A simple word, but the entire Ten Thousand Swords Sect was as if it had received a holy decree.

And here is the charm of strength and power.

Not to mention how these people from the Ten Thousand Swords Sect outside were shocked and surprised.

At this time, the Pure Yang Sword God in the main hall cried for a while before slowly stopping.

Of course, this 'old man', who no longer knows how many years he has lived, although he is so out of shape, no one in the hall will laugh at him at this time.

On the contrary, in Mo Yu's heart, he also determined that this ancestor of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect was indeed trustworthy.

Although Liu Shen has been transmitted before, it is said that this one used to be loyal to the God King and the God Realm.

But at present, it has been so long that the sky has changed to Songhai, so people's hearts will also change.

Mo Yu didn't reveal too much important information before, in fact, it was also for the sake of testing, but now he was quite satisfied with the reaction of this Pure Yang Sword God.

Just now, this person had enough time to cry a stick of incense, and Mo Yu also listened to a stick of incense.

But hearing that this pure yang sword god was crying was touching and heartfelt, from the heart.

The cry and tears can't be deceived, unless you use some magical powers or tricks, Mo Yu is an expert in this way, so there is no possibility of deception on the other party.

"Luckily, there is nothing wrong with the Divine Realm forces that I first came into contact with. "

Mo Yu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, although it seemed that he had a sense of fighting wits and courage with the air at this time.

But it's still the same sentence, people's hearts are unpredictable, the former god realm only respected the god king, but now it is not necessarily.

When he entered this hall before, Mo Yu had deliberately observed the expressions of those young disciples of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect.

It's basically a thousand strangeness, and it's not for nothing that she's pure curiosity and has no reverence for the willow god.

There is no reverence for the god-king, which is already a great disrespect.

And this is still under the premise that the ancestors of this sect are loyal to the god king and the god realm,

Not to mention other divine forces.

Mo Yu could even imagine what the ambitious forces in the Divine Realm would be when they saw Liu Shen at this time.

Of course, these forces can also be unified with crushing strength again, but it is not possible that some forces in the God Realm are too powerful at this time and will cause unnecessary trouble.

Mo Yu is a person who is afraid of trouble, so before he learns about the situation in the God Realm, he will not directly let Liu Shen swagger into the field of vision of all forces.

And Liu Shen seems to have this intention, anyway, now he is also listening to Mo Yu.

After confirming that this Pure Yang Sword God was a usable person, Mo Yu quietly waited for him to finish venting.

And after a burst of howling and crying, the Pure Yang Sword God, the ancestor of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect, finally recovered, but he still knelt on the ground with a "plop" at the willow god with a look of self-blame.

"God King, you have suffered, and you blame us people for being useless!

In vain, he is a strong man in the God Realm, and he harms a huge God Realm, and he still needs the God King to protect him!

We deserve to die!"

With the words of atonement, the Pure Yang Sword God's mood became unstable again at this time, and his head was even more slammed on the jade bricks of the main hall.

"Yang Xuzi, you don't have to be like this, there is a certain number in the underworld, and these things are things that the divine realm and I should experience.

And this experience was not without my gains. "

Liu Shen's calm words came out, and there was a certain number in the dark was what Mo Yu often said.

As for the later period, a smile suddenly bloomed on Yanagigami's peerless face, and suddenly the heavens and the earth were quiet, as if its beauty had stopped the whole time.

"Besides...... I'm not without gains. "

This sentence was said by Liu Shen looking at Mo Yu, his expression was soft, and he had a sense of warmth.

It made the pure yang sword god's face sluggish and his scalp numb.

"It's over, isn't the God King abducted by this kid......"

Obviously, the Pure Yang Sword God had already discovered that Liu Shen's attitude towards Mo Yu was wrong.

It was definitely not an ordinary Taoist relationship, so he couldn't help but think about it.

And the more he thought about it, the more he looked like it, and suddenly glared at Mo Yu.

"What are you kidding, the god king of the god realm, the first beauty under the stars, how can she be abducted by such a kid!"

With a roar in his heart, the Pure Yang Sword God felt that he was about to go crazy.

After all, what kind of person is the God King, it is a lotus flower that used to be high and holy in the God Realm where there are as many powerful people as dogs in this God Realm.

In the hearts of all the powerhouses of the God Realm at that time, they had to be pulled out and beaten to death by a living group if they had the slightest delusion about Liu Shen.

At that time, the identity and status of the willow god were like this, and in the hearts of all the strong people at that time, no living creature could have even the slightest blasphemy.

And now that this Ten Thousand Swords Sect Ancestor saw something, he saw that someone was actually able to make the Liu God 'favor', and the kid who was the main master still had a puzzled expression on his face at this time.

"If you can, the old man really wants to cut him with a knife......"

The Pure Yang Sword God raised his head suddenly, so that no one could notice his current expression, which was a bitter smile to the extreme.


At this time, Mo Yu had a question mark on his face, and he didn't know what this Pure Yang Sword God's hostility towards him at that moment just now was.

But this hostility came and went quickly, so he didn't care, but from the beginning, whenever the other party's eyes looked over, he suddenly felt uncomfortable.

It always felt like he didn't know when he owed this ancestor of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect how many spirit stones.

Shaking his head, Mo Yu shook out this inexplicable feeling.

At this time, the Pure Yang Sword God naturally did not dare to disobey Liu Shen's words, and hurriedly stood up.

It is worth mentioning that the etiquette of kneeling is comfortable and normal for this fantasy heavens and worlds, and it is an iron law for the weak to bow to the strong.

However, in the past, the willow god was called the god king, but this kind of etiquette was canceled in the god realm, and ordinary young disciples did not have to bow down when they saw the god king.

And seeing that this ancestor of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect had returned to normal, Mo Yu also breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Of course, if he knew what the other party was thinking just now, he would probably have to beat someone on the spot.

"Dongxuan Great World...... Why is it so familiar......"

At this time, the Pure Yang Sword God muttered, repeating the name of the Dongxuan Great World.

Not for anything else, because he was extremely familiar with this Dongxuan world, and in an instant, his eyes widened directly.

He looked at Mo Yu with an incredible shock, and exclaimed, "Dongxuan Great World...... Could it be that Your Excellency is a mythical man?"

"Oh. Mo Yu was stunned at first, and then understood why the other party guessed his identity.

It is precisely because the name of the myth is now resounding in the heavens that the Wilderness, the Deceptive God Emperor and the Niu Emperor have all heard of it.

Therefore, the divine realm must also know.

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