"Riolu uses Fa Jin!"


Rioru Ningkong waved his palm and released a burst of energy, quite like a mother.


"Small punch!"

The little fist fell to the ground wailing.

Ding! Night Patrolling Level +1

"Ding! The intimacy level of the night patrolling spirit is full, please choose the strengthening route."

Zhao Xu ignored the improvement of the system and first threw a red and white ball to the small fist stone to subdue it.


Seeing that the elf ball finally stopped shaking, Riolu jumped up happily.

"Yes, you are great."

Zhao Xu also encouraged Riolu. Riolu was still relatively young. For young elves, Zhao Xu usually focused on encouragement and education.

"Oulu! Oulu! Riolu happily ran to pick up the elf ball and handed it to Zhao Xu.

After looking at the quality of the small fist stone, Zhao Xu threw it directly into the box. Then he began to think about how to allocate the 50 race points to the night patrol. value.

The final evolutionary type of the Night Patrol is the Night Demon, with a racial value of 525, which are physical strength 45, physical attack 100, physical defense 135, special attack 65, special defense 135, and speed 42. The speed is very slow, which can make the Night Demon The spirit learns the magic space, so the main thing is to increase the physical strength.

"I choose 50 points for racial enhancement, 45 points for physical strength, and the remaining 5 points for physical attack."

"Ding! Race value distribution is successful."


Just after Zhao Xu chose the direction of strengthening, there was a slight vibration from the ground around him.


Riolo's waveguide perception is stronger than Zhao Xu's, and he can immediately identify the direction from which the sound is coming.

"Let's go and have a look."

Zhao Xu is not worried that he will encounter an elf that is too powerful. In the area where he is currently, the level of the elf is not high.



After walking twenty or thirty meters, the sound became louder and louder.

Zhao Xu and Riolu hid behind the rocks and peered into a flat land where these three elves existed.

LV24 Armored Rhino/♀

LV26 Armored Rhino/♂

LV27 Armored Rhino/♂

The three elves are all Armored Rhinoceros. At this moment, two male Armored Rhinoceros are wrestling to see whose strength is stronger. The other female Armored Rhinoceros is watching the two. Armored rhinos wrestling.

It seems that he is fighting for the right to mate with the female armored rhinoceros.

"Unexpectedly, I can meet the Iron Rhino.

The Iron Rhino is an elf of the earth + rock type. It can eventually evolve into a super iron tyrannosaurus. The super iron tyrannosaurus is quite powerful, with a physical attack ability of up to 140, a physical defense of 130, and hard characteristics. Rocks can reduce the power of extremely effective moves.

However, Super Iron Tyrannosaurus has a lot of weaknesses. There are 6 points in total. Because of the characteristics of hard rock, 4 weaknesses can be ignored.

Only 2 of them are water and grass. This is a weakness. Water and grass-type moves can cause 4 times the damage to the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus. Even if it has the characteristics of a hard rock, it will still have to withstand 3 times the damage. The

Super Iron Tyrannosaurus has very low special defense capabilities. Both the special attack moves of the element and the water element can kill the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus.

But Zhao Xu doesn't have to worry about this. As long as the intimacy level is full, he can also take two hits by strengthening all 50 racial points to special defense, and with It is also very useful for elves with other attributes.

The only thing that troubles Zhao Xu is level. The armored rhinoceros needs level 42 to evolve into an armored tyrannosaurus. At that time, it can use protective gear to evolve into a super iron tyrannosaurus.

"Come out, Menas! Gotha duck!"

After thinking for a few seconds, Zhao Xu decided to cultivate a super iron tyrannosaurus, which can be used as a human shield. Moreover, the super iron tyrannosaurus can be used as a damage dealer for the space team.

"Water cannons!"

We have to hatch the eggs anyway. There is no need to conquer them openly. Just attack directly."


"Come on!"

Menas and Gotha Duck each aimed at an armored rhinoceros.



The two male armored rhinos who were wrestling also saw the water cannon coming, but they were wrestling with each other and couldn't react for a moment.



Two powerful water cannons knocked the two male armored rhinos to the ground.

Ding! The Night Patrol has level +2 and masters a new skill: Strange Light.

Water-based moves have 4 times the damage to the armor system, killing two male armored rhinos in an instant.


The female armored rhinoceros looked surprised. She was thinking about mating with the male armored rhinoceros, but Cheng Yaojin came out halfway.

"armor! armor..."

Not only did the female armored rhinoceros have no intention of escaping, she also showed off her grace in front of Menas and Gotha Duck.

"Damn it!"

Zhao Xu felt that his eyes hurt a little, and at the same time he couldn't figure out the brain circuit of this female armored rhinoceros.

"water gun!"



Both Menas and Gotha Duck are male, but they are not interested in the armored rhinoceros.

Especially when the armored rhinoceros shows off to them, I already want to beat it.


The female armored rhinoceros was shocked. She looked so good-looking, but the other party could actually do it.


Two water cannons directly took away the female armored system.

"Go ahead, Poke Balls."

Three red and white balls successfully subdued the three armored rhinos.

Zhao Xu picked up the three elf balls and checked the data of the three armored rhinos.

"Sure enough, high-quality elves are difficult to encounter even in the wild."

Three armored rhinos, 2 1V and 1 2V, all did not meet Zhao Xu's breeding standards.

Zhao Xu also changed the two 1V armored rhinos into races. It’s worth the candy, leaving the 2V one waiting to hatch eggs later. After taming the three armored rhinos, Zhao Xu chose to leave.

This morning’s harvest was not bad, 13 elves were tamed in one morning, and 12 of them were replaced Being a race is worth candy.

After returning to the hotel and solving the stomach problem for himself and the elf, Zhao Xu used his mobile phone to buy a ticket for the high-speed rail to Baishan City tomorrow.

After completing all preparations, Zhao Xu continued to practice waveguide, first putting on waveguide gloves. Feel your own waveguide to deepen your memory, then take off your gloves and practice carefully.

Early in the morning!

"I want a life in full bloom!"

"It's like flying in the vast sky!"

"It’s like walking through shopping five times!"

"Have the power to break free!"


The phone rang on time when there was a commotion.

"Has the system Lalu Lasi’s elf egg been laid?"

"It's in the egg hatching box."

Zhao Xu woke up early and asked about La Lulas' situation.


Zhao Xu is not in a hurry to hatch Lalu Lasi. After all, hatching may not be guaranteed, and Zhao Xu has a lot of elves on his hands. Even if Lalu Lasi is hatched, he will have to wait for a while before he can upgrade..

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