"Just tell me the direction. When I get to the Hezhong area, I will naturally remember the way." Chaomeng said

"Fly in this direction."

Zhao Xu looked at the map and determined the direction. As long as he kept flying in this direction, he could get there.



Chaomeng came out of the elf ball and took Zhao Xu to fly in one direction.

After feeling the biting wind for 4 hours, Chaomeng and Zhao Xu finally arrived in the Hezhong area and found the elf on the cliff.

Since the last group of hunter brothers came, no one has been here since then, and the elves here are also living well.

These elves also remember Chaomeng and Zhao Xu, and when they saw them, they came out to greet them enthusiastically , Zhao Xu also took out the elf feed from his backpack and gave them a hearty meal. He stayed with the elf on the cliff until late at night, until the elf fell asleep.

"Mewtwo, it’s time to go."

The mission has been completed, and the elf on the cliff has also seen it. It's time to go back.


Chaomeng nodded and took the initiative to enter the elf ball.

【System, send me back. 】04


The space shattered, and the vortex of time and space sucked Zhao Xu into it...!

After returning to the tent, Zhao Xu took several generations of cereal from his backpack and went out.

"Zhao Xu, the water is boiled."

Seeing Zhao Xu come out, Mamie handed the cooked food to Zhao Xu.


Maybe he just came back and felt a little guilty. Zhao Xu didn't say much. He took the kettle, made himself two bags of cereal, and had a simple breakfast.

After breakfast, the group started to work, according to Mabu's plan Route, explore nearby, and install a night camera by the way.

Because the purpose of this expedition is mainly to find secret places, it is not feasible to rely on finding the secret places. 24-hour detection is required. If you are lucky enough to photograph the secret places, that would be the best.

Just In this way, Zhao Xu and the others stayed in the black forest for another week. Including the previous week, half a month has passed. In this half month, no clues about the secret realm were found.

But Zhao Xu couldn't find it. The elf from the fifth generation, taking advantage of Mabu and his students' inattention, subdued several supplementary illustrations.

"Dr. Mabu, are you sure there really is a secret realm here?"

It's not like Zhao Xu didn't help with the search during this time. He drove the waveguide to search during the day, and Kallio took over in the evening. He was searching almost 24 hours a day.

But Zhao Xu didn't find any abnormalities. This black forest is very ordinary. forest

"There's still half a month left, so don't rush."

Although he has not achieved anything so far, Mabu's mentality is very good. He is not anxious at all and has been acting according to his own plan.

Seeing Mabu like this, Zhao Xu felt quite uncomfortable. After all, he took other people's things. , Zhao Xu still hopes Mabu can discover something

"Teacher, discover the high-energy energy reaction!"

At this moment, Peter holding the detector suddenly ran over and called

"Quick, show me!"

Seeing that the high-energy energy reaction was detected, the calm Mabu immediately became uneasy. He quickly walked to Peter's side and carefully observed the detected high-energy energy.

Zhao Xu also unfolded his own waveguide to sense the surrounding situation.

【Um! There is really movement! 】

Zhao Xu felt that the waveguides around him were in chaos. The waveguides on these plants were all in a mess, and he didn't know what was going on.

"Zhao Xu!"

Mabu immediately called Zhao Xu


Zhao Xu then threw three elf balls.

He released Tyrannosaurus, Kuailosaurus and fossil pterosaur. Zhao Xu rode the fossil pterosaur himself, and Mabu and his students rode one. (Read the Baoshuang novel, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Everyone flew into the sky on the elf

"That square...!"

As soon as Mabu confirmed the direction, he saw a red light pillar rising from the sky in the distance.

Seen from a distance, this red light beam seems to connect the earth and the sky.

"Zhao Xu, let's go there quickly."

Seeing this red light beam connecting heaven and earth, Mabu's eyes showed a crazy look.

"Let's go over there, don't get too close."

It was also the first time for Zhao Xu to see this thing, so it was better to treat it with caution.

The three elves flew towards the red light beam. Although the light beam was far away, it was not a problem at all for the three elves.

Not 3 minutes At the same time, we arrived near the light pillar.

Zhao Xu's waveguide also sensed the changes in the red light pillar, and could sense waves of waveguides appearing out of thin air near the light pillar.

Based on the shape of the waveguides, it can be determined that these waveguides appearing out of thin air belong to elves. , these elves immediately fled away after appearing near the red light beam.

Even Mabu and others could see the shaking jungle below, and could vaguely see the elves running below.

"Get closer slowly!"

Zhao Xu didn't know what was going on, so he didn't dare to get close immediately, and just let the three elves move forward slowly.

After a while, everyone finally saw what was going on. The red beam was emitted from a red vortex. Moreover, this vortex appeared out of thin air and was not connected to the ground.

Three of Mabu’s students also took out their cameras to capture this amazing scene.

"Zhao Xu, let's take a closer look."

Mabu's eyes are crazy and he just wants to study this secret realm.

"Dr. Mabu, we don’t know what this is. It would be dangerous to approach 553 rashly." Zhao Xu reminded

"Zhao Xu, this is my dream. If you don’t go, I will go myself."The usually calm Mabu has disappeared. Now Mabu is obsessed with studying the secret realm.

"Teacher, what are you talking about?"

"Teacher, don’t be stupid, you are still young, we have plenty of time to study, don’t take risks"

"yes! Teacher, didn't you say that survival in the wilderness is the first priority?"

Mami and the three of them also spoke to persuade Mabu.

"Murkrow, take me there."

Mabu didn't listen to the advice and threw a Poke Ball directly, and then jumped directly from the back of Kuailong.


1v34 Dark Crow/


After the Dark Crow came out, the bird's claws picked up Mabu's backpack and carried Mabu towards the red beam.

Zhao Xu didn't expect Mabu to do this, and the Dark Crow had never been seen to be able to carry heavy objects. , I didn’t expect that I could still carry the horse cloth.

"Zhao Xu, stop the teacher."

Mamie saw that Zhao Xu was indifferent and reminded him


Zhao Xu patted the fossil pterosaur under him.

The fossil pterosaur understood what Zhao Xu meant, and immediately caught up with the dark crow and intercepted it.

"Zhao Xu, don't stop me, I will die in the secret realm." Mabu said stubbornly...

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