"Don’t worry, I will cure it."

They both took 50W from each other, it must be cured.

"Then I won't waste your time."

Tang Yong thought that Zhao Xu must go home to find his elders, so he didn't say much and hung up the phone after saying one word.

"Let me see how strong the Desert Dragonfly that Tang Yong has trained since he was a child is now." It was a rare opportunity to see the main elf of the gym trainer. Zhao Xu naturally couldn't let it go.

Desert Dragonfly

Level: 60

Gender: ♂Characteristics

: Floating

Attributes: Earth + Dragon

Racial value: 520

Quality: 3V (Advanced)

Skills: Sand Splash, Frighten, Sharpen, Dig, Bite, Throw You, Quicksand Hell, Crush, Sandstorm, Power of the Earth, Dragon's Breath, Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Noise, Dragon Dive, Sonic Explosion.

Inherited Skills: None

Taught Skills: Flame Fist, Flame Vortex, Jet Flame, Iron Tail, Sharp Stone Attack, Insect Cry, Reverse Scale, Dragon Dance, Rockfall.

Skill Learning Tools: None

Carrying props: None

Intimacy: 91 (obedient)

"Turtle is already at the peak of platinum level. As long as he is upgrading to level 1, he will reach the top.The quality of 3V is pretty good, but it is self-evident to cultivate a 3V-quality elf to level 60. There are 9 teaching skills alone. Xiong had learned Thunder Fist, and Zhao Xu knew how difficult it was to teach a move. It would take more than a month for an elf with a normal IQ to learn an ordinary move, and a difficult move might take two, three months or even half a year.

Do the math. It takes Desert Dragonfly an average of 3 months to learn one move, and it takes more than two years to learn 9 moves.

And after learning the moves, whether you can master them proficiently is another matter.

For example, Zhao Xu's circle Bear, there is an obvious difference between his Thunder Fist and Freezing Fist, because the Thunder Fist was learned by Circle Bear himself, while the Freeze Fist was learned by Zhao Xu using prop fragments for Circle Bear. Relying on the props He is very skillful in using the freezing fist he learned. Even now, the Thunder Fist used by Circle Bear cannot match the power of the freezing fist.

This is why Zhao Xu has encountered opponents so far, and their elves will lose to Zhao Xu in terms of moves. Elf, this is the advantage of having more moves.

Even if the elf sent by the opponent has attributes that can restrain Zhao Xu's elf, it will be defeated because of the incompetent moves. This is what often happens.

Zhao Xu's name is so famous, Among the challengers who come, there must be people who just want to defeat Zhao Xu, so they will definitely try their best to send out restrained elves to fight.

"Put the desert dragonfly in the hatching column."

The little Magnemite's elf eggs have been laid long ago, and the hatching column has always been empty. Although Zhao Xu does not lack the dragon type elf, he lacks the ground type.

After all, the race value of the desert dragonfly is It has 520, which is considered a good elf, and it is also the first generation of earth dragon. The only disadvantage is that the racial value division is poor, and it also has a useless characteristic.

What do you think a flying elf needs the floating characteristic?.

However, these two shortcomings are nothing to Zhao Xu. The characteristics can be changed. As for the racial value, the racial value can also be increased by 50 points with the racial value candy.

In this way, a desert dragonfly with a racial value of 570 and a passable characteristic will be very good. Stronger

"Ding! The egg group was successfully matched, the gender was successfully matched, and mating and egg production began. One elf egg was laid every 24 hours."

Back in the dormitory, Zhao Xu accompanied his elf in the backyard and practiced waveguide perception.

After one month of perception, Zhao Xu still has not sensed his own waveguide, but he has made great progress in waveguide perception.

Now Zhao Xu can sense every move in the entire Mercury House, and can monitor the actions of everyone in the Mercury House, but unfortunately he can only sense I don’t know how they move or what they do, so you have to guess.

At the same time, Zhao Xu conducts dodge training with Riolu every afternoon.

The so-called dodge training is that the two parties throw stones at each other and then get close to each other. This way, you can not only exercise your waveguide perception, but also improve your body's flexibility.

For this, Zhao Xu paid the price of being bruised and bruised. After all, the speed of throwing stones is too slow, which is not good for exercising your flexibility. The effect was not very good.

Three days later!

Zhao Xu was in the room, holding an elf egg in his hand, and took a step forward

"Ding! The elf egg is about to hatch."


The elf egg in his hand cracked open, and the room was immediately filled with dazzling white light.

LV1 Jawed Ant/♀The white light dispersed, and a Jawed Ant appeared in Zhao Xu's hand.

It really lives up to its name. , the giant-gnathed ant's head is bigger than its body

"Come in."

Zhao Xu put the mandible ant into the elf ball to check the data.

Mandible ant

Level: 1

Gender: ♀Characteristics

: Strange power pliers

Attribute: Ground

Race value: 290

Quality: 4V (rare)

Skills: sand splashing, frightening.

Genetic skills: None

Teaching skills: None

Skill learner: None

Carrying props: None

Closeness: 200 (reborn parent)


Zhao Xu was a little dissatisfied when he saw that the Big Jaw Ant was only of 4V quality.

"Hatch one again, the 4V quality is no longer worthy of my current status." Because of the Variety Monster, Zhao Xu has forgotten his original intention. He also asked for the 4V standard before, but the current standard has been mentioned unknowingly. 5V.

This is mainly because at the standard 4V, there were not many elves in Zhao Xu's hands, and Zhao Xu could train them.

But now, there are too many elves in Zhao Xu's hands to train, especially Dai Lubi and Huo. With the addition of Banmiao, Zhao Xu has reached his limit.

And as for the baby dragon, Zhao Xu is having a headache how to solve the origin of the baby dragon, because the baby dragon attribute is a cherished elf, and the reason why he became a cherished elf is because this guy likes it. Jumping from high places to low places.

Tang Yuan's baby dragon was crippled because of this relationship. It is conceivable how many unknown baby dragons died because of this reason.

And the baby dragon is also called The quasi-god Round Land Shark is different.

Because it lives underground when it is young, it is very safe. Therefore, the Round Land Shark is not considered a rare elf, but only a rare elf.

Zhao Xu also joined the preparation team after the Round Land Shark hatched. In the team, you can start cultivating them after they have passed their infancy. However, the baby dragon is at risk of being hunted, and with its habit of jumping off buildings, it has suddenly put itself on the list of key protection targets in the elf protection law.

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