When the concept of three thousand demon gods appeared, Mo Yu was still startled in his heart.

And as Princess Qi said just now.

When Rahu was defeated and fled to this fantasy heaven and ten thousand realms.

More than half of the 3,000 demon gods followed!

It's horrible!

Rao is Mo Yu's state of mind has reached an extremely high level, and it is difficult to hide the horror on his face at this time.

"Looks like you're surprised. Princess Qi's voice came from her ears.

Mo Yu came back to his senses, shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "There is indeed a point, but I am just curious, why can Luo Hu let more than half of the Innate Chaos Demon Gods work for him." "

"Because Rahu is strong enough. Princess Qi was very direct and said: "In the ancient period of mythology, Rahu had the ability to preach as a saint, but he was too greedy, and before that, he took the position of the Heavenly Dao too seriously, so he was finally defeated. "

Princess Qi's tone was slightly calm, but Mo Yu could still hear a look of pity in her tone.

He was dumbfounded and said, "Does the princess still hope that Na Rahu will succeed?" "

"Not really. Princess Qi shook her head and said, "You also know that my understanding of the mythical world actually comes from the mouths of the elders of the clan, and it is as strong as Rahu, and in the end he cannot become holy, and he is defeated and fled, which is really embarrassing.

"The logic of the princess is not right. Mo Yu shook his head and said: "It is true that Rahu is a loser, but he is a cruel loser, failure is not an excuse for him to establish darkness and kill other living beings and even the world, he is not crazy because of failure, but he is crazy in the first place."

Among the three thousand demon gods, Rahu is the most evil. "

"Well, you still have a point. Princess Qi smiled, and didn't argue with Mo Yu because of Luo Hu.

Speaking of which, with Princess Qi's position, it was actually neutral at the beginning.

If she abandoned the instructions of the elders of the clan before she died, Princess Qi would not need to do anything for Mo Yu or for the myth.

Like Rahu, it was the Qilin clan who gave up the mythical world and left.

They are all also ambitious, but the difference is that the Qilin clan quickly withered away, and even almost wiped out.

In the moment of despair, the Kirin clan is completely enlightened and wants to return to the mythical world.

Rahu, on the other hand, came with absolute ambition to be sanctified here.

"So, you know the strength of darkness?" Princess Qi asked with a smile again.

"Pretty much. Mo Yu could only smile bitterly and said, "With nearly two thousand innate chaos demon gods, plus those chaotic barbarians, the darkness is really not that simple. "

"But that's the full power of darkness. Princess Qi said, "Moreover, these powerful demon gods and barbarians have established a huge star field in the depths of darkness, which is a huge star field that divides the center of the heavens and all the worlds into the range. "

"Dark lair. Mo Yu shrugged his shoulders and said directly.

At the same time, he was also puzzled, so he asked: "It's just that the darkness is so powerful, forgive the words of the poor Dao, that is, there is this ancient divine beast realm in the front, and there is the divine realm ruled by the willow god in the back, and this fantasy heavens and ten thousand realms seem to be unable to resist such a terrible darkness." "

What Mo Yu said was also the truth, after all, not to mention that the innate chaos demon gods who were close to two thousand were here, even if they were cut in half, it would be enough to sweep the heavens on this side.

Of course, it was still when Rahu didn't make a move, and it also included those barbarians in the world of different myths.

Although the power system of this Fantasy Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds is not weak, the strongest can reach the Great Luo Golden Immortal, but the limit can only reach the level of the Great Luo.

But what they were facing was the innate chaos demon gods of the mythical world, and at the beginning of the entire mythical world, there were only three thousand demon gods.

Therefore, in Mo Yu's eyes, it was impossible for this Fantasy Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms to last so long, and it should have been destroyed even before I don't know how many years.

Because darkness is greedy, and devouring other creatures and the world is the way for dark creatures to become stronger, in such a situation, dark creatures and monsters will naturally go crazy to devour.

And if this is the case, this Fantasy Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds will naturally be unable to withstand it.

But at this time, although there was a shadow of darkness under the starry sky of this fantasy heaven, let alone perish, even many star fields and worlds were even more peaceful, and they were not invaded by darkness.

That's why Mo Yu has such doubts.

In this regard, Princess Qi smiled and said, "You only know that the darkness is powerful, but you underestimate the heavens and worlds here." "

"Oh. Mo Yu raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Then ask the princess to guide the maze." "

To be honest, Mo Yu was indeed quite surprised, of course, he had never underestimated this world.

The mythical world was born at the beginning of time, above all the heavens and all worlds, and it is in this multiverse, and it is also the strongest.

But at this time, the level of this Fantasy Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds is actually not low, if all the Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds are divided into one level.

The Mythical World is high above the super-level, and this Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds is also the level that follows closely.

Of course, this may be a bit exaggerated, but the strongest person here can reach the level of Xiaoyao Daluo after all.

Xiaoyao Da Luo Jin Xian, that is also a free-spirited and unrestrained character in the mythical world, so it is called Xiaoyao Da Luo.

"I don't dare to be instructed. Princess Qi smiled and said, "The reason why you are confused is because you don't know what is happening in the depths of the darkness. "

"I beg the princess to elaborate. "Mo Yu is interested.

And Princess Qi smiled, first filled a cup for herself and Mo Yu, and after the two sides touched and drank it all, she breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he glanced at the direction of the depths of the peach orchard, and then turned around and said, "That sister just now is the god king of the god realm." "

"Yes. Mo Yu was blunt.

And Princess Qi said: "I have also heard her story here, but women do not let their eyebrows be shaved." "

Mo Yu shrugged his shoulders and was noncommittal, although Liu Shen's expression and tone when he told the origin of the divine realm at that time, and even some of the words were understated.

But anyone can still feel the tension in it, and Yanagi is a woman.

Of course, Mo Yu is not discriminatory, but with Liu Shen alone, it is not easy to dominate the divine realm with the help of Mandala.

At the very least, it is admirable.

What kind of place is the Divine Realm, it is a world with a mythological inheritance, attracting nearly ninety percent of the Divine Realm powerhouses in this Fantasy Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms.

How many thorns and how many people with great ambitions can only be described as innumerable.

But in the end, these god realm powerhouses all recognized the status of the Willow God God King, and it was definitely not an easy thing.

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