"How's your review going?"

Although Zhao Xu cares about Dai Lubi not evolving, it doesn't matter. It should be enough to deal with the assessment battle, unless he is unlucky enough to meet an opponent who can restrain his Dai Lubi.

"I've already passed the exam!"Miao Miao said

"Have you passed the exam? Isn’t the 1st grade exam on the 15th?"Zhao Xu said doubtfully

"Although I am in Grade 1, I majored in scientific research, and our scientific research students passed the exam on January 5th."Miao Miao said

"I really envy you, there is no actual combat assessment."

Scientific research is really easy. You only need to take a written test, and the elimination rate is very low, much lower than that of professional trainers."

"There is nothing to envy. Although there is no performance assessment, we have to write papers. If we fail, we will have to rewrite them."Miao Miao said

"At least you can just rewrite it. We professional trainers will most likely be expelled if we fail in actual combat."Zhao Xu said

"There's nothing you can do about it. Professional trainers are too popular. You must use a high elimination rate to select outstanding trainers. And Zhao Xu, you are only 2 years old. This is the last elimination."

The final exam for the first semester of grade 2 is the last practical exam. After this exam is over, there will be no practical exams from the second semester of grade 2 onwards, and there will be no more dropouts due to grades.

However, for the graduation exam for grade 3, the school The elf given must have a strength above gold level, otherwise the diploma will not be given and unqualified students will be expelled from school.


Zhao Xu also agreed with Miao Miao. There are too many professional trainers, but the number of professional trainers is still not very large. It can only be said that the number of professional trainers after the platinum level is very small, and most of the training Everyone will face career choices when they reach gold level.

Some will continue to follow this path, but most gold trainers will give up the path of professional trainers and do other jobs.

For example, the third-year students at Peking University, About 50 professional trainer students graduate every year, but ten years later, there may only be 10 people who continue to be professional trainers, and most of them give up on the career trainer path midway. It can be said that gold level to platinum level It is a watershed that will eliminate a large number of professional trainers.

"Senior Zhao Xu, can I ask you a question?"Miao Miao said suddenly.

Zhao Xu immediately became vigilant. Once Miao Miao said such words, something bad would definitely happen.

"go ahead!"

Zhao Xu plans to listen and see

"I see that you train your elf quite frequently, and you often play against each other. I also see that your elf is injured. Logically speaking, it should take some time to recover, but your elf only needs to rest for one night and it will be basically intact...."Miao Miao was silent for a while and asked,"Do you have any special method that can cure the elf in a short time?"

Zhao Xu was secretly shocked. He didn't expect Miao Miao to discover this.

"Have it? Do you feel wrong?"

Zhao Xu can't explain this problem and can't find a reasonable explanation at all.

"But I have observed many times that it takes at least a week for some of your elves to recover from their injuries, but they recovered the next day and were able to conduct independent training in the afternoon."Miao Miao is very certain about her observations.

"After all, you are not an elf doctor. Maybe you made a mistake?"Zhao Xu really didn't expect that Miao Miao would observe him to this extent.

"Senior Zhao Xu, don't underestimate me. I grew up next to my grandfather. Although I am not a professional, I can easily cure some minor illnesses and injuries of the elf."

Miao Miao has grown up in Miao Fenghua's breeding house since she was a child. She knows how to take care of elves and knows all about the minor injuries and illnesses of elves. She may be better than some professional elf doctors in this regard.

"My elf will heal the wave and can heal itself, so you seem to recover quickly."Zhao Xu can only continue to find other reasons to deal with it.

"is that so? But I've never seen you release elves to heal?"Miao Miao said doubtfully.

"You have a lot of questions."

Zhao Xu doesn't want to answer any more. If you talk too much, you will make mistakes. Just say this.

"People just have a strong thirst for knowledge. If you tell them, they won't ask you."Although Miao Miao studies elves, she still has a very girly vibe and is very good at acting coquettishly.

"Go aside!"

But Zhao Xu doesn't buy Miao Miao's fault. Zhao Xu has no interest in Miao Miao, a minor.

Although Miao Miao is a 15-year-old girl, she is not developed and looks like a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl. Same.

Miao Miao looked unhappy, but had nothing to do with Zhao Xu, so she could only walk away angrily.

"It seems that we need to pay more attention to this aspect in the future."

Zhao Xu really didn't expect that this would make people suspicious. Fortunately, he was discovered by Meow Meow this time.

If it was discovered by Song Li, it would be difficult for Zhao Xu to fool him.

But now there is a bigger problem. Waiting for Zhao Xu to solve it

"How should Zeraora solve it?...!"

After conquering Zeraora, Zhao Xu kept putting Zeraora in the Pokémon box and did not dare to take it out casually.

Zeraora is a legendary elf, and it is illegal to capture a legendary elf. However, Zhao Xu is not worried about this. Zeraora has reached the point of intimacy with him, and when the time comes, it will be said that Zeraora is voluntary. That’s it.

The only thing Zhao Xu is worried about now is that once Zeraora is exposed, it will attract the attention of some people, which may put Zhao Xu in danger.

Originally, Zhao Xu was quite confident in his own strength and thought he had some strength.

But after experiencing some things, Zhao Xu felt that his strength was still not enough and he could only protect himself.

"Zhao Xu! What are you thinking about?"

Zhou Sisi's voice came from behind, interrupting Zhao Xu's thinking.

"Nothing, just wondering when Delubi will evolve."Zhao Xu responded

"When did Zhao Xu, the youngest gold trainer in history, start worrying about the exam?"Zhou Sisi had a playful smile on her face.

"I'm not worried about the exam, I'm just worried that Dairubi hasn't evolved. Even if I, Dairubi, haven't evolved, I'm still more than enough to deal with you."Zhao Xu said


Zhou Sisi glanced up with a look of disbelief.

Especially Zhao Xu has been doing special training for Dai Lubi this week. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Zhao Xu is worried about the actual combat assessment.

"I think you want family law to serve you!"......!

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