"Um! My sister sang the song before, and I really want to listen to it again."

Jirachi looked at the black rose with expectant eyes.

"It's the voice of the elves. Hum it to Jirachi, it will fall asleep again soon."Zhao Xu knew what Jirachi wanted to hear and took the initiative to tell Black Rose

"If you fall into a deep sleep, won’t it take 7 days to wake up?"

Black Rose couldn't accept it. She had only been with the little guy for a day, but it suddenly fell asleep.

"Don't talk nonsense. I'll tell you the reason later. Sing first to fulfill Jirachi's last wish."

Zhao Xu is annoyed to death. A stupid woman should just be obedient if she doesn't understand. Why are there so many problems?"

"Okay, Jirachi, I'll sing it to you."

Singing is a requirement of course. Black Rose hummed the rhythm of the voice of the elves.

Jiraqi forced his eyes to listen to the singing.

As he listened, Jiraqi's body glowed and turned into a crystal again.


Seeing Jirachi turn into a spar, the black rose stopped singing.

The spar gradually fell, submerged into the earth, and disappeared completely.

"Jirachi is it sleeping?"

Black Rose still has an unreal feeling. Too many things happened on this day, and it was a bit too dreamy. She thought she was saved, but ended up falling into Ling Feng's hands, and then she was saved again at night. But Jirachi is missing

"Let me explain!"

Zhao Xu introduced all Jirachi's living habits.

"So today is the 7th day, and Jirachi only has 1 day of activity."Zhao Xu said

"Then how should I explain to the superiors!"

The higher ups must be watching over Jirachi. Now that Jirachi is gone, Black Rose doesn't even know what to say."

"How can you explain it? It's useless even if you take Jirachi back. He won't wake up until 1,000 years later. You might as well just let Jirachi stay in the Forest of Beasts."

Although the management of this world alliance is somewhat strict, it is better for the alliance not to interfere with Jirachi's affairs.

"Get rid of these people."

Jirachi has also sunk into the earth and will only appear again in 1,000 years. Now only the aftermath Ling Feng and others are left.

"Of course these people have to be taken away, and alliance rescue should have arrived in Wanfu City."

Black Rose still understands the speed of the alliance's support. Now if she rushes back to Wanfu City, she will meet the alliance's support.

"Then why don't you hurry up and tie these people up?" Zhao Xu urged.

"Won't you help?"

Black Rose is a little depressed. Although she is an aunt at her age, she is also a woman. You, a boy, should be a gentleman.

"I don't know how to tie people up, it would be nice if I help you transport them."Zhao Xu is not a member of the special search team, so he can take action as a huge favor.

Black Rose didn't say much, moved his arms, released his three elves, and asked Hu Di to go to the cave to kill the people inside. Transported up.

Zhao Xu rested while taking out the elf ball to take back the unable to fly elf, leaving only Metagross, Tyrannosaurus, Fossil Pteranodon, Biting Land Shark, and Absol outside.

"Absol, I can no longer do what I promised you. Where are you going next?"

After conquering Absol, Zhao Xu promised Absol that he would rescue Jiraqi.

Now that Jiraqi has been rescued, Zhao Xu wants to see if Absol is willing to follow him

"Ah neck!"

Absolu walked to Zhao Xu, lay down in front of Zhao Xu, and made a surrender gesture.

Absolu is a solitary elf, with a cold appearance, he refuses people thousands of miles away, even in the wild. , the wild elves will also stay away from Absol

"You won't regret your choice"

"come in."

Seeing that Absolu was willing to follow him, Zhao Xu took it back.

After solving Absolu's case, Zhao Xu also ran to help Black Rose, mainly to help tie the person up.

Ling Feng and his men There were a total of 6 people in total. Except for Ling Feng, the other 5 people were seriously injured, but none of them died. They just fainted.

Although it was okay to cause death, Black Rose was still relatively merciful and let her The Daidai King healed all the injured people and was able to save those people's lives for the time being. After that, they only needed to be sent to the hospital for treatment.

After tying up Ling Feng and others, Zhao Xu's four elves took off and headed towards Wan Fu. Fly in the direction of the city

"Zhao Xu, what props did you use to make your elf super evolve?"

Everything was settled, Black Rose began to be curious about Zhao Xu.

Zhao Xu broke into the cave with a bunch of super evolved elves before, but Black Rose was surprised.


Of course Zhao Xu used the Mega Evolution Stone, but Zhao Xu wouldn't say it.

"You can super evolve eight elves at the same time!"

Black Rose is a fifty-year-old aunt, so she naturally knows about super evolution. Many trainers in the alliance can do it, and some of them can super evolve many kinds of elves.

But people like Zhao Xu can make various kinds of elves super evolve. None of the elves have Mega Evolved at the same time.


Zhao Xu didn't deny it either, because he couldn't deny it either.

"You are such a monster, people outside thought you could only super evolve five elves."After Black Rose learned on TV that Zhao Xu won the Platinum Championship, she checked online and found out that Zhao Xu could super evolve seven elves.

She thought that Zhao Xu was perverted enough, but Zhao Xu was better than expected. Even more perverted, and very good at hiding his clumsiness.

And Zhao Xu is also speechless. Ever since he won the Platinum Tournament, people around him love to call himself a monster....!

The elf center in Manfu City.

Zhao Xu and Black Rose were in the reception room on the third floor of the Elf Center, facing this woman.

"Wang Na Tianwang, this is what happened."

Black Rose recounted Jirachi's story to Wang Na from beginning to end.

After returning to Wanfu City, before Zhao Xu and Black Rose could find rescue, Wang Na found them first.

After that, Ling Feng's group They were taken into custody by the people brought by Wang Na. Zhao Xu and Black Rose followed Wang Na to the elf center.

"And you?"

After listening to Black Rose's narration, Wang Na basically knew what was going on, but Wang Na was still curious about why Zhao Xu came here.

"What's wrong with me?"

Zhao Xu didn't know what Wang Na wanted to ask him.

"Why did you come to Wanfu City?"

All these elf hunters in Wanfu City come here, but Zhao Xu is not short of money, so there is no need to come here at all.

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