"is her!"

Zhao Xu was shocked when he saw the girl at the door.

Because Zhao Xu knew this girl. To be precise, there was a relationship. It was when Zhao Xu conquered the circle bear and met one of the two girls.

"It's you!"

Similarly, Zhou Sisi was also shocked when she saw Zhao Xu. Zhou Sisi remembered Zhao Xu very clearly. After all, he was his savior.

"Do you know each other?"

Luo Song was confused. His young lady actually knew this boy.


Finally, Zhao Xu spoke first, breaking the awkwardness between the two.

"Well." Zhou Sisi was very shy and said with a blush,"Are you here to buy elves?"

"Is this shop owned by her family?"

Just now, Zhao Xu heard Luo Song call Zhou Sisi Miss, which is enough to show that Zhou Sisi's identity is not simple.

"No, I'm here to sell elves." Zhao Xu knew that he couldn't hide anything if he left now. Zhou Sisi would definitely ask Luo Song about his affairs, so he might as well treat it as selling elves in front of Zhou Sisi. Maybe the other party would see it. For the sake of saving her, I gave myself a high price.

"Are you selling that ring bear?"

Zhou Sisi watched Zhao Xu tame the circle bear. The circle bear was a wild elf. Even if Zhao Xu defeated it, it would be very difficult to tame the circle bear. Therefore, some trainers subdued themselves. If you can't tame the elf, sell it

"Yeah? You want to sell circle bears." Luo Song was surprised. He didn't expect that Zhao Xu actually had circle bears.

Although circle bears are difficult to tame, they are elves for training at home.

In the market, there are three types of elves. They are pets, that is, they are kept as kittens and puppies. The final evolved form of this elf is also small in size and has a very docile personality, such as meows and green caterpillars. The prices are basically below 3W. Chapter

1 The second type is tool-type elves, such as Bibi Bird and Wrist, which can provide help to humans. Such elves can be used to replace humans in work. Half of the prices are between 5W and 50W. The price range is so large. It is also because the amount of work is different. For example, for a monster, the amount of bricks it can carry in a day is five times its wrist strength, so the price is naturally five times its wrist strength. The third type is naturally the elves used by professional trainers to fight. Such little elves Elves have the highest value, but generally only professional trainers go back to buy them.

Shops will buy such elves, but whether they can sell them depends on whether professional trainers need them. Professional trainers need elves to fight, so they have attacks Sex elves are very popular among professional trainers, and Circle Bear is one of them.

"No." Zhao Xu shook his head and said,"The elf I want to sell is Bulbasaur."


Zhou Sisi's beautiful eyebrows jumped up with a look of surprise on her face.

"Mr. Zhao, are you sure?"

Luo Song was not very excited, because Bulbasaur is a very rare elf with a docile personality. Although he is not warlike, he is very loyal to his master and will definitely obey his master's orders.

Professional trainers like aggressive ones. Elves also like loyal elves, because such elves are the easiest to tame and easy to use.

"Yes, but I don’t want money," Zhao Xu said

"for free? So Mr. Zhao, what do you want to trade?"There are many ways to trade. Money is just a universal currency, and you can also use goods specified by the other party to trade, etc.

"I need a big milk can."

Zhao Xu observes the training of his elf every day. It is quite hard. The current rations alone are not enough. Moo Moo Fresh Milk is also needed.

Moo Moo Fresh Milk is produced in a big milk can. The price on the market is 500 per bottle, and one bottle is only 200 ml, which is not enough to drink. At present, Zhao Xu dare not give his elf a bottle every day. The large milk tank can produce 20 liters of milk every day. In this way, your little elf can drink Moo Moo Fresh Milk every day. And the big milk can can eat grass. Even if you eat a lot of grass, it will be fine. There is not much in this world, only the most grass. It doesn’t cost money anyway.

"Mr. Zhao, you need to know that the market price of a large milk can is 50W each, and the value of Bulbasaur is only about 30W, which is a difference of 20W," said Luo Song.

Although the big milk can is not as powerful as Bulbasaur, the key is the magic. The Frog Seed must first evolve into Bulbasaur, and the Big Milk Tank is a very strong elf right after birth, with a race value of 490. Although it is less than 500, it is definitely a BOSS among newcomers. Plus the commercial value of the Big Milk Tank , much higher in value than Bulbasaur.

"I know, but my Bulbasaur is only one day old." Zhao Xu naturally has his own confidence. Although Bulbasaur is not a Poké Ball, the elves that are just born are more valuable than wild ones.

"Even so, Bulbasaur Seeds are only worth 40W, and even Elf Eggs are only worth 45W." Luo Song is very familiar with the market prices of these popular elves.

"Miss Luo, you and I both know that the price of a large milk can is only the market price of 50W. You charge 40W for this Bulbasaur, but it will definitely be sold for more than this price." Zhao Xu is not stupid. The price of the large milk can mentioned by Luo Song It is the market price, not the purchased price. Generally, the purchased large milk tank is about 40W.

"But how do you prove that your Bulbasaur was just born?"Luo Song can't just rely on Zhao Xu to say yes, there must be evidence.

"Come out with the Bulbasaur."

Zhao Xu didn't hesitate and released the Bulbasaur directly in front of Luo Song and Zhou Sisi.


Bulbasaur woke up immediately when his body felt cold, showing a scared expression. However, when he saw Zhao Xu in front of him, he rushed over and hugged Zhao Xu tightly.

"You should be able to see it now."

Zhao Xu let the two girls look at it for more than ten seconds before taking back the Bulbasaur. The newborn Bulbasaur was very small, no bigger than a basketball. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that this Bulbasaur was just born. born

"Now can I give you something accurate?"

Zhao Xu was also a little nervous. After all, it is a transaction of equal value, and the other party may not necessarily agree. Unless the other party needs it, he will basically not agree. After all, the economic value created by Big Milk Tank is much greater than that of Bulbasaur. seed.

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