Knowing that Zhou Xiao was an immortal bloodline, Mo Yu nodded and stopped asking.

In fact, he wanted to ask questions last time, but because there were evil spirits chasing them, they were in a hurry in that tomb, and they didn't have time to ask many things in detail.

However, with Zhou Xiao's interpretation, the understanding of these murals is clearer.

Mo Yu asked, "Where is the Zhenlong Palace?"

Yueji said: "Because it should be a palace other than here, Du Jiuquan said before that this place was originally a cage, so there should be many other palaces besides this palace."

When we came with Nezha before, we also saw six forks in the road, but we just chose this one. "

Mo Yu expressed his understanding, and the three of them continued to look at the second mural.

The people in the painting are lifelike, which shows the immortal power of the gods, such as crossing the long river of time and witnessing the scene of demon subjugation 200,000 years ago.

In the painting, the Shenxiao Immortal kills a fierce beast that resembles a mouse, and there is also a text description next to it.

Zhou Xiao said: "The Ancient Divine Court has a calendar of one hundred and thirty-eight hundred and thirty-three thousand years, and the Divine Sky Heavenly Monarch has beheaded the Plague Monarch in the Heavenly Desolation and the Plague Palace. "

The subsequent patterns all depict the process of the Shenxiao Immortals slaying demons.

The description is very detailed, and you can get a glimpse of the style of the ancient times.

For example, the previous plague king, there is obviously a picture in the painting that it spreads the plague and causes countless people to die, until the Shenxiao Immortal comes to the world and kills him, and the earth returns to life.

In addition, there are many strange beasts, which may cause floods, or cause fires, or devour human races, all of which are of calamity to the world.

The Shenxiao Immortals appeared one by one and slaughtered these demon beasts, many of which were easy to kill directly, and those with tenacious vitality were suppressed in different palaces.

After looking around, Yueji sighed with emotion: "I can't imagine that the living environment of the ancient human race is so bad, there are so many demon beasts in heaven and earth that threaten the survival of the human race, but fortunately, there are immortals in the Divine Court to protect them." "

She sighed, and the three of them came to the last mural.

I saw that this mural was weird, there were no demon beasts, but endless darkness appeared in the sky.

Just seeing these darkness, the three of them felt a trace of great fear, only to feel that there were endless evil thoughts contained in it, which made people's scalps tingle.

The darkness has swallowed everything in the world, mountains, forests, life, everything in the world is fleeing, and even in the murals, you can feel the panic of the creatures at that time.

Even among these fleeing demon beasts,

you can still see some fierce beasts similar to those killed by the Shenxiao Immortals, and even these demon beasts that are causing trouble to the world are driven away by the darkness.

At this time, the Shenxiao Immortal in the mural descended, holding a thunder halberd in front of the darkness, and he used the supreme immortal method to block the spread of darkness, temporarily repelling the darkness.

Then he returned to the divine court, and many immortals came to congratulate, and you can see in the mural that the immortals set up a wine banquet and were toasting the Shenxiao immortals.

But in the

next mural, the situation changed sharply, only to see that all the immortals in the banquet died, looking miserable, and the Shenxiao immortal stood with a thunder halberd in the middle, and there was still the blood of the immortals on the halberd.

Behind the Shenxiao Immortal, a black figure appeared, similar to a shadow, with a gloomy smile on the corner of his mouth.

Yueji gasped and said in shock, "The Shenxiao Immortals killed all the immortals at the banquet?"

Then the next mural changed again, this time it was the Shenxiao Immortal facing a black shadow, and the other party's face was exactly the same as the Shenxiao Immortal, only more gloomy.

The last mural is a thunder halberd in the hands of the Shenxiao Immortal piercing into the body of the black shadow, accompanied by words.

Zhou Xiao read in a low voice: "The Ancient Divine Court has a calendar of one hundred and thirty-eight hundred thousand, three thousand three hundred years, and the Shenxiao Heavenly Monarch beheaded the Shenxiao Heavenly Monarch in the Heavenly Desolation, and the town was in the Bluestone Palace. "

Her voice deepened, and a chill ran down her spine.

The Shenxiao Immortal killed himself with his own hands

She couldn't believe what she was looking for, she just felt ridiculous.

Mo Yu leaned down at this time, raised his fingers slightly, and a flame ignited at his fingertips, and under the illumination of the fire, the black stone under his feet glowed with a trace of cyan light.

Mo Yu's expression became serious: "This may be the Bluestone Palace." "

Zhou Xiao was a little flustered: "Doesn't that mean that the Shenxiao Immortal who was killed was suppressed here?"

Yueji and Mo Yu both remained calm, Yueji said: "Don't panic, this is already 200,000 years ago, even if something strange really happened back then, after such a long time, even the Shenxiao Immortal himself has died, not to mention the evil body that was killed by him." "

As soon as she finished speaking, the quaint green lamp on the coffin suddenly lit, a little firelight swayed, and the entire hall suddenly burst into a gloomy wind, and in the shadows, there seemed to be some unknown shadow lurking.

"Why didn't I know you still had the potential of a crow's mouth?" Mo Yu subconsciously opened his mouth, suddenly remembering that he was now Yang Jian, and forcibly held back this sentence.

"Be careful!".

Mo Yu spit out these two words, and he stood up first, and the three-pointed and two-edged knife was held in his hand.

There seemed to be more unarrived creatures in the shadows, and the spiritual sense frantically alerted that danger was approaching, but there was nothing unusual in his eyes at all.

The yin wind seems to seem, penetrating the bottom of the heart.

Suddenly, the

shadows of the three of them swayed, and Mo Yu suddenly felt a sense in his heart, and the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand turned backwards without thinking.


With a soft sound, I saw his shadow jump up in the light of the candlelight, and the two three-pointed and two-edged knives slammed together.

Immediately, the

shadow completely broke away from him, and it changed in the air, and his facial features and appearance appeared, which turned out to be a dark Yang Jian.

Not only him, but Yueji and Zhou Xiao also suffered the same situation, and their shadows also came to life and attacked them.

Fortunately, both of them were on guard and were not succeeded, so they quickly distanced themselves.

Mo Yu's eyes moved from side to side, and he asked out loud, "Can I handle it myself?"

Tsukihime said solemnly: "Fight for each other, whoever solves their own shadow first, and then helps others." "

Mo Yu smiled, and the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand suddenly stabbed out, only to see a cold light piercing through the dark bronze hall, mighty, containing endless divine power, directly stabbing Yang Jian.

The other party did not show weakness, and the black three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand stabbed out, whether it was technique or strength, it was the same as Mo Yu.

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