
Huo Zhiji was very courageous. When he saw Zhao Xu, he stood there and even came over on his own initiative.

However, the fire chicken was still a little wary. He stopped two meters away from Zhao Xu and looked at Zhao Xu curiously.

"Bad Butterfly, is there anyone around?"

Zhao Xu did not act rashly, but planned to take a look at the surrounding situation.


Bada Huo glanced around with his compound eyes and shook his head at Zhao Xu, indicating that there was no one around.

"Bad Butterfly used phantom light to liven up the fire chicken."

Since there is no one around, Zhao Xu is not polite.


The compound eyes of Bada Butterfly shoot out seven colors of light!


The fire chicken was startled immediately, turned around and ran away, disappearing into the bushes in a flash.

""I'm going, I'm running so fast."

Zhao Xu didn't even react, the fire chicken just ran in and disappeared.

"Can Bada Butterfly find the Fire Chicken?"Zhao Xu immediately asked Bada Hu


Bada Butterfly looked at the bushes. Even with compound eyes, he couldn't see through the dense bushes.

"Damn it, all the chickens I got ran away!"

Zhao Xu regrets it. If he had known earlier, he would have asked Bada Huo to use telekinesis to restrain the fire chicken.

"Can the fire chicken move that fast?"

After calming down, Zhao Xu discovered a problem. The speed of the fire chicken is not very fast, but the speed of the fire chicken just now is at least three times that of the normal fire chicken.

"Could it be that this little fire chicken has acceleration characteristics?"

Zhao Xu suddenly thought of this possibility. The fire chick with acceleration characteristics is still quite powerful and is worth cultivating.

Zhao Xu did not intend to give up and threw two elf balls.


LV30 Rocket Sparrow/♂Awesome!

LV25 Fossil Pterosaur/♂

"The giant needle wasps, rocket sparrows, and fossil pterosaurs are monitoring the surrounding bushes. If the fire chicks run out and attack directly, the bushes do not cover a large area, and the three elves can completely monitor them.

Give the order, and the three little elves will The elf immediately took off and flew around the bushes

"Bada Butterfly, look carefully. If you find the Fire Chicken, use your mind to control it." Zhao Xu said


Bada Butterfly nodded and flew in the direction of the fire chicken rushing into the bushes, using his compound eyes to find the fire chicken in the bushes.

"Fire Chicken, I'm going to kill you today."

Zhao Xu was still a little worried that Fire Chicken had escaped, and threw another Poké Ball.


LV41 Lucario/♀

"Lucario, use your waveguide to sense the bushes and see if the fire chick is still there." Zhao Xu said and took out his phone, found a photo of the fire chick on the Internet and showed it to Lucario.

Lucario Nod, face the bush, close your eyes, and the drop-shaped pendant on the back of your head will automatically


Lucario only sensed it for a short while, then opened his eyes and pointed in a direction.

"did you find it?"


Lucario nodded.

Seeing Lucario nodding, Zhao Xu felt happy in his heart. It seemed that the fire chicken was still in the bushes and had not run out.

"Lucario tells Bada Butterfly the news you found."

This bush is full of thorns. Even if Lucario has steel attributes, he will be scratched if he tries to break in. What's more, once he goes in, he will definitely be disturbed." The fire chicken inside

"Luca! Luka Luka..."

Lucario called out to Bada Butterfly.

After receiving the information, Bada Butterfly immediately flew in the direction Lucario said. At the same time, he lowered his height and carefully observed the bushes below.


After a while, Bada Butterfly's compound eyes suddenly glowed blue, and the bushes below shook violently, and an orange figure was dragged up.

LV10 Fire Chicken/♂


Huo Zhiji screamed desperately, but it was of no use. He could only be restrained by Badahu with telekinesis and brought to Zhao Xu.


The fire chicken that was screaming desperately just now stopped screaming immediately after being brought to Zhao Xu. It looked pitiful and pitiful.

""The Mosquito-repellent Frog King uses hypnosis."

Originally, Zhao Xu planned to let Bada Huo use his mind power to knock out the fire chicken, but when he saw the pitiful appearance of the fire chicken, Zhao Xu softened his heart.


Mosquito-repellent frog king performs hypnosis


The fire chick soon fell into a deep sleep

"Come in."

Seeing Huo Zhiji sleeping, Zhao Xu asked Bada Butterfly to remove his telekinesis, and then used the red and white balls to subdue him.


However, just when Zhao Xu thought everything was going well, after the red and white balls hit Huo Zhiji, Huo Zhiji's body was completely shattered. A ball of red light appears and the red and white balls bounce away

"There is a master!"

Zhao Xu had suspected this before, but Bada Huo didn't notice anyone around, so Zhao Xu thought the fire chicken was wild.

"No wonder this guy is not afraid of people."

Only elves who have lived in cities are not afraid of people. In all likelihood, this little fire chicken has become separated from its owner.

Zhao Xu has seen such news on the Internet before, and many trainers are Got separated from his elf in the jungle, and this happens often

""Little guy, you're lucky to have met me."

The place where Zhao Xu is currently is quite deep. This little fire chicken met him when he wandered blindly. If he didn't meet him, he would be in trouble.

"It's a pity, we can't hatch the eggs without the Poké Ball." Zhao Xu was very greedy for the fire chicken, but unfortunately he couldn't put it in the hatching box without the Poké Ball.

Even if he found the owner later, he still couldn't find a reason to keep the fire chicken.

"You are lucky to have met me."

Zhao Xu decided to send the fire chicken to the police station. The owner should go back to the police station to find it.

Zhao Xu took back the elf outside, leaving only Bada Butterfly and Rocket Bird to lead the way. , holding the fire chicken and followed behind.

The way back was smooth, because when Zhao Xu came, all the elves he met had subdued him, and the way back seemed a little deserted. When he came to the gate of the city wall, Zhao Xu observed After a while, although outsiders all looked at the chicken in Zhao Xu's arms, no one came forward to ask about the chicken.

Zhao Xu went directly to the security guard to explain the origin of the chicken and informed the security guard that if the owner came If you ask, ask the owner to go directly to the police station.


Just when Zhao Xu was thinking about how to leave, the fire chick in his arms woke up.

Seeing that the fire chicken was awake, Zhao Xu immediately had the idea of ​​throwing the fire chicken out. However, seeing that the fire chicken had no intention of attacking him, Zhao Xu continued to hold it.

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