"Please tell me first if your alliance is going to target Ji Ming."

Zhao Xu will not tell Qian Guangming's identity unless he first understands the alliance's attitude towards Ji Ming. After all,

Dong Yigang was poisoned by him, so there is no guarantee that the alliance secretly sent people to protect Ji Ming, so if he doesn't know clearly about the alliance's attitude towards Ji Ming, Zhao Xu would not show his cards in front of Ji Ming's attitude.

"It's you who did Dong Yi's thing."

Black Rose suddenly mentioned Dong Yi again.


Zhao Xu denied it without a blushing face and a heartbeat.

"Stop pretending. You have already served as Ji Ming's bodyguard. Dong Yi's matter must be related to you. If you have the ability to test the poison, you can see if the poison in your Geng ghost is the same as the poison in Dong Yi."Black Rose said

"Just take a drug test."

Zhao Xu was showing off on his lips, but he was very nervous inside.

【Can things like poison be tested? 】The more Zhao Xu thought about it, the more he beat his head. After all, the world’s biological research technology is not lagging behind. Maybe it can really be tested.

"Okay, let your Gengar give me a portion of the venom, and I'll let others test it."Black Rose has a firm attitude and believes that Zhao Xu did what happened to Dong Yi."

"Stop arguing, Zhao Xu and I are targeting Ji Ming and Dong Yi."Qian Guangming suddenly confessed

"Grandpa Qian!"

Zhao Xu is so angry. He is already old, why can't he calm down?"

"Grandpa, who are you?"

Seeing Qian Guangming's confession, Black Rose's attitude towards Qian Guangming became much better and they no longer called him an old man.

"My name is Qian Guangming."Qian Guangming did not conceal his name.

"Qian Guangming? Shouldn't you be dead?"Black Rose seems to know Qian Guangming.

Hearing that the old man in front of him claimed to be Qian Guangming, Black Rose was a little surprised.

"I'm not dead, I was just kidnapped by Ji Ming and Dong Yi. The death information was also forged by them. I was imprisoned by them for decades. Qian Guangming said.

Black Rose looked calm and turned to look at Zhao Xu.

"What do you see me doing?"

Black Rose appeared too suddenly, and Black Rose is also related to Ji Ming's matter, so Zhao Xu has a headache now, and the matter is beyond his control.

"Our alliance suspects that Fairy Beat Company is researching illegal pharmaceuticals. We have investigated that Ji Ming, a member of the Board of Directors of Fairy Beat Company, is involved in this matter, and we have come to investigate him specifically."Black Rose confessed something

"In fact, this matter is also related to you."Black Rose said


Zhao Xu was a little confused.

"Remember two years ago? You caught two people secretly transporting illegal drugs on the high-speed rail." Black Rose reminded

【It's them! 】Zhao Xu suddenly thought of what happened back then, but it had been two years, and Zhao Xu thought that the alliance had resolved the matter long ago.

"At that time, I invited you to join the investigation, but you did not agree. Later, I asked my subordinates to investigate the matter. Later, the investigation was conducted on Elf Jump Company, but no strong evidence has been found until now.

Until my men discovered that you appeared next to Ji Ming, you still stayed with Ji Ming as a bodyguard. After receiving the news, I put down what I was doing and came to find you."

Black Rose knew that Zhao Xu would not believe him unless he showed his cards.

"You guys are too useless, haven't you found anything in two years?"Zhao Xu complained.

Zhao Xuke always thought that the matter was over, but he didn't expect that it was still under investigation.

"I'm really sorry for you. Now you can tell me why you got involved in this matter."Black Rose swallowed her anger and figured it out first.

"Because an uncle who collected mountain goods in my hometown was attacked by someone, and the man stole the gold and silver balls. I was nearby at the time, so I arrested the man and saved the uncle.

Later, Uncle Qian gave me the gold and silver balls. Then I don’t know why, the gold and silver balls suddenly opened, and a Celebi appeared.

Celebi was telepathic and said he wanted to save people, so I came to Sichuan City to rescue Grandpa Qian, but Grandpa Qian’s initial elf geranium was in Ji Ming’s hands.

So I have been trying to find Geranium, and I lurked next to Ji Ming for 7 days before I found Geranium, so I rescued Geranium and Grandpa Qian today, and then I met you when I came back."

There is no difference between what Zhao Xu said and what he experienced during this period; he just covered up the fact that he poisoned Dong Yi and Shi La planned to travel through time and space to save people.

0 Asking for flowers

"So now you have Celebi, the legendary elf?"Black Rose said

"Is this the point? Shouldn't the focus be on Ji Ming?"Zhao Xu felt that Black Rose's focus was a bit biased.

At this time, Rabbi was Zhao Xu's elf, and Zhao Xu would not hand it over.

"What kind of luck do you have that you were able to meet two legendary elves and subdue them without using force."Black Rose knows that Zhao Xu used the legendary elf at the European Emperor Platinum Conference. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"There is nothing I can do. Maybe I have done too many good things, and God must be taking good care of me."In fact, Zeraora was conquered by Zhao Xu with force.

The main reason was that the environment when he met Zeraora was so good. There was no one around, and no one saw how he conquered it.

If it was in a place with people, , Zhao Xu will definitely give up conquering Zeraora if he sees it.

Black Rose sighed and said,"Then what are your plans next?""

"You have to ask Grandpa Qian about this. My mission has been completed."Zhao Xu pointed at Qian Guangming.

Zhao Xu's original idea was to kill both Dong Yi and Ji Ming, but Qian Guangming felt that this would be too advantageous for them and wanted to put them in jail.

Zhao Xu didn't want to have his plan disrupted. If he interferes again, he can at most protect Qian Guangming's safety. As for what Qian Guangming wants to do, Zhao Xu has no control over it.

"Mr. Qian, what are you going to do?"Black Rose looked at Qian Guangming

"I want Ji Ming and Dong Yi to go to jail."Qian Guangming knows that Black Rose is from the Alliance, and also knows that the Alliance is investigating Ji Ming, so he is his helper.

"Can Mr. Qian cooperate with us?"Black Rose doesn't want to fall short because of Qian Guangming's relationship. It originally took two years to investigate this matter, but it was because of Dong Yi's accident that Ji Ming became vigilant and the progress of the matter was stalled.

"Okay, I believe in the alliance."

Although Qian Guangming has been imprisoned for decades, he still trusts the alliance. What happened back then has nothing to do with the alliance."

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