"is that so? No way!"

The reason why Meng Gaoyang chose the Warrior Eagle was because he had seen the heroic appearance of the Warrior Eagle on TV since he was a child.

The Warrior Eagle is a very brave elf. The lethality of such a brave elf to a little boy is undoubtedly terrifying.

At first In the fifth generation, Zhao Xu was attracted by the appearance of the Warrior Eagle. The physical attack value of 123 was very powerful. Unfortunately, his speed of 80 became his shortcoming in the game, so he was just a paper tiger in the battle, with an extremely high playing rate. Low.

In the eighth generation, many birds failed to sneak in, but the Warrior Eagle showed its face in singles.

But in reality, the Warrior Eagle is also very powerful. After all, it doesn’t mean attacking first without high speed. It all depends on training. The training of elves at home.

Even a fast elf, if the trainer does not focus on training the elf's speed, will lose to the opponent in speed when facing some elf that is not much slower than it.

But the warrior The biggest disadvantage of the eagle is that it is difficult to cultivate. Like the three evil dragons, it requires a high level to evolve. The hairy eagle can only evolve into the warrior eagle at level 54.

Zhao Xu currently has the highest level flame monkey. It is only level 52, which is 2 levels lower than the required evolution level of Warrior Eagle.

The higher the elf level is, the harder it is to upgrade. By the time Meng Gaoyang cultivates Warrior Eagle, Meng Gaoyang will probably be in his forties or fifties.

"As far as I know, those initial elves are the trainers of the little eagles, and they only breed the little eagles into the Warrior Eagle when they are almost 50 years old." Zhao Xu had to tell Meng Gaoyang this cruel information


Meng Gaoyang was also shocked. It seemed that this was the first time he heard the news.

After thinking about it carefully, Meng Gaoyang found that it seemed to be true. He had been breeding the eaglets for three years, and there was no sign of evolution until now. , my physique has grown a bit in the past three years.

"Do I need to lie to you? Basically,"Elves that can evolve at a high level are a nightmare for trainers. If it is an initial elf, then for trainers, the start will be hell-level difficulty."

"But the little eaglet is the elf I selected from the school pasture. I can’t give up now. I have been cultivating it for three years." Meng Gaoyang felt very sad, but it was already too late. The elf that I have cultivated for three years is not just a random elf. He could give up casually and have feelings.

Zhao Xu was also surprised. He didn't expect that the elf Meng Gaoyang chose in school was a little eagle. This was simply asking for trouble for himself.

"No, I've looked at the school's pasture illustrated book, and there doesn't seem to be any eaglets." When Zhao Xu used his points to exchange for flaming cat elf eggs, after selecting them, he also looked at the flying elves, and there were no eaglets. ah

"When I entered school that year, the school had an exchange program with a foreign school. Both parties gave each other some elf eggs. My little furry eagle was one of those elf eggs," Meng Gaoyang said.

"No wonder!"

Zhao Xu finally figured out why among the third-grade seniors, many of them had elves that could only be found in other regions. It turned out to be this reason. No wonder they couldn't be found in the ranch illustrated book.

"What about you? The eaglet is very weak if it does not evolve. Can you pass the graduation exam?"Zhao Xu estimates that the little eagle in Meng Gaoyang's hand is only level 30, but even if the strength of Baiyin is high, it will not improve much because it does not evolve, which will definitely have an impact on the assessment.

"this...I think it’s okay. My little eaglet is very strong and its talons have a very strong grip." Meng Gaoyang has been training the little eaglets for the past three years and feels pretty good.

"Brother, it’s not about what you think is okay, it’s about what the examiner thinks is okay." Meng Qin understood it now, knowing that her brother had always chosen the wrong elf, which would even affect whether he could graduate. , this is not a trivial matter.

When Meng Gaoyang was admitted to Peking University, his family had a banquet party. It would be too embarrassing if he could not graduate.


Meng Gaoyang was silent. Meng Gaoyang used to feel good about himself, but now after hearing what Zhao Xu said, he started to feel a little nervous about whether he could graduate.

"Senior, can you let me see your little eaglet?"Zhao Xu asked

"No problem."

Meng Gaoyang immediately took out the elf ball.


LV30 Hairy Eagle/♂

"So fast..."Zhao Xu also wanted to see the ability value of the little eagle, but Meng Gaoyang's hand speed was too fast, and the screen flashed by, and he couldn't see anything clearly.


The little eagle had a cute look on his face and looked very honest. He just stood still on the dining table and tilted his head to look around.

"how do you feel?"Meng Gaoyang asked

""Senior, let's go all out to train the eaglets this year." You must not give up cultivating the eaglets during this period.

Especially the eaglets are already level 30, which is the peak of the silver level. As long as you upgrade to one level, you can break through the gold level. This If you train hard within a year, you will definitely have a chance to break through the platinum level and enter the gold level. In this way, the little eagle will have a great chance of passing the graduation examination.

"Okay, I listen to you."

Meng Gaoyang had already been impressed by Zhao Xu's knowledge and valued Zhao Xu's suggestions very much.

"It's getting late, we should go to the battle area," Meng Qin said softly.

Zhao Xu looked at the time and found that it was already past 1 o'clock, and the afternoon game would start at 2 o'clock. The chat was so immersive. , have forgotten the century

"let's go!"

After paying the money, the three-person alliance took a taxi to the battle area.......!

"Why are there so many unfamiliar faces?"

When he came to the player waiting room, Zhao Xu found that half of the people looked unfamiliar, obviously not from the morning.

"Are there really more than 40 people participating, or are some players scheduled to come over in the afternoon?"Zhao Xu thought in his mind, and found a seat to sit down, waiting for the game to start.

"!"Friend." Before Zhao Xu could sit down, the boy who was two benches away from him on the right suddenly sat next to Zhao Xu and asked with a smile,"Can you sell your heterochromatic Stipe?" I'm willing to pay a high price"

"Not for sale!"

Zhao Xu suddenly felt a little unhappy and decisively refused.

"Friends, don’t refuse in a hurry, I’ll buy your giant needle bee for 20W!"Jia Ke didn't give up and directly quoted a high price.

The market price of a giant needle bee is only 10,000. If he pays 20 times the price, he will definitely make the other party's heart.

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