasks, so just do them.

"No, this is a hard rule, you can come back in 3 days."Yang Tian will not break the rules.

"Okay, goodbye, Master Yang."

Zhao Xu had no choice but to leave and go to another city to challenge the gym.

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