"Then you can only hand over the baby dragon to the alliance for breeding." Zhang Xin was helpless.

"Nothing can be done?"

I finally got this precious dragon. If I hand it over to the Alliance, I will die."

"Unless you have evidence to prove that your baby dragon was hatched from the elf egg you picked up, I can't help you," Zhang Xin said

"So why can Lucario and Riolu?"Zhao Xu asked back

"Lucario and Riolu followed you voluntarily, that's different." Zhang Xin shook his head.

"What about incubation videos?"

When the baby dragon was hatched, Zhao Xu still filmed the hatching video. He thought Zhang Xin could easily help him solve the baby dragon's household registration problem, but unexpectedly he couldn't.

"Um! Hearing the hatching video, Zhang Xinnen paused for a moment, with suspicion in her eyes, and said,"Are you sure your precious dragon was picked up?""

Zhang Xin felt that Zhao Xu had prepared too carefully. He even prepared the video, which made Zhang Xin feel that this precious dragon did not look like Zhao Xu had picked it up outside.

"Of course! Sister Xin, do you think I can afford the baby dragon’s elf egg?"Zhao Xubai looked innocent.

"That's right, I'm too worried," Zhang Xin thought to himself.

The price of a quasi-god on the black market is tens of millions, and not everyone can get close to the black market. Zhao Xu's family is ordinary, he is just a student, Mr. Qian Not to mention, it is still unknown whether we can get close to the black market.

"Then show me the incubation video." Zhang Xin still wants to watch the video.


Zhao Xu immediately pulled up the video for Zhang Xin to watch.

The video showed a blue elf egg placed on the bed. Judging from the background, it was a dormitory of Peking University. Within two seconds, the elf egg appeared It emits a white light, and after the white light dissipates, a baby dragon appears.

After that, you see a hand holding a bottle to feed the baby dragon, and then the video ends.

"You are so calm, you won’t be surprised if a baby dragon hatches out." After watching the video, Zhang Xin felt that Zhao Xu was too calm.

If a normal person picked up an elf egg and hatched a baby dragon, he wouldn’t be surprised. You can also feed your baby dragon calmly.

"Of course I was surprised, but I didn’t film myself at the time." Zhao Xu also found that he was too calm in the video, but fortunately there were only images of his own hands in the video. At the same time,

Zhao Xu decided that when he hatches precious elves in the future, he must be in the video express one's amazement

"Your video is okay and can be used as evidence." Zhang Xin watched it carefully twice to confirm that this video can be used as evidence.

"Then let's go to the alliance center now." Zhao Xu is very anxious about the baby dragon. After all, it takes a long time for the quasi-god to grow. The baby dragon will evolve into a carapace dragon at level 30, and then evolve into a violent flying dragon at level 50.

Mena It took Si 8 months to cultivate it to reach level 39. Zhao Xu estimated that it would take at least three years to cultivate the baby dragon into a tyrannosaurus.

"Then go ahead, but let me remind you that this matter will take a longer time to process. The video will need to be reviewed. After the review is passed, the higher-ups will approve the review and then the procedures can be completed. It will take about half a month to get the breeding qualification. time," Zhang Xin reminded

"So do I need to stay in Mishan City for this half month?"Zhao Xu also plans to participate in the Golden Conference in Magic City. If he stays in Mishan City for half a month, the trials will probably be over.

"That's not necessary, mainly in the first week, after all, there are still declarations and inspections, and after the final approval, genes need to be collected and stored," Zhang Xin said

"What if you don't pass?"

Although this video is used as evidence, Zhao Xu feels that it is not enough and is still a little uneasy.

"If you don't pass, you'll have to hand it in." Zhang Xin looked helpless.

"How about waiting for two days before going?"Hearing this, Zhao Xu was a little scared.

If he doesn't pass, the precious dragon will be gone. Zhao Xuke hatched a baby dragon egg, but there are no extra elf eggs.

In these two days, more Get two baby dragon elf eggs, so that even if they are confiscated, you can secretly hatch them in the future. When the time comes, you can make up a reason when you breed a violent flying dragon.

Then the alliance will have no reason not to approve it. First of all, the violent flying dragon has its own The ability to live does not need to be maintained by the alliance. When the time comes, it only needs to show that the Tyrannosaurus is very dependent on Zhao Xu, so that the alliance will approve it even if it is not approved.

"In two days? What's the point?"Zhang Xin doesn't quite understand.

"Just two days of fun with the baby dragon. Before, I didn’t dare to let it out and kept it closed."

"If the alliance does not approve this time, Baby Dragon will not be able to see me in the future, so I want to stay with Baby Dragon for two days."

Zhao Xu found a very truthful, kind and beautiful answer.

"You don’t have to worry about this. Before approval, Baby Dragon will be by your side and there will be time for you to get along," Zhang Xin said

""That's good."

As long as there is time to hatch, even if the alliance does not agree, there will be no loss for Zhao Xu if the baby dragon is raised by the alliance.

Because the baby dragon's intimacy with Zhao Xu is already at full value, when the alliance takes care of it, The baby dragon has grown into a violent dragon. When Zhao Xu shouts, the violent dragon will come back to Zhao Xu in a hurry.

"Not bad, should I send more elves over?" The more Zhao Xu thought about it, the more he felt that this was a very good idea. It is really a very good idea to cultivate the intimacy of the elves by yourself, and then leave them to others to cultivate for you. , there is no need to worry that the person taking care of his own elf will cheat his elf away....!

The Alliance Center is not far from the Lightning Express Company, only a ten-minute drive away.

After the staff at the reception desk of the Alliance Center recorded Baby Dragon's file, they asked Zhao Xu to take good care of Baby Dragon and told Zhao Xu that they would call Zhao Xu within 5 days.

After finishing all this, it was already 5pm, and Zhang Xin took Zhao Xu to a nearby mutton barbecue spot for dinner.

This mutton barbecue restaurant is newly opened. Zhang Xin has only been here once before. This time, he happened to drop by and brought Zhao Xu to try it out.

"Ah woo hoo! So funny!"

Zhao Xu took a bite of the lamb chop and chewed it. It tasted quite good. It was the best lamb chop Zhao Xu had ever tasted since he came to this world.

"Not bad, the appetite is much bigger, it seems that it is indeed gold level." Seeing Zhao Xu eating so much, Zhang Xin was more sure of Zhao Xu's trainer level.

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