"You have passed the test and are now considered my disciples of the Invisible Sect," Shuwuzi said.

"test? Didn't Uncle Wei set yesterday's test himself?"Zhao Xu was a little confused and couldn't understand the situation at all.

"There were indeed other tests originally, but then I heard Wei Wu talk about the test he put on you. Since you passed this test, I think the test of the Invisible Sect is too childish for you, so you might as well not take the test." Shu Wu Zi said

"oh? What is the test of the invisible door?"Zhao Xu was a little curious.

"It is to help people master waveguides. It is difficult for ordinary people to master waveguides. There is a treasure place in my invisible door. As long as people with strong body waveguides practice meditation there, there is a high chance that they can open waveguide perception."

"As long as they can activate the waveguide perception within a month, my Invisible Sect will accept them as disciples."

Shu Wuzi explained the Invisible Sect's assessment. It didn't look like a test, but to help people open the waveguide.

"Uncle Shu, I'd better forget it. It took me almost two months to turn on the waveguide induction, which is not very powerful," Zhao Xu said

"Don't belittle yourself. Although you opened the waveguide in two months, you did it outside or under Lucario's teachings. It can be said that you are the most talented person in history." Shuwuzidao

"Uncle Shu’s opinion of me is too high." Zhao Xu felt that Shu Wuzi’s words were a bit too much.

"Maybe it’s a bit too much in history, but it’s absolutely okay to only see them in a lifetime, and it’s just history. A person with your talent can count them on one hand," Shuwuzi said

"oh! Who are those 4 people?"

Zhao Xuzhen didn't expect that his talent was so strong. Even Wei Wu's master gave such a high evaluation.

"These four people are named Wang Ye, Liu Xudong, Lei Jun, and Chen Jiuwu, among whom Lei Jun is the founder of our invisible group."

Zhao Xu was a little depressed after hearing the names of the four people, because he didn't hear Chen Zhan's name. I don’t know if it’s because Chen Zhan is not up to par, or because the four people Shu Wuzi mentioned are too powerful.

"Isn’t that Chen Jiuwu great?"

However, there is still one person among the four whose surname is the same as Chen Zhan, but I don't know if the two are related.

"Chen Jiuwu was a man from 800 years ago. It is said that he was very good at using waveguides and could fight diamond-level elves with his bare hands." Shuwuzidao

"so smart! Fight against diamond-level elves!"Zhao Xu was surprised. Although he knew that Chen Zhan could do it, he couldn't help but be surprised again when he heard that someone else could do such a thing.

"What's this! It is said that there was a senior in the waveguide world who defeated the legendary elf." Wei Wudao


Zhao Xu estimates that this person is Chen Zhan and has not escaped.

"This is just a legend. As for the name of this person, no one knows, but it is mostly false and the time is too long to be sure."

"If you have the opportunity to reach that situation in the future, you can prove whether the ultimate waveguide can make people stand shoulder to shoulder with the legendary elves." The book explained without words and also encouraged Zhao Xu by the way.

"I'd better forget it, it's enough if I can be better than Uncle Wei." Even if he has talent, Zhao Xu doesn't have the perseverance. If he wants to become such a strong person, he must put in 99% of his efforts. Zhao Xu thinks he can't do it.

"Haha, then tell me which two schools you want to learn." Shu Wu Zi is not angry, after all, Zhao Xu is still young. Moreover,

Shu Wu Zi also knows some information about Zhao Xu from Wei Wu, so he can be sure that what Zhao Xu just said is Talking and joking

"Uncle Shu, can you tell me what the difference is between the two genres?"Zhao Xu asked

""Follow me to the martial arts field."

Shu Wuzi led the way, taking the two of them to the martial arts field in the backyard.

The martial arts field seemed desolate, with three people a height and as wide as a car. There were stones placed in the martial arts field.

LV30 Haoli/ ♂

LV29 Haoli/♂There are many exercise props made of stones around the training ground. Two Haoli are exercising with stone props. The arrival of the three people only made these two Haoli look at them for a moment, and then they Continue to immerse yourself in your workout

"Uncle Shu, why are there so many powerful and powerful people in the invisible door?"

From this morning to now, Zhao Xu has seen 5 wrists. Adding these 2 monsters, he has seen a total of 7 elves.

"These wrists and Haoli used to live in Qingshan. After the invisible door was opened here, Haoli and wrists lived here. They often came to deal with the debris inside the door. Over time, they called this place their home." The book has no words road

"So is there any strange power here?"

Since wrist power and heroic power have long existed here, there must be strange powers here.

And Zhao Xu also wanted to cultivate a strange power, but unfortunately he never had the chance. Now that he has joined the Invisible Sect, it shouldn't be difficult to get a wrist power.

"There are 5 monsters, but they are relatively strong. They are responsible for going into the mountains to collect food. They usually come back in the evening." Shu Wu Zi said

"It's really interesting."

From this point of view, the wrists, mighty strength, and strange power of this evolutionary chain all regard the invisible door as their home.

Thinking about the place where he lives, there are more than a dozen muscular men, Zhao Xu's heart rises inexplicably a sense of security

"how? Do you like arm wrestling?"Shu Wuzi could see that Zhao Xu was very interested in the power of the invisible door.

"I like them very much. I like fighting elves very much." Zhao Xu did not deny it.

""After that, when you go down the mountain, you can pick one of the elf here to take with you." Shu Wu Zi was quite generous and gave an elf directly to Zhao Xu.



As soon as Shu Wuzi finished speaking, the two heroes who were exercising on the side put down their tools and ran to Zhao Xu in a sprint and stopped 1 meter in front of him.

"you? ? ?"

Zhao Xu was a little confused. He didn't know what these two guys were cramping. They suddenly ran over.



I saw two powerful men starting to make philosophical moves in front of Zhao Xu, showing off their muscles one by one.

"They two want to go out with you, so you have to choose carefully. The powerful and powerful people here especially want to go out and see the outside world." Shu Wu Zi said

"Do they all have Poké Balls?"

Although Zhao Xu has some eyesight and has seen the evolutionary chain of wrist strength in the city, it is still impossible to distinguish which of them is of higher quality with the naked eye.

"No, they have lived here since they were born, so I didn’t use Poké Balls to tame them."

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