"To exchange for the Hetu Luo Book, you need three hundred billion qi luck points!"

The voice of the mechanical version of the system sounded.

But the corners of Mo Yu's mouth suddenly twitched.

"Three hundred billion, are you sure you're not kidding me?"

Rao is already 'wealthy' now, but the luck value of 300 billion still makes Mo Yu a little confused.

"Obviously, the saints and supernatural powers of the three Qings add up to only billions of qi luck value, why is this river Tuluo book so expensive!"

Mo Yu simply sprayed directly with the system, expressing the dissatisfaction in his heart.

And the system's voice seemed to slow down, and then responded: "Actually, the three Qings learned by the master are not genuine, but the Hetu Luo book is genuine." "

"Oh, why?" Mo Yu frowned.

But he quickly realized something.

"Is it because I can't transform into a saint now, so the saint supernatural powers I learned at this time are actually incomplete, but the Hetu Luo Book belongs to the Demon Emperor Jun, so there is a genuine product in the system?"

"Yes. The system responds with certainty.

"This ......" Mo Yu suddenly had a feeling of looking up to the sky and sighing at this time.

Now that he has fully cultivated to the twelfth layer, it is already a basic operation to transform into thousands of people, and this up and down adds up, and he has also smashed into billions of qi luck points.

But I didn't expect that what I learned now is still incomplete?

This made Mo Yu suddenly feel the urge to scold.

After a long time, he smiled bitterly in his heart: "Yes, think about it, if it is the complete version of the three clears together, how can it only have this effect now." "

He will turn the three clears together to the twelfth layer, and it is also the only twelve layers in the system that can be exchanged.

Therefore, he can be regarded as fully cultivated, but at present, it seems that there is no other role except for being able to differentiate thousands of people and plant 'Dao seeds' to maintain an immortal body.

Although this is already very against the sky, it is the law of a saint to turn into three clears together!

It's definitely not that simple!

Reluctantly accepted this setting, Mo Yu had a bitter face at this time, although he didn't boast about Haikou just now, he didn't promise anything.

But his expression and posture just now, Liu Shen could see it clearly.

If you don't do something, you'll be embarrassed.

Of course, this is also to blame himself, because things like Hetu Luoshu are too rebellious, so he has never checked the specific amount of luck needed in the system on weekdays.

Because he was afraid of such a scene at this time, he didn't expect it to happen.

"That...... system, is there any imitation in the Hetu Luo book system......"

Mo Yu wanted to continue to improve the Zhou Tian Star Dou Great Array, but this river Tuluo book was indispensable, and he couldn't get the real thing, so he retreated and begged for this time.

"Yes. The system replied in the affirmative this time.

Mo Yu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and at the same time had a little guess about the 'vast supernatural powers' of this system.

"The so-called imitation should be another mythical world in the multiverse, because of various settings, the strength is weak, and the Hetu Luo book is this so-called imitation ......"

According to the reverie of the multiverse, Mo Yu gradually touched the truth.

It is true that in later generations, novels, film and television works, and even various online games about the mythical world can be said to be full of flowers.

But because of certain limitations, the system of the mythical world in some works is weak, which gives rise to the imitation of Hetuluoshu.

In fact, it is very easy to understand, just like the worldview in the demon boy Nezha, the Taiyi real person in this world is funny and responsible, but in fact, the real Taiyi real person in the real mythical world is an absolute master.

At the very least, Shen Gongbao and his ilk cannot be their opponents.

To get back to the point, since there is, Mo Yu was also happy, and immediately used 100 million luck to get out the so-called imitation of Hetuluoshu.

In an instant, a Milky Way appeared in the starry sky, and an ancient book that radiated divine light appeared.

This is the book of Hetuluo.

Mo Yu habitually threw an identification technique.

[Hetu Luoshu (imitation): From an unknown world, although it is not genuine, but there is also the power of yin and yang, five elements, and four elephants in the picture, and the power is only one-third of the real thing. 】

Looking at the information coming back in his mind, Mo Yu couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Okay, there are really no loopholes in the system, the real Hetu Luo Shu is full of 300 billion Qi Luck Value, and this imitation is only 100 million, which is just one-third of the power of the real product. "

was so precise that Mo Yu didn't even bother to complain.

"Ahem. "

Coughing lightly, Hetu Luoshu was in his hand, although it was just an imitation, but Mo Yu's face flashed with confidence again.

After all, it's an imitation, and it's also a Hetuluo book!

Moreover, if you perfect the Zhou Tian Star Dou Great Array in the God Realm, this imitation is enough.

Stepping into the Milky Way that suddenly appeared, Mo Yu held the river Tuluo book in his hand and drank softly.

"Hetu Luo is now in the book, the sun is in place, the heavens and the stars are in place, and they are as urgent as the law!"

After a rather divine performance, the sun and the two stars of Taiyin rotated wildly, and the light emitted shone on the entire heavens.

At this time, the Sun Star fused half of the Tiangang and the Earth Shatter into a black canopy.

The Taiyin Star fused the other half of the Tiangang and the Earth Evil Star into a white canopy.

The two heavenly canopies overlapped each other, emitting one indescribable Dao Yun after another, and finally completely disappeared in the shocked eyes of those countless God Realm powerhouses below.

But the aura of the divine realm increased dramatically at this moment, not only condensed into substance, but also turned into all kinds of auspicious divine birds, overwhelming.

Some of them even turned into human forms and spoke human words, and then seemed to be afraid of the crowd here, and quickly fled.

"Oh my God, the aura transforms, this is a realm that has not been reached in the ancient beast world!"

Countless people exclaimed, obviously, as a powerhouse in the God Realm, he naturally knew about the Ancient God Beast Realm.

And they had also heard a lot of rumors about the Ancient Divine Beast Realm.

It is rumored that in the ancient mythological world, the aura is rich to the extreme, turning into a variety of auspicious birds flying away from the sky, which is desirable.

And the peak of the divine realm has not reached this point.

So it used to be Liu Shen who also thought it was a legend, but she had followed Mo Yu to the Ancient Divine Beast Realm before and saw that kind of grand occasion.

It's just that I didn't expect that the aura level in the god realm has also reached this level, and there is even a spiritual aura transformation that only exists in legends!

It's shocking.

"Legend has it that if you get this kind of incarnate aura, just taking a sip is worth thousands of years of penance!"

Countless God Realm powerhouses are crazy, and there are already many forces that have chased down these shape-shifting aura.

And more powerful people stayed on the ground and looked at each other.

But their minds kept recalling a sentence at this time.

"The divine realm is about to change the sky......

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