In the silent wilderness, Mo Yu and his party chose to fight their teeth here.

The bonfire was burning brightly, and Xiong Da roasted a lot of meat with the skills he learned from his own brother.

The aroma of meat comes from far and wide, and it is fascinating.

But at this time, Xiong Dadu's meat skewers were not much interested.


There was the sound of dead branches being burned out in the bonfire, and Xiong Da looked at Mo Yudao who was standing next to a big tree in the distance and closed his eyes to recuperate.

"Senior brother, are we in the wrong place, in such a big world, there are no living beings......

Xiong Da seemed a little uneasy, and his eyes were full of doubts.

It had previously discovered a huge world, and then deduced that it was the strongest of the ten heavens in the ancient era.

That is, the ancient beast realm, where legend has it that there are many terrifying and powerful ancient beasts.

The divine beasts that were born together with the heavens and all the worlds on this side are called ancient divine beasts.

These ancient divine beasts have possessed indescribable destructive powers since their birth, and they also possess all kinds of strange and terrifying abilities.

There are even some that can destroy the world.

In ancient times, there was the Dragon Devouring Beast Clan at that time, and at that time, there was no concept and ranking of the top ten of the heavens.

But this dragon-devouring beast clan has almost been at the pinnacle of all worlds, but one day, the ancestor of his clan is also the first dragon-devouring beast in this heaven and earth to strayed into the ancient divine beast realm.

may have offended a certain big man in the ancient beast world at that time, and the whole person lost the news.

Not long after, one of the Ancient Divine Beasts came out and wiped out the entire Dragon Devouring Beast Clan in one day.

A race capable of becoming the strongest in the heavens was thus destroyed.

It can be seen that the ancient god beast realm is powerful.

And now the world where Mo Yu and his party are located is considered by them to be the Ancient God Beast Realm.

Because the Ancient Divine Beast Realm is very easy to identify, perhaps because the size of the Ancient Divine Beasts is too large, the area of the entire Ancient Divine Beast Realm is so large that it frightens people to death.

It's completely unbelievably bigger.

Now Mo Yu has also verified this, it is the world they are in, it is simply boundless.

It is even bigger than what you can see from the starry sky outside, and it is already thousands of times larger, beyond common sense.

But the strange thing is that in such a big world, the group did not find any living beings.

So much so that Xiong Da suspected that this was not the Ancient Divine Beast Realm.

Either they had gone somewhere, or perhaps the unfortified portal had led them into another dimension.

"In the entire heavens, except for the Ancient God and Beast Realm, there is no such big world that exists. "

Ryugami's soft voice sounded, negating Xiong Da's suspicions.

It is true that there is no such thing as a larger star world, but it is the only one that is so big.

After all, this place is so big that even Mo Yu's divine thoughts are far from being able to wrap it.

"It's not necessarily that there are no living beings, ancient divine beasts were very rare in ancient times, and this place is so big, it can't be ruled out that we haven't encountered it yet. "

Mo Yu opened his eyes at some point and said with a smile.

It is true that it is because his divine mind cannot explore all of this place, so it is still unknown whether there are any living beings here.

And it's very likely, as he said.

"Maybe it's because the ancient divine beasts are too rare, which causes them to be ignorant of the world and transcendent. "

Mo Yu put forward another guess, which made Xiong Da feel at ease.

"Senior brother, then how do we go about finding the ancient divine beasts here. "

Xiong Da asked again, because he didn't seem to be in a hurry when he saw Mo Yu's expression, just like now, the three of them were not hungry, but they still rested in this great wilderness for the time being.

"Don't be in such a hurry. Mo Yu said with a smile, seeing Xiong Da seemed a little puzzled, after all, their main task now is to find the God Realm.

And now it is actually not far from the divine realm, and it is not even a few years away.

It is worth mentioning that because this is on the way to the Divine Realm, the geographical location of this Ancient Divine Beast Realm is also in a relatively remote place under this endless starry sky.

And I don't know if it's a coincidence, it's very close to the divine realm, so close that it can be reached in a few years with the strength of the bear's feet.

Of course, the Ancient Divine Beast Realm seems to have existed here since the birth of this universe, and it has little to do with the Divine Realm.

The Divine Realm was transferred here by Liu Shen with supreme supernatural powers after the ancient holy war with the darkness, and it was random.

After all, the situation of Liu Shen at that time was not optimistic, and he was close to his own fall, and it was good to be able to send the God Realm out, so how could he have the opportunity to pick and choose.

It's just that at that time, I instinctively sent the divine realm farther away.

"Through all kinds of stories about the ancient god beast world, the attitude of this clan is a little unclear, if we are too wanton here, it may cause hostility from the other party, which will outweigh the losses. "

Mo Yu said the stakes.

The Ancient God Beast Realm has been transcendent since the ancient times, and the sacredness cannot be violated, and the Dragon Devouring Beast Clan was directly exterminated because it offended them.

Therefore, in Mo Yu's heart, this so-called Ancient God Beast Realm is not a good character.

Even this Ancient Divine Beast Realm gave him the feeling that it was almost overbearing.

After all, it was somewhat cruel to exterminate the clan as soon as it was shot.

It's just that from this rare legend about the ancient god beast world, I can feel the power of the ancient god beast here, if it can really pull into my own mythical camp.

Naturally, it was a good thing, and Mo Yu felt the need to fight for it.

If it really doesn't work, there is no need to become an enemy, after all, there is already darkness now, and Mo Yu doesn't want to set up more enemies.

What's more, it's still an obviously powerful enemy, which is really unnecessary.

"After eating and resting for a while, I'm on my way tomorrow morning. "

After Mo Yu finished speaking, he directly took a slightly pasty meat skewer that had been grilled in the air, and he didn't dislike it and ate it directly.

Throwing away the bones, the figure jumped directly to the tree behind him, found a more comfortable position and closed his eyes directly.

At this time, Liu Shen also jumped onto the tree, and sat down on a branch next to Mo Yu at this time.


Seeing that Mo Yu and Liu Shen had already made a decision, Xiong Da had no objection, but it didn't go up the tree, but circled around the entire tree.


On the second day, a great sun slowly rose from the sky.

The Ancient Divine Beast Realm ushered in a new dawn.

And Mo Yu and his party also left the wilderness at this time and walked to a grassland.

The grassland is full of green grass, as if it is a natural green land.

All kinds of flowers that have never been seen will be dotted with grass, just in terms of scenery, but the scenery is pleasant, refreshing.

This place is obviously suitable for living beings to live in, so Mo Yu is even more determined that there is no living beings here.

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