The aura of white mist surrounds the mountains, and all kinds of rare ancient trees are in the sky.

Such a mountain realm is really a paradise, a fairyland, and a divine realm.

Walking in the mountains, even Mo Yu is a little intoxicated.

Between breaths, the aura white mist was swallowed by him, although the aura had no effect on him, but he could feel a refreshing breath.

It's like the feeling of a mortal who goes to bed early and wakes up early every day and opens his eyes the next day.

"No wonder, cultivating in this kind of place, even the Luo Luo Beast can cultivate to the divine realm. "

Mo Yu said with a smile, the so-called Luo Beast is a kind of pig demon beast, or it belongs to the kind of spiritual development that is incomplete.

It can be seen how rich the aura here is, and Mo Yu can't help but praise it.

And such a result is the reason why there are all kinds of divine beasts here, there are millions, and this is still as far as the eye can see.

A mountain range that spans the entire Ancient Divine Beast Realm, God knows how many immortal mountains there are and how many kinds of divine beasts there are.

This is an extremely powerful combat force, Mo Yu has never seen the God Realm, so the strength of this Ancient Divine Beast Realm can make him evaluate as the strongest in the heavens.

And this is true no matter what the era.

He has also been in contact with the top ten of the heavens today, the Phoenix family, only Feng Zhi and Feng Ling'er are left to support, although there are some masters in the others, but they are not worth mentioning at all.

As for the Decepticon Turtle clan that happened to be hanging at the end, only the Decepticon God Emperor could hold it up.

If you compare it, just half or even less of the divine beasts in this mountain range are already several grades above the top ten of the heavens.

Of course, there are not many decisive strong people here, and the strongest ones are also between five and five.

Without lingering too much in the mountains, Mo Yu and his party walked forward in a low-key manner, without alarming any of the divine beasts here.

Of course, it is not deliberately hiding itself, this ancient divine beast realm has been detached from the outside for too long, and it is impossible for the divine beasts here to notice that a creature suddenly 'broke in'.

And through this huge mountain range, Mo Yu and the three of them spent several days.

After all, I don't mean to be in a hurry, and there are mountains and rivers in the mountains, so I can be regarded as traveling between mountains and rivers.

In a few days, Mo Yu's mood also rose a little.

And through the mountains, the eyes suddenly opened up again.

What is a paradise, the scene in front of you gives the answer.

Peach trees are everywhere, peach blossoms are blooming all over the branches, bees are busy collecting honey, and butterflies are frolicking.

At this moment, looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, Mo Yu wanted to recite a poem, but after thinking about it for a long time, he found that his stomach was empty and empty, so he gave up.

The beautiful scenery is intoxicating, in front of Mo Yu and the three of them at this time, there is a stream that is not too wide but not too narrow to pass through the peach blossom forest, slowly flowing from afar.

The creek is full of fish and shrimp, and each of them is extremely fat.

The bear was thirsty and drank wildly into the stream, and his face was immediately intoxicated.

"Senior brother, the aura here is too strong!"

Xiong Da was a little surprised, and drank the water in the stream, and he felt that his strength had become a little stronger, which was very obvious.

There is a peach blossom fragrance in the water, which is not like wine, but it is more intoxicating than wine.

It can be seen how rich the aura here is.

Of course, all this comes from the peach blossoms here, and the peach tree is naturally not an ordinary peach tree, but an ancient alien species, perhaps naturally here, or transplanted here.

But whatever the case may be, this peach orchard is clearly well cared for.

Of course, at this time, Mo Yu and the others' attention quickly shifted to the beautiful peach forest in this picture, and instead looked at the center of the peach forest.

There was a huge black shadow lying there, like a big dog!

Mo Yu and Liu Shen glanced at each other, and they both saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

Xiong Da was even more nervous, and his body was ready for the posture before the battle.

This is because the aura of the 'big dog' in the forest is really terrifying, far surpassing the many divine beasts in the mountain range before.

Even, the terrifying degree of this aura is even more powerful than that of the willow god.

Xiong Da was shocked.

"Could it be that this is the ancient divine beast in the ancient divine beast realm, which is actually more powerful than the willow god!"

If nothing else, this 'big dog' must be some ancient divine beast, but the strength of this 'big dog' is even stronger than that of Liu Shen.

This is too shocking, of course, the strength of this 'big dog' is not much stronger than Liu Shen.

But who is the god Liu, the former god king of the god realm, the strongest person in this fantasy heaven and ten thousand realms.

This 'big dog' that I saw casually in the ancient god beast world was stronger than the willow god, which was terrifying.

"The Ancient Divine Beast Realm is indeed as high as the legend says!"

Xiong Da finally held back such a sentence.

Mo Yu looked at Liu Shen, and the inquiry in his eyes was very obvious.

The latter naturally knew what he wanted to know, and said, "Actually, my strength is still a little far from the peak......

"Oh. The look in Mo Yu's eyes was even more surprised.

And Liu Shen smiled and explained: "Because my body is still in the divine realm......"

"This ......" Mo Yu was stunned, and didn't react for a while.

But soon, a flash of realization flashed in his eyes.

"You're saying that your essence is still rooted in the divine realm?"

"Yes. Liu Shen nodded lightly and explained: "In fact, the area of the entire God Realm is about the same as that of this Ancient Divine Beast Realm, although there were no living beings at the beginning, there were many animals and plants, and almost all of them gave birth to spiritual wisdom.

And they're very big, and I'm the biggest creature in the Divine Realm......"

Speaking of this, Yanagigami's cheeks seemed to turn a little red.

After all, a peerless woman, known as the first beauty under the stars, but her body is an indescribably tall willow tree, and this setting is still somewhat 'unspeakable'.

Of course, the 'ontology' that Liu Shen has incarnated is already not small.

"Back then, I wasn't completely transformed, because the body was too big, so it was only the largest willow branch on the body......," Yanagi slowly explained the reason.

"So if I return to the main body, my strength will be stronger, and I will be rooted in the God Realm all the year round, and I can also use some of the power of the God Realm God, which is still very powerful. "

In the end, Liu Shen winked at Mo Yu, looking a little playful.

It seems to be deliberately making Mo Yu forget the fact that her body is very big.

"Ahem...... Mo Yu coughed lightly twice to relieve his embarrassment, and at the same time he was a little surprised.

"It turns out that I have always underestimated Liu Shen. "

After all, if that's the case, then the real strength of the willow god is far beyond what it is now, at least the sun god Apollo and the victory over Ares teamed up cannot be his opponent.

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