Steel Armor Crow

Level: 45

Gender: ♂Characteristics

: Mirror Armor

Attribute: Flying/Steel

Racial Value: 495

Quality: 5V (Epic)

Basic Skills: Pecking, Staring, Arrogant, Claw Grinding, Attacking, Pecking, Provoking, Drilling , Brave Bird Onslaught , Steel Wings , Bluff.

Genetic skill: Feather Qi.

Skills taught: Pounce, Light Wall.

Move learner: None

Carrying props: None

Intimacy: 15 (hostile)

"I go! What beautiful data!"

Zhao Xu originally thought that the steel armored crow was only of 4V quality, but unexpectedly it actually reached 5V. Its characteristics are still Mengte mirror armor, as well as genetic moves. He also learned two moves in the wild. In addition to the quality not being 6V, this steel armored crow's The data can be said to be perfect.

Zhao Xu is already a little tempted. He wants to join the Steel Armored Crow under his command. He is handsome and the data is so perfect. He can be cultivated.

Unfortunately, the thing that makes Zhao Xu hesitate is that the Steel Armor Crow is so handsome. Kaiyao's intimacy with Zhao Xu is too low.

Zhao Xu couldn't bear to let Zhao Xu use the Friendly Balls. There are only 3 Friendly Balls left, and there are not many nutritional drinks left. He hasn't picked them up during this period. Passed.

So Zhao Xu was in a bit of a dilemma. Without using systematic props, Zhao Xu had a hard time getting this steel-armored crow to obey his orders. It would take at least two or three months to cultivate the intimacy level fully.

And let go In the peer position, it only takes one day to increase the intimacy level by 1 point. It is really not cost-effective to waste a peer position.

"I'll leave it here for now, and I'll tame it slowly later when I have time."

Zhao Xu is now a diamond-level trainer. I can't believe that he can't tame a steel-armored crow.

After taming the steel-armored crow, Zhao Xu stopped staying in the wild and returned to the shady city.

Back to the hotel, Zhao Xu Turning on his own waveguide, the Kane brothers and sisters were still in the room. According to the perceived body posture and position, they should be in front of the computer.

Zhao Xu briefly washed himself, practiced the waveguide for a while and then rested.

In the next two days, Zhao Xu stayed in the shady city. After laying the eggs of the chickadees and ducks, and digesting some incubation steps, Zhao Xu gave the two elf eggs to the Kane brothers and sisters, who happened to be alone. Take care of one.

Anyway, the newly born elf is full of affection for everyone, no matter who hatches it, as long as it is good to it, the intimacy will increase quickly. The number of hatching steps for two elf eggs also consumes a lot, up to a week , two elves can be born.

LV10 Darkrai/♂

【This Darkrai is growing up so fast! ] After handing the elf egg to the Kane brothers and sisters, Zhao Xu discovered that Darkrai's level was already level 10.

In less than a week, Darkrai has grown to level 10, which is very fast. It only takes an ordinary elf a month to grow to level 10.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being a legendary elf. He grows very fast. If he trains hard, he may reach the platinum level in five years.

Zhao Xu looked at Kane. Kane was holding the baby tit elf egg in his hand with an expectant look on his face.

"Kane, can you lend me your Darkrai for a few days?"This Darkrai has a gender, which means it can be hatched by the Variety Monster.

Zhao Xu is willing to accept the Kane brothers and sisters, largely because of Darkrai, who is Zhao The elf that Xu likes very much, the elf that must be caught in every version.

Even if the use is restricted, Zhao Xu will breed one and put it in the warehouse, which is comfortable to look at.

Before, he was worried that Kane would disagree, so Zhao Xu didn't do it until now carry

"Okay, Brother Xu, let’s take it for observation. Kane didn't hesitate and handed the Poke Ball containing Darkrai directly to Zhao Xu.

Zhao Xu looked at the red and white ball in his hand, a little confused, and asked,"Are you so confident about me?""

"If Brother Xu wanted to do something to Darkrai, he could have done it a long time ago. There is no need to ask me to borrow it. Besides, I read your information on the Internet, Brother Xu, and I know that you usually like to observe elves."Kaine said.

"It will be OK after three days of observation, and I may return it to you tomorrow."Kane trusts him so much, and Zhao Xu can't let him down. Whatever kind of elf he needs in the future, Zhao Xu will try his best to meet his requirements. Zhao Xu also immediately put Darkrai into the incubator and started hatching.......!

Four days later, Zhao Xu took the Kane brothers and sisters to the alliance center to ask if the immigration application had been approved.

"Mr. Zhao, Kelly’s immigration application was not approved."After inquiry, Kane's immigration application was approved, but Kelly's immigration application was not approved.

"Why!"Zhao Xu asked

"Because the guardian is not approved here, Mr. Zhao Xu, you are not yet 20 years old and are not qualified to be a guardian."The receptionist said

"Is it enough just to meet the requirement of being 20 years old?"Zhao Xu asked


Zhao Xu didn't expect this. Kelly is under 15 years old, so she is a minor. If she wants to immigrate, she must have a guardian. However, Zhao Xu filled in his own name. He didn't expect that he was not qualified.

"Brother Xu, what should we do now?"Kane was also a little panicked. The two brothers and sisters have always relied on each other. It is impossible for Kane to abandon Kelly.

"Don't worry, there is a way."Zhao Xu is under 20 years old, but there is one person who meets the standard.

"You guys wait here while I go make a call."

Zhao Xu left a word, hurried to the bathroom, and called Wei Wu directly.

After the call was put through, the call was quickly connected.

"Zhao Xu, what's the matter with you?"

"You won't find Yingkuo anymore."

Zhao Xu doesn't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. If he can call him, he must be in trouble. Wei Wu is already used to it.

"Uncle Wei, I have something to trouble you with."Zhao Xu said

"Tell me."

Wei Wu didn't agree. Let's first ask if Zhao Xu needs help.

"I met him in the shady city of Ouhuang....!"Zhao Xu told Wei Wu all the ins and outs of the incident,"I am not old enough and need someone over 20 years old to be my guardian.""

"Depend on! What luck did you have? Then you helped someone, and that person actually summoned Darkrai."

After listening to Zhao Xu's description, Wei Wu was speechless. Zhao Xu actually had such an adventure, picking up a subordinate with a legendary elf for free.

You know, the alliance will give trainers who have a legendary elf. Various benefits, not only high welfare, but also a large amount of funding from the alliance every year.

However, Zhao Xu picked one up for free on the street. When Kane grows up in the future, as long as he is not crooked, he will definitely become a pillar of the alliance. At worst, he will be a mainstay.

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